AutoCAD Common Shortcut Key (2D) Draw L LINE XL CONSTURCTION LINE PL POLYLINE POL POLYGON REC RECTANG A ARC C CIRCLE REVCLOUD REVCLOUD SPL SPLINE EL ELLIPSE I INSERT BLOCK B DEFINE BLOCK W WRITE BLOCK H HATCHING DT TEXT (SINGLE LINE) T MTEXT (MULTILINE) Modify E ERASE CO COPY MI MIRROR O OFFSET AR ARRAY M MOVE RO ROTATE SC SCALE S STRETCH TR TRIM EX EXTEND BR BREAK, BREAK AT POINT J JOIN CHA CHAMFER F FILLET X EXPLODE Other Useful Command PE POLY EDIT OP OPTION DI DIST AREA AREA MASSPROP MASSPROP LTSCALE LINETYPESCALE PSLTSCALE PAPER SPACE LT SCALE LA LAYER LI LIST Z ZOOM P PAN F3 KEY OBJECT SNAP F8 KEY ORTHO F10 KEY POLAR Form.Welkin is a business arm of Welkin System Limited to provide professional BIM/CAD/3D design, production and training services. We use our knowledge in bringing useful, value-rich BIM/CAD/3D contents and experiences to the industry and our clients. Professionally recognized for its technical expertise and creativity, we are a leading production company specializing in photo-realistic 3D rendering for real-estate developers, architectural firms, interior designers and the building construction industry. Besides, we also provide high quality training services for companies and private individuals. Our training centers are fully equipped and have rooms of different capacities to satisfy your training needs. We provide a full range of production services including content creation, consulting, mentoring, and media development. AutoCAD Common Shortcut Key (3D) General & basic navigation V VIEW SHA SHADEMODE 3DO 3DORBIT HIDE HIDE SHADE SHADE RE REGEN UCS UCS DDUCS DDUCS 3D modeling BOX BOX SPHERE SPHERE CYL CLYINDER CONE CONE WE WEDGE TOR TORUS EXT EXTRUDE REV REVOLVE 3D 3D SURFACE SL SLICE INF INTERFERE ROTATE3D ROTATE 3D MIRROR3D MIRROR3D AL ALIGN 3DARRAY 3DARRAY SOLIDEIDT SOLIDEDIT Lighting, Material and Rendering MATLIB MATERIAL LIBRARY RMAT MATERAIL SETUV UV MAP LIGHT LIGHT 3D Modify UNI UNION SU SUBTRACT IN INTERSECT SEC SECTION Form.Welkin is a business arm of Welkin System Limited to provide professional BIM/CAD/3D design, production and training services. We use our knowledge in bringing useful, value-rich BIM/CAD/3D contents and experiences to the industry and our clients. Professionally recognized for its technical expertise and creativity, we are a leading production company specializing in photo-realistic 3D rendering for real-estate developers, architectural firms, interior designers and the building construction industry. Besides, we also provide high quality training services for companies and private individuals. Our training centers are fully equipped and have rooms of different capacities to satisfy your training needs. We provide a full range of production services including content creation, consulting, mentoring, and media development.