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Energy Production Unit Planner MYP3

Unit title
Energy Production
Subject group and discipline
Science- physics
MYP year
Unit duration (hrs)
Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit
Key concept
Related concept(s)
Global context
Globalization and Sustainability
How is everything connected?
Statement of inquiry
Changes in the production of energy has consequences
Inquiry questions
Factual— What constutues energy?
Conceptual— How is local energy production linked to global consequences?
Debatable— Should sustainability be the only deciding factor for change?
Middle Years Programme Unit planner
criterion A Knowing and understanding
Criterion D reflecting on the impacts of science
Summative assessment
Outline of summative assessment task(s) including
assessment criteria:
The Goal is to provide a growing city with
additional energy.
Your job is to evaluate different options and
choose an option with justification
You need to convince the mayor to take your
The context that you find yourself in is as an
expert in the field of alternative energy
You need to develop a detailed plan in order
for the mayor to understand the consequences
of the decision that he takes.
Relationship between summative assessment
task(s) and statement of inquiry:
Changes in the production of energy has
Students will understand and learn to make
connections about how energy is generated and
the consequeces this has on the environment.
They will inform themselves about solutions and
make convincing arguments for one approach to
solving the energy needs of a community over
Your work will be judged by Criterion A and D
Approaches to learning (ATL)
Middle Years Programme Unit planner
Research; cluster Information literacy skills (Collect and analyse data to make informed decisions, Create references and citations) cluster Media literacy skills (seek a
range of perspectives)
Thinking: cluster Creative-thinking skills (Propose and evaluate a variety of solutions); cluster Critical-thinking skills (evaluate evidence and arguments, Identify obstacles
and challenges, propose and evaluate a range of solutions)
Communication/Communication skills: (Find information using a variety of media, paraphrase accurately and consisely, organize and depict information logically)
Self-Management: cluster Organizational skills (create plans and prepare for summative assessments, select and use technology appropriately), Affective skills (Practice
focus and concentration, practice positive thinking)
Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry
Learning process
Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Formative assessment
Middle Years Programme Unit planner
Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry
Prior to teaching the unit
Middle Years Programme Unit planner
During teaching
After teaching the unit
Middle Years Programme Unit planner