Why and how do policy-makers and practitioners intervene to encourage new firm formation and development? The role of new enterprising businesses has received increasing attention over recent years. Due to the considerable benefits generated by new small enterprises, the policy-makers and practitioners tend to provide the assistance towards their formation and growth. Although they share the same objective, they frequently present in different ways. Policy-makers is a broad term which refers to people who are responsible for making and amending policies (Publicengagement.ac.uk, 2019). For instance, the government of a country can be defined as policy-makers who represents the macro-economic perspectives. Conversely, practitioners are individuals who engage in the practice of an occupation. It can be better seen as the micro-economic perspective which seeks for personal or relatively small group benefits. This essay will indicate the reasons why the policy-makers and practitioners supports the development of start-ups and the measures taken to achieve as well. Since there are numerous advantages caused by creation of new firms, stimulating economic and employment development via the utilization of entrepreneurship has become one of the crucial objectives of the government. The development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) plays a pivotal role in employment promotion. As the increasing of population, if the employment problem cannot be alleviated, the unemployment rate is likely to rise. According to Mccue and Lawrence (2018), the evidence suggests that there are 2.5 million jobs created by new firms in 2015 and points out that it always has positive effects on job creation. Hence, it obviously helps with the issue of unemployment and poverty in some respects. Once the new wealth generated, the disposable money will rise which allows individuals or households to choose whether to save or spend the extra money, the consumption will boost naturally. Furthermore, the growth of SMEs not only relieve the pressure of the government towards the issue of employment, but also add to national income. Higher tax revenue enables the government has more discretionary money to spend on education and medical treatment domain, which therefore benefits every citizen. Another purpose of policy-makers and practitioner assist the formation and growth of startups is to foster innovation. Small businesses are relatively unstable comparing with larger operations, they often face a strong crisis of survival. In order to survive, it has to continuously innovate. For example, SMEs approximately account for approximately 20% of patents, in biotechnology-related fields in Europe (Eurostat, 2014, cited in OECD, 2017). SMEs introduce the new products and services into markets which stimulate the existing markets to respond to changes made by them in social environment and technologies. With the innovations and advances, it will ultimately result in a competition within the market. Thus, the quality of goods of existing companies will be improved and as well as the productivity and efficiency in order to cope with the threats of new entrants. Although the new firms enter the Ziyu Wang market, the local businesses are less likely being replaced. On the contrary, if the existing businesses force the new businesses to leave the market, the market that they left has already become competitive. Thereby, no matter which consequence, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks in general. Start-ups often face various obstacles which may cause the failure of businesses or the generation of negative attitudes towards starting a business. Therefore, the intervention and encourage from government and societies would be essential to these novices. In the light of the predicament and the challenges they will meet, a series of policies are presented by the government which contains “hard” and “soft” assistance (Westhead, Wright and McElwee, 2011). Literally, “hard” support measures refer to the substantial assistances given by the government, such as financial aid and premises which directly motivate the establishment of the company. Moreover, it also offers the business grants, reduced rate loan, tax concessions and loan guarantees for the purpose of lessening the pressure and investment of startups. According to the statement of Small Business (2019), the government grants for SMEs is approximately between £1,000 and £100,000 in the U.K.. There is no need to repay the funds if it does not against the regulations set by the grant scheme. In addition, the United States introduced a program called Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) in 1982, it aims to inspire the SMEs to make technological progress and innovations which may be helpful for government to solve problems in an efficient and low-cost way (National Research Council (US), 2008). The government encourages the establishment of SMEs by issuing beneficial policies, whereas practitioners are using the “soft” support measures which enables the new firms to deal with the problems in a correct path and reduce uncertainties as well. Owing to the limited resources and knowledge that the small enterprises possessed, the intervention from the societies could be extremely effective. First of all, they can encourage the graduates to start various technology-intensive small businesses by organizing related events in order to motivate their entrepreneurial awareness. Additionally, the practitioners may strengthen the training of existing small business owners and enhance the development capability of small enterprises. Furthermore, the practitioner may provide the strategic consultants to avoid risks of start-ups due to the expensive mistakes especially for new firms. In summary, although the government and society support for start-ups is comprehensive and vigorous, not every start-up can ultimately achieve success and be rewarded. In the first few years, the profit may not be ideal and even become negative. The problem is how can entrepreneurs meet the financial requirements in a long-term perspective. Therefore, a long-term strategic plan is essential for those who intend to build a new company since there are various barriers and difficulties have to be taken into consideration. Otherwise, if the company is built however the problems haven’t been solved or haven’t found solutions, it may lead to failure. Ziyu Wang Reference Eurostat. (2014). 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Available at: https://www.oecd.org/mcm/documents/C-MIN2017-8-EN.pdf [Accessed 20 Nov. 2019]. Publicengagement.ac.uk. (2019). Policy makers | NCCPE. [online] Available at: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/do-engagement/understandingaudiences/policy-makers [Accessed 19 Nov. 2019]. Small Business. (2019). Business Grants and Funding available to UK Small Businesses. [online] Available at: https://smallbusiness.co.uk/financing/governmentgrants/ [Accessed 20 Nov. 2019]. Westhead, P., Wright, M., and McElwee, G. (2011). Entrepreneurship: Perspectives and Cases. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. ISBN: 978-0-273-72613-5. Ziyu Wang