Downloaded from on: Sep 30, 2020 SHIPCOST - VESSEL AND VOYAGE COSTING MODEL Arnold, Jr., John; Panagakos, George Published in: Marine Technology Publication date: 1991 Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link back to DTU Orbit Citation (APA): Arnold, Jr., J., & Panagakos, G. (1991). SHIPCOST - VESSEL AND VOYAGE COSTING MODEL. Marine Technology, 28(1), 46-53. General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Marine Technology, Vol. 28, No. 1. Jan. 1991, pp. 46-53 SHIPCOST: Vessel and Voyage Costing Model J o h n A r n o l d , Jr., 1 a n d G e o r g e Panagakos I The paper describes SHIPCOST, a computer-based method developed first in 1984 by the World Bank, and subsequently refined, to evaluate vesset and voyage costs. The economics of vessel ownership and operation are examined and examples given of typical fleet voyage and trade costs, including a comparison between the use of newbuildings and secondhand ships. The separate fleet, ship and voyage modules included in the SHIPCOST model are discussed and typical applications given. 1. Introduction 2. E c o n o m i c s of vessel ownership and operation THE DETERMINATIONof vessel costs involves the consideration of a r a n g e of issues. Some of the most f u n d a m e n t a l Work on the subject was by Zannetos in 1966, who looked specifically at t a n k e r s [1].2 More recently J a n s s o n a n d Shneerson made i m p o r t a n t contributions to liner shipping economics [2]. In between these two came our own efforts, which cover a broader range of vessels, b u t are still focused on the way in which the m a r k e t values vessels. SHIPCOST is a methodology and a computer-based model for the e v a l u a t i n g vessel and voyage costs. It was developed in 1984 for use by the World B a n k staff and its borrowing countries in performing financial and economic appraisals of projects related to m a r i t i m e ports and shipping. SHIPCOST was prepared as part of a c o n t i n u i n g effort which dates back to 1972 when consultants were contracted to prepare a report on the capital and operating costs of various types and sizes of vessels. Subsequent reports of the same n a t u r e were prepared in 1976 and 1980. 3 While the data provided in these reports were widely used by the Bank staff, they had certain limitations, namely: (i) (ii) (iii) the data were not easily updated, the conditions of the m a r k e t for shipping services were ignored, and the vessel configurations examined were very limited in n u m b e r . SHIPCOST was designed so as to remedy these drawbacks. The purpose of the paper is to provide a synopsis o f the model, to outline the theory behind it, and to present some of its applications. The following two sections present the theoretical basis for the m o d e l - - t h e relationship between the costs to the owner of operating a vessel and the costs to the user of m a r i t i m e transportation. Section 4 describes how the model represents costs. Section 5 elaborates on ~he general model structure, its inputs and outputs, and its applications in m a r i t i m e port and shipping projects. 1The World Bank. Washington, D.C. 2Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper. 3Previous reports were prepared by Appledore and Microconsultants. The World Bank does not accept responsibility for the views expressed herein, which are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the World Bank or to its affiliated organizations. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions are the results of research supported by the Bank; they do not necessarily represent official policy of the Bank. Presented at the January 13, 1988 meeting of the Chesapeake Section of THE SOCIETYOF NAVAl,ARCIIITECTSANDMARINEENGINEERS. 46 JANUARY1991 The cost of a vessel depends upon your point of view. From the owner's perspective, vessel costs include the costs for purchase of the vessel, for the wages and benefits of the crew, for the fuel at sea a n d in port and for the operating and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e overheads. From the shipper's point of view, the cost of a vessel is the price paid for use of the vessel whether it be the c h a r t e r rate or the freight tariff less rebate. Each shipping company has its own method of accounting for vessel costs. These are determined by the accounting practices and tax regulations of the c o u n t r y in which the company is incorporated. In addition, the vessel owner m a y use a separate method of accounting for vessel operating costs and for m a k i n g decisions about the profitability of a l t e r n a t i v e uses of the vessel. The cost of m a r i n e t r a n s p o r t a t i o n to the shipper is determined in the marketplace. The supplier attempts to earn a r e t u r n on his i n v e s t m e n t and the purchaser tries to obtain an acceptable level of service at m i n i m u m cost. Clearly, the cost of construction a n d operation will affect the price for m a r i n e transportation, b u t the conditions in the m a r k e t will have a n equally i m p o r t a n t impact. It is the relationship between the two which forms the conceptual basis for our model. Let us now consider how this m a r k e t works. If we begin with the simplest situation, we might imagine that all vessels of a specific class compete on a single route. Because of differences in age, crew size, type of propulsion, these vessels would have operating costs which vary as shown in Fig. 1. I n this graph, the vessel operating costs are shown for the entire fleet, b e g i n n i n g with the least-cost vessel and concluding with the highest-cost vessel. In terms of classical economics, the price set by the m a r k e t for t r a n s p o r t i n g a volume of cargo Vo (in ton-miles) would be Co (in S/ton-mile). In this situation, all vessels with operating costs less t h a n Co would be