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Steel Sheet Piling
Design Manual
United States Steel
Updated and reprinted by U. S. Department of Transportation /FHWA with permission.
July 1984
Sections PS32 and PSA28 ate infrequently rolled and we do not advise their
use in a design unless an adequate tonnage can be ordered at one time to assure
a minimum rolling.
Complete data regarding these sections
will be found in a separate publication
entitled “USS Steel Sheet Piling?
H-Homestead, Pa. (Pittsburgh District)
S-South Chicago (Chicago District)
Suggested Allowable Design Stresses-Sheet Piling
Steel Brand or Grade
Minimum Yield
Point, psi
Allowable Design Stress,
USS-EX-TEN 55 (ASTM A572 GR 55)
USS EX-TEN 50 (ASTM A572 GR 50)
USS EX-TEN 45 (ASTM A572 GR 45)
Regular Carbon Grade (ASTM A 328)
*Based on 65% of minimum yield point. Some increase for temporary Overstresses
generally permissible.
Steel Sheet Piling
Design Manual
“The information, including technical and engineering data, figures, tables,
designs, drawings, details, suggested procedures, and suggested specifications,
presented in this publication are for general information only. While every effort has been made to insure its accuracy, this information should not be used
or relied upon for any specific application without independent competent
professional examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability and
applicability. Anyone making use of the material does so at his own risk and
assumes any and all liability resulting from such use. UNITED STATES STEEL
TO HEREIN. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as granting a license,
express or implied, under any patents.”
Notice by U.S. DOT
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of
Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States
Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. The contents
of this report reflect the views of the USS, who is responsible for the accuracy
of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of the Department of Transportation. This report does not
constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.
The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers.
Trade or manufacturers’ names appear herein only because they are considered essential to the object of this document.
Updated and reprinted by FHWA
with permission, July, 1984
USS and EX-TEN are registered trademarks
USS Steel Sheet Piling Sections
Profiles and Properties . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside
Allowable Design Stresses
and Rankine Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inside Back Cover
FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .
Effects on Unbalanced Hydrostatic and Seepage Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Earth Pressure Theories
Rankine Theory . .
Coulomb Theory . .
Log-Spiral Theory .
Soil Properties . . .
Surcharge Loads . .
Uniform Surcharge
Point Loads . . .
Line Loads . . . .
Strip Loads . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
DESIGN OF SHEET PILE RETAINING WALLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cantilever Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cantilever Sheet Piling in Granular Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cantilever Sheet Piling in Cohesive Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Anchored Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Free Earth Support
Rowe’s Moment Reduction Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fixed Earth Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Graphical Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Danish Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
High Sheet Pile Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stability of Sheet Pile Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other Lateral Loads
Ice Thrust . . . .
Wave Forces . . .
Ship Impact . . .
Mooring Pull . . .
Earthquake Forces
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
Tie Rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Anchors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Location of Anchorage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sheet Pile Anchor Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deadmen Anchors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Anchor Slab Design Based on Model Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General Case in Granular Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Anchor Slab in Cohesive Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
H-Pile A-Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
H-Pile Tension Ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lateral Pressure Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sizing of Braced Cofferdam Components . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sheet Piling
Wales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Raking Braces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Circular Bracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prestressed Tiebacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stability of Braced Cofferdams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Heaving in Soft Clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Piping in Sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CELLULAR COFFERDAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Circular Type
. . . . . . . . . . .
Diaphragm Type . . . . . . . . . .
Cloverleaf Type . . . . . . . . . .
Modified Types
. . . . . . . . . .
Components of Cellular Cofferdams
General Design Concepts . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .
. . .
. .
. . .
. .
. . .
Hansen’s Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stability of Cofferdams on Rock . . . .
Sliding on Foundation . . . . . . . .
Slipping Between Sheeting and Cell Fill
Shear Failure on Centerline of Cell . .
Horizontal Shear (Cummings’Method)
Interlock Tension . . . . . . . . . .
Cofferdams on Deep Soil Foundations
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Pull-Out of Outer Face Sheeting . .
BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
DESIGN EXAMPLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This manual is directed to the practicing engineer concerned with safe, economical
designs of steel sheet pile retaining structures. The content is directed basically toward
the designer’s two primary objectives: overall stability of the structural system and the
integrity of its various components.
Emphasis is placed on step-by-step procedures for estimating the external forces on the
structure, evaluating the overall stability, and sizing the sheet piling and other structural
elements. Graphs and tables are included to aid the designer in arriving at quick solutions.
Three basic types of sheet pile structures are considered: (3) cantilevered and anchored
retaining walls, (2) braced cofferdams and (3) cellular cofferdams. Consideration is also
given to the design of anchorage systems for walls and bracing systems for cofferdams.
