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Retail Sales Dimensional Modeling

Chapter 3
Retail Sales
Four-step process for designing dimensional models
Fact table granularity
Transaction fact tables
Additive, non-additive, and derived facts
Dimension attributes, including indicators, numeric descriptors, and multiple
Calendar date dimensions, plus time-of-day
Causal dimensions, such as promotion
Degenerate dimensions, such as the transaction receipt number
Nulls in a dimensional model
Extensibility of dimension models
Factless fact tables
Surrogate, natural, and durable keys
Snowfl aked dimension attributes
Centipede fact tables with “too many dimensions”
Four-step process for designing dimensional models
Step 1: Select the Business Process
Business process is a low-level activity performed by an organization
Such as, taking orders, invoicing, receiving payments, handling service calls, registering
students, performing a medical procedure, or processing claims
To identify business process, need to understand following characteristics
o Expressed as action verbs because they represent the activities that business
o Typically supported by the operating system, such as billing or purchasing system.
o Generate or capture key performance metrics: metrics are a direct result of the
business process; the measurements are derivations at other times
o Usually triggered by an input and result in output metrics: In many organizations,
there’s a series of processes in which the outputs from one process become the
inputs to the next. In the parlance of a dimensional modeler, this series of
processes results in a series of fact tables.
Sometimes, business users talk about the initiatives (broad enterprise plans) rather than business
process=> to deliver competitive advantage.
To tie a business initiative to business process, need to decompose the business initiative. Meaning
digging deeper to understand the data and operational systems to support the analytics business
Organizational business departments or functions do not equate to business processes. The best to
ensure the consistency is to publish the data at once.
Step 2: Declare the Grain
Grain = what does 1 row in the fact table represent?
Grain-=> details level of fact table.
How do you describe a single row in the fact table?
Grain declarations are expressed in business terms.
Examples of grain declaration:
One row per scan of an individual product on a customer’s sales transaction
One row per line item on a bill from a doctor
One row per individual boarding pass scanned at an airport gate
One row per daily snapshot of the inventory levels for each item in a warehouse
One row per bank account each month
Can bypass the grain declaration but for best practices, DON’T. Declaring the grain is the critical step.
In debugging thousands of dimensional designs over the years, the most frequent error is not declaring
the grain of the fact table at the beginning of the design process.
Important for the design to make an agreement on the fact table’s granularity.
Granularity=> what level of data details should be made available in the dimensional model.
Step 3: Identify the Dimensions
How do business people describe the data resulting from the business process measurement events?
Identified as they represent the “who, what, where, when, why, and how” associated with the event.
Examples of common dimensions include date, product, customer, employee, and facility.
Step 4: Identify the Facts
What is the process measuring?
Facts that clearly belong to a different grain must be in a separate fact table. Typical facts are numeric
additive figures, such as quantity ordered or dollar cost amount.
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