J. Farm Sci., 32(2): (137-141) 2019 RESEARCH PAPER Evaluation of weed management practices in fodder maize E. SHASHIKUMAR, F. M. DURAGANNAVAR, S. S. ANGADI AND B. B. CHANNAPPAGOUDAR Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Dharwad University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, Karnataka, India E-mails: shashi.yash45@gmail.com, fmdurgannavar@gmail.com (Received: December, 2018 ; Accepted: May, 2019) Abstract: A field experiment was conducted during kharif 2017 on medium deep black soil at the Main Agricultural Research Station, UAS, Dharwad to study the weed management in fodder maize. The study involved eight treatments, viz., T1: Atrazine 50 WP @ 1.25 kg a.i. ha-1 as pre emergence (PE), T2: Pendimethalin 30 EC @ 1.0 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE), T3: Oxyfluorfen 23.5 EC @ 0.15 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE), T4: Metribuzin 70 WP @ 0.25 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE), T5: Tank mixture of atrazine 50 WP @ 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1 + pendimethalin 30 EC @ 0.75 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE), T6: Mixed cropping of maize at 60 kg ha-1 + cowpea at 15 kg ha-1, T7: Weed free check and T8: Weedy check. Among weed management practices application of tank mixture of atrazine 50 WP @ 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1 + pendimethalin 30 EC @ 0.75 kg a.i. ha-1 recorded higher plant height (246.3 cm), number of leaves (12.6), leaf area (48.27 dm2 plant-1), total drymatter production (121.53 g plant-1) at harvest, higher green fodder yield (52.81 t ha-1), dry fodder yield (13.83 t ha-1), lower weed index (7.55 %), higher crude protein yield (1112.3 kg ha-1), higher gross returns (` 95,058 ha-1), net returns (` 57,915 ha-1) and BC ratio (2.57). Key words: Economics, Green fodder yield, Herbicide, Maize fodder, Quality Introduction India is an agricultural country, where both crops and livestock are important enterprises of farming community. The country has highest livestock population thus needs the attention to meet the fodder requirement. Green forages usually have very important role in animal nutrition in which fodder maize is very important because of its higher production potential of green herbage, which is succulent, sweet, palatable and nutritious with lactogenic effect and highly relished by the milch cattle and can be fed at any stage of the crop growth. It is the only fodder which produces better nutritional quality along with good quantity of biomass. Its quality is much better than sorghum and pearlmillet since both sorghum as well as pearl millet possess anti-nutritional factors such as HCN and oxalate, respectively. In India fodder maize is grown in about 9 lakh ha area with the productivity of 30-55 t ha-1 (Anon., 2016). The productivity of fodder maize can be increased through various agronomic management practices viz., planting geometry, nutrient, water and weed management etc. Among these weed management is foremost issue, since weeds compete with crop plants for various inputs like water, nutrients and sunlight resulting in yield losses. The presence of some weeds might cause physical damage to animals, some weeds are poisonous or unpalatable, cause milk tainting or affect the silage fermentation process. Several weed management approaches are available but selection of appropriate management practice is a prime concern. Mechanical and manual methods have been employed for weed control since historical time but it is difficult under the circumstances of non-availability, inefficient and costly labour. Weed control through use of herbicides assumes a greater significance due to accessibility, selective and quick action. Herbicides use in crop land, helps to manage weeds, increases crop yield, improves crop quality and