employed. The vessels with operating costs well below Co would operate with a considerable surplus. Vessels with operating costs above Co would not be employed. How exactly are these operating costs defined? Clearly these costs would include all avoidable costs such as fuel costs, crew costs, 4 and variable m a n a g e m e n t costs. Would the operating costs include capital costs? No, because the owner of a vessel would continue to operate r a t h e r t h a n lay up his vessel if the price in the m a r k e t covered his avoidable costs. As the demand increases to V1, additional vessels will be employed on the route. These vessels will have higher op• e r a t i n g costs and this will push the m a r k e t price up to C1. If 4Assuming the crew does not have to be paid if the vessel is not being operated• 0025-3316/91/2801-0046500.41/0 MARINE TECHNOLOGY C5 / C1 /," / ,+ ~," ,÷C Fig. 1 Vessel fleet short-run marginal costs the d e m a n d increases further, t h e n the available £1eet will be fully employed and new vessels will have to be built. In this case, the m a r k e t price would rise to a level where one or more companies would be willing to p u r c h a s e new vessels with the expectation t h a t the rates will r e m a i n in effect long enough to recover t h e capital costs after paying all variable costs. This point is shown as C in Fig. 1. If, while t h e m a r k e t waits for the newbuildings to be delivered, t h e volume of traffic continues to rise, then the price will rise above C2 as the available capacity is r a t i o n e d among those willing to pay t h e highest price. This increase will cause additional investors to contract for new vessels. Once the newbuildings a r e delivered, the fleet operating cost curve will move to the right as shown in Fig. 1 and t h e price will moderate. If too m a n y investors were t e m p t e d into t h e market, or if the d e m a n d should fall slightly, then the m a r k e t price could easily fall below C2 and t h e more optimistic investors would be unable to recover t h e i r capital costs. So far we have assumed a single route and a single class of vessels. If we broaden the a r g u m e n t to include m a n y different routes, the results would be the same. If each route is served by more t h a n one class of vessels and these vessels can easily be t r a n s f e r r e d from one route to another, then the e x t r e m e movements in price would occur only when the overall dem a n d exceeds the overall supply. The preceding sequence of events is f a m i l i a r to those who operate in the c h a r t e r m a r k e t , but w h a t about the liner market? In the liner m a r k e t , t h e shipping conferences operate according to monopolistic principles. They constrain t h e supp l y of t r a n s p o r t so as to insure the m a x i m u m profit to the shipowners. A l t h o u g h this discipline has been difficult to enforce, most conferences have tried to r e g u l a t e t h e supply to the e x t e n t t h a t the highest cost o p e r a t o r will e a r n enough to p a y all o p e r a t i n g costs and to cover the capital costs for t h e i r vessel and t h e fixed costs for vessel m a n a g e m e n t . The failure of the conferences to achieve this less ambitious goal on the major A t l a n t i c and Pacific routes has been obvious over the last decade. 3. N e w b u i l d i n g v e r s u s r e s a l e v e s s e l c o s t s Most t r a n s p o r t a t i o n studies a r e concerned with the cost of supplying t r a n s p o r t a t i o n u n d e r the assumption t h a t the prices for t r a n s p o r t in a competitive m a r k e t will be in line with the costs. In the past, most t r a n s p o r t a t i o n studies have e s t i m a t e d vessel costs by t a k i n g the operating costs of a newJANUARY 1991 building and adding the capital costs amortized over its expected life. W h i l e this a p p r o a c h might be justified in a situation where a specialized vessel is being introduced to serve a new trade, it is h a r d to justify the a p p r o a c h in a competitive market. How should we allow tbr the effects of changes in supply and d e m a n d when m a k i n g long-term i n v e s t m e n t plans which require the use of m a r i n e t r a n s p o r t a t i o n ? Let us r e t u r n to the m a r k e t p l a c e for a clue, specifically the secondhand market. The buildup of capacity in all types of vessels in the last decade has resulted in a r e l a t i v e l y active secondhand m a r k e t not only for t a n k e r s and bulkers, b u t also for b r e a k - b u l k and c o n t a i n e r vessels. How does the secondhand m a r k e t set its price? The purchaser is looking for a vessel which, when employed, will e a r n sufficient revenue to cover its o p e r a t i n g costs and to pay for the purchase price. His assessment must t a k e into account the time value of money. Theretbre, the basis for setting the price is the discounted value of t h e expected net cash flow over t h e r e m a i n i n g life of the vessel. While the resale m a r k e t cannot provide perfect i n t o r m a t i o n about the future, it does reflect the collective wisdom of the buyers and sellers in t h a t m a r k e t W h e r e the m a r k e t is active, with m a n y buyers and sellers, it offers a very useful e s t i m a t e of t h e price for m a r i n e transportation. Despite the a p p e a l of the resale m a r k e t ' s assessment of the future cost of m a r i n e t r a n s p o r t a t i o n over the m e d i u m term, t h e r e r e m a i n s a nagging desire to r e t u r n to the comfort of the newbuilding cost. This desire is buttressed by the argum e n t t h a t e v e n t u a l l y the vessels in the fleet m u s t be replaced. Therefore, in t h e long run, the m a r g i n a l vessel m u s t be obt a i n e d through construction. While the concept of long-run m a r g i n a l costs is well