The Impact of Transportation in Logistics Management Jinyu Peng Due to the trend of collaboration in recent decades, the importance of logistics management has been growing in various areas. There are numerous researches focused on this field from different perspectives. A key element in logistics management is the transportation system, which influences the performance of logistics system hugely. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the impact of transportation in logistics management and clarify the positional relationship between transportation and logistics management. Firstly, two theoretical discussions will be deliberated. Then three empirical studies are to be explained through analyzing various application cases in logistics management. At last, the essay will conclude the impact of transportation in logistics management in the final section. Logistics management is the process of managing the procurement, movement and storage of materials to achieve maximal profitability (Christopher, 1998) .Transportation, as the major component of logistics systems, occupies an important ratio in logistics activities. It is important to study the impact of transportation in logistics by analyzing different perspectives. According to Tseng and Yue (2005), transportation is the base of logistics management which occupies one-third of the amount in the logistics costs. Jagadeesh and Kumar (2014) confirm that an average of fifty percent of total logistics cost is due to transportation. Furthermore, Kumar and Shirisha (2014) claim that transportation is an essential and a major sub-function of logistics that creates time and place utility in goods. It can be observed that transportation is a key player in logistics management and affects the results of logistics activities. Transportation system is the most important economic activity among the logistics systems (Tseng and Yue, 2005). It contributes to improving the performance of logistics management and increasing its competitiveness. There are three typical examples to justify the impact of transportation in the logistics management. Daniel and Lima (2011) indicate that Brazil and the United States, the world’s two largest soybean exporters, possess unique infrastructure schemes for transportation. It is shown that in certain cases Brazilian soybean transportation costs can represent 230% more than those of the United States. In addition to this, from the perspective of the development of China’s logistics industry in the recent years, the transportation issues such as congestion and shipments delay are frequent at Chinese seaports due to capacity shortage, which are insufficient to satisfy the huge demand generated by the booming logistics industry(Zhang and Figliozzi, 2010). Another specific example is the cost on trade under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).By optimizing the emerging and short trade route, China can save about $71billion dollars from the new CPEC on its imports and exports in terms of the shipping cost (Alam et al., 2019). It can be observed that with well-developed transportation systems, logistics management can achieve better efficiency, reduce operation cost and further promote service quality. The main objective of this essay is to discuss and analyze the impact of transportation in the logistics management. Transportation and logistics systems have interdependent relationships that transportation is the most important economic activity and the base of efficiency in logistics management. It plays an important role in the movement of raw materials for production and finished goods for consumption. A well-handled transportation system has a significant impact on the logistics management and brings benefits not only cost reduction but also company competitiveness. References [1]Alam ,Khalid Mehmood.Li,Xuemei and Baig,Saranjam.,2019.Impact of Transport Cost and Travel Time under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC).Journal of Advanced Transportation,Vol.2019. [2]Christopher,M.(1998).Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Strategies for reducing cost and improving services,(2nd ED.).NewYork:Prentice Hall. [3]Daniel & Lima, Renato da Silva., 2011.Impact of Transportation Policies on Competitiveness of Brazilian and U.S. Soybeans: From Field to Port. Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol .2238, Issue 1. [4] Jagadeesh, Parkhi&Kumar, R., 2014. A Study on Transport Cost Optimization in Retail Distribution. Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems, Vol.3, Issue4. [5] Kumar, G.Santosh&Shirisha, P., 2014.Transportation the Key Player in Logistics Management. Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR), Vol. 3, No.1. [6] Tseng, Yung-yu&Yue, Wen Long., 2005. The Role of Transportation in Logistics Chain. Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, pp. 1657 – 1672. [7] Zhang, Zeyan& Figliozzi, Miguel Andres., 2010. A Survey of China’s Logistics Industry and the Impacts of Transport Delays on Importers and Exporters. Transport Reviews, 30(2). Well-structured content with a rich content. Well done!