Rain Man is a 1988 American comedy-drama film directed by Barry Levinson and written by Barry Morrow and Ronald Bass. Morrow created the character of Raymond after meeting Kim Peek, a real-life savant. The film was very successful. It won four Oscars at the 61st Academy Awards in March 1989. Its crew got another four nominations. The film also won the Golden Bear at the 39th Berlin International Film Festival. Questions 1. When was the film created? 2. Is the main character based on a real person? 3. Was the film a big success? Match the underlined words from the text with their meanings. 1. 2. 3. 4. to direct savant successful crew a very intelligent and skilled person who is mentally ill a group of people who work together to control a film and tell the actors how to play their roles became popular and made a lot of money What is the meaning of highlighted words in the plot text? Have a look at the picture on the right. Do you think the brothers have a good relationship? Will Charlie get his money? Plot Charlie's father died. The son is sure that he will receive all his money in inheritance. His father is a millionaire and this money would change the life of a young businessman. But this does not happen. Charlie's brother gets the money. It is unexpected because Charlie did not even know about the existence of his brother. It seems unfair to Charlie. Charlie's brother is not like other people. He has autism and lives in a hospital for the mentally ill. The young man decides to take his brother from the hospital and convince to give half the money to him. Charlie's brother is a brilliant mathematician. At the same time, he has the mind of a small child. He lives in his fictional world and is terrified of flying airplanes. As a result, the brothers make a car trip through the whole country.