Italian Teachers Programme – September 2016 Radiation and radioactivity (around us) Marco Silari Radiation Protection Group Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental Protection Unit M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 1 Why do you have sheep on the CERN site? M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 2 The wrong answer… The sheep are there to check radioactivity in the grass… Of course NOT! M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 3 CERN has a an extensive environmental monitoring plan (which does not involve the use of sheep…) Stray radiation Air Water M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 Other environmental samples 4 If I say “radiation” or “radioactivity”, what comes to your mind? M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 5 I would guess this? Hiroshima, Japan, 6 August 1945 Chernobyl, Ucraine, 26 April 1986 Fukushima, Japan, 11 March 2011 M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 6 The pacific uses of radiation M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 7 The pacific uses of ionising radiation Medicine: Radiodiagnostics, nuclear medicine and radiation therapy Energy production Scientific research M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 8 The pacific uses of ionising radiation Airport security Industrial radiography Sterilization of food and medical material M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 9 The pacific uses of ionising radiation Non-destructive measurements in archeometry THE IRRADIATED MATERIAL DOES NOT BECOME RADIOACTIVE! M. Milazzo, University of Milan M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 10 What is ionizing radiation? M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 11 Ionising radiation Gamma radiation – photons or electromagnetic radiation – penetrating – “difficult” to shield Beta radiation – “light” charged particles – limited penetration in matter – “easy” to shield Alpha radiation β¯ (electron) – “heavy” charged particles – limited penetration in matter – “easy” to shield M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 12 Directly and indirectly ionising radiation Directly ionizing radiation: • fast charged particles (e.g., electrons, protons, alpha particles), which deliver their energy to matter directly, through many small Coulomb-force interactions along the particle’s track Indirectly ionizing radiation: • X- or g-ray photons or neutrons (i.e., uncharged particles), which first transfer their energy to charged particles in the matter through which they pass in a relatively few large interactions, or cause nuclear reactions • The resulting fast charged particles then in turn deliver the energy in matter The deposition of energy in matter by indirectly ionising radiation is a twostep process photon electron neutron proton or recoiling nuclei M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 13 What is radioactivity? M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 14 Periodic table of elements M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 15 The atom Nucleus: Electrons protons + neutrons M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 16 The three isotopes of hydrogen For example: the simplest chemical element, hydrogen, exists in three “variants” (ISOTOPES) Idrogeno Hydrogen Deuteron Tritium Proton Electron Neutron M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 17 Chart of nuclides protons Unstable (=radioactive) nuclides ~ 3000 β+ : p+ --> n + e+ α-decay β- : n --> p+ + e- α : AX -> A-4Y + 4He2+ Stable nuclides ~250 neutrons M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 18 Radioactivity and ionising radiation Radioactivity: the phenomenon whereby atoms undergo spontaneous random disintegration, usually accompanied by the emission of ionising radiation The activity of a radioactive source is its rate of decay = number of disintegrations per second The unit of activity is the Bequerel 1 Bq = 1 s-1 (the old unit is the Curie: 1 Ci = 3.7 x 1010 Bq) The half-life T1/2 is the time necessary for half of the nuclei to decay Radionuclides are either of natural origin or produced by nuclear reactions (artificial radionuclides) M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 19 Why does ionizing radiation pose a health risk? M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 20 Effects of interaction of ionizing radiation with matter • Biological systems (humans in particular) are particularly susceptible to damage by ionizing radiation • The expenditure of a trivial amount of energy (~4 J/kg or Gy) to the whole body is likely to cause death… • …even if this amount of energy can only raise the gross temperature by about 0.001 °C • This is because of the ability of ionizing radiation to impart their energy to individual atoms and molecules • The resulting high local concentration of absorbed energy can kill a cell either directly or through the formation of highly reactive chemical species such as free radicals (atom or compound in which there is an unpaired electron, such as H or CH3) in the water medium that constitutes the bulk of the biological material M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 21 Unit The absorbed dose is the energy deposited by a given radiation in a unit mass of matter The unit of absorbed dose is the Gray: 1 Gy = 1 J/Kg (the old unit is the rad: 1 rad = 10-2 Gy) Radiation protection uses the operational quantity “dose equivalent H” in Sievert H=Q∙D 1 Sv = 1 J/Kg Q = quality factor of the radiation M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 22 Effects of radiation at the molecular and cellular level cell cromosome Cromatine fibre 1-10 m DNA 1 m nucleosome 30 nm 