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Pollution Prevention: Simple Steps for a Healthier Planet

This entire planet is our home. We are the only species that systematically destroy our own habitat.
— Marianne Williamson
Pollution Is Our Problem
Pollution prevention is a major global concern because of its harmful effects on people's health and the
environment. Because we are all inhabitants on Earth, everyone is a stakeholder, and every person has
something to contribute to advance effective pollution prevention and awareness. Environmental
protection is a natural extension of caring for ourselves, loving our children, and ensuring a sustainable
future for generations to come.
If We Heal the Earth, We Heal Ourselves
We should all, therefore, accept personal responsibility for the success of our local environmental
protection programs by actively participating in making our atmosphere pollution-free. And, although we
can each help combat pollution in our immediate environments, we can do more by working to change
legislation and policy on a larger scale.
Averting the onset of pollution in any area, be it in air or water or on land, could be the simplest preventive
solution. If there are no pollutants, there will be no pollution. And yet, this is easier said than done. Certain
bad habits are entrenched and industrial development as we know it seems to involve an expectation of
pollution. Even the most simple preventive approaches are often quite complicated, expensive, and difficult
for a small business to implement.
Still, there are small changes we can make on the individual level that make a difference, both in the short
and long term.
NASA reports that in the next ten months, the earth will get hotter by four degrees. Glaciers are melting at
rapid rates. Our climate is changing drastically and it's getting worse.
Ways to Prevent Pollution
Every action or inaction of any person has an effect on the environment—be it good, neutral, or negative.
By becoming aware and doing the right thing, we choose to be part of the solution. Here are some things
you can do:
Stop Smoking
Stop smoking or don't throw your butts on the ground. Cigarette butts are not biodegradable and
contain extremely toxic soluble chemicals. One butt thrown on the ground can remain for up to 25 years,
leaking chemicals like arsenic, ammonia, acetone, benzene, cadmium, formaldehyde, lead, and toluene into
the environment.
Use Eco-Friendly Transportation
Drive an electric or hybrid car, or at least choose one that uses unleaded gasoline.
Keep your car in good running condition to avoid emissions.
Share a ride or carpool.
Choose to walk or ride a bicycle whenever possible.
Dispose of Waste Responsibly
Never use open fires to dispose of waste, especially chemicals and plastic.
Adopt the 3 Rs of solid waste management: reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Use sustainable, reclaimed, or recycled building materials.
Start composting leaves and clippings from your yard and food scraps from your kitchen to reduce
waste while improving your soil.
Take care to properly dispose of your pet's waste.
We have a moral and spiritual bond to the planet that God made the source of all living things that our own
survival depends upon. Many urban dwellers have lost their spiritual bond to the earth when they lose a
connection to the natural environment. They can lose their inner peace too.
— Father Shay Cullen
Choose Renewable Sources of Energy
Use the power supplied abundantly and freely by wind and sun. Hang your laundry to dry to minimize
your use of gas or electricity, and open a window or put on a sweater rather than turning on the air
conditioner or heater.
Consider investing in solar panels or other renewable energy sources for your home or business.
Promote Conservation as a Consumer
Buy local foods and goods. In this manner, the use of fuel for transporting goods can be minimized.
Look around your house or place of business for ways you could conserve water.
Use and buy products that are eco-friendly or made with biodegradable materials. Avoid plastic.
Always bring a bag when you shop.
One person alone cannot save the planet’s biodiversity, but each individual’s effort to encourage nature’s
wealth must not be underestimated.
— United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Avoid Disrupting the Ecosystem
Get rid of your lawn: Plant bee-friendly, drought-tolerant, native plants instead.
Plant more trees. They clean the air, provide oxygen, and beautify your surroundings.
Say a big "NO" to pesticides and GMOs (genetically modified organisms).
Make Reducing Pollution a Community Goal
Join an Earth Day celebration (every April 22nd), and consider making its tenets an everyday practice.
If you own a business, make sure you have considered the environmental impact of your business
practices. If you work for someone else, take the time to assess your company's environmental impact and
try to implement positive change.
Do not litter. Better yet, start an anti-litter campaign to educate your community.
Infographic: What you can do to help stop pollution.
Infographic: What you can do to help stop pollution.
How Will You Pledge to Reduce Pollution?
Pick one anti-pollution measure you know you can start doing today.
I'll start composting.
I'll drive less, start taking the bus, or switch to an electric vehicle.
I'll stop smoking.
I'll start bringing a reusable bag to the grocery store.
I'll star an anti-litter campaign in my community.
I'll get rid of my lawn.
I'll research the environmental impacts of my workplace.
I'll plant trees in my free time.
I'll put on a sweater before turning up the thermostat.
Other (comment with your answer).
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Rather than a problem to be solved, the world is a joyful mystery to be contemplated with gladness and
— Pope Francis in Laudato
Stopping Pollution Doesn't Have to Be Overwhelming
The good news is that there is hope. The seeming insurmountability of the situation does not stop
environmental protection advocates from pursuing their goals for a pollution-free earth. Kudos to
Greenpeace and similar organizations all over the world as they bear the torch.
The daunting size of the problem shouldn't stop you, either. Everyone can help by educating themselves
and doing what they can to adopt good and healthy practices, starting with the items on this list. It is also
important that we share and help raise awareness about what we know.
By doing what you can, educating yourself, and sharing your awareness, you can make a significant impact.
What do you think?
Do you think people in general are doing enough to prevent pollution?
I have no idea.
I don't care.
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The pollution of the planet is only an outside reflection of an inner psychic pollution: millions of unconscious
individuals not taking responsibility for their inner space. [...] Are you polluting the world or cleaning up the
mess? You are responsible for your inner space; nobody else is, just as you are responsible for the planet. As
within, so without. If humans clear inner pollution, then they will also cease to create outer pollution.
— Eckhart Tolle