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CELT-P M1 Portfolio task Focus on analysing grammar v1.0

CELT-P Module 1 – Portfolio task
Module 1 – Language awareness for teaching
Portfolio task – Research and analyse a grammar structure.
Task focus – Researching a grammar structure and providing an analysis of the form,
meaning and pronunciation of the structure; suggesting problems learners might have with
the structure and providing solutions to the problems.
Review the content of Module 1 Lessons 2, 7, 8, 9 on grammar structures and
pronunciation. You can do this by:
o going back and looking again at some sections in the lessons in the online module
o reading your own notes
o talking to other teachers
o doing some more reading or research.
Select a grammar structure from your coursebook which you think you need to learn more
about. The structure could be one you have taught before and found difficult or one you are
going to teach in the future which you’d like to know more about. You’ll also need to choose
a good grammar book and/or a good online source to help you research the grammar
structure. There are suggestions in the online module for good sources for researching
Research and analyse the grammar structure then complete Part 1 of the Portfolio task
template by doing the following:
o Provide details of the grammar structure, your reasons for choosing it, the sources
you used and of your class.
o Provide example sentences which include the grammar structure.
o Research and provide an analysis of the form of the grammar structure.
o Research and provide an analysis of the meaning/use of the grammar structure.
o Research and provide an analysis of features of the pronunciation of the grammar
o Suggest possible problems learners may have with the form, meaning/use and/or
pronunciation of this grammar structure.
o Suggest solutions to the problems learners might have with the structure.
Complete Part 2 of the Portfolio task template. This includes an evaluation of the process of
your research and analysis and a checklist of evidence you need to submit.
o the section of the coursebook with the grammar structure
o the completed Portfolio task template.
Cambridge English CELT-P | Module 1 | Portfolio task | © UCLES 2016