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Business & Islamic Ethics Exam - Case Studies

Total Marks: 50
Time Allowed: 9 Hours
Exam Date: 28-9-20
Google Class Room Code:
Email: nadeemahmadkhan77@yahoo.com
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Marks Obtained/total Marks
Total Marks in Words:
Name of the Teacher: Nadeem Ahmad Khan
Who taught the course: Signature of Teacher/Examiner:
To be filled by Student
Student’s MIS ID:
Class Section:
Session: Morning/Evening
Enrollment No:
Student’s Name:
Father’s Name
Case study No 1
(Marks 20)
Shakeela was fired from a company due to her irresponsibility, irregularity and lateness.
She was working as an office assistant. After few weeks she comes to her former
manager and informs that she has applied in another company for the same post and
has given his name as a reference. She needs a job as she is a single parent with two
children. She requests him to give good recommendation and
feedback and not
mentioning her weaknesses if enquired.
Shakeela asks her manager to make a character and experience certificate mentioning
that she left the company voluntarily due to her family issues and the company didn’t
want her to leave.
The manager knows Shakeela personally and has a soft corner for her; however, he
would not recommend his own company hire her back.
What should the manager say to the employer who calls him for Shakeela?
What if the employer was manager’s friend?
If Shakeela asks her manager to be a reference before applying somewhere
else, what should be manager’s response?
What should be manager’s role in resolving Shakeela’s issue keeping the dignity
and image of his company positive and transparent?
Case study No 2
( Marks 15)
Sameer has been performing well in an organization as an Assistant Manager Accounts
since his graduation in finance. He has spent around five years in that organization.
With the passage of time Sameer has learnt the ways to survive in such a conventional
bureaucratic environment.
Haris, an experienced and competent employee who has recently joined this
organization as a manager accounts. His reputation is good and famous for organizing
and improving the daily operations in the previous organization. He has been appointed
on a pay scale with benefits better than the last one. Haris is self-motivated and
determined to bring changes in the department that will increase the productivity and
efficiency of accounts.
In an informal welcoming ceremony, Haris introduces himself and wants to be familiar
with other staff members of the department. He also asks for better suggestions from
each subordinate to make it a better work place. He finds Sameer reluctant to accept
new challenges. Sameer suggests his newly appointed manager not to bring any
change in the current system as it will put them in trouble. Sameer criticizes the different
policies made by the higher management. He also shows his belongings to a political
party indirectly.
Haris calls Sameer to his office next day and says to him that he will not tolerate those
subordinates who are not in the interest of the company and do not want to work as a
team. Haris says to him that it will be taken seriously if he tries to be a barrier in
implementing new system that is more effective and productive. Haris warns Sameer to
leave or improve.
How could Sameer be motivated?
Do you think Haris lacks leadership qualities? Justify
Do you think bringing a change in the existing environment is a threat? Why or
why not?
Case study No 3
(marks 15)
You are a Mayor of a small city. You received a complaint that in a small village, people
associated with the religious community are constructing an illegal religious structure
nearby mosque in village as they didn’t have a proper place for their prayers and
congregation. The complaint is filed from a local leader belonging to a religious
community having minority in the village but majority in the state, where as the
community constructing the structure is having the majority in the village but minority in
the state.
The construction is about to complete. The investigation shows that the construction is
illegal and according to the laws it must be demolished. The poor villagers contributed
from their savings to construct that structure.
The demolition of the structure might lead to communal clashes in the village and it
would cause inferiority complex, discrimination and sense of insecurity in the villagers.
As City Mayor, how will you resolve this issue?