established, the use of newbuilding costs to e s t i m a t e this value has t h r e e weaknesses. First, new vessels have very different cost s t r u c t u r e s from t h e typical vessel in the fleet. Their h i g h e r capital costs a r e compensated for by lower o p e r a t i n g costs due to a u t o m a t i o n , m o r e efficient propulsion systems, and better-utilized cargo storage. W h e n e s t i m a t i n g m a r i n e t r a n s p o r t a t i o n costs based on new vessels, it is necessary to include these savings in t h e o p e r a t i n g costs. Second, t h e newbuilding costs themselves fluctuate with demand. In the last decade, t h e r e has been a considerable s h a k e o u t in the shipbuilding industry. Less efficient y a r d s have been closed. Korea, with its lower labor costs and access to modern technology, has e m e r g e d as t h e price setter. During t h e s a m e period, ship construction costs have declined in real t e r m s in all b u t v e r y specialized markets. In periods of peak demand, when construction capacity is s t r e t c h e d and delays increase, t h e price of newbuildings will rise as less efficient y a r d s a r e employed and new vessels are constructed on a fastt r a c k schedule. Thus the s h o r t - t e r m cycle in t h e r a t e s will cause c o m p l e m e n t a r y fluctuations in newbuilding costs. Third, d u r i n g periods of excess capacity t h e principal source of vessels is t h e secondhand m a r k e t . The newbuilding m a r k e t provides vessels mostly for specialized uses where these vessels a r e not a v a i l a b l e in the secondhand m a r k e t . The prices for these special-purpose vessels a r e not represent a t i v e of the price for the typical vessels used to provide marine t r a n s p o r t a t i o n . In most situations, the secondhand m a r k e t will provide a b e t t e r source of information on the m e d i u m - t e r m costs of m a r i n e t r a n s p o r t a t i o n . The exception occurs in periods when t r a d i n g in t h e secondhand m a r k e t is r e l a t i v e l y slack even t h o u g h t h e r e is no shortage of capacity. 4. H o w S H I P C O S T e s t i m a t e s v e s s e l c o s t s The model g e n e r a t e s five categories of vessel costs computed for t h e vessel at sea a n d in port. The first category is MARINE TECHNOLOGY 47 avoidable costs and includes all variable operating costs less the cost of layup. This cost p a r a m e t e r can be used to estimate c h a r t e r costs in a m a r k e t with a reasonable level of excess capacity. Obviously, the actual charter rate could also be used, but those rates would depend on the c u r r e n t m a r k e t equilibrium whereas the model would compute the rate t h a t would apply if the m a r g i n a l vessel being employed was the typical vessel. The layup charges are deducted because the vessel owner would incur this cost if the vessel was not being operated. The second category, operating costs, is similar to the first except t h a t layup costs are not subtracted. This cost parameter is useful when trying to determine the i n c r e m e n t a l cost for m a k i n g a n additional voyage or adding a leg to a n existing voyage. The r e m a i n i n g categories include the operating cost b u t add a capital charge. The third category adds the cost of depreciation to the operating costs. The initial purchase price is estimated based on the age of the vessel as well as its size and type, and this price is depreciated using the declining-balance method. The resulting vessel cost can be used to estimate the cost t h a t would appear on a ship operator's accounts. The fourth category uses the resale value of the vessel as the capital cost. The resale price is adjusted for the age of the vessel as well as the deadweight a n d type. This price is amortized over the life of the vessel. The resulting vessel costs represents the m a r g i n a l cost of providing additional capacity to serve an increased level of traffic or the m a r g i n a l savings which results as a reduction in the level of traffic. The fifth category uses the newbuilding price for the capital cost. The newbuilding price is amortized over the life of the vessel. The resulting cost can be used to estimate the cost of increasing a dedicated fleet or the cost which will apply in a tight market. L F - Input _1_ -I~ Computer Hodel M7~ 5. M o d e l structure SHIPCOST has been prepared in four configurations, each one corresponding to a vessel type. The vessel types covered include tankers, dry-bulk carriers, general cargo vessels, and containerships. The major differences among these configurations are the i n t e r n a l data tables within the model which describe the ship's physical characteristics and capital a n d operating costs. W i t h i n each configuration there are three modules: (i) the fleet module, which contains the characteristics of the world fleet for t h a t type of vessel; (ii) the ship module, which determines the costs of ope r a t i n g a vessel of specific size and age; and (iii) the voyage module, which determines the costs of using a specific vessel on a particular voyage or trade. The n o r m a l sequence is to use the fleet module first to select typical vessel sizes a n d ages t h a t would be appropriate for the analysis. Next the ship module is used to determine the daily a n d a n n u a l costs of operating these vessels. Finally, the voyage module is used to d e t e r m i n e the cost of using these vessels on specific routes carrying selected cargoes. The interaction between modules is shown in Fig. 2. F l e e t module The fleet module does not perform any analysis. It only accesses tables which describe the size and age distribution of the i n t e r n a t i o n a l oceangoing fleet of vessels. The output is presented in either t a b u l a r or graphical form (see Fig. 3). Ship module The