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Ruchi Chips Rebranding Strategy: A Marketing Report

Rebranding of Ruchi Chips
Mr. Omar Nasif Abdullah
Full Time Faculty & Assistant Proctor
North South University
Team Hobbit
Muhammad Istiaque Shahid Shuvo
Naziat Khan
Kashfia Nahrin
Sheikh Istiaque
Executive Summery
Ruchi has been the daily used brand in terms of pickles, sauce, chanachur etc.
However Ruchi has been a brand failure in terms of chips. To understand the
reason behind it we’ve analyzed their comparative and competitive industry
analysis. After analyzing the problem we have taken comprehensive plan to
rebrand Ruchi Chips and introduce it as “Mochh”. We have worked on both their
product model and promotional activities. We hope our redesigning of the brand
‘Mochh” will prove its effectivity through its success.
We analyzed the situation interviewing one of their contractual employees trough
the phone. Then based on that we have decided to totally rebrand the chips. We
mostly focused on products’ packaging and promotions.
Situation Analysis: ......................................................................................................................................... 4
The Case: ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Industry Analysis: ...................................................................................................................................... 5
SWOT Analysis of Ruchi Chips: .................................................................................................................. 6
Big Idea:......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Brand Elements: ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Name: ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Tagline: ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Logo:.......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Brand Mantra: ........................................................................................................................................... 9
The 4Ps Analysis: ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Product .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Price ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Place ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
Promotion ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Target Group: ...................................................................................................................................... 12
IMC Tools ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Considered Media Channels: .............................................................................................................. 12
Pre-campaign: ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Promotion after launching the products: ........................................................................................... 14
Guerilla Marketing Concept .................................................................................................................... 15
Monitor ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 17
References .................................................................................................................................................. 18
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
Situation Analysis:
The Case:
Square Food and Beverage Limited (SFBL) launched Ruchi Chips under the brand
of Ruchi munching range at 2004. Initially they had a unique flavor called the
banana chips. After being successful they started the production of Ruchi potato
crackers. Then they started exporting the banana chips to India. But in 2006 CFL
(Central Food Lab) Calcutta stopped the distribution of banana chips to India
because of some ingredients that doesn’t go with the Indian food standard. This
order not only hurt the brand association in India but also in Bangladesh. In 2013
SFBL stopped the production of Ruchi banana chips. On the other hand, the other
two flavors of Ruchi chips were never to the top of the chips ranking in
Bangladesh. Bombay Sweets took the number 1 spot for more than a decade and
still being there. Meridian comes next. Recently PepsiCo introduced Lays and
Kurkure to the market. As they were very successful in India, they had a big brand
label over their name. People in Bangladesh also have a strong brand connection
to PepsiCo. So Kurkure and Lays were huge success in Bangladesh. Although
launching under the market leader in munching section in Bangladesh, Ruchi
couldn’t make a difference among the competitors like PepsiCo or Bombay
Now Ruchi chips have two flavors of potato crackers and both of the flavors are
very unique. Ruchi Potato Crackers - Bar-B-Q is one of the newest additions to
Ruchi's product line. Devoid of artificial ingredients and preservatives, it has an
amazing Bar-B-Q flavor besides all the nutrients of iron, protein etc. Another is
Ruchi Potato Crackers - Thai Sweet Chili. It has an amazing Thai Sweet Chili flavor
besides all the nutrients. However, none of these have any Consumer Promotion
or Trade Promotion. Also, they have no media existence.
Industry Analysis:
An analysis of the industry shows that top selling brands are respectively Potato
Crackers (35%), Alooz (17%), Sun Chips (17%), Mr. Twist (9%), Kurkure (7%) and
Lay’s (5%). Though there is high consumer demand of Kukure and Lay’s brand but
due to weak distribution channel these brands carried low sales volume.
Consumer demand, strong distribution channel, trade benefit etc. are the reason
behind most selling chips brands. There is a growing market demand for this
snacks product, which implies that this product could be developed and
successfully launched by ensuring sustainable market share.
1.3 Competitors
Ring Chips
RING CHIPS is the first ever crisp introduced in Bangladesh by Bombay Sweets in
1986. Decades later, it is still a favorite and has a high demand by youngsters. This
ring-shaped spicy snack is most attractive to kids.
Mr. Twist
Mr. Twist is a product of Bombay Sweets. It is especially attractive to the
youngsters for its unique shape and taste. It is a potato based premium snack
with a beautiful twisty shape and fine texture. Available in Tomato Paprika flavor.