reduces production cost. Pre-emergence application of herbicides may lead to cost effective control of the weeds right from the start. In the rainy season emergence of maize and weed start simultaneously and the first 20 to 30 days are most critical for crop-weed competition. Simultaneous emergence and rapid growth of weeds lead to severe crop-weed competition for light, moisture, space and nutrients resulting in drastic reduction in yield. Herbicide alone or in combination reduces crop-weed competition and the risk of yield losses due to weeds (Chopra and Angiras, 2007 and Karashanbhai, 2016). Growing of cover crops is an alternative method for control of weeds. In the similar way, the mixed cropping of legumes especially cowpea in cereal crops helps to reduce the pressure of weeds (Paramjit et al., 2016). Considering the significance of fodder the present investigation was conducted to study the weed management in fodder maize. Material and methods A field experiment was conducted during kharif, 2017 at the Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Science, Dharwad on medium deep black soil. African tall variety of fodder maize was sown by opening furrow using marker with a row spacing of 30 cm and was harvested at 80 days after sowing (DAS). The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications and eight treatments viz., T1: Atrazine 50 WP @ 1.25 kg a.i. ha-1 as pre emergence (PE), T2: Pendimethalin 30 EC @ 1.0 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE), T3: Oxyfluorfen 23.5 EC @ 0.15 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE), T4: Metribuzin 70 WP @ 0.25 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE), T5: Tank mixture atrazine 50 WP @ 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1 + pendimethalin 30 EC @ 0.75 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE), T6: Mixed cropping of maize at 60 kg ha-1 + cowpea at 15 kg ha-1, T7: Weed free check and T8: Weedy check. The observations were recorded by following standard procedures. Plant height was measured from the base of the 137 J. Farm Sci., 32(2): 2019 plant to the fully opened top leaf. Number of leaves were counted. Leaf area was calculated by using formula given below. Leaf area = Leaf length × Width × Number of leaves × 0.75 Five randomly selected plants from the sampling area were used to record the stem, leaf and total dry matter production at different growth stages of fodder maize. After air drying the samples were dried in oven at 60-70 C till a constant dry weight was achieved. Total dry matter production was expressed in g per plant. The weed control index (WCI) and weed index were calculated by using the formulae given below: Dry weight of Dry weight of weeds in weedy plot - weeds in treatment plot WCI (%) = —————————————————— × 100 Dry weight of weeds in weedy plot X- Y Weed index (%) = ————— × 100 X X = Total yield from the weed free plot Y = Total yield from the treatment for which weed index has to be calculated Dry fodder yield obtained by drying known quantity of green forage from each plot in hot air oven at 70 °C to a constant weight and expressed in tonnes per hectare. The analysis of proximate principles (Crude protein and crude fibre) in forage was done by the method recommended by Association of Official Agriculture Chemist (Anon., 1990). Per cent crude protein = % N × 6.25 Crude protein yield (kg ha-1) Per cent = Drymatter crude protein × yield Weight before ashing - Weight after ashing Crude = ———————————————————×100 fibre (%) Weight of the sample taken The crude fibre yield was worked out by multiplying crude fibre percentage with drymatter yield and expressed in kg ha-1. Economics was worked out by using cost of cultivation, gross returns and net returns. The net returns was calculated by deducting cost of cultivation from the gross returns. The