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Understanding Pathos: Rhetorical Appeals to Emotion

Moves focus from the speaker to the subject
Wants to move your emotions
Can be manipulative
Good reasons to feel: “Does the object merit the sentiment?”
To find reasons to feel, look at 1: Images 2. Values 3. Honorific or
pejorative language
Images (picture, video, or prose description)
Examples 1, 2, and 3
Values (intangibles that we care about)
Injustice makes us angry
Liberty makes us proud
We value freedom of speech
Honorific or Pejorative Language
Honorific Language: praises something care about or something they should
care about “cherished
liberty” “magisterial statehouse”
Pejorative Language: “Draft Dodger” “Conscientious Objector”
Honorific or Pejorative framing in images
Adapted from Controversies by Mark Longaker