Sun Chips
Sun Chips is a product of Quasem Food Products Ltd. These thin and crispy potato
chips were first introduced in the Bangladesh market in three different flavorsTomato Tango, Mix Masala and Salt & Pepper. Later, it introduced three other
flavors including Cream & Onion, Garlic & Chili and Wasabi.
Alooz is also a product of Bombay Sweets Chips. It has a range of flavors including
Chili Chatka, Magic Masala, Spanish Tomato and Sour Cream & Onion.
Potato Crackers
Potato crackers is the leading and most popular snack prepared with combination
of wheat and potato. It is a light, crispy snack and has been the flagship product of
Bombay Sweets since many decades. It is available in Spicy Tomato flavor.
SWOT Analysis of Ruchi Chips:
Strong corporate brand
Scope of sharing resources
Strong distribution channel
Strong bargaining power for raw materials
Scope of scale economies
Low Demand
Lack of promotions
No media exposure
Negative images like dull brand
High cost
High demand for chips
Availability of core raw material like potato
Strong FMCG market in the country
Competition is very high
Market is becoming more cost sensitive
Price of potato keeps fluctuating
Big Idea:
We want customer to have our chips to be equivalent to a snack. People have a
belief that regular chips is not enough when they are hungry. Most of the existing
chips in our market contains very less in amount. So, our target is to deliver chips
which are rich in quantity and delicious as well.
There are lots of chips in the markets. There are also verities of flavors but most
of them are very much similar to one another in terms of taste. We will introduce
our signature flavors like Banana, Cheesy Garlic. We believe these flavors will
definitely give some extra value to the consumers.
Brand Elements:
We have to change our brand name from Ruchi Chips. This name already has
negative impact on consumers’ minds. Also, when people heard about Ruchi the
first thing they always think of is Ruchi Chanachur. So, we have to establish a
name that stands out independently in the market.
We have decided that ‘Mochh’ will be the new name of ‘Ruchi Chips’. ‘Mochh’ is a
fanciful type of name. We have chosen that because it is easy to remember. Not
only that but also the sound we hear when we bite a piece of chips is Mocch. Also,
a short name is easy to remember by all sort of people.
“সারাদিন, মচমচ” is our tagline. Here we are indicating that anyone can have our
chips any time in the day as their quick snack. Also, here we included “মচমচ”,
our product’s name so that people get to know which chips they can buy when
they are hungry. “সারাদিন” part of our tagline also metaphorically indicates our
adequate quantity.
The logo of Mochh is bearing the product’s name as Word Marks.
We chose to make our logo as minimal as possible. We gave it a chrome yellow
background which will be close to the color of our chips. The name ‘Mochh’ is
written in maroon because this is the best suited color and smartly carry the
mark. On the top of the logo there is a mark of biting the chips which definitely a
modern and unique touch of art. It carries the meaning when someone will eat
the chips, it will sound like ‘mochh’.
Fig: Mochh logo
Brand Mantra:
Emotional Modifier
Descriptive Modifier
Brand Function
Family and Friends
Tasty Foods
The 4Ps Analysis:
Core Product: Our core product is the chips.
Actual Product: So the embodiment of the product concept is divided into 3
parts- Flavors, Brand Name and Packaging.
Flavors: We are introducing new flavors and modifying the old ones. Their
existing flavors are- Potato crackers, Hot & spicy, Banana chips etc. We’re
modifying the Banana chips with more crunchiness and increasing the
quantity. Our additional flavors are- Chilly flavor, Cheesy garlic flavor, Only
Potato and Garlic flavor.
Brand Name: We are changing the brand name
into “Mochh”. The name describes the
functionality of the new modifications that
might create likeability of the brand.
Packaging: Since we’re changing the brand
name and increasing the quantity, taste and
flavors, we had to rebrand our packaging as
well. We’re introducing more fancy and classy packaging that can create
likeability and new brand image for “Mochh”
Fig: Back side of Mochh
Our Pricing will follow value based and competitors-based pricing strategy. Since
Ruchi chips has certain perception and other competitors have the market share
having a certain pricing, we have set our price for “Mochh” 15tk. Besides our
target audience is both urban and rural people. So, the pricing goes with the
target audiences’
socio-economic structure.
In current market Ruchi chips has really low market reach. They serve in rural
areas vastly. However, since the demand is low, their supply is low as well. In the
rebranding addition we are going to supply our “Mochh” chips all over in
Bangladesh. Especially in rural areas people will be find our chips easily. So, our
targeted places for our brand are▪ Urban areas of Bangladesh.
• Supermarkets, local shops, online purchases.
▪ Rural areas of Bangladesh.
• Local vendors, shops and purchase points.
Target Group: People from all demographic group.