benefit cost ratio was worked out as under Gross returns (` ha-1) Benefit: cost =———————————————— Total cost of cultivation (` ha-1) Results and discussion Weed dynamics Weed free check recorded significantly lower weed count, weed dry weight and higher weed control index due to removal of weeds by cultural methods viz., hand weeding and intercultivation. Among the weed management practices, application of oxyfluorfen 23.5 EC @ 0.15 kg a.i. ha-1 (T 3) recorded significantly lower total weed count (3.33, 10.67 and 14.67 m-2), total weed dry weight (1.46, 12.93 and 26.93 g m-2) and higher weed control index (96.06, 80.65 and 73.50 %) at 30, 50 DAS and at harvest, respectively (Table 1), because of its efficacy in inhibiting emerging seedlings of weeds. Nadiger (2011) also reported similar results in maize. However, it was stastically at par with tank mix application of atrazine 50 WP @ Table 1. Weed dynamics in fodder maize at harvest as influenced by weed management practices Tr. Treatment No. T 1 Atrazine 50 WP @ 1.25 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE) T 2 Pendimethalin 30 EC @ 1.0 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE) T 3 Oxyfluorfen 23.5 EC @ 0.15 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE) T 4 Metribuzin 70 WP @ 0.25 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE) T 5 Atrazine 50 WP @ 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1 + Pendimethalin 30 EC @ 0.75 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE) T 6 Maize at 60 kg ha-1 + Cowpea at 15 kg ha-1 T 7 Weed free check Weed density (m-2)* 30 DAS 50 DAS At harvest 4.34c 4.60b 5.37b (18.33) (20.67) (28.33) 4.10c 4.71b 5.50b (16.33) (21.67) (29.67) 1.96e 3.35c 3.89c (3.33) (10.67) (14.67) 4.21c 4.64b 5.34b (17.33) (21.00) (28.00) 2.48d 3.08c 3.71c (5.67) (9.00) (13.33) Weed dry weight (g m-2)* 30 DAS 50 DAS At harvest 3.11c 4.93b 6.48b (9.17) (23.87) (41.67) 3.02c 5.00b 6.78b (8.60) (24.36) (45.53) 1.40e 3.66c 5.24c (1.46) (12.93) (26.93) 3.31c 4.95b 6.58b (10.43) (23.93) (42.86) 2.15d 3.70c 5.34c (4.13) (13.47) (28.20) Weed control index (%) 30 DAS 50 DAS At harvest 75.50c 64.13c 59.61c 76.80c 63.37c 55.84c 96.06a 80.65b 73.50b 72.07c 63.57c 58.25c 88.92b 80.00b 72.65b 5.76b 4.88b 5.76b 4.73b 5.53b 7.01b 41.42d 54.88c (32.67) (23.33) (32.67) (21.80) (30.10) (48.70) 0.71e 0.71d 0.71d 0.71f 0.71d 0.71d 100a 100a (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) T 8 Weedy check 7.16a 7.25a 7.25a 6.15a 8.19a 10.15a 0.00e 0.00e (50.67) (52.00) (52.00) (37.26) (66.57) (102.83) S.Em.± 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.21 0.24 1.43 3.29 PE : Pre-emergence a.i. : Active ingredient WP : Wettable powder EC : Emulsifiable concentrate DAS : Days after sowing * Figures in the parentheses indicate original values and outside are X+0.5 transformed valuses Means within a column followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different according to DMRT (P = 0.05). 138 51.66c 100a 0.00e 2.63 139 121.53a 98.39b 133.43a 73.95c 4.45 58.30a 43.00b 59.42a 32.93c 2.36 6.65ab 5.11cd 7.40a 4.13de 0.34 48.27a 42.49b 49.26a 36.09c 1.65 PE : Pre-emergence a.i. : Active ingredient WP : Wettable powder EC : Emulsifiable concentrate DAS : Days after sowing Means within a column followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different according to DMRT (P = 0.05). 