ship module is the core of the model and can be used to d e t e r m i n e the daily costs of a vessel at sea and in port, as well as a n u m b e r of non-cost characteristics of the vessel. Sensitivity Analysis -I~ -]~ ,, Output i. I .... Sensltlvlty Analvsis I DWT, A C E , ROR "7 Costs T I me ~-[Comparison between I N ~ J Cost-based and [ H a r k e t Rates Charter Rates IExogenous Vesset Costs A~nalysis Handllng Ratesj Speedp DWT, ROR Sensitivity Voyage Data Comparison between Cost-based and Harket Rates I Vnyage Charter Rates Fig. 2 48 JANUARY 1991 Interactions between model components MARINE TECHNOLOGY DAILY COSTSFOR GENERAL CARGOVESSEL, DWT I0,000 1986 VESSELCOSTING MODULE FOR GENERAL CARGOVESSELS, 30 TYPE OF DATA 25 VALUE FORM I UNITS REQUIRED INPUT DATA 20 DEAD,EIGHT 15 YEAR BUILT VESSEL UTILIZATION NATIONALITY OF OFFICERS 10.00 IXXX.X THOUSANDS OF DEADWEIGHT TONNES DAYS PER YEAR I.U.S.A. 2. EUROPE 3. GREEK NATIONALITY OF CREW 3 Ix 4.KOR/SING/PHIL5.1NDIA ENGINE/FUEL TYPE I IX I . MSD 2. LSD 3. STEAM4. GAS LOADED SPEED FUEL COST 10 1980 J19XX 315 JXXX 3 JX 16.0 IXX KNOTS 84 IXXX.X I$ PER TONHE EXPECT. RATEOF RETURN EXPECT. RATEOF RETURN CURRENT SCRAPPRICE 8 IXX.X I% FINANCIAL RATE EXCL.INFLATION 14 IXX.X J% FINANCIAL RATE INCL.INFLATION 115 IXXX I$ PER TONNE . . . . . . . . . . ASSUMED VALUES. . . . . . . . . . . 0 REPLACEMNT COSTOF VESL 7 10 13 4 9 11 15 [F.~DV,E~T OCO'STONS(BT~4 X AND X+l) Fig. 3 Sample output of fleet module: distribution by size for general cargo vessels REMAINING LIFE OF VESSL RESALE VALUE OF VESSEL ORIGINAL COSTOF VESSEL NO. OF OFFICERS 5 It has been assumed that on average 30 days per year are needed for maintenance, and for about 20 days the vessel remains idle. Gas turbines were originally included but have since been dropped from consideration. JANUARY 1991 1.09 IXX.XXXIMILLIONS OF $ 11.51 IXX.XXXIMILLIONS OF $ 12 IXX NO. OF RATINGS }NO. OF OFFICERS IN SHIP'S CREW 21 IXX INO. ABLE-BODIED SEAMEN IN CREW 17.7 IXXXXXXI$ OO0'S/YEAR FOR ONE CREWSLOT COST PER OFFICER COST PER RATING LENGTH (LOA) Figure 4 displays the data input used by the module in screen format. Among these data items, the size of the vessel specified in DWT and the year built are the only essential pieces of information. For containerships the size of the vessel is specified in twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU's). The model then converts TEU's into DWT unless DWT is specified by the user along with the TEU capacity. The remaining entries are optional in the sense that the model provides default values which can be used whenever the user does not have precise information. The vessel utilization rate is specified as the average number of days per year that the vessel is actually used. The default value is 315 days per year. 5 The next two entries describe the nationality of the crew. The user has a choice of American, North European, Greek, East Asian or Indian officers and ratings. The Greek crew is the default parameter. The information on crew nationality together with the type of the vessel and its size determines the staffing levels and the wage rates for the officers and ratings. The relationship among crew nationality, crew number and wages was determined from various sources and is contained in a set of internal tables. Engine type is the next input to be specified. The available options are medium-speed diesel, low-speed diesel, and steam turbine2 Medium-speed diesel engine is the default value. The next entry is the loaded speed of the vessel, which is specified in knots. The default value is the typical design speed for vessels of the specified type and size. If the user specifies a loaded speed higher than the default value, then the vessel will be configured with a larger (than typical) propulsion system and higher fuel consumption. If the speed is lower than the default value, then the propulsion system will be configured for the default value, but the fuel consumption will be calculated assuming slow-steaming at the specified loaded speed. The entry for type of propulsion is used to compute fuel consumption. The model assumes that medium-speed diesel engines use a mix of 20 percent marine diesel oil (MDO) and 80% high-viscosity oil (HVO), low-speed diesel propulsion systems use a mix of 5 percent marine diesel oil and 95 per- II.40 {XX.XXX{MILLIONB Of $ 14 Ixx IREMAININGYEARSOF USEFUL LIFE 10.9 IXXXXXXlINCL. BENEFITS,ASUME 2 MEN/SLOT 159 IXXXX IMETERS(IFFEET THEN f t . / 3.28) 21 IXXX IMETERS(IFFEET THEN f t . / 3.28) BEAM SUMMER DRAFT 8.5 lXX IMETERS(IFFEET THEN f t . / 3.28) 16.0 IXX.X IKNOTS DESIGN SPEED ACTUAL LOADED SPEED ACTUAL SPEED IN BALLAST SHP (SHIP HORSEPOWER) INSUR. COST (P&I + H&M) REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE STORES PROVISIONS (DAILY) ADMINISTRATION VESSEL UTILIZATION VESSEL LIFE FUEL CONS-AT SEA LOADED -IN PORT Fig. 4 16.0 IXX.X IKNOTS 17.5 Jxx.x JKNOTS 6497 1.2 1.4 1.0 10.0 10.0 315 20 IXXXXX IXX,X IXX.X JXX.X IXXX JXX.X lXXX JXX IS.H.P. FOR MAIN PROPULSION SYST IANNUAL COST AS % OF REPLAC.COST IANNUAL COST AS % OF REPLAC.COST IANNUALCOSTAS %OF REPLAC.COST l$ PER CREWMEMBERPER DAY JANNUALCOSTAS % CREWAND R&M IAVERAGENUMBER OF DAYSPER YEAR INO. OF YEARSOF ECONOMIC LIFE 28.9 IXX.X ITONNESFUEL PER DAY (24 HOURS) 1.8 IXX.X ITONNESFUEL PER DAY (24 HOURS) Sample input for vessel module cent high-viscosity oil, and steam turbines use only highviscosity oil. The model computes the current fuel price per ton based on the above specified mixing ratio. The prices of MDO and HVO can be easily updated; however, if the calculated price per ton of fuel appears unrealistic for the longrun, then the user can enter a different value. The next two inputs are the expected rate of return with and without inflation. These values refer to the rates of return which are expected in the m a r i t i m e shipping industry over the long run. They are used to estimate