The design procedures included in this manual are in common use today by most
engineers involved in the design of sheet pile retaining structures. These methods have
consistently provided successful retaining structures that have performed well in service.
However, in using these procedures, one should not be lulled into a false sense of security
about the accuracy of the computed results. This is especially true with regard to lateral
earth pressures on retaining structures. The simplifying assumptions inherent in any of
these procedures and their dependence on the strength properties of the soil provide only
approximations to reality.
It is assumed throughout that the reader has a fundamental knowledge of soil
mechanics and a working knowledge of structural steel design. It is further assumed that
the subsurface conditions and soil properties at the site of the proposed construction have
been satisfactorily established and the designer has-chosen the type of sheet pile structure
best suited to the site.
Earth pressure is the force per unit area exerted by the soil on the sheet pile structure.
The magnitude of the earth pressure depends upon the physical properties of the soil, the
interaction at the soil-structure interface and the magnitude and character of the
deformations in the soil-structure system. Earth pressure is also influenced by the
time-dependent nature of soil strength, which varies due to creep effects and chemical
changes in the soil.
Earth pressure against a sheet pile structure is not a unique function for each soil, but
rather a function of the soil-structure system. Accordingly, movements of the structure
are a primary factor in developing earth pressures. The problem, therefore, is highly
Two stages of stress in the soil are of particular interest in the design of sheet pile
structures, namely the active and-passive states. When a vertical plane, such as a flexible
retaining wall, deflects under the action of lateral earth pressure, each element of soil
adjacent to the wall expands laterally, mobilizing shear resistance in the soil and causing a
corresponding reduction in the lateral earth pressure. One might say that the soil tends to
hold itself up by its boot straps; that is, by its inherent shear strength. The lowest state of
lateral stress, which is produced when the full strength of the soil is activated (a state of
shear failure exists), is called the active state. The active state accompanies outward
movement of the wall. On the other hand, if the vertical plane moves toward the soil,
such as the lower embedded portion of a sheet pile wall, lateral pressure will increase as
the shearing resistance of the soil is mobilized. When the full strength of the soil is
mobilized, the passive state of stress exists. Passive stress tends to resist wall movements
and failure.
There are two well-known classical earth pressure theories; the Rankine Theory and the
Coulomb Theory. Each furnishes expressions for active and passive pressures for a soil
mass at the state of failure.
Rankine Theory - The Rankine Theory is based on the assumption that the wall
introduces no changes in the shearing stresses at the surface of contact between the wall
and the soil. It is also assumed that the ground surface is a straight line (horizontal or
sloping surface) and that a plane failure surface develops.
When the Rankine state of failure has been reached, active and passive failure zones
will develop as shown in Figure 1.
= angle of internal friction of soil (degrees)
Fig. 1 - Rankine failure zones
The active and passive earth pressures for these states are expressed by the following
= unit active and passive earth pressure, respectively, at a
depth Z below the ground surface
= vertical pressure at a depth Z due to the weight of soil
above, using submerged weight for the soil below ground
water level
= unit cohesive strength of soil
= coefficients of active and passive earth pressures, respectively
The coefficients Ka and Kp, according to the Rankine Theory, are functions of the
-angle of the soil and the slope of the backfill, . They are given by the expressions
Note that for the case of a level backfill, these equations reduce to
The triangular pressure distributions for a level backfill are shown in Figure 2. For various
slope conditions, refer to Mechanics of Soils by A. Jumikis.16
Granular Soil
Level Backfill
Granular Soil
Sloping Backfill
Fig. 2 - Rankine earth pressure (after Teng )
Cohesive Soil - Active Pressure
Cohesive Soil - Passive Pressure
Fig. 2 - (Continued)
Coulomb Theory - An inherent assumption of the Rankine Theory is that the presence
of the wall does not affect the shearing stresses at the surface of wall contact. However,
since the friction between the retaining wall and the soil has a significant effect on the
vertical shear stresses in the soil, the lateral stresses on the wall are actually different than
those assumed by the Rankine Theory. Most of this error can be avoided by using the
Coulomb Theory, which considers the changes in tangential stress along the contact
surface due to wall friction.
As the wall yields, the failure wedge tends to move downward for the active case. For
the passive case, where the wall is forced against the soil, the wedge slides upward along
the failure plane. These differential movements involve vertical displacements between
the wall and backfill and create tangential stresses on the back of the wall due to soil
friction and adhesion. The resulting force on the wall is, therefore, inclined at an angle to
the normal to the wall. This angle is known as the angle of wall friction,
For the active
case, when the active wedge slides downward relative to the wall, is taken as positive.