2 nm 10 nm Cells have a certain capacity (luckily) to repair damage M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 23 The biological effects of radiation Deterministic effects Example: burn Probabilistic effects Example: cellular mutation M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 24 The biological effects of radiation Stochastic effects Deterministic effects No dose threshold (linear function of dose) Dose received in short time interval dose threshold: > 100 mSv (> 500 mSv) Increase of probability by 5% per Sv for: - genetic defects - cancer Immediate consequences: - vomiting - immun deficiency - erythema and necrose Severity of the effect is independent of the dose received Health detriments are function of the dose (and dose rate) Delayed health detriments Lethal dose for humans: 5 – 7 Sv M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 25 The biological actions of radiation Cell membranes deterministic indirect effects no-repair OH H2O H free radicals uncontrolled cell death (necrosis) tissue pathologies peroxydes, active substances Hereditary effects mis-repair non-lethal mutation CANCER programmed cell death (apoptosis) DNA lesions direct effects stochastic deterministic IONISATION excitation repair normal cell survival biomolecule field time scale physics chemistry biochemistry 10-16s 10-6s 10-2s biology, medicine second, minute M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 day, year, generation 26 Lethal dose (LD50/30) for various organisms Source: Martin Volkmer, Radioaktivität und Strahlenschutz, Informationskreis Kernenergie M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 27 Effects associated with whole-body exposure to radiation 0to0.25grays No identified pathological symptoms associated with the exposure to radiation. 0.25to1gray Some nausea. Slight fall in leukocyte count. 1to1.25grays Vomiting. Noticeable changes to the composition of the blood. 2.25to5grays Lethal dose for 50% of the population. Hospitalisation essential. Above5grays Almost certainly fatal. Radiation and man, CEA, France M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 28 Acute whole-body irradiation syndrome Syndrome Threshold Haematopoietic 1 Gy Time to appearance 3 weeks Gastrointestinal 5 Gy 3 to 5 hours Central nervous system (CNS) 20 Gy 0,5 to 3 hours Symptoms Pathology Lymphocyte depletion , infections, bleeding Diarrhoea, fever Depletion of bone marrow Lethargy, convulsions Destruction of the intestinal mucosa Inflammation of CNS, oedema Time to death 2 months 2 weeks 2 days LD 50 dose by acute whole body irradiation : 5 Gy M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 29 Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) The spatial distribution of radiation-matter interaction, and therefore biological damage, depends on type and energy of radiation (“track structure”) M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 30 Dose rate dependence Dose rate = amount of radiation absorbed per unit time Dose Dose rate 5 tubes of aspirin In 50 seconds?? Death Or in 50 years?? Small risk In 50 seconds?? Death Or in 50 years?? Small risk or 2500 mSv of radiation M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 31 What are the natural radiation levels? To which sources are we all exposed? (voluntarily or not) M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 32 Natural radiation exposures Annual exposure to natural radioactivity in France = 2.5 mSv (3.3 mSv including medical exposures) M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 33 Natural radiation exposures Annual exposure to natural radioactivity in Switzerland = 4.4 mSv (5.6 mSv including medical exposures) M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 34 Natural sources of radiation Cosmic rays Radioactivity of terrestrial origin (radionuclides present in the earth crust such as U, Th, Ra, Rn) Cosmogenic radionuclides (14C, 7Be, 3H) The human body (radionuclides present inside our body, mainly 40K) + medical exposures M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 35 Radiation from space L. Pinsky, Università di Houston M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 36 Solar eruption: Coronal Mass Ejections Coronal Mass Ejections and planet transit 20 Marzo – 10 Aprile 1999 The Earth SOHO – Solar and Heliospheric Observatory M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 37 Terrestrial radionuclides During the creation of the Earth, terrestrial nuclides had been incorporated into the earth crust (T1/2 some millions to billions of years) Nuclide Symbol Half-life Uranium-235 235U 7.04 x 108 y 0.72% of natural Uranium Uranium-238 238U 4.47 x 109 y 99.3% of natural Uranium Thorium-232 232Th 1.41 x 1010 y Potassium-40 40K 1.28 x 109 y M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 Earth: 0.037-1.1 Bq/g 38 Cosmogenic radionuclides Cosmogenic nuclides are produced by nuclear reactions of cosmic particles with stable nuclei of the atmosphere Nuclide Symbol Half-life Nuclear Reaction Carbon-14 14C 5730 y e.g. 14N(n,p)14C Tritium-3 3H 12.3 y Interaction of cosmic radiation with N or O 6Li(n,a)3H Beryllium-7 7Be 53.28 d Interaction of cosmic radiation with N or O Additional cosmogenic radionuclides: 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, 80Kr, … M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 39 The radioactivity inside our body Nuclide Total activity in human body (~ 70 kg) Potassium-40 ̴ 5 kBq Carbon-14 ̴ 3 kBq Tritium ̴ 20 Bq Polonium-210 ̴ 18 Bq Uranium ̴ 1 Bq Radium Thorium ̴ 1 Bq ̴ 0.1 Bq TOTAL ̴ 8 kBq M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 40 Radiological exposures M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 41 Ambient dose equivalent rate versus