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Assessment Data Collection Tool for Conscious Discipline

Assessment Data Collection Tool for Conscious Discipline/Behavior & Guidance
Positive Guidance Key Assessment/NAEYC Standards 1a, 3d, 6b, 6c and Supportive Skill 3
Your Name and Date: ______Kristen Murphy _______________________________________________
Number of Children in your class: ___________13______________________________________________
Number of teachers in your class: _____________2_______________________________________________
Age range of the children: ____________3-4________________________________________________________
List the INITIALS of each of the children (not first/last NAMES):
of Child
1. A.E.
2. A.K.
3. B.N.
4. B.H.
5. C.B.
6. C.F.
7. E.M.
8. I.N.
9. J.K.
10. K.L.
11. L.M.
12. L.T.
13. Z.B.
Hitting/Pushing Grabbing
Bullying TattleTelling
List Any Other
First Assessment:
1. What did you record as the children’s predominant social/emotional issues? Tattle-telling, hitting/pushing
and tantrums are the most predominant issues in this classroom.
2. Which children do you find the most challenging? The most challenging would have to be A.E., B.N. and I.N.
3. What do you see as your own personal social/emotional issues? Are you seeing the child as a behavior
problem or are you seeing the child as calling out for help or love? My own personal emotional issue would
be trying to not get frustrated easily with the children. I think these children are calling out for guidance and
structure. They all come from homes that lack a lot of stability or boundaries.
4. Explain if you see yourself as needing to teach social skills or if you have never considered this as something
to teach. I do feel that we have a responsibility to teach the children in our care social skills and ways of
dealing with their emotions. Most of these children spend more hours a day with us as early childhood
educators than they do at home. We need to be setting an example for them on how to interact in a social
environment and we have the perfect opportunity by using the different centers in our classrooms and when
situations arise during the day.
Second Assessment Date(s): _________________October 5, 2018___________________
What classroom structures have you implemented?
Classroom Structures
Date of First
What were the children’s
Safe Place (or the name
you use for your structure)
September 7,2018
They started fighting over
who got to go in it
Friends & Family Board
Jobs Board
September 7, 2018
September 20,2018
Time Machine
September 25, 2018
Picture Rule Cards
September 27,2018
Absolutely loved it
Were very excited to be
A little confused by it.
Seemed to think it was a
Loved to help pick out the
rules and are reminding
each other of what the
rules are
Celebration Center
We Care Center
September 27, 2018
Everyone helped to make
the Kindness tree and they
love to add the hearts to it
When have the children
started using the
structures on their own?
Immediately but not for its
intended purpose, but
they are starting to get
better at it.
Still working on it
After about a day
Class Meetings
Fully Explain:
1. Which classroom structure(s) you have created and implemented?
I have created and implemented the safe place, friends and family board, job board, rule cards, time machine
and wee care center. Some of the structures I have made myself others I got the conscious discipline one. We
did recreate the picture rule cards because the conscious discipline ones where a little hard for the kids to
2. Did the children help with the creation?
The kids helped to make the safe place, friends and family tree, job board, wee care center and kindness tree.
I bought the time machine and picture rule cards.
3. Did you explain what you are introducing to the children and to their families?
Yes, I did.
4. What reactions have you had from the families?
Most of the families were easy going and were like whatever you want do to is fine response. Others wanted
more information on it and then a few just didn’t really care at all to listen.
5. How are you, or will you, share your assessment results with families?
At the end of the year we will sit down with the parents in a conference and discuss the differences we have
noticed in the child and how we feel that the structures and conscious discipline is helping.
6. How have you taken cultural diversity into consideration while creating the classroom structures?
Yes, I have made sure that all the structures are both culturally diverse and there isn’t any gender bias.
7. Was the classroom structure(s) taught during circle time? As children were in a meltdown? Throughout the
day at teachable moments? Or a combination of these times?
It was taught through a combination of these times. The structure was first introduced in smaller groups and
then shown again while in large group. Then throughout the course of the day if a teachable moment arose
we would then show the child/children again how the structure is used.
8. What have you experienced with each of the implementations? How long until each child is using the
classroom structure with positive results and understanding of the purpose?
It really just depended upon the structure. The safe place took a long time and is still a work in progress.
While the family tree and job boards happened almost immediately. The biggest thing I have learned is that in
our particular environment we really have to change up the structure in order to fit the style of our center and
the children in it.
