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Office Spaces Report: Definition & Workspace Types

Sulaymaniyah Polytechnic
Administrative Technical
Financial and Accounting
Technical Department
Report about:
Chapter 1and2
Prepared by:
Sahira Ali
Dr.Kamaran Qader
An office is generally a building, room or other area where an
organization's employees perform administrative work in order to
support and realize objects and goals of the organization. The word
"office" may also denote a position within an organization with specific
duties attached to it (see officer, office-holder, official) the latter is in
fact an earlier usage, office as place originally referring to the location
of one's duty. When used as an adjective, the term "office" may refer to
business-related tasks. In law, a company or organization has offices in
any place where it has an official presence, even if that presence
consists of (for example) a storage silo rather than an establishment
with desk-and-chair.
An office is also an architectural and design phenomenon: ranging from
a small office such as a bench in the corner of a small business of
extremely small size (see small office , home office) through entire
floors of buildings, up to and including massive buildings dedicated
entirely to one company. In modern terms an office is usually the
location where white-collar workers carry out their functions. As per
James Stephenson, "Office is that part of business enterprise which is
devoted to the direction and co-ordination of its various activities.
Work spaces
Work spaces in an office are typically used for conventional office activities such
as reading, writing and computer work. There are nine generic types of work
space, each supporting different activities.
Open office
Team space
Open office: An open work space for more than ten people, suitable for activities
which demand frequent communication or routine activities which need relatively little
Team space: A semi-enclosed work space for two to eight people; suitable for
teamwork which demands frequent internal communication and a medium level
of concentration
Cubicle: A semi-enclosed work space for one person, suitable for activities which
demand medium concentration and medium interaction
Private office
Shared office
Team room
Private office: An enclosed work space for one person, suitable for activities
which are confidential, demand a lot of concentration or include many small
Shared office: An enclosed work space for two or three people, suitable for
semi-concentrated work and collaborative work in small groups.
Team room: An enclosed work space for four to ten people; suitable for
teamwork which may be confidential and demands frequent internal
Study booth
Work lounge
Touch down
Study booth: An enclosed work space for one person; suitable for shortterm activities which demand concentration or confidentiality
Work lounge: A lounge-like work space for two to six people; suitable for
short-term activities which demand collaboration and/or allow impromptu
Touch down: An open work space for one person; suitable for short-term
activities which require little concentration and low interaction
1. Wikipedia.org
2. google images
3. help google translate