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Physical Fitness Test Questions

Which of the following is a benefit gained from regular exercise?
A Decrease body fat.
B Improve movement in your joints and muscles.
C Improve oxygen delivery and metabolic processes.
D Build strength and endurance.
E All of the above.
The ability to control your body movement to change directions quickly and efficiently is
called __________.
A coordination
B endurance
C conditioning
D agility
E strength
Which statement explains the difference between the conditioning and maintenance
A The conditioning phase lasts 2 to 3 weeks while the maintenance phase
should be lifelong.
B You tend to experience muscle soreness in the conditioning phase but not in
the maintenance phase.
C In the conditioning phase, you increase your intensity level. You do not
need to do this in the maintenance phase.
D You will see rapid improvement throughout the conditioning phase but
minimal improvement in the maintenance phase.
Which of the following is not an accurate statement about the warm-up period in
A Warming up before you begin exercising can help to prevent injuries and
may enhance performance.
B A good rule of thumb is to warm up with high intensity versions of the
exercise that you are about to begin.
C An appropriate order in an exercise routine is warm up, stretch and then
begin to exercise.
D Like the cool-down, the warm-up should last at least 10 to 15 minutes.
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Which of these statements accurately explains the difference between aerobic and
A Isometric exercises, or strength training, build muscle strength while
burning fat.
B Unlike aerobic exercise, strength training almost always requires some
C Aerobic training uses stretching exercises to prevent cramps, stiffness, and
injuries; it also allows a wider range of motion.
D Both A and B
Which of the following is not a recommendation of the National Youth Physical Fitness
A Students should be tested three times during the school year.
B Students should participate in an aerobic activity at least three times each
week for a minimum of 20 minutes each time.
C Before beginning the Youth Physical Fitness Program or any exercise
program, students should consult with their doctor.
D None of the above
The ability to control your body movement to change directions quickly and efficiently is
called __________.
A Coordination
B Endurance
C Conditioning
D Agility
E Strength
Which of these exercises develops upper body strength?
A Shuttle run
B Push-ups
C Sit-ups
D Pull-ups
E Choices A and C
F Choices B and D
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Which of the following exercises develops abdominal muscles?
A Push-ups
B Pull-ups
C Standing Long Jump
D Sit-ups
E None of the above
Which of these statements accurately explains the requirements for a successful
Long Jump?
A Only the best of three attempts will be recorded for scoring purposes.
B You may try as often as three minutes allows.
C Any attempts in which you commit a foul are not measured.
D Choices A, B, and C
E Only choices A and C