the financial costs to the owners and operators of the vessels. The default value for the expected rate of return in constant terms was assumed to be 8 percent in 1986. The default value for the long-term inflation rate was assumed to be 6 percent, m a k i n g the default value for the expected rate of return with inflation 14 percent. In the current economic outlook, the inflation rate might be adjusted to 4.5 percent. The final input for the vessel module is the price of scrap steel. This input is multiplied by the light ship weight of the vessel to determine the vessel's scrap value. Different rates occur depending on the country in which the vessel is being broken and the age and type of the vessel. For the purposes of this model a single rate is sufficient. The model's default rate is the average rate for Far Eastern yards in mid-1986 ($115/LDT). The output of the ship module is produced in the format shown in Fig. 5. The daily fuel cost at sea is obtained by multiplying the daily fuel consumption rate by the fuel price MARINE TECHNOLOGY 49 DAILY COSTS FOR GENERAL CARGOVESSEL, DWT 10,000 OUTPUT VALUES EXPECTED FUEL COSTS - IR PORT LOW 0.1 THOUS. OF $ PER DAY 0.2 2.4 TH(YJS. OF $ PER DAY 3.2 1.9 ANNUALCOSTOF CREW 441 TH~JS. OF $ PER YEAR 485 397 ANNE. COSTOF PROVISION 104 ]TRCWJS. OF $ PER YEAR 149 66 ANNL. COSTOF INSURANCE 137 THOU$. OF $ PER YEAR 170 107 ANNL. COSTOF R & M 160 THOUS. OF $ PER YEAR 210 87 ANNL. COSTOF STORES 114 TH(:WJS. Of $ PER YEAR 157 87 - AT SEA LOADED ANNL. COSTOF ADMIN. 60 ARNL. NON-CAPITALCOSTS THOUS. OF $ PER YEAR 1016 TH(XJS. OF $ PER YEAR(EXCL 0.1 104 24 1277 FUEL) i'69 VESSEL CAPITAL COSTS IN FINANCIAL TERMS IN THOUSANDSOF U.S. 1378 DOLLARS PER YEAR 132 BASED ON THE 1.FIXED DEPRECIATION-DECLIN BAt 1161 1171 1584 2.ANNUALIZEO RESALE VALUE 201 77 3.ANNUAL[ZED REPLACE VALUE 1532 861 METHODS LISTED IN COLUMN G ....................... I ......... LAYUP COSTS l 22 ] SCRAPPING PRICE I 0.38 I I ..................................... RETURN ON SALVAGE I 30 ] THOOSANDS OF $ PER MONTH I ..... I I ...... 26 ] 17 MILLIONS OF $ (LESS 15% DELIVEl 0.42 j 0.34 THOUSANDSOF $ PER YEAR I $9 I 48 SENSITIVITY TEST FOR GENERAL CARGOVESSEL, DWT I0,000 VESSEL COST SUMMARYTABLE (THOUSANDS OF US$ PER DAY AT SEA ...... AT S E A - I - - - I N PORT-J . . . . . . m a i n t e n a n c e a n d repairs, o b t a i n i n g insurance, m a r k e t i n g vessel services, p l a n n i n g vessel routes a n d personnel travel, billing for services, m a i n t a i n i n g a c c u r a t e accounts, a n d m a n aging t h e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s between t h e vessel a n d staff. The costs for a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a r e difficult to e s t i m a t e since t h e y depend on a v a r i e t y of factors, including t h e size o£ t h e fleet being managed, t h e e x t e n t to which ships' agents a r e used, a n d t h e size of the overseas offices and staff. The t h r e e p r i m a r y factors a r e t h e type of t r a d e (liner services have m u c h h i g h e r a d m i n i s t r a t i v e costs t h a n c h a r t e r services prim a r i l y due to m a r k e t i n g requirements), t h e c o u n t r y in which the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n is conducted, a n d t h e e x t e n t to which t h e m a n a g e m e n t of t h e vessel is contracted out. In addition, t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i v e costs will increase will increase with vessel size to t h e e x t e n t that: (i) more supplies, fuel, a n d stores m u s t be ordered a n d accounted for; (ii) m o r e m a n p o w e r is required d u r i n g drydockings, surveys, a n d repairs; and (iii) the a r e a over which t h e vessel operates is larger. F o r the purposes of the model, it was assumed t h a t administ r a t i v e costs are p r o p o r t i o n a l to t h e a n n u a l costs of crew a n d r e p a i r s and m a i n t e n a n c e . This percentage can be adjusted based on the type of trade. The r e p l a c e m e n t cost (newbuilding price) of the vessel was e s t i m a t e d from the reported sales d a t a using t h e following g e n e r a l relationship: Price per DWT = a • (DWT) b METHOD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 2.8 0.5 5.7 3.4 ]2. OPERATING COSTS ~.0 ] 1 . AVOIOA8LE COSTS - LAYUP ( EXCLUDES CREW ) 7.7 ~3. FIX DEPRED. (DECEIN BAL.) + OPER. COSTS 6.1 3.8 14. ANNUALIZEDRESALE VALUE + OPER. COSTS 9.3 7.1 IS- ANNUALIZEDREPLACE VALUE + OPER. COSTS I Fig. 5 Sample output from ship module described above. The fuel consumption r a t e is calculated based on the vessel's DWT a n d a c t u a l loaded speed. The form u l a used for this calculation is: V 3 (DWT) a r = b *f( V/Vo) .c where r = daily fuel consumption r a t e Vo = design speed V = actual loaded speed f ( x ] = t h e r m a l efficiency ratio, as a function of the V / V o ratio a,b -- regression coefficients r e l a t i n g speed and vessel size to fuel consumption c = s t a n d a r d unit consumption factor r e l a t i n g type of engine and fuel consumption. T h e daily fuel consumption r a t e in port is obtained as a function of the vessel's type and size, based on information collected from various sources and stored in the model's d a t a tables. The a n n u a l costs of i n s u r a n c e (including P&I and H&M insurance, b u t not cargo insurance), r e p a i r a n d m a i n t e n a n c e (R&M), and stores (excluding provisions) a r e calculated as a p e r c e n t a g e of t h e vessel t y p e and its r e p l a c e m e n t cost. The cost of provisions depends on the crew size and its nationality. A d m i n i s t r a t i v e costs can r e p r e s e n t a major cost of providing m a r i t i m e t r a n s p o r t a t i o n . The a d m i n i s t r a t i v e responsibilities for a single vessel or a fleet include r e c r u i t i n g and training crews, o r d e r i n g supplies