33.23a 27.90b 36.50a 20.67c 1.25 12.05ab 8.46de 13.91a 7.73e 0.68 12.60ab 11.60b 13.13a 10.27c 0.37 10.47a 9.67a 10.80a 8.40b 0.40 246.3ab 224.7bc 267.6a 214.3c 9.34 146.3ab 125.7bc 159.8a 117.3c 7.81 6.87a 6.20a 7.27a 6.13a 0.39 50 DAS 48.15b 45.70b 41.83b 47.00b 30 DAS 5.83bc 5.66bc 3.69e 5.53c At harvest 42.84b 42.57b 42.54b 42.67b 50 DAS 28.39b 28.17b 26.13b 28.25b 30 DAS 10.77bc 10.57bc 8.13de 9.84cd At harvest 11.73b 11.67b 11.53b 11.73b At harvest 233.7bc 234.3bc 231.0bc 237.0bc T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 ` T6 T7 T8 30 DAS Atrazine 50 WP @ 1.25 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE) 26.6a -1 Pendimethalin 30 EC @ 1.0 kg a.i. ha (PE) 26.1a -1 Oxyfluorfen 23.5 EC @ 0.15 kg a.i. ha (PE) 19.3c -1 Metribuzin 70 WP @ 0.25 kg a.i. ha (PE) 25.9a -1 Atrazine 50 WP @ 0.5 kg a.i. ha + Pendimethalin 30 EC @ 0.75 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE) 27.2a -1 -1 Maize at 60 kg ha + Cowpea at 15 kg ha 24.5b Weed free check 29.00a Weedy check 24.3b S.Em.± 1.56 50 DAS 132.9bc 131.3bc 128.7bc 132.7bc 30 DAS 6.60a 6.53a 5.33a 6.53a 50 DAS 9.80a 9.73a 9.67a 9.80a Leaf area (dm2 plant-1) Number of leaves Plant height (cm) Tr. Treatment No. Yield The higher green fodder yield and dry fodder yield of fodder maize (56.98 and 14.86 t ha-1) was recorded with weed free check owing to weed free condition (Table 3). The crop efficiently utilized nutrients, moisture, light and space in turn influenced the luxuriant growth of crop indicated by higher total dry matter production, plant height, higher number of leaves and leaf area per plant. However, pre emergence tank mix application of atrazine 50 WP @ 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1 + pendimethalin 30 EC @ 0.75 kg a.i. ha-1 (T5) recorded stastically similar green fodder (52.81t ha-1) and dry fodder yield (13.83 t ha-1) with weed free check (T7). The higher fodder yield in this treatment was attributed to improved TDMP which is most important yield component in fodder crops, leaf area per plant, LAI and lower Table 2. Growth parameters in fodder maize at harvest as influenced by weed management practices Growth components Growth components of fodder maize varied significantly due to weed management practices (Table 2). Weed free check (T 7) recorded significantly higher plant height (29.0, 159.8 and 267.6 cm), number of leaves (7.27, 10.80 and 13.13), leaf area (13.91,36.50 and 49.26 dm2 plant-1) and total dry matter production (TDMP) of 7.40, 59.42 and 133.43 g plant-1 at 30, 50 DAS and at harvest (Table 2) and was stastically at par with atrazine 50 WP @ 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1 + pendimethalin 30 EC @ 0.75 kg a.i. ha-1 (T 5). The higher TDMP in T5 at 30, 50 DAS and at harvest (6.65, 58.30 and 121,53 g plant -1, respectively) was the result of luxuriant crop growth as indicated by higher plant height (27.2, 146.3 and 246.3 cm, respectively) and leaf area (12.05, 33.23 ad 48.27 dm2 plant-1, respectively). Thus, the improvement in growth components was a consequence of lower crop weed competition due to higher weed control index, which shifted the balance in favour of crop in the utilization of nutrients, moisture, light and space. Total dry matter production (g plant-1) 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1 + pendimethalin 30 EC @ 0.75 kg a.i. ha-1 (T5) which recorded weed control index of 88.92, 80.00 and 72.65 % at 30, 50 DAS and at harvest respectively, due to lower total weed count and dry weight as outcome of broad spectrum weed control through different mode of action of atrazine and pendimethalin wherein, atrazine interfere with photosynthesis by binding to the D-1 protein involved in photosynthetic electron transfer (PS-II inhibitors) and pendimethalin inhibits cell division and cell elongation of shoot and root of weeds which resulted in managing grassy, broad leaved weeds and sedges. These results corroborate with the findings of Sindhu et al. (2015) in hybrid napier grass and Karashanbhai (2016) in fodder maize. Whereas, different treatments viz., atrazine 50 WP @ 1.25 kg a.i. ha-1(T 1), pendimethalin 30 EC @ 1.0 kg a.i. ha-1 (T 2), metribuzin 70 WP @ 0.25 kg a.i. ha-1 (T 4) and mixed cropping of maize at 60 kg ha-1 + cowpea at 15 kg ha-1 (T6) were found to be stastically on par with each other with respect to weed count and