MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FALL 2018 BA5201 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT Tuesday and Thursday, 11:45-13:00, G109 Instructors: Office: Phone: E-mail: Dr. Pınar ACAR H116 2102052 pacar@metu.edu.tr Dr. Çağrı Topal H118 2102036 ctopal@metu.edu.tr Office hours: by appointment by appointment Website: https://odtuclass.metu.edu.tr/ http://metuclass.metu.edu.tr/ COURSE DESCRIPTION This is an introductory course compromising of two modules; one that investigates the area of organizational behavior (OB) and another that examines the area of organizational theory (OT). COURSE STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES: (CSLO): Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to: Course Specific Skills: 1. understand the subjects related to performance, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, individual differences, motivation, learning, job design, groups, teams, and leadership. 2. discuss the topics related to organizational structure and design, goals and effectiveness, environment, technology, size and life cycle, governance and control, culture, decision making, power and politics, and change. 3. relate the concepts of OB and OT to real-life business cases. Discipline Specific Skills: 4. Develop a conceptual understanding of main discussions and topics in organizational behavior (OB) at the micro level and organizational theory (OT) at the macro level Personal and Key Skills: 5. Develop a practical awareness of the implications of OB and OT concepts for business life. 6. Develop written and oral communication skills 7. Develop teamwork skills TEXTBOOKS AND SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL OB Module: Colquitt, J.A., LePine, J.A., & Wesson, M.J.. Organizational Behavior: Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill. Simulation - to be provided by the instructor. 1 OT Module: Hodge, B. J., Anthony, W. P. & Gales, L. M., Organization Theory: A Strategic Approach, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003. (Available in library reserve) Daft,, R. L., Murphy, J., and Willmott, H. Organization Theory and Design 2nd edition, An International Perspective, Cengage, 2014. (Available in the book store) LEARNING AND TEACHING METHODS: Lectures Quizzes Exams Simulation GRADING (Professors reserve the right to make changes as they see fit): Exams * OB Exam OT Exam Weight (%) 35% 30% Projects: Simulation Discussion OT Case Project 10% 15% Class participation OB OT 5% 5% DETAILS OF COURSE REQUIREMENTS Exams: There will be one OB and one OT exam. OB exam will consist of multiple choice and short answer questions. OT exam will be essay-type. The following is a tentative timetable for the exams (Professors reserve the right to change the dates and/or topics covered). Exams will be held during class time in G109. Exams OB midterm OT midterm Topics included All the OB topics inc simulations and exercises All the OT topics Date Nov 15 Jan 3 Policy on Make-up Exams: If you miss an exam, you will be given a grade of zero (0) for that exam. Make-up exams will not be given except in the rarest and most unusual circumstances. Under such conditions, make-up exams may have a different format than the regular exam and will be scheduled at the professors’ convenience. The professors reserve the right to accept or deny medical reports. There will be no make-up for group or individual participation work. Class participation: A significant portion of the class will be spent discussing the related readings or cases. Therefore, class attendance is required. Please note, however, that attendance does not mean participation. You are encouraged to demonstrate your knowledge of and reflection on the assigned material during class. You may also be called on randomly. Quality is more important than quantity. Students who have not submitted their Student Information Sheets (available at http://metuclass.metu.edu.tr) with a photo attached by October 30, will NOT receive a participation grade. Projects: Students will be asked to complete two projects –one OB and one OT. More details about the projects will be provided later in the semester by the professors. OB Simulation: This simulation is based on common motivation and performance problems of employees in real world organizations. It will not only help you to acquire valuable knowledge about employee motivation, but it will also foster the development of the management skills that you will need to motivate employees once you graduate and assume management jobs in the real world. This assignment requires students to make decisions in management of employees and to evaluate the effectiveness of their decisions and identify specific ways to become a more effective manager in the future. You will be placed in the role of a new manager at Omega Pharmaceutical Corporation. Your task is to manage five organizational members who have exhibited performance problems. You are presented with a series of choices for managing each employee. Each time you make a management decision, you will be shown a brief video that reveals the consequences of your decision. You will then be given another set of choices and shown a video based on the next decision you make. This process continues until you have successfully or unsuccessfully managed each employee. This simulation is designed to give you a chance to apply your knowledge from this course