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"Gone With The Wind" Portfolio: Tara's Symbolism & Poetry

Gone With The Wind
NGUYEN MINH HANG - 1817710053
Tara is one of the most
typical symbol in the story
“Gone with the wind” - which
carries many meaningful
messages to readers and
contributes to the success of
the story. Tara’s image is
described throughout the
story, especially at a time
before and after the War that
brings readers different
emotion and thoughts.
1. Writing about Tara
before and after the War.
Tara is the name of a fictional plantation in the state of
Georgia. In the story, Tara is located 5 miles (8 km)
from Jonesboro (originally spelled Jonesborough),
in Clayton County, on the east side of the Flint
River about 20 miles (32 km) south of Atlanta. Tara is
as integral to the plot as the characters and time
period. From its wealth and glamour as a large and
productive plantation during the early 19th century to
its destruction and famine after being burned and
looted during the American Civil War.
Tara was founded by Irish immigrant Gerald O'Hara
after he won 640 acres (2.6 km2) or one square mile of
land from its absentee owner during an all-night poker
game. . He borrowed money from his brothers and
bankers to buy slaves and turned the farm into a very
successful cotton plantation. Tara then was built up
and widened out by planting cotton, hiring more slaves
and especially due to the skillful management of his
precious wife Ellen later.
Before the Civil War, the house is wellmaintained, bright and opulent, with lots of
mouldings, wood panelling and antiques
throughout. Scarlett O’Hara’s bedroom shows a
large-fluted fireplace, a four-poster bed and
French antique furniture. A large driveway
snakes up the hill to the house, with lush mature
oak trees peppered around the lawn with white
peacocks roaming freely. Although Scarlett and
Tara are innately tied, both raised by her
father’s proud hands and her mother’s
considerate ones, it was not until when the war
occurred that could she realize her great love for
this place. At this period of time, Tara does not
contribute directly to the plot but silently serves
as a peaceful haven for the protagonist where
she could live among the love of family, the
admiration of guys and the wealth of cotton in
the South of America.
But nothing can be maintained totally after suffering the
fierce Civil War. Tara is changed significantly after the Civil
War. After the War, the house is left in ruins and is seen to
have scorched earth with very little cotton or produce left,
smashed windows boarded up with scraps of wood and
crumpled sheets, burn marks appear on much of the interior
and exterior walls, while most of the gilded artworks and
fine antique furnishings are gone. Compared to more than
100 slaves before war, there are only a few slaves remained,
most of the slaves have fled while other sturdy ones are
taken into digging labor force in front line. Moreover, Tara is
in great deprivation, in serious ruins with the loss of beloved
Ellen, it turns into a nearly dead place with absolute sorrow
and desperation. Even the rational, hardy Gerald mostly
loses his mind. Witnessing this heart-breaking scene,
Scarlett has to be rigid to become the pillar of strength of the
family rather than shedding any tear over this. Scarlett
embarks on doing the things she has never done before, with
help of the remaining people, manages the plantation in
difficulty. She does anything in her ability to save Tara.
Many critics state that Tara ultimately symbolizes Scarlett's spirit or character.
Initially, it is a thing of pompous but shallow beauty, then a place of desolation but
nevertheless still standing when the neighboring homes are not, and finally as
beautiful as ever but bereft of life and happiness. Tara is Scarlett’s past, present and
also future. Tara is a big part of the plot because it not only represents the land it is
located in but also helps the protagonist showcase her characteristics as a
motivating factor.
2. Translate an
English poem into
Vietnamese or vice
3. Write an English
- Nguyen Minh Hang