Introduction to Symbolism Lesson Targets: Define the literary term symbolism Recognize types of symbolism Interpret Symbolism What is Symbolism? A symbol is an ordinary object, event, person, or animal to which we have attached a special meaning. We use a rectangle of dyed cloth to symbolize a country. What is Symbolism? • We use a picture of a skull and crossbones to symbolize poison or danger. • We send red roses as a symbol of love. People through out history have endowed ordinary objects with meanings far beyond their simple meaning. A crown symbolizes royalty Five linked rings symbolize the Olympics What is Symbolism? Think about : • What does each of these symbols stand for? • Write your response on the worksheet. Types of Symbolism: Public Symbols • Public symbols • have been inherited, or handed down over time • are widely known • show up in art and literature Public Symbols • For example: no one really knows who first thought of using a lion as a symbol of power, courage and domination • Once these qualities were associated with the animal, images of lions appeared on flags, banners, coats of arms and castle walls • The lion became a public symbol that shows up in art and literature, even today! • Can you think of some examples of how lions are used as a symbol of courage and power? Types of Symbolism: Personal Symbols • Personal Symbols • Only has meaning to that one person • Can be handed down through generations Examples of Symbolism Now you will watch a video clip. Please follow the instructions on your Worksheet. Click Here to watch the video clip. Symbolism in Literature • Writers use symbols to: • suggest layers of meaning that a simple, literal statement could never convey • speak more powerfully to the reader’s emotions and imagination • make their stories rich and memorable How do I know if it’s a symbol? • Repeat appearance • Seem to be connected with a character or event • Author spend long time on description Symbolism in The Giver There are many symbols in The Giver, because the story itself is largely symbolic. Three examples are the apple, memories, and the sled. Later this week you will work with a partner to infer and interpret various symbols presented throughout the novel.