Explosion confirmed at Soviet nuclear plant Shocking scenes, as pictures of the Potentially, they have been exposed Chernobyl nuclear disaster have to three types of radiation: alpha, started to leak out of the USSR. ……………………. and gamma Gamma radiation can ……………………. the walls of a house but gamma is the least ……………………. type, therefore it is less like to cause cancer. It has now been confirmed that one of The the nuclear reactors at Chernobyl radioactivity is …………………; exploded, ……………………. the however, this can only travel a few land centimetres in the air. Tragically, lots for miles around with most ionising type of radioactive material. of children went out to play in what Health officials warn that the effects they though was snow. In fact, it was could be devastating. Radioactive ash material uranium, can cause ……………………. a potent ……………………. in DNA which ……………………. lead to …………………….. …continues page 3. Local people have now with radioactive been evacuated, but during the time they stayed they were …………………. alpha beta cancer irradiated ionising mutations contaminated contaminating gamma penetrate source zeta