Uploaded by Stephanie Noble

1st Grade Welcome Letter to Parents | School Information

Dear 1st Grade Families,
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is
Stephanie Noble and I am so excited to be your child’s 1st grade teacher.
This is my 4th year teaching at ELCS. Before my time at ELCS, I have also
had experiences in teaching Preschool (for 1 ½ years). I earned my Bachelor’s
Degree in Elementary Education PK-4/Special Education K-8 from Geneva
College. Outside of teaching I enjoy watching Pittsburgh sports, hiking,
reading, spending time with family, going to church, reading the Bible,
training/playing with my 2 year old black lab mix, Daisy!
As this new school year begins, I wanted to make you aware of a few things:
 Our first day of school is Wednesday, August 26th. Children may arrive
at school between 7:45-8:05 a.m. with the late bell ringing at 8:10 a.m.
 Dismissal is at 2:17 p.m.; dismissal procedures will be explained in
further detail at Parent Information Night.
 Parent Information Night is Tuesday, August 18th from 5:00-6:00
p.m.; only one parent per student (no students please). We will discuss
COVID safety procedures, ClassDojo, and classroom procedures at the
information night.
 No hot lunches. All students will pack lunch the first week.
Free/reduced lunches will begin week 2. Bring enough water for the day
and for lunch (water fountains will not be accessible).
 Students will wear masks during drop off and in communal areas. Please
send a spare mask in a labeled Ziploc bag.
 Attached is a class supply list, a ClassDojo parent introduction
letter/parent invitation to join ClassDojo, and a log in card for students
to sign up/join our class.
Throughout the year, it is important to have a strong parent-teacher
relationship. If at any time you have any questions or concerns please contact
me. You can email me at stephanie.noble@elchristian.org, send me a message
on ClassDojo (see attached letter, more details will be given at the parent
info night), or call the school to set up a meeting. Also, please check
Renweb/ClassDojo often for homework assignments as well as important
updates. I will update our 1st grade ClassDojo page as much as possible with
reminders, announcements, news, homework, and other information that might
be helpful.
I am thrilled to be starting on this year’s journey with your children and
seeing how God works through each of them! I look forward to watching
them learn, grow and have a fantastic time in 1st grade!
In His Service,
Miss Stephanie Noble
Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and do depend on your own
understanding. Seek his will in all you do and he will show you which path to