Financial Literacy Definitions Grade 7 EMS Assets are the items that have monetary value and are owned by the business. Assets Current assets are assets that will not be converted into cash in the short term. E.g. buildings Current Assets Non-current assets are assets that will be converted to cash in the short term. E.g. raw materials Non-current Assets Liabilities are money owed by the business to other people or businesses. Liabilities Creditors are people or businesses that you owe money to. Creditors Current liabilities are loans that will be paid back in the short term. E.g. an overdraft. Current Liabilities Expenses are payments for goods or services needed to keep the business running. Expenses Fixed expenses are payments that need to be made each month. These payments are the same month to month e.g. rent Fixed Expenses Variable expenses are payments for goods or services depending on the business activities for that month. E.g. raw materials Variable Expenses Income is the money earned by a business. Income Equity is the value of the business. Equity Income-expenses = profit Profit Profit is the money a business has after the expenses have been subtracted from the income. Profit Motive is the action of working towards making a profit in the business. Profit Motive Non-current liabilities are loans that will take a long time to pay back e.g. Non-current liabilities Capital is the money, goods and property that can be used to make an income. Capital Fixed capital refers to things that are used to make goods to satisfy needs and wants e.g. machinery, buildings, tools and vehicles. Fixed Capital Loss is any money that is lost by the business, a decrease in the businesses value or when the expenses of the business are greater than the income. Loss been paid. Receipts used to record a businesses transactions are called source documents. Receipts Receipts are the written proof that something has Budgets Budgets are the plan that is written down on how you are going to spend your income. Savings is money that is put aside each month for future use. Savings Accountants and bookkeepers are the people who keep the records of all the transactions a business has made. Accountants and Bookkeepers Financial records are the journals and ledgers (books) where all the transactions are recorded. Financial Records Forecasts are estimations made by managers, on how much money they will be getting in and how much the expenses will be. Forecasts Financial capital is the money used to buy machinery, buildings, tools, raw materials and vehicles. Financial Capital Share capital is money invested by the owners into the business. Share Capital Transactions are any financial action taken in a business. Transaction Revenue is the income the government gets from taxes. Revenue