dry weight because of efficacy of atrazine, pendimethalin, metribuzin in controlling weeds in respective treatment and due to smothering effect of cowpea in maize + cowpea mixed crop treatment. Singh (2011) also reported effective control of weeds due to smothering effect of cowpea in maize. At harvest 101.21b 100.09b 99.81b 101.11b Evaluation of weed management practices ................. J. Farm Sci., 32(2): 2019 Table 3. Green fodder, dry fodder yield and weed index in fodder maize as influenced by weed management practices Tr. Treatment Green fodder yield (t ha-1) Dry fodder yield (t ha-1) No. Maize Cowpea Total Maize Cowpea Total -1 b b b T 1 Atrazine 50 WP @ 1.25 kg a.i. ha (PE) 45.92 0.00 45.92 11.57 0.00 11.57b -1 b b b T 2 Pendimethalin 30 EC @ 1.0 kg a.i. ha (PE) 44.67 0.00 44.67 11.17 0.00 11.17b T 3 Oxyfluorfen 23.5 EC @ 0.15 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE) 43.28b 0.00 43.28b 10.64b 0.00 10.64b T 4 Metribuzin 70 WP @ 0.25 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE) 44.89b 0.00 44.89b 11.22b 0.00 11.22b T 5 Atrazine 50 WP @ 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1 + Pendimethalin 30 EC @ 0.75 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE) 52.81a 0.00 52.81a 13.83a 0.00 13.83a -1 -1 b b b T 6 Maize at 60 kg ha + Cowpea at 15 kg ha 41.41 5.30 46.71 10.13 0.67 10.80b a a a T 7 Weed free check 56.98 0.00 56.98 14.86 0.00 14.86a c c c T 8 Weedy check 33.30 0.00 33.30 7.62 0.00 7.62c Weed index (%) 19.44b 21.63b 24.11b 21.22b 7.55c 18.16b 0.00d 41.21a S.Em.± 1.96 1.87 0.62 0.60 3.11 PE : Pre-emergence, a.i. : Active ingredient, WP : Wettable powder, EC : Emulsifiable concentrate, DAS : Days after sowing Means within a column followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different according to DMRT (P = 0.05). weed index (7.55 %). The decreased weed index was mainly due to improved growth of crop plants which was an outcome of effective broad spectrum weed control and reduced crop-weed competition which resulted to produce more photosynthates in crop and converted into numerous metabolites needed for growth and yield. These results are in conformity with the findings of Chopra and Angiras (2007), Inalli et al. (2014), Channabasavanna et al. (2015), Kamble et al. (2015) and Yadav (2017) in maize. The cultural methods to control weeds mixed i.e., cropping of maize at 60 kg ha-1 + cowpea at 15 kg ha-1 produced green + dry fodder yield to the tune of 41.41 t ha-1 and 10.13 t ha-1, respectively and recorded comparatively lower weed control index (WCI) even though the fodder maize yield was comparable with other single herbicides which might be attributed to nitrogen fixing ability of cowpea. These results corroborate with the findings of Paramjit et al. (2016) and Hargilas (2016) in maize cowpea intercropping system. The lower green and dry fodder yield (33.33 and 7.62 t ha-1) and higher weed index (41.21 %) was recorded in weedy check due to higher removal of nutrients and moisture by weeds and severe crop weed competition that made the crop plants inefficient to utilize the resources and consequently resulted in poor source and sink development with poor growth components viz., lower TDMP, plant height, total number of green leaves and leaf area during all the stages of crop growth. The results are in conformity with the findings of Sindhu et al. (2015) in hybrid napier grass, Singh (2015) in fodder maize for seed production and Karashanbahai (2016) in fodder maize. Quality Weed management practices in fodder maize did not affect on quality parameters such as crude protein and crude fibre. However, the crude protein and crude fibre yield differed significantly by weed management practices (Table 4). Crude protein yield of fodder maize was significantly higher in T7: weed free check (1213.7 kg ha-1) and was statistically at par with