For the passive case, when the passive wedge slides upward relative to the wall,
is taken
as negative. If the angle of wall friction is known, the following analytical expressions for
Ka and Kp in the horizontal direction for a vertical wall are:
= angle of internal friction of soil
= angle of wall friction
= angle of the backfill with respect to horizontal
Figure 3(a) is included for ease in obtaining
As in the Rankine Theory, the Coulomb Theory also assumes a plane surface of failure.
However, the position of the failure plane is a function of both the
-angle of the soil and
the angle of wall friction,
The position of the failure plane for the active and passive
cases for a level backfill is given by:
Fig. 3(a) - Coulomb earth pressure coefficient vs. -angle for level backfill and dredge line
=angle between the failure plane and the vertical for the
active and passive cases, respectively
Figure 3(b) shows the Coulomb active and passive failure wedges together with the
Corresponding pressure distributions.
Fig. 3 (b) - Coulomb earth pressure
For a smooth wall (zero wall friction) with level backfill or if
the Rankine and Coulomb Theories give identical results.
for a sloping backfill,
Log-Spiral Theory - The Coulomb Theory of earth pressure assumes that the surface
of sliding or failure is a plane. This assumption deviates somewhat from reality. For the
active case the error introduced is small. However, for the passive case the error can be
large and is always on the unsafe side. If the angle of wall friction, , is low the failure
surface is almost plane. However, if
is high, the passive failure plane deviates
considerably from Coulomb’s assumption, which predicts unrealistically high passive
pressures. Large angles of wall friction that cause a downward tangential shearing force
will increase the vertical pressures in the soil close to the wall, thus causing a curved
failure surface as shown in Figure 4(a). The soil fails on this curved surface of least
resistance and not on the Coulomb plane, which would require a greater lateral driving
force. Figure 4(b) shows the reduction in the passive earth pressure coefficient, Kp, for
increasing values of wall friction for the actual curved surface of failure.
Fig. 4 - Comparison of Coulomb and log-spiral failure surface (after Terzahgi22)
The method of computing earth pressures for a log-spiral failure surface is summarized in
Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice by Terzaghi and Peck. Table 1 lists values of
passive lateral earth pressure coefficients for a curved surface of failure and level backfill
for various relative values of the angle of internal friction, , and the angle of wall
friction, The charts in Figure 5(a) give the active and passive coefficients for a log-spiral
failure surface for the case of wall friction and sloping backfill.
2.19 2.55
3.01 4 . 2 9 6.42 10.20 17.50
1.98 2.25
2.59 3.46 4.78
1.70 1.85 2 . 0 4 2.46 3.00
0 . 6 4 0.61
0.73 0.68
0.58 0 . 5 5 0 . 5 3
6 . 8 8 10.38
Table 1. Values of Passive Lateral-earth-pressure
(Curved Surfaces of Failure)
(after Caquot and Kerise121)
Fig. 5(a) - Active and passive coefficients with wall friction (sloping backfill) (after Caquot and Kerisel21)
Broken Slope Backfill
Irregular Surcharge
Wall Friction Included
Sloping Ground Water Level
Layered Soil.
Fig. 5(b) - Generalized determination of active pressures (after Navdock )
Fig. 5(c) - Generalized determination of passive pressures (after Navdock )
In summary for the determination of lateral earth pressures on sheet pile walls:
Active pressures should be computed using the Coulomb Theory or the
logarithmic spiral method as shown in Figure 5(a).
Passive pressures should be computed using the Coulomb Theory with an
appropriate safety factor or the logarithmic spiral method as shown in Figure
For ‘complicated cross sections involving irregular and stratified backfills, the
reader should consult such texts as Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics by Taylor
and Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice by Terzaghi and Peck. A graphical
analysis for complicated cross sections is shown on Figures 5(b) and 5(c).
Soil Properties - Independent of the theory used to compute earth pressure on
retaining structures, the results can be no more accurate than the soil properties used in
the calculations. Because of the wide variations of subsurface conditions at various sites,
the soil constants should be determined on the basis of an exploratory boring program
and laboratory tests of representative samples. Only then can a safe and economical
design be assured. However, for the purpose of preliminary design it is often necessary to
presume appropriate soil properties. The following tables and graphs are included for this
purpose merely as a guide.
Table 2 shows an approximate relationship between the relative density, standard
penetration resistance, angle of internal friction, and unit weight of granular soils.