and spare parts, a r r a n g i n g for 50 JANUARY 1991 Resale prices a r e derived by discounting t h e newbuilding prices for the vessel. The discounting is done using a fixed percentage per year. This factor was derived by regression analysis of the p u r c h a s e a n d sales d a t a published in the maritime literature. In addition to t h e cost figures shown in Fig. 5, t h e model o u t p u t includes the physical dimensions of the vessel, t h e n u m b e r of officers a n d ratings in the crew, a n d t h e size of t h e m a i n propulsion unit. A m o n g these non-cost p a r a m e t e r s , only the size of the crew is used directly in e s t i m a t i n g costs. The effects of t h e v a r i a t i o n in the o t h e r physical p a r a m e t e r s is accounted for by e s t i m a t i n g high and low values for capital and o p e r a t i n g costs (refer to Fig. 5). The size of the m a i n propulsion unit is given by t h e f o r m u l a B H P = a . (DWT) 2/3. V ~ + b w h e r e a and b a r e regression coefficients e s t i m a t e d from a large s a m p l e of d a t a obtained from vessel statistical data. The most i m p o r t a n t f e a t u r e of t h e SHIPCOST model is the v a r i e t y of capital and o p e r a t i n g costs computed. The model calculates these costs for typical vessels, but it can provide a more precise e s t i m a t e of a vessel's o p e r a t i n g cost if t h e user provides additional d a t a for a specific vessel. The second most i m p o r t a n t feature is the ability to perform sensitivity analysis. This analysis d e t e r m i n e d the change in t h e capital a n d o p e r a t i n g cost of a vessel as a function of its size, age a n d speed. S a m p l e results of these tests a r e p r e s e n t e d in e i t h e r g r a p h i c a l or t a b u l a r form as shown in Fig. 6. Voyage module The voyage module computes t h e costs for o p e r a t i n g a specific vessel over a designated route c a r r y i n g a single type or form of cargo on each leg of the voyage. D a t a on t h e daily costs of t h e vessel can be e n t e r e d by the user or can he obt a i n e d from the ship module. The user specifies t h e route as a two- or three-legged voyage. The voyage is defined by t h e type of cargo on each leg, the h a n d l i n g r a t e s a t t h e o r i g i a and d e s t i n a t i o n of each leg, t h e fixed delays for each cargo t r a n s f e r operation, and the t a r i f f r a t e s for each cargo hanMARINE TECHNOLOGY ¢--! ~:bt~MEN7 I Ir t - / / ,/ r.I I I I I 60 80 109 iiO 14-0 DWI~3'S T}Nt4ES Fig. 6 Output of vessel module sensitivity tests: DWT versus operating + capital costs for general cargo vessels, Greek crews dling operation. The screen format for the input is shown in Fig. 7. The voyage module computes not only the vessel capital and operating costs, but also the financial costs of the cargo in transit and, if wanted, the port changes. The cargo-related costs are determined by specifying the type and value of the cargoes being transported. The port charges are determined by entering a simplified version of the port tariff to account for vessel and cargo-related charges. The vessel costs at sea are determined by first specifying TEST OF THREE LEGGED VOYAGE 1986 VOYAGE COSTING MODEL .......................................................... VESSEL DATA SIZE 35750 XXXXX DEADWEIGHT; XXXX TEU I UTILIZATION 315 DAYS PER YEAR; R&M DAYS/YR I LOADED SPEED 18 KNOTS; IDLE DAYS/YEAR VESSEL CAPITAL COST 9.43 US$ 000'S/DAY;BALL~ST SPEED -CREW COST 2.67 US$ 000'S PER DAY -OTHER COST 4.30 US$ O00'S P E R DAY -FUEL COST AT SEA 6.87 US$ 000'S PER DAY - F U E L C O S T IN P O R T 0.21 US$ 000'S PER DAY .......................................................... VOYAGE ~ ........... ~ov~::::::_::= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ORIGIN PORT DESTINATION DISTANCE 23 23 410 PORT DATA ~ ............ 23 23 628 ~ ...... 23 I I I 23 5000 i I.E. c o a s t U S A 2. W. c o a e t U S A 3. C a r l b b e a n / G u l f c o a m t lIRA 5. W. c o a s t C e n t r a l A m e r i c a 6. S.W. S o u t h A m e r i c a 7. w. c o 8. N.E. S o u t h A m e r i c a 9. U . K . / N . W . E u r o p e lO.Persian Gulf 1 12. E. M e d i t e r r . 13. N.E. A f r i c a 14. W. A f r i c a ]5. S . W . 16. S.E. A f r i c a 17. S. A f r i c a 18. S o u t h A s i a (India) 19. 20. E. A s i a ( J a p a n / K o r e a ) 21. E. A u s t r a l i a 22. W. A u s t r a l ................... I--LEG 1 ...... LEG 2--- ..... LEG 3---CARGO COMMODITY ] 12 12 12 MAXIMUM CAPACITY 2250 2250 I 2250 I VALUE OF CARGO 2635 2635 I 2635 I i. c r u d e 2. o i l p r o d u c t s 3. g r a i n 4. i r o n o r e 5. c o a l 6 . b a 7. a l u m i n a 8. o t h e r m i n e r a l 9. o t h e r d r y b u l k I0. o t h e r li ii. b r e a k b u l k 12. c o n t a i n e r i z e d c a r g o 1 3 . e m p t y l e g - in b a PORT AMOUNT LOADED AMOUNT UNLOADED N~T LOADING RAT~ NET UNLOADING RATE FIXED ACCESS TIME -LOADING FACILITY -UNLOADING FACILIT Fig. 7 JANUARY 1991 I I 1->2 i000~ 400| t 12oo/ I 1200| I I 1.5 I 1.5 i PORT 2->3(1) 500 750 12oo 1200 1.5 1.5 Input format for voyage module PORT 3->1 75O 1100 1200 1200 1.5 1.5 I which of the five categories of the vessel costs is to be used. The selected cost is then computed for the designated type, size, and operating speed. This cost is then multiplied by the transit time for each leg of the voyage. The vessel costs in port are determined from the time spent in port, which includes the access/egress t i m e and the t i m e spent loading and unloading the cargo. The port charges are determined from the simplified port tariff, the amount of cargo transferred and the t i m e the vessel spends in port. The cargo inventory costs are determined from the daily interest charges on the cargo carried on each leg. This figure is multiplied by the time spent transiting the leg and the t i m e spent in the origin port