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Algebra 1: Evaluating Expressions Worksheet

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Practice A
For use with the lesson “Evaluate Expressions”
Name the operation indicated by the expression.
1. 19x
2. 5 2 b
3. 14 4 m
4. a 1 24
Evaluate the expression.
5. y 1 7 when y 5 5
6. 13 2 x when x 5 2
7. 4a when a 5 2.1
8. 9 1 m when m 5 8.2
9. h 1 6 when h 5 1.7
10. 42 4 g when g 5 2
11. } when x 5 100
12. } when d 5 13
13. } p t when t 5 6
14. r(8.3) when r 5 10
15. w 1 } when w 5 }
16. } when n 5 28
17. 72
18. 45
Lesson 1.1
Write the power in words and as a product.
19. 28
Write the power represented by the words or product.
20. 5 p 5 p 5
21. six squared
22. x p x p x p x
24. 24
25. 15
27. y3 when y 5 3
28. m8 when m 5 1
Evaluate the power.
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
23. 32
Evaluate the expression.
26. x2 when x 5 5
29. Window Treatments You are ordering custom blinds for your bedroom windows.
The ordering instructions are to measure the width of the window in inches and add
a half-inch to this measurement. So, the blind width you order is given by the
expression w 1 0.5 where w is the width of your window.
a. One of your windows measures 27 inches wide. What width blind should you
b. The other window measures 28.5 inches wide. What width blind should you
30. Skateboarding A skate park charges $10 per person for an all-day admission to the
park. The total cost for n people to go to the park all day is 10n. Eight friends go to
the park on Saturday. What is the total cost of admission?
31. Geometry The area of a square with a side length of s is given by the expression s2.
What is the area of the square shown?
4 in.
4 in.
Algebra 1
Chapter Resource Book
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5/9/11 9:29:58 PM
Answers for Chapter 1
Lesson 1.1 Evaluate Expressions
Teaching Guide
1. Sample answer: “Everyone gets a zero.”
Because 5 doubled is 10, and 10 is subtracted
from the total, those steps cancel each other out.
Your age is doubled, and then your age doubled is
subtracted, so you’re left with nothing.
Graphing Calculator Activity
1. 2 2. 36 3. 16 4. 25 5. 81 6. 54 7. 20
8. 8 9. 16 10. 5 11. 68 12. 13
Practice Level A
1. multiplication 2. subtraction 3. division
power; 4 p 4 p 4 p 4 p 4 p 4 p 4 p 4
1 1 1 1
10. one third to the fourth power; } p } p } p }
3 3 3 3
11. x to the second power, or x squared; x p x
Real-Life Application
1. I 5 Prt
5 $1250 ∙ 0.08 ∙ 8
5 $800
2. $2050; Sample answer: Eight years comes
from 3 years left of high school and the 5 more
years to the reunion. 3. 400 people
4. 236 people
Challenge Practice
4. addition 5. 12 6. 11 7. 8.4 8. 17.2
1. 4 2. 9 3. 16 4. n2 5. 8 6. 27 7. 64
9. 7.7 10. 21 11. 20 12. 4 13. 4 14. 83
8. n3
15. 1 16. 2 17. seven squared; 7 p 7
18. four to the fifth power; 4 p 4 p 4 p 4 p 4
19. two to the eighth power; 2 p 2 p 2 p 2 p 2 p 2 p
2 p 2 20. 53 21. 62 22. x4 23. 9 24. 16
25. 1 26. 25 27. 27 28. 1 29. a. 27.5 in.
b. 29 in. 30. $80 31. 16 in.2
Practice Level B
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
7. $11.30 8. $17.60 9. four to the eighth
1. 41
2. 9
3. 6
Lesson 1.2 Apply Order
of Operations
Teaching Guide
1. Expressions will vary. 2–3. 3 or 9
4. Answers will vary.
Investigating Algebra Activity
4. 20.1
5. 37.26
6. 2.5
7. 60 8. 20 9. } 10. 84.66 11. } 12. 5
13. eight to the seventh power; 8 p 8 p 8 p 8 p 8 p
8 p 8 14. one tenth to the fourth power; 0.1 p
0.1 p 0.1 p 0.1 15. x to the fifth power; x p x p x p
x p x 16. 81 17. 64 18. 0.064
19. } 20. 0.1296 21. 128 22. 1728 in.3
23. 208 cards 24. $79.50 25. $28
Practice Level C
1. 30 2. 11 3. 12.8 4. 13.7 5. 2.1 6. 16
7. 9 8. 40 9. } 10. 8 11. } 12. 3
13. 25.2 14. 0.0625 15. } 16. }
17. 216 18. 400 19. 1024 20. 1028
21. 1901 22. 63 23. 941.192 cm3 24. $87.13
25. 2044 in.3 26. $67.85
Study Guide
1. 12 2. 21 3. 21 4. 7 5. 9 6. 3.2
1. 21; 21 2. 22; 16, incorrect 3. 22; 22
4. 52; 22, incorrect 5. 18; 33, incorrect
6. 53; 29, incorrect
Practice Level A
1. subtraction 2. multiplication 3. subtraction
4. division 5. division 6. subtraction 7. 11
8. 8 9. 3 10. 25 11. 29 12. 21 13. 30
14. 29 15. 9 16. 15 17. 19 18. 77 19. 1
20. 270 21. 90 22. 10.125 23. 32 24. 15
25. yes 26. no; (8 1 10) 4 6 2 3 5 18 4 6 2
3 5 3 2 3 5 0 27. 2 runs/game 28. $31.93
29. $25.20 30. $22
Practice Level B
1. 10 2. 41 3. 9 4. 15 5. 19 6. 1 7. 36
8. 1 9. 4 10. 2 11. 17 12. 31 13. 1870
14. 36 15. 8 16. 387 17. 6 18. 13 19. 105
21. 9 22. no; 80 2 } (15)2 5 80 2 }
(225) 5 80 2 75 5 5 23. 123 24. $30.60
25. 43 ft 26. 1017.36 in.3
20. 20
Algebra 1
Chapter Resource Book
CS10_CC_A1_MECR710723_C1AK.indd 1
2. “Everyone still gets zero.” 3. Sample answer:
Expressions, Equations, and Functions
5/21/11 1:50:37 AM