tank mixture application of atrazine 50 WP @ 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1 + pendimethalin 30 EC @ 0.75 kg a.i. ha-1 (1112.3 kg ha-1) which was resulted by higher drymatter production. Whereas, crude fibre yield of fodder maize was higher in weed free check (4329.46 kg ha-1) and was on par with rest of treatments except weedy check. Table 4. Quality and economics of fodder maize as influenced by weed management practices Tr. Treatment Crude Crude Crude Crude Cost of Gross Net BC No. protein protein fibre fibre cultivation returns returns ratio (%) yield (%) yield (` ha-1) (` ha-1) (` ha-1) (kg ha-1) (kg ha-1) T1 Atrazine 50 WP @ 1.25 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE) 7.73a 893.2b 33.72a 3884.5a 35801 82662b 46862b 2.31b -1 a b a a b T2 Pendimethalin 30 EC @ 1.0 kg a.i. ha (PE) 7.58 846.9 33.24 3720.6 35794 80400 44606b 2.25b -1 a b a a b T3 Oxyfluorfen 23.5 EC @ 0.15 kg a.i. ha (PE) 7.88 835.1 33.18 3528.2 35530 77904 42374b 2.19b -1 a b a a b T4 Metribuzin 70 WP @ 0.25 kg a.i. ha (PE) 7.73 867.2 34.29 3850.8 34995 80796 45801b 2.31b T5 Atrazine 50 WP @ 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1 + Pendimethalin 30 EC @ 0.75 kg a.i. ha-1 (PE) 8.02a 1112.3a 30.17a 4204.4a 37144 95058 a 57915a 2.57a -1 -1 a b a a T6 Maize at 60 kg ha + Cowpea at 15 kg ha 7.58 767.7 33.69 3447.4 34335 81157b 46823b 2.36ab a a a a a T7 Weed free check 8.17 1213.7 29.12 4329.5 43283 102558 59276a 2.38ab a c a b T8 Weedy check 7.44 568.8 34.47 2626.8 32122 59946c 27825c 1.87d S.Em.± 0.17 57.5 1.33 275.4 3407.87 3121.66 0.08 PE : Pre-emergence, a.i. : Active ingredient, WP : Wettable powder, EC : Emulsifiable concentrate, DAS : Days after sowing Means within a column followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different according to DMRT (P = 0.05) Market price: Green fodder of maize - ` 1800 t-1, Green fodder of cowpea - 1250 t-1 140 Evaluation of weed management practices ................. Economics Gross returns, net returns and benefit cost ratio differed significantly due to weed management practices. The treatment weed free check recorded higher gross returns (` 102558 ha-1) and net returns (` 59276 ha-1). Among the weed management practices, tank mixture application of atrazine 50 WP @ 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1 + pendimethalin 30 EC @ 0.75 kg a.i. ha-1 (T5) recorded higher gross returns (` 95058 ha-1) and net returns (` 57915 ha-1) and was at par with treatment weed free check (T7). The BC ratio was higher (2.57) with tank mixture application of atrazine 50 WP @ 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1 + pendimethalin 30 EC @ 0.75 kg a.i. ha-1 which was statistically at par with weed free check (2.38) and mixed cropping of maize at 60 kg ha-1 + cowpea at 15 kg ha-1 (2.36). Increased BC ratio in T6 may be ascribed to additional monitory returns by cowpea fodder and lower cost of cultivation. Conclusion Resuts of the study revealed that, pre-emergence tank mix application of atrazine 50WP @ 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1 + pendimehalin 30 EC @ 0.75 kg a.i ha-1 can be adopted for chemical weed control in maize fodder resulted in higher maize green fodder yield, dry fodder yield, lower weed index, higher crude protein yield, net returns and BC ratio. For cultural control of weeds mixed cropping of Maize @ 60 kg ha-1 + Cowpea @ 15 kg ha-1 can be helpful as cowpea adds to fodder and also involves less cost of cultivation as compared to chemical weed control. References Anonymous, 1990, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, International Official Methods of Analysis, 17th Ed. Horwitz, AOAC Inc., Arlington, USA. Anonymous, 2016, Hand Book of Agriculture. Indian Council of Agriculture Research, New Delhi, pp. 1353-1416. 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