altitude Courtesy PTB, Braunschweig M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 42 Air crew exposure The average annual effective dose received by air crew is about 3 mSv The total dose received in a return flight Milano - Los Angeles is about 100 μSv M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 43 The Banana Equivalent Dose (BED) A general educational example (and should be taken as such!) to indicate the potential dose due to naturally occurring radioactive isotopes by eating one average-sized banana One BED ≈ 0.1 µSv BUT this dose is not cumulative, as the principal radioactive component is excreted to maintain metabolic equilibrium Radiation exposure from consuming a banana is approximately 5% of the average daily exposure to cosmic and terrestrial radiation ≈ 20 BED (2 µSv) For comparison: • A flight from London to New York: 400 BED (40 µSv) • A chest CT scan: 70,000 BED (7 mSv) WikiPedia By Evan-Amos - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 44 Radon M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 45 Radon and its progeny Typically ≈ 40 Bq/kg of 226Ra in rocks and soil 222Rn The effective dose to the lung is obtained by assuming an 3.82 d α equilibrium factor (EF) between radon and its progeny 218Po 3.05 min α Typical indoor EF = 0.4 6.0 MeV 214Pb 26.8 min β 214Bi 19.7 min β 214Po 164 μs α 7.7 MeV 210Pb 22 y M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 46 Propagation of radon from soil into homes • Radon is emanated from the Uranium rich soil or rocks • Radon can also be found in water • Radon escapes easily from the ground into air where it decays into its progeny. M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 47 Radiation dose to humans A. M. Mohamed et al., Journal of Physical Science and Application 2 (2012) 205–215 National Academy of Sciences, NAS-NRC Publication 848 M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 48 Radon map of Italy M. Rossetti, M. Esposito, Radon levels in underground workplaces: a map of the Italian regions, Radiat. Prot. Dosim. (2014) 1–6. M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 49 Radon map of Switzerland Source: Swiss Federal Office of Public Health ( M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 50 Relative risk of lung cancer RR = ratio of the probability of a disease occurring in the exposed group versus a non-exposed group According to WHO: Intervention level: 100 Bq/mc 100 Bq/mc Relative risk of lung cancer versus long-term average residential radon Effective Dose: 5 mSv/y Lung cancer risk over 40 years: 0.67 – 1.25 % Darby, S et al. BMJ 330, 223-227 (2005) M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 51 What are the protective means against the artificial sources of ionizing radiation? M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 52 External exposure and contamination External exposure Contamination or internal irradiation M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 53 Personnel and area classification • Person occupationally exposed to radiation (> 1 mSv/y) – Limit < 20 mSv/y – Category A workers: > 6 mSv/y – Category B workers: < 6 mSv/y • Supervised area: area with dose > 1 mSv/y (accessible to categories A and B workers) • Controlled area: area with dose > 6 mSv/y (accessible to categories A workers, and with limited stay to category B workers) • Exposure situations: – risk of external exposure only (sealed radioactive sources, radiation generators, for example X-ray tube) – risk of internal and external exposure (use of unsealed radioactive sources) M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 54 External exposure Three means to reduce external exposure: distance, time, shielding! Distance: the dose rate decreases with the inverse squared of the distance (from a point-like source) Time: the dose is proportional to the time spent close to the source D = dD/dt x t Shielding: the dose rate approximately reduces as exp(-d/λ) λ = shielding properties of the material M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 55 Shielding ionising radiation MIRION Technologies - M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 56 Contamination and internal exposure • Internal exposure: the incorporated radionuclides irradiate the organs and tissues to which they attach • Exposure lasts until the complete elimination of the radionuclides by radioactive decay and biological metabolism - ingestion - inhalation - skin M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 57 CERN has a an extensive environmental monitoring plan (which does not involve the use of sheep…) Stray radiation Air Water M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 Other environmental samples 58 Operational radiation protection monitors CERN detector systems for accelerator radiation protection REM counter Air filled ionisation chamber Gas filled, high pressure ionization chamber Beam-on: to protect workers in areas adjacent to accelerator tunnels and experiments against prompt radiation (mainly neutrons, E < some GeV) Beam-off: to protect workers during maintenance and repair against radiation fields caused by decay of radionuclides (mainly gammas, E < 2.7 MeV) Alarm function M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 No alarm function 59 Site monitors, area identification, work practices Site Gate Monitor M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 60 Personal dosimetry People working in radiation areas wear a personal dosimeter (DIS) and an electronic dosimeter (DMC) DIS personal dosimeter: "Legal dose” The DMC gives a signal in the presence of ionising radiation, and a warning in case a given threshold is exceeded M. Silari – Radiation and radioactivity – 6 September 2016 61