Very Loose
Loose Medium
Very Dense
Relative density D d
Standard penetration resistance,
N = no. of blows
per foot
(degrees) *
Unit weight, pcf
*highly dependent on gradation
Table 2 - Granular soil (after Teng 1)
Table 3 shows an approximate relationship between the unconfined compressive
strength, standard penetration resistance and the unit weight of cohesive soils.
Very Soft
Very Stiff
= unconfined
strength, tons
per square ft
Standard penetration resistance,
N = no. of blows
per ft
Unit weight, pcf
in hand
by light
by strong by thumb
Table 3 - Cohesive soil (after Teng )
Indented Difficult
by thumb to indent
by thumb
Figure 6 shows the approximate relationship between the angle of internal friction and
the dry unit weight for various relative densities and types of granular soils. The porosity,
n, and the void ratio, e, are also shown for coarse grained soils that have a specific gravity,
G, equal to 2.68.
Fig. 6 - Granular soils (after Navdocks11)
Table 4 shows friction angles for various soils against steel sheet piles.
Steel sheet piles against the following soils:
Clean gravel, gravel-sand mixtures, well-graded rock fill with spalls ..............
Clean sand, silty sand-gravel mixture, single size hard rock fill .....................
Silty sand, gravel or sand mixed with silt or clay ..........................................
Fine sandy silt, non-plastic silt .....................................................................
Table 4 - Wall friction (after Navdocks 11 )
As mentioned previously, earth pressure is time-dependent in nature. This is particularly
true in clay and clayey soils where the values of cohesion, c, and internal friction, , tend
to change with time. Sheet pile structures in clayey soils should be designed for both the
period immediately after construction and long term conditions. Limited information
indicates that due to creep effects the long term value of c approaches zero and that of
somewhere between 20 and 30 degrees. The long term case thus approaches that for sheet
piling in granular soils.
The function of a sheet pile structure is often to retain various surface loadings as well as
the soil behind it. These surface loads, or surcharge, also exert lateral pressures on the
wall which contribute to the active pressure tending to move the wall outward. Typical
surcharge loadings are railroads, highways, buildings, ore piles, cranes, etc.
The loading cases of particular interest in the determination of lateral soil pressures
Uniform Surcharge
Point Loads
Line Loads Parallel to the Wall
Strip Loads Parallel to the Wall
For the case of a uniform surcharge loading, the conventional theories of earth pressure
can be effectively utilized. On the other hand, for point, line and strip loads the theory of
elasticity (Boussinesq Analysis) modified by experiment provides the most accurate
solutions. These solutions are summarized in Foundation Design by Wayne C. Teng1 and
“Anchored Bulkheads” by Karl Terzaghi.22
Uniform Surcharge - When a uniformly distributed surcharge is applied at the surface,
the vertical pressures at all depths in the soil are increased equally. Without the surcharge
the vertical pressure at any depth h would be
is the unit weight of the soil.
When a surcharge of intensity q (force/area) is added, the vertical pressures at depth h
The lateral pressure,
due to the uniform surcharge q, is equal to Kq, as shown in
Figure 7 below.
Fig. 7 - Lateral pressure due to uniform surcharge
The K value is either the active coefficient Ka or the passive coefficient Kp depending
upon whether the wall tends to move away from or toward the surcharge area. The
uniform lateral pressure due to the surcharge is then added to the lateral dead weight
earth pressures as described in previous sections.
For the case of a uniform surcharge loading, lateral movement of the plane on which
the horizontal stresses are being computed is taken into account by considering that the
entire “active wedge” of soil is in a state of impending shear failure. On the other hand,
computations of lateral stresses due to surcharge applied on a limited area (point, line and
strip loads) is complicated by the lack of a rational approach to the distribution of shear
stresses in the soil adjacent a yielding vertical plane. Therefore, semi-empirical methods of
analysis have been developed based upon elastic theory and experiments on rigid
unyielding walls. The lateral pressures computed by these methods are conservative for
sheet pile walls since, as the wall deflects, soil shear resistance is mobilized and the lateral
pressure on the wall in reduced.
Point Loads - The lateral pressure distribution on a vertical line closest to a point load
may be calculated as shown in Figure 8(a).
Fig. 8(a) - Lateral pressure due to point load (after Terzaghi22)
Away from the line closest to the point load the lateral stress decreases as shown in the
plan view of Figure 8(b).
Fig. 8(b) - Lateral pressure due to point load (Boussinesq equation modified by experiment)
(after Terzaghi22)
Line Loads - A continuous wall footing of narrow width or similar load parallel to a
retaining structure may be taken as a line load. For this case the lateral pressure increases
from zero at the ground surface to a maximum value at a given depth and gradually
diminishes at greater depths. The lateral pressure distribution on a vertical plane parallel
to a line load may be calculated as shown in Figure 9.