To reach our target group we design our promotional activities in two phases.
1. Pre-campaign: which will be taken place before we launch our products.
2. Promotion after launching the products.
IMC Tools
1. Sponsorship
2. Social Media Marketing
3. TVC
4. Outdoor marketing
Considered Media Channels:
1) Social media
2) YouTube
3) Television
4) Radio
We will be doing this pre-campaign before launching the products to create hype
in the market. We are looking for becoming the word of mouth before even
launching our products.
Timeline for this campaign will be 1 month. By this time, we will do some effective
promotional activities using different media channels.
Initially we will contact with all the food bloggers from our country who has
decent number of followers. For example, Rafsan TheChotobhai, Petuk
couple, Adnan Faruque, Khudalagse etc. We will send them free sample of
our products for reviewing. They will be requested to upload the videos in
to parts. One of the parts would be uploaded in this phase of campaign.
Here they will upload the partial video with “অননক মচমনচ দকছু আসনছ”
title in the end. The videos should be uploaded from their YouTube
channel, Instagram, Facebook with #mochh in the caption.
We will telecast our TVC following the same strategy. The TVC will be
telecasted till the dialogue “বুঝলা?”. Then also “অননক মচমনচ দকছু
আসনছ” will be appeared in the TV screen. The TVC will be appeared
between 8 to 10, the prime time. Also, the TVC will be aired in the break of
Cricket matches. These will help our product to get the highest reach.
Before launching the products, we also decide to provide dustbins to all the
educational institutions. Our logo will be printed on the surface of those
dustbins. By this activity environmental concern among the young people
will be increased and also, they will get to know that ‘Mochh’ is coming to
the market.
After one month we will launch our products and will start to promote our
products using mass marketing strategy.
Promotion after launching the products:
Timeline: Minimum 2 months.
Our strategy for broadcasting TVC will remain the same. Only this time full
TVC will be shown.
We will only air our promotion via radio if any channel gives live
commentary of any ongoing cricket match. Other than this, we will only
promote our products via Radio Foorti, ABC Radio, Dhaka FM, Radio Today
between 8am to 11am and 4pm to 8pm. In this time most of the people
listen to their radio.
The food vloggers who initially uploaded the partial video, will upload the
full video now. Then their reaction will be integrated in one single video
which will be uploaded by the company’s Facebook page and YouTube
channel. Their valuable comments will work as our sponsored Ad. which
will be shown only to some specific group of people. Our YouTube Ad. will
be shown only to those people who watch food reviews and stays in
Bangladesh. Also, people who watches Bangla dramas on YouTube will also
see our Ad. Our youtube Ads will be shown as Mid-roll non-skippable
videos and Bumper ads in our targeted channels/videos. Nowadays people
both in urban and rural areas watch Bangla dramas on YouTube. So this will
help us to reach to the highest level. Our Photo ads will be shown in
different videos as in display ads.
In Facebook newsfeed our Photo ads will be shown as display ads and
interstitial ads.
We will promote our products using billboard on the highways so that
anyone can see our products from the vehicle while travelling. Even when
they will get out from their transportations, there is a huge chance that
they will get to see our products on the signboard of any particular shop as
we will sponsor most of the road side shops.
Guerilla Marketing Concept
We are planning to place pockets behind the seats of the long routs’ buses. We
will put these pockets for keeping small belongings of passengers. These pockets
are already available in all the buses. All we need to do is just replacing those with
our brands name so that whenever a passenger takes the seat the first thing they
will find, is our name. This will help us to create brand awareness among the
target group. We will mostly choose those routes’ buses which will pass those
billboards with our advertisements.
To monitor and analyze the progress of “Mochh” we will set some KPI.
Profit: By analyzing gross profit and net profit we can measure the
effectiveness of our rebranding.
COGS: By measuring the cost of the products, transportation and
promotional cost we can identify the effectiveness of new campaign
Sales by region: We can identify our performance through sales
CAC: To evaluate the effectiveness we can measure customer acquisition
Customer satisfaction and retention: To measure if the customer really
likes the rebranded product or not we can measure the customer
satisfaction score, percentage of repeat purchase etc.
The key target of our rebranding is to capture the market through product
development. The measurements of KPI will show the occurrence. The image
of the brand will be sustainable by adapting with new trends and flavors. Also,
effective marketing policies will help to recreate its value in the market.
1. Mulan. (n.d.). Ranking the Bangladeshi chips brands. Retrieved from
2. What People Watch, What People Buy. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Since this is a paid account and things are confidential, we got this
only and they share the information verbally.
3. Welcome to Bombay Sweets,
Guerilla Marketing