Mobile Phone Brand Loyalty Among Students: A Research Study

1.1 Introduction
Mobile phones have become an indispensable thing in everyone's life. Especially students,
it is difficult to communicate with others without a mobile phone. Our lives depend on
mobile phones. Mobile phones also have more and more functions, such as alarm clocks,
notepads, social media, etc. Mobile phones occupy most of our time in life. In modern
society, mobile phone is very necessary and important, because it brings a lot of
convenience to our life and provides us with a new way to connect with the world and
reduces a lot of troubles. Mobile phones have brought people closer because people can
keep in touch with them at any time. Especially for those who are far away, mobile phones
are the best tool to maintain and strengthen their relationship. Students use mobile phones
to make their work or study more efficient. Student can search for information and transfer
file using their mobile phones. Students do not have to bring books as the text can download
on their mobile phones. In addition, the mobile phone makes our life more exciting, because
more apps and functions, such as watching movies, listening to music are available using
mobile phones. We can use mobile phones to know what is happening and news around the
world. With the help of the phone, we can get the latest news even if we stay indoors.
With the revolution in the telecom sector in the world, the mobile phone market is
becoming more and more competitive. Compared with 10 years ago, owning a mobile
phone is a very common phenomenon. The choice of mobile phones is becoming more and
more diverse. Nowadays, the brands of mobile phones constantly introduce new models to
attract consumers. Consumers are now willing to spend money to buy their own mobile
phones, and more and more different brands can make comparisons and more choices.
Consumers can choose the desired colour, layout, function, and price. The competition
among mobile phones are high. In 2018, around 1.56 billion smartphones were sold
worldwide. (O'Dea, S.,2020). As the demand for mobile phones is getting higher, mobile
phone industry marketers need to understand what consumers have for mobile phones and
continue to improve to fulfil customers’ needs and wants.
1.2 Problem Statement
According to Heikki, Jeri et al (2005) research on factors affecting consumer choice of
mobile phones: two findings in Finland discovered strong proof that though mobile
phones are rising at a quick pace in popularity, majority of consumers are unaware of
the functions and services of new models in the market. The study showed that there
are seven factors playing a major role in depicting mobile phone choices: reliability,
brand and basic properties, design, pricing, outside influence, multimedia and
innovative features. The study showcased that consumers preferred brands that they
were familiar with when choosing among different mobile phones in their focus group
analysis. When it comes to choosing mobile phone models, the innovativeness, size of
the phone and the disposable income of the consumer play a large role in purchasing a
mobile phone.
Four factors that influence the choice behaviour of online based consumers are brand
feeling, enterprises networking marketing methods, group effect and perceived brand
identity. Through first-hand study, it has been concluded that the promotion has neither
notably positive effects nor negative ones. Perceived brand identity does not directly
produce effect on choice behaviour through the preference, but affects it through the
brand emotion of consumers. This is because only when brand identity is parallel to the
brand emotion of consumers will generate choice behaviour. It was also further
discovered that when consumer chooses mobile products, individual consumer
psychology, and group has more influence on decision making.
Suggested by Alamro and Rowley (2011), consumer attributes, brand image and band
awareness are the originators of brand preference. Brand preference is “the extent to
which the customer favours the chosen service provided by consumer’s present brand,
in comparison to the chosen service provided by other brands in consumers’
consideration set” (Alamro and Rowley, 2011).
In today’s world , mobile phones have a large impact on the lives of people today. Nowadays,
customers are more dynamic. Consumer needs, taste and preferences are changing with
technology and communication becoming more advanced.
With the increase in mobile phone brands in the market, lots of mobile phone dealer are
cropping out old brands like Nokia or Blackberry, and new brands like Oppo and Huawei are
entering the market. With the increase in competition in the global market, mobile phone
dealers are comping up with new and promotional campaigns and schemes in order to attract
The major problems identified regarding the mobile phone brands is to determine which brand
consumers prefer the most and to identify which features hold most significance in preference
of a particular brand. This study aims to determine the brand loyalty among Sunway Students
who frequently change mobile phones, understand the type of mobile phone a buyer prefers in
major concern for marketers. This study will help in determining the choice of mobile
phone consumer prefers according to their age, income level and educational
background. This study will help in finding out brand preferences of various mobile
phone among youth.
In order for a product’s marketing to be successful, the consumer’s taste, choice,
preference must be thoroughly understood. This study is emphases on assessing the
buyers in terms of "brand preference". This study will be significant as it will help will
help marketers understand the brand preferences in mobile phone market of youths for
successful marketing campaigns.
Objective of study
The main objective of the study is to study the factors influencing mobile phone brand
loyalty among Sunway students.
Here are the following sub-objective.
1. To describe the demographic profile among Sunway students
1.1. To know the student preferences in term of main, purpose, colour, size, brand.
2. To compare the mean score mobile phone buying intention (Brand Image, Price, Product
attributes, Social influence, Marketing Communication) between male and female Sunway
3. To determine the brand loyalty among frequently changing mobile phone among Sunway
1.3 Significant of study
This study is more focused the mobile brand preference and awareness among college and
university students. Marketers will find this study useful and the outcome will give
information about consumers satisfaction and brand analysis among students.
Understanding the needs of products and consumers is an important factor for marketing
success. This study will understand the most preferred brands, colours, and functions of
target consumers (university students). This study is beneficial to those who want to do
market research on the student population. Adjust the mobile phone market and strategy
suitable for students through the requirements of students for mobile phones and create
mobile phones that everyone loves and meets their needs and wants
2.1 Data Collection
Our target respondents are Sunway students who used mobile phones daily. A total of 31
responses we received for data collection. 55 percent of the respondents was male and 45
percent were female. 58 percent of respondents were in the age group of 17 to 20, while another
42 percent in 21to 23. All of the respondents were mobile phone users. A descriptive study is
used in this study. The data is collected through the questionnaire.
2.2 Method of data Analysis
demographic profile
To know the student
preferences in term of
colour, size, brand.
To compare the mean
score mobile phone
buying intention
(Brand Image, Price,
Product attributes,
Education Level
Main Preferences
Main Purpose
Phone color
Phone size
Phone brand
Brand Image
Product attributes
Social influence
Pie chart
Pie Chart
 Quantitative
 Quantitative
 Quantitative
Pie chart
 Quantitative
Social influence,
between male and
female Sunway
To compare the mean
brand loyalty among
frequently changing
mobile phone.
 Marketing
 Gender
 Quantitative
 Qualitative
 Customer brand
 Frequently
changing mobile
 Quantitative
Pie chart
 Qualitative
Alamro, A., & Rowley, J. (2011). Antecedents of brand preference for mobile
telecommunications services. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 20(6), 475486. doi:10.1108/10610421111166621
Karjaluoto, H., Karvonen, J., Kesti, M., Koivumäki, T., Manninen, M., Pakola, J., . . . Salo, J.
(2005). Factors Affecting Consumer Choice of Mobile Phones: Two Studies from
Finland. Journal of Euromarketing, 14(3), 59-82. doi:10.1300/j037v14n03_04