loading the cargo and in the destination port unloading the cargo. A sample of the voyage module input and output are shown in Fig. 8 for a typical triangular voyage. The costs incurred while in transit are identified separately from those incurred while in port. The total voyage costs are computed by summing the costs on each leg of the route. Once the voyage costs have been determined, the annual cost of a vessel dedicated to this route can be estimated by calculating the number of voyages that could be completed in a year. Since different cargoes would be carried on the individual legs and different load factors would apply, it does not m a k e sense to determine an overall cost per ton carried. Therefore the model computes are per-ton transport costs for each leg of the voyage. The voyage module can be used as a stand-alone model without the vessel module. In this configuratibn, the user specifies the daily cost parameters shown at the top of Figure 8 for a specific vessel. The type of transportation service represented in the voyage module can be a single voyage, multiple voyageS or an annual service. This module also performs sensitivity tests on voyage cost relative to cargo handling rates. When combined with the ship module, the voyage module can also perform sensitivity analysis with respect to vessel size and speed. TEST OF THREE LEGGED VOYAGE VOYAGE DESCRIPTION - FROM TO TO FINANCIAL COSTS TRAVEL TIME PORT TIME -LOADING FACILITY -UNLOADING FACILITY VESSEL COST -IN TRANSIT -LOADING FACILITY -UNLOADING FACILITY TOTAL VESSEL COSTS PORT CHARGES -AT LOADING PORT -AT UNLOADING FORT TOTAL PORT CHARGES CARG.INVENTORY COST DURING VOYAGE WITH LEG 1 0.95 LEG 2 1.45 LEG 3 11.57 0.90 0.40 0.48 0.69 0.69 0.98 22.08 14.88 6.57 43.53 33.81 7.96 11.42 53.19 269.22 11.42 16.26 296.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.26 14.00% ........ TOTAL FINANCIAL VOYAG TOTAL VESSEL COST 393.61 TOTAL PORT CHARGES 0.00 TOTAL VOYAGE COST 393.61 TOTAL VOYAGE TIME 18.10 VOYAGES PER YEAR 17.0 T O N S L O A D E D P E R YR. -LEG1 17000 -LEG2 8500 -LEG3 12750 TOTAL COST PER YEAR 6.81 (LESS CARGO INVENT) TOT.COST/TOT.LOADED 5178 (LESS CARGO INVENT) Fig. 8 New York Baltimore Savannah RATE 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.65 OF INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.38 COSTS ....... $000's/VOYAGE $000's/VOYAGE $000's/VOYAGE DAYS/VOYAGE TEU TEU TEU MILLIONS OF $ $ PER TEU Sample output for voyage costs MARINE TECHNOLOGY 51 6. Model applications The model has been used for a wide variety of projects involving t r a n s p o r t a t i o n projects as well as analyses of transport costs. The basic application has been in port development projects where the model is used to estimate the cost of vessel time i n port. This cost is t h e n used to compute the value of the savings in port time which will result from the i n v e s t m e n t of new berths, better cargo h a n d l i n g e q u i p m e n t or other inf r a s t r u c t u r e which reduces the time a vessel spends in port. Prior to the introduction of this model, the vessel costs were d e t e r m i n e d from a small sample of vessel costs which were generated from ship m a n a g e m e n t records. These estimates used n e w b u i l d i n g costs to estimate the capital costs. Now resale value is being used to d e t e r m i n e the capital cost. This change is i m p o r t a n t because the i n v e s t m e n t in port facilities or other t r a n s p o r t i n f r a s t r u c t u r e m u s t consider the m a r k e t which is being served. I n periods of excess capacity when vessels are slow s t e a m i n g to reduce fuel costs, it is u n l i k e l y t h a t a reduction in port t u r n a r o u n d time will be t r a n s l a t e d into additional e m p l o y m e n t for the vessels calling at the port. If a n y t h i n g it will add to the excess capacity and in this way m a y reduce shipping rates. In periods of peak demand, congestion charges are introduced as a m e a s u r e of the cost of delay to a vessel, b u t a more accurate m e a s u r e can be obtained using the SHIPCOST model. The SHIPCOST model has also been used to look at dedicated services p r i m a r i l y for bulk and neo-bulk cargoes. In these situations, the model provides a quick estimate of the m a r i n e t r a n s p o r t costs which can then be used to d e t e r m i n e the economic viability of t r a n s p o r t i n g the cargo. The model can also be used to d e t e r m i n e the combination of vessel size, operating speed a n d port cargo-handling rates which will result in the lowest t r a n s p o r t cost. The model's capacity for computing voyage costs using different definitions of vessel costs has been very useful when analyzing shipping tariffs. The operating costs by themselves provide the m i n i m u m rate appropriate for backhaul cargoJ The operating cost plus depreciation represents the conference rate for median-value cargo a s s u m i n g t h a t the calculation is made for the crew and vessels of the high-cost operator in the conference. High-value cargo will be charged at a higher rate. If the rates rise above the newbuilding cost plus operating costs, t h e n it is likely that there will be new ent r a n t s and rates will be forced down. The SHIPCOST model is also useful for evaluation port tariffs. The development of effective port tariffs requires a knowledge not only of the costs of port operations but also of the vessel operators serving the port. The simplified port tariff included in the voyage model allows for a n estimate to be made of the m a g n i t u d e of port charges relative to the rest of the voyage costs. Alternatively, a more detailed analysis of port charges can be prepared by port m a n a g e m e n t and combined with the voyage cost estimates provided by the SHIPCOST model. This analysis can be p a r t i c u l a r l y useful when