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Coffee Machine BJava

import java.util.Scanner;
* Created by: Seyhan A. Cileli
* Date: October 11, 2019
* "Spread Love!"
- Sey'
public class coffeeMachineAdvanced {
import java.util.Scanner;
public class coffeeMachine {
static int water = 1200; //default value of amount of water in Coffee Machine
static int espressoWater = 250; //cost of espresso water per cup
static int latteWater = 350; //cost of latte water per cup
static int cappuccinoWater = 200; //cost of cappuccino water per cup
static int totalWater = water; // updated value of total water per use
static int milk = 540; //default value of amount of milk in Coffee Machine
static int latteMilk = 75; //cost of latte milk per cup
static int cappuccinoMilk = 100; //cost of cappuccino milk per cup
static int totalMilk = milk; // updated value of total milk per use
static int coffeeBeans = 120; //default value of amount of coffee beans in Coffee Machine
static int espressoBeans = 16; //cost of espresso coffee beans per cup
static int latteBeans = 20; //cost of latte coffee beans per cup
static int cappuccinoBeans = 12; //cost of cappuccino coffee beans per cup
static int totalCoffeeBeans = coffeeBeans; // updated value of total coffee beans per use
static int money = 550; //default value of amount of money in Coffee Machine
static int espressoCost = 4; //cost of espresso coffee per cup
static int latteCost = 7; //cost of latte coffee per cup
static int cappuccinoCost = 6; //cost of cappuccino coffee per cup
static int totalMoney = money; // updated value of total money per use
static int cups = 10; //default value of amount of cups with Coffee Machine
static int totalCups = cups; // updated value of cups per use
static Scanner sc; //receive user input
static int userSelection = 0; //coffee machine choice selection which is 1 through 5
public static void main(String[] args) {
sc = new Scanner(System.in);
// Mini Project Name: Coffee Machine Mini Project
mainMenu(); //calling main menu method
buyMethod(); //calling buy method
remaining(); //calling remaining method
refill(); //calling refill method
takeMoney(); //calling take money method
coffeeBrewing(); //coffee brewing method
brewingEspresso(); //brewing espresso method
exit(); //exit method
private static void mainMenu() {
do {
System.out.println("\n [ COFFEE MACHINE MENU ] ");
System.out.print("\n [ (1) Buy ] [ (2) Fill ] [ (3) Take ] [ (4) Remaining ] [ (5) Exit ] ");
do {
System.out.print(" \n [ SELECT OPTIONS ( 1 - 5 ) ] ");
userSelection = sc.nextInt();
System.out.println((userSelection < 1 || userSelection > 5) ? " INVALID ENTRY" : " ");
} while (userSelection < 1 || userSelection > 5);
switch (userSelection) {
case 1:
System.out.println(" [ BUY ] ");
case 2:
System.out.println("\n [ FILL ] ");
case 3:
System.out.println("\n [ TAKE ] ");
case 4:
System.out.println("\n [ REMAINING ] ");
case 5:
System.out.println("\n [ EXIT ] ");
System.out.println("\n [ INVALID ENTRY ] ");
} while (userSelection != 5);
//return; // unnecessary return
} //mainMenu closing braces
private static void buyMethod() {
Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
("\n [Select choice of coffee ] \n" +
" [ (1) Espresso ] [ (2) Latte ] [ (3) Cappuccino [ (4) MAIN MENU ] ] \n");
String input = s.nextLine();
int userCups;
//here we'll ask the user for which coffee they'll like to select
if (input.equals("1")) {
System.out.print("How many cup(s) would you like? \n");
userCups = sc.nextInt(); //prompt user input for the amount they wish to purchase
remaining(); }
if (input.equals("2")) {
System.out.print("How many cup(s) would you like? \n");
userCups = sc.nextInt(); //prompt user input for the amount they wish to purchase
remaining(); }
if (input.equals("3")) {
System.out.print("How many cup(s) would you like? \n");
userCups = sc.nextInt(); //prompt user input for the amount they wish to purchase
remaining(); }
if (input.equals("4")) {
System.out.println("\n Back to Main Menu \n");
mainMenu(); }
if (userSelection < 1 && userSelection > 5){
System.out.println("\n INVALID ENTRY \n");
}// closing braces for buyMethod
public static void remaining () {
This method will the remaining value, whether the coffee machine has been filled
or has been being used
("\n [ Current Coffee Machine Resources ] \n" +
totalWater +
" ml of water \n" +
totalMilk +
" ml of milk \n" +
totalCoffeeBeans +
" grams of coffee beans \n" +
totalCups +
" of disposable cups \n" +
"$" + totalMoney +
" \n");
} // Assigned to --remaining method closing braces-public static void refill () {
the value of each item below are the default amount
that is the amount we will use when a user wants to refill our coffee machine
System.out.println("Please enter refill amount for each item below: ");
System.out.print("\n How many ml of water: ");
totalWater += sc.nextInt();
System.out.print("\n How many ml of milk: ");
totalMilk += sc.nextInt();
System.out.print("\n How many grams of Coffee Beans: ");
totalCoffeeBeans += sc.nextInt();
System.out.println("\n How many cup(s): ");
totalCups += sc.nextInt();
System.out.println("\n [ New remaining resources ] ");
} // Assigned to --refill method closing braces-public static void takeMoney () { //money added from user after buying coffee