as well as from your personal experiences and help you find out how well you can manage problem employees. This assignment will be completed in groups of 3 members. Each team will upload their decision histories (produced by the simulation program) and complete an online assignment (available at http://metuclass.metu.edu.tr). The deadline for this assignment is Nov 13. On the same day, teams will discuss their findings. Please note that to help you reinforce the key learning points from the simulation and to provide you with an incentive to analyze and learn from what you did in the simulation, several questions on the OB midterm exam will relate to this assignment. More details about this assignment will be provided later in the semester. Policy on Academic Honesty: Students are required to submit all projects electronically. Professors will run the assignments through plagiarism software. Assignments that are identified to be plagiarized will receive a grade of 0 and will be subject to disciplinary action. It is very important for students to note that both professors have a zero tolerance policy towards academic dishonesty. Policy on Late Assignments: Late assignments will not be accepted. Credit: Due to Middle East Technical University Education Regulation articles 23 and 24, professors reserve the right to deny class credit (NA) to any student whose performance they deem inadequate. Final Note. This course does NOT have a final exam. COURSE OUTLINE Section 1 of the Course— Organizational Behavior Lead instructor: Dr. Pınar Acar Power point slides will be available at http://metuclass.metu.edu.tr Note that I may add or remove material. Students are responsible for keeping track of changes made in lecture notes. Topics: Introduction to organizational behavior Dimensions of job performance Work Attitudes: Organizational commitment and job satisfaction Individual differences: Abilities, personality, values Individual differences – Perception and attribution Learning & Reinforcement Motivation –Content & Process Theories Goal Setting & Job Design Work Groups & Teams Leadership Simulation assignment discussion OB Exam Section 2 of the Course—Organization Theory Lead instructor: Dr. Cagri Topal Part 1: Introduction to Organizations 1. What Are Organizations 2. Perspectives in Organizations Part 2: Organizational Purpose and Structural Design 3. Strategy, Organization Design, and Effectiveness 4. Fundamentals of Organization Structure Part 3: Open System Design Elements 5. The External Environment 6. Interorganizational Relationships 7. Designing Organizations for the International Environment Part 4: Internal Design Elements 8. Manufacturing and Service Technologies 9. Information Technology and Control 10. Organization Size, Life Cycle, and Decline Part 5: Managing Dynamic Processes 11. Organizational Culture and Ethical Values 12. Innovation and Change 13. Decision-Making Processes 14. Conflict, Power, and Politics OT EXAM Revisions in the program may be made and extra class sessions may be arranged as necessary. Middle East Technical University Department of Business Administration Rules of Academic Honesty Cheating: All university, faculty, and department principles on academic honesty will be strictly enforced. The usual consequence for academic dishonesty is failure in the course and additional disciplinary action. Examinations are individual and are to be completed without unauthorized outside assistance. Persons observed cheating during examinations will automatically receive a failing grade in the course. Homework assignments are individual, unless otherwise specified by the instructor, and are to be completed without unauthorized outside assistance as well. Persons observed cheating in their homework assignments will receive a score of zero for the portion of the semester grade that is allocated to such assignments. In addition to the consequences above, the instructor will initiate disciplinary action against the student(s) involved in academic dishonesty. Plagiarism: The instructor assumes that students will do their own work. By placing their names (individual or team) on assignments, students are affirming that the contents are their original work. Ideas should be stated in the student’s own wording. Violation of this provision will be considered as unethical behavior, subject to disciplinary action. If you have any doubt about the use of a specific material, see the instructor ahead of time. Civility in the Classroom: Students are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment which is conducive to learning. In order to assure that all students have an opportunity to gain from time spent in class, students are prohibited from using cellular phones or beepers, eating or drinking in class, arriving late or leaving early without prior permission, or engaging in any other form of distraction. Inappropriate behavior in classroom shall result in, minimally, a request to leave class. Examination Rules: Students must present a valid METU Student ID before they can be allowed into the examination rooms. Those students who cannot present this ID will not be allowed into the examination room under any circumstances. Cellular phones must be turned off and stowed away during the examinations. Students whose phones are observed to be turned on and/or not stowed away will receive a score of zero for the examination. GOOD LUCK AND ENJOY THE CLASS!