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Debate Format Guide: Structuring Effective Arguments

Debate Format Rounds
Resolution Introduction:
Judge introduces Debaters and Resolution, the debate focus and both affirmative and negative stance (school uniforms)
Constructive Speeches & Cross-Examination:
Affirmative Constructive Speech – 3-4 min
Uphold the resolution, layout basic argument (proposing school uniforms to minimize bullying) (Team A)
Time Out – 1 minute deliberation, Negate prep to cross-fire Affirm
Cross Examination – by Negative Team B asks the Affirmative questions - 2-3 min
Negative Constructive Speech – 3-4 min
Engage or reject the resolution layout basic argument (against school uniforms limits individuality) (Team B)
Time Out – 1 minute deliberation, Affirm prep to cross-fire Negate
Cross Examination – by Affirmative Team A asks the Negative questions– 2-3 min
Rebuttal Speeches:
Time out- 2-3 minute deliberation, prepare for Rebuttal stances
Rebuttal – by Affirmative, trying to convince the judge(s) to vote for your team – 4-5 min
Rebuttal – by Negative, trying to convince the judge(s) to vote for your team – 4-5 min
Closing Statements:
Negative Team B for the FINAL time presents closing statement – 1-2 min
Affirmative Team A for the FINAL time presents closing statement – 1-2 min
Moderator Questions:
Team A is asked questions by Moderator– 2-3 min
Team B is asked questions by Moderator – 2-3 min
Audience Questions:
Students have the chance to ask questions to either Team A or Team B – 3-4 min
Deliberation by Judges:
Judges make a final proposal to announce to class who has won the debate
Debate Format Rounds - Explained
Resolution Introduction:
Judge introduces Debaters and Resolution, the debate focus and both affirmative and negative stance (school uniforms)
Constructive Speeches:
Affirmative/uphold the resolution, layout basic argument (proposing school uniforms to minimize bullying) (Team A)
Affirmative Constructive Speech: Explain why you support your resolution – 3-4 min
- Includes: opening statement on your topic (resolution) and discuss the important information why it’s important,
controversial, and why people should know about it, define key terms and points, then present your various arguments
using facts and statistics, review and summarize to end speech
o @ end of Constructive speech Speaker states, “Therefore, the resolution must stand. Our team now stands open
for cross-examination”
- Negative Team taking NOTES on Affirmative’s constructive speech
Time Out – 1 minute deliberation, Negate prep to cross-fire Affirm
Cross Examination – by Negative Team B asks the Affirmative questions, poke holes, why do you think that’s true, can
ONLY ask questions about speech just heard (4C’s of X) – 2-3 min
Negate/Engage or reject the resolution layout basic argument (against school uniforms limits individuality) (Team B)
Negative Constructive Speech: Explain why you reject the resolution – 3-4 min
- Includes: opening statement on your topic (resolution) and discuss the important information why it’s important,
controversial, and why people should know about it, define key terms and points, then present your various arguments
using facts and statistics, review and summarize to end speech
o @ end of Constructive speech Speaker states, “Therefore, the resolution must stand. Our team now stands open
for cross-examination”
- Affirmative Team taking NOTES on Negative’s constructive speech
Time Out – 1 minute deliberation, Affirm prep to cross-fire Negate
Cross Examination – by Affirmative Team A asks the Negative questions, poke holes, why do you think that’s true, can
ONLY ask questions about speech just heard (4C’s of X) – 2-3 min
Rebuttal Speeches: (make sure we are not all talking at once, Judges will monitor this)
Time out- 2-3 minute deliberation, prepare for Rebuttal stances Affirmative will make first statement
Rebuttal – by Affirmative
Team A response to the cross examination of the negate, here are the reasons on what the negative said that are
NOT true, rebut everything the Negative team has said, provide more evidence and examples to support affirmative stance,
trying to sell your resolution, 2 opportunities to rebuttal – 4-5 min
Rebuttal – by Negative
Team B response to the cross examination of the affirmative, why negative’s position is the one that ought to win the
round, rejecting the resolution, rebut everything the Affirmative team has said, provide more evidence and examples to
support negative stance, trying to sell your position, 2 opportunities to rebuttal – 4-5 min
Closing Statements:
Negative Team B for the FINAL time presents closing statement on upholding the resolution and WHY their plan should be
chosen by judge and audience to WIN debate, rebut Affirmative points, summarize Negative’s key points, end with final
statement of resolution stance – 1-2 min
Affirmative Team A for the FINAL time presents closing statement on upholding the resolution and WHY their plan should be
chosen by judge and audience to WIN debate, rebut Negative points, summarize Affirmative’s key points, end with final
statement of resolution stance – 1-2 min
Moderator Questions:
Team A is asked questions by Moderator, affirmative simply answers questions asked by moderators, one person responds,
not group effort, time can be taken to deliberation – 2-3 min
Team B is asked questions by Moderator, affirmative simply answers questions asked by moderators, one person responds,
not group effort, time can be taken to deliberation – 2-3 min
Audience Questions:
Students have the chance to ask questions to either Team A or Team B, must be equal in asking of both sides questions so it
does not seem like audience is taking sides – 3-4 min
Judge Deliberation – 3 – 5 minutes
Take facts, arguments, and write a formal proposal to announce to class on your final decision