The value of total money will be taken when user calls this method
int takeMoney = totalMoney; //current value of money in coffee machine, which is what user will
int newBalance = totalMoney -= totalMoney; //new balance after user receives value of total money
("You took $" + takeMoney + " From the Coffee Machine." +
" The new Coffee Machine balance $" + (newBalance));
} //closing braces takeMoney method
public static void exit () {
//this method will terminate the program
public static void espresso( int userCups ) {
int newEspressoCost = (espressoCost * userCups);
int newEspressoWater = espressoWater * userCups;
int newEspressoCoffeeBeans = espressoBeans * userCups;
if (espressoWater * userCups > totalWater) { //checks if there is enough water
System.out.println("Not enough ml of Water. Please refill.");
if (espressoBeans * userCups > totalCoffeeBeans) { //checks if there is enough coffee beans
System.out.println("Not enough Grams of Coffee Beans. Please refill.");
if (userCups > totalCups) { //checks if there is enough cups
System.out.println("Not enough cups. Please refill");
// if there's enough resource to make the desire amount
if (espressoWater * userCups < totalWater && espressoBeans * userCups < totalCoffeeBeans
&& userCups < totalCups) {
// calculating and updating the values, will subtract from the resources
totalWater -= newEspressoWater;
totalCoffeeBeans -= newEspressoCoffeeBeans;
totalCups -= userCups;
totalMoney += newEspressoCost; //will add to totalMoney value
} //closing braces for IF statement
} //espresso method closing loop braces
public static void latte( int userCups ) {
int newLatteCost = (latteCost * userCups);
int newLatteWater = latteWater * userCups;
int newLatteMilk = latteMilk * userCups;
int newLatteCoffeeBeans = latteBeans * userCups;
if (latteWater * userCups > totalWater) { //checks if there is enough water
System.out.println("Not enough ml of Water. Please refill.");
if (latteMilk * userCups > totalMilk) { //checks if there is enough coffee beans
System.out.println("Not enough ml of Milk. Please refill.");
if (latteBeans * userCups > totalCoffeeBeans) { //checks if there is enough coffee beans
System.out.println("Not enough Grams of Coffee Beans. Please refill.");
if (userCups > totalCups) { //checks if there is enough cups
System.out.println("Not enough cups. Please refill.");
if (latteWater * userCups < totalWater && latteMilk * userCups < totalMilk &&
latteBeans * userCups < totalCoffeeBeans
&& userCups < totalCups) {
// calculating and updating the values, will subtract from the resources
totalWater -= newLatteWater;
totalMilk -= newLatteMilk;
totalCoffeeBeans -= newLatteCoffeeBeans;
totalCups -= userCups;
totalMoney += newLatteCost; //will add to totalMoney value
} //closing braces for IF statement
} //latte method closing loop braces
public static void cappuccino( int userCups) {
int newCappuccinoCost = (cappuccinoCost * userCups);
int newCappuccinoWater = cappuccinoWater * userCups;
int newCappuccinoMilk = cappuccinoMilk * userCups;
int newCappuccinoCoffeeBeans = cappuccinoBeans * userCups;
if (cappuccinoWater * userCups > totalWater) { //checks if there is enough water
System.out.println("Not enough ml of Water. Please refill.");
if (cappuccinoMilk * userCups > totalMilk) { //checks if there is enough coffee beans
System.out.println("Not enough ml of Milk. Please refill.");
if (cappuccinoBeans * userCups > totalCoffeeBeans) { //checks if there is enough coffee beans
System.out.println("Not enough Grams of Coffee Beans. Please refill.");
if (userCups > totalCups) { //checks if there is enough cups
System.out.println("Not enough cups. Please refill.");
if (cappuccinoWater * userCups < totalWater && cappuccinoMilk * userCups < totalMilk &&
cappuccinoBeans * userCups < totalCoffeeBeans
&& userCups < totalCups) {
// calculating and updating the values, will subtract from the resources
totalWater -= newCappuccinoWater;
totalMilk -= newCappuccinoMilk;
totalCoffeeBeans -= newCappuccinoCoffeeBeans;
totalCups -= userCups;
totalMoney += newCappuccinoCost; //will add to totalMoney value
} //closing braces for IF statement
} //latte method closing loop braces
public static void coffeeBrewing () {
// Stage #1: Hello, Coffee!
First, we will print out the standard output of what our coffee machine is doing.
We will use the "System.out.println" statement in the Java language to print out our message
("\n Starting to make coffee" +
"\n Grinding coffee beans" +
"\n Boiling water" +
"\n Mixing boiled water with crushed coffee beans" +
"\n Pouring coffee into the cup" +
"\n Pouring some milk into the cup" +
"\n Coffee is ready!");
//return; // unnecessary return
} // Assigned to --coffeeBrewing method closing braces-public static void brewingEspresso () {
// Stage #1: Hello, Coffee!
First, we will print out the standard output of what our coffee machine is doing.
We will use the "System.out.println" statement in the Java language to print out our message
("\n Starting to make coffee" +
"\n Grinding coffee beans" +
"\n Boiling water" +
"\n Mixing boiled water with crushed coffee beans" +
"\n Pouring coffee into the cup" +
"\n Coffee is ready!");
//return; // unnecessary return
} // Assigned to --brewingCoffee method closing braces-} // closing main method braces