9. How did you adapt for each child’s exceptionality and/or disability and/or learning style?
All of our structures are inclusive. Our safe place is easily accessible for the little boy we have with downs
syndrome. The family and friends tree is positioned where all the children can easily see the pictures no
matter their ages. The jobs board has jobs that have different levels of difficulty to adjust for the skills levels
of the children.
10. List at least one learning theory for each classroom structure you have created and explain how it applies to
the structure.
11. List at least one ELG for each classroom structure you have created and explain how it supports the structure.
12. What has observation, data collection, and assessment taught you?
Third Assessment Date(s): ________________November 3, 2018____________________________
What classroom structures have you implemented?
Classroom Structures
Date of First
What were the children’s
Safe Place (or the name
you use for your structure)
Friends & Family Board
October 21, 2018
Jobs Board
October 25, 2018
Time Machine
October 22, 2018
Picture Rule Cards
October 23, 2018
Celebration Center
November 1, 2018
Really like to use it when
they need to be alone
They love having the
pictures of all our family
and friends in one place
They were very happy and
excited to have jobs
around the house
Were a little confused by it
and thought it was a game
at first.
They seem to really like
having the cards to help
remind them of the house
Absolutely love this
structure. They love to
celebrate everything now
We Care Center
Class Meetings
November 1, 2018
October 29, 2018
October 21, 2018
This is probably one of
their favorite times of the
When have the children
started using the
structures on their own?
Still struggling to use this
on their own
Took some time and had
to show them a couple of
times but now they use
them on their own
Fully Explain:
1. Which classroom structure(s) you have created and implemented since the second assessment?
2. Did the children help with the creation?
3. Did you explain what you are introducing to the children and to their families?
4. What reactions have you had from the families?
5. How are you, or will you, share your assessment results with families?
6. How have you taken cultural diversity into consideration while creating the classroom structures?
7. Was the classroom structure(s) taught during circle time? As children were in a meltdown? Throughout the
day at teachable moments? Or a combination of these times?
8. What have you experienced with each of the implementations? How long until each child is using the
classroom structure with positive results and understanding of the purpose?
9. How did you adapt for each child’s exceptionality and/or disability and/or learning style?
10. List at least one learning theory for each classroom structure you have created and explain how it applies to
the structure.
11. List at least one ELG for each classroom structure you have created and explain how it supports the structure.
12. What are you noticing about the children’s behavior since beginning this class
Final Assessment Date: _________________November 27, 2018________________________________
of Child
Hitting/Pushing Grabbing
Bullying TattleTelling
List Any Other
Final Assessment:
1. What are the current social/emotional issues after having implemented the Conscious Discipline Classroom
We are still dealing with so hitting, grabbing, name calling and tantrums, but I have noticed a significant drop
in them recently. I believe that over time and with continued use of the strategies and structures that these
issues will fade away.
2. Explain how the children have changed, how your classroom environment has changed, and if the children
you find the most challenging have changed, and, if so, how?
My children are really starting to finally use their words to talk about their feelings and emotions. They tell
not only their sibling when they don’t like something, but they tell me as well. It so rewarding to see them be
able to communicate with me how they feel or what they need.
3. What have you learned are your own personal social/emotional issues? Are you seeing the child as a behavior
problem or are you seeing the child as calling out for help or love?
I definitely am struggling with some emotional issues myself and that is something I am actively working on. I
did view my children as trouble makers but not I see that’s not true I see they need my help and love and that
I need to guide them.
4. Explain if you see yourself as needing to teach social skills or if you have never considered this as something
to teach.
I definitely do think that social skills need to be taught. Maybe not is a structured format per say but they
need to be modeled for the children to view and learn from the adults around them.
5. Write what you have learned over the course of this semester that has been most helpful, rewarding,
frustrating, and/or if you will continue using what you have learned.
This class has taught me so much not only in terms of teaching conscious discipline to my children but also to
myself as well. Honestly I’m probably the harder student because most of this is new territory to me. My kids
have much cleaner slates than I do and they are really picking up on the strategies. I’m having a harder time
not falling back into my brain stem and reacting from there. I have to remind myself to be brain smart and to
remember to be a STAR. This class is changing the way I will not only teach my classes but the way I am
parenting my children and it really changing our lives. I feel like I need to take the course again because there
is still so much more I can learn.
6. Supply photographs of each classroom structure as indicated in the instructions.