Elevation View
Fig. 9 - Lateral pressure due to line load (Boussinesq equation modified by experiment) (after Terzaghi22)
Strip Loads - Highways and railroads are examples of strip loads. When they are
parallel to a sheet pile wall, the lateral pressure distribution on the wall may be calculated
as shown in Figure 10.
Fig. 10 - Lateral pressure due to strip load (Boussinesq equation modified by experiment) (after Teng1)
Based on the relationships given above, Figure 11 shows plots of the lateral pressure
distributions under point and line loads and gives the positions of the resultant force for
various values of the parameter m.
Line Loads
Point Loads
Fig. 11 - Horizontal pressures due to point and line loads (after Navdocks11)
Sheet pile structures built today in connection with waterfront facilities are subjected to
maximum earth pressure when the tide or river level is at its lowest stage. A receding tide,
receding high water, or heavy rainstorm may cause a higher water level behind a sheet pile
wall than in front of it, depending on the type of backfill used. If the backfill is fine or
silty sand, the height of water behind the sheet pile wall may be several feet. If the soil
behind the wall is silt or clay, full hydrostatic pressure in back of the wall should be assumed up to the highest position of the previous water level.
The difference in water level on either side of the wall introduces (1) additional
pressure on the back of the wall due to hydrostatic load and (2) reduction in the unit
weight of the soil in front of the piling (thus, a reduction of passive resistance). The
distribution of the unbalanced water pressure on the two faces of the structure
corresponding to a hydraulic head, HU, can be determined by means of the flow net
method as illustrated in Figure 12(a). If a sheet. pile structure is driven in granular soil
with fairly uniform permeability, the unbalanced water pressure may be approximated by
the trapezoid in Figure 12(b). If the permeability of the soil varies greatly in the vertical
direction, a flow net should be used to determine the unbalanced pressure.
Fig. 12 - Hydrostatic and seepage pressures (after Terzaghi22)
The upward seepage pressure exerted by the rising ground water in front of the outer
face of a sheet pile wall reduces the submerged unit weight in front of the wall by
approximately the amount:
= reduction in submerged unit weight of soil, pcf.
Hence, the effective unit weight to be used in the computation of passive pressure is
H u = unbalanced water head, feet
D = as shown in Figure 12
The relationship between
and HU/D is given in Figure 13.
Fig. 13 - Average reduction of effective unit weight of passive wedge due to seepage pressure exerted
by the upward flow of water (after Terzaghi22)
The effect of downward seepage in the soil behind the piling is very small and may be
It must be anticipated that some seepage will occur through interlocks, although the
amount is difficult to predict. As an approximation, the seepage should be assumed to
equal at least 0.025 gallons per minute per square foot of wall per foot of net head across
the wall for installations in moderately to highly permeable soils.
In addition to the lateral pressures described previously, sheet pile structures may be
subjected to some of the lateral loads described below.
Ice Thrust - Lateral thrusts can be caused by the volume expansion of ice in
fine-grained soils (very fine sand, silt and clay). The possibility of lateral thrust from ice
or frozen ground should be eliminated by placing free-draining coarse granular soil above
the frost line behind a sheet pile wall. Steel sheet piling also offers the advantage that it
can yield laterally to relieve any thrust load due to ice.
Wave Forces - There are many theories concerning wave pressure against a vertical
surface. In general, wave pressure is a function of wave height, length, velocity and many
other factors. The reader is directed to the following references for a detailed explanation
of methods of analysis. Design and Construction of Ports and Marine Structures by
Alonzo DeF. Quinn, Substructure Analysis and Design by Paul Anderson, Pile
Foundations by Robert D. Chellis and Shore Protection, Planning and Design, TR No. 4
Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers.
Ship impact - Sheet pile dock and waterfront structures may often be subjected to the
direct impact of a moving ship. Fender systems should be used in this case to spread out
the reaction and reduce the impact to a minimum. Allowance for the effect of a ships’
impact is sometimes made by the inclusion of an arbitrary horizontal force such as 50 to
100 tons. The reader is directed to the above mentioned references for further discussion.
Mooring Pull - Sheet pile dock and water front structures generally provide mooring
posts for anchoring and docking ships. The magnitude of the mooring pull in the
direction of the ship may be taken as the winch capacity used on the ship. When the
spacing of the mooring posts is known, an evaluation of moor post pull on the structure
can be made.
Earthquake Forces - During an earthquake the vibration of the ground may
temporarily increase the lateral pressure against a retaining structure. This increase is a
result of a number of factors including inertia force, direction, horizontal acceleration
and period. For the design of retaining