a port is introducing a new service or improving a n existing service a n d wants to estimate the value of the resulting savings to the vessel operators in port and voyage time. A final use of the SHIPCOST model is the calculation of the additional vessel costs incurred in m a k i n g a port call. The model is used first to compute the voyage costs for the existing route a n d t h e n to compute the voyage costs with the new port added to the route. The decision of a vessel owner to make a n additional port call depends on the difference between the additional cost of diverting the vessel to the port and the 7A more appropriate measure would be the marginal cost of carrying additional cargo, but the model is not set up to estimate this cost. 52 JANUARY 1991 increase in revenues resulting from the additional volume of cargo which would be obtained by calling at the port. This analysis becomes more complex where there is a n option for t r a n s p o r t i n g the cargo, albeit at higher cost, t h r o u g h a port which is already on t.he route. A s s u m i n g t h a t no additional cargo would be generated by calling at the port, the tradeoff is between the savings in land t r a n s p o r t costs by h a n d l i n g the cargo through the new port a n d the additional cost of calling at this port. The SHIPCOST model is used to estimate the diversion cost. If the c u r r e n t fleet is underutilized, t h e n only the operating costs for the vessel would be used. If the fleet is utilized to the point where the additional time spent calling at the port would have to be made up by c h a r t e r i n g additional capacity, t h e n the resale value can be used for the capital charge. As a n example of the diversion problem, we would like to consider the cost of adding Baltimore to a container service to North Europe which presently calls at Elizabethport a n d S a v a n n a h . The cost of diverting to Baltimore includes the cost of moving up and down the Chesapeake at 17 knots a n d the costs of access a n d egress to the port of Baltimore. It is assumed t h a t the total time spent t r a n s f e r r i n g boxes would not be significantly different. For a typical 2500-TEU vessel with North Europe crew a n d officers, the round-trip voyage costs would be as shown in Table 1. The access a n d egress time at Baltimore, which includes berthing, u n b e r t h i n g a n d preparing the ship before and after cargo h a n d l i n g operations, is assumed to be three hours. Other costs are incurred due to the delays associated with waiting for the s t a r t of a shift. Also, there are the charges for stevedoring as well as port services. We have not included these items because they require a more precise knowledge of the vessel schedule a n d the relative charges at the three ports. The results in Table 1 indicate that for a fleet with excess capacity the cost of the diversion per voyage would be only about $15 000. Assuming that 500 TEU were transferred on each call, then the port call would appear to be justified if the additional cost to t r a n s p o r t these boxes to either Savann a h or Elizabethport is greater t h a n $30. However, this cost does not include the additional a d m i n i s t r a t i v e costs of providing shipping and receiving services in Baltimore. Also, even if the differential l a n d t r a n s p o r t cost is higher t h a n $30 per TEU, the ship operator still might not call at Baltimore if the resulting increase in total voyage time introduced costs which were greater t h a n the potential savings in land t r a n s p o r t costs. Table 1 Marginal costs of vessel call at Balitmore ASSUMPTIONS • 2500-TEU container vessel • Built in 1982, valued at resale value • 18-knot loaded speed • North European Crew and Officers • Handling Rates are the Same in All Ports • European Leg Simulated by 5000 mile loop • Port Charges Not Included N E W YORK-SAVANNAH-EuRoPE Trip Time-17.4 days Trip Cost-$378.7 thousand N E W YORK-BALTIMORE--SAvANNAH--EuROPE Trip time-18.1 days Trip cost-$393.6 thousand Marginal Cost for 500 TEU-$30/TEU Marginal cost if full day added to voyage-$41/TEU MARINE TECHNOLOGY 7. General specifications SHIPCOST is designed to operate on an IBM PC or compatible micro-computer. It is w r i t t e n in LOTUS 1-2-3 (release 2.0), b u t knowledge of the software package is not required since t h e model is menu-driven. D a t a e n t r y is u n d e r t h e control of t h e program. It requires one disk drive a n d at least 384K of R A M memory. The c o m p u t a t i o n time for each module is five seconds or less. The model is designed for periodic updating. F o r t h e most frequent updates, such as the price of fuel and scrap steel, t h e user can e i t h e r change the values each time t h e model is used or change t h e default values and store t h e m with the program. F o r those p a r a m e t e r s which change y e a r l y such as crew wages, newbuilding costs, resale factors, a n d inflation JANUARY 1991 indexes, an a n n u a l u p d a t e is performed by modifying t h e d a t a tables in t h e model. F o r long-term changes, such as reductions in fuel consumption a n d m a n n i n g requirements, changes in a v e r a g e o p e r a t i n g speeds, and a d j u s t m e n t s in fleet and vessel characteristics, a n u p d a t e is p r e p a r e d every two to four years. This u p d a t e involves a review of t h e l i t e r a t u r e a n d statistical a n a l y s i s of t h e data. The results of this analysis a r e used to revise the constants in t h e p r o g r a m ' s formulas as well as the values in the d a t a tables. References 1 Zannetos, Z., The Theory ofOil Tankship Rates. An Economic Analysis of Tankship Operations, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1966. 2 Jansson, J. O. and Shneerson, D., Liner Shipping Economics, Chapman and Hall, New York, 1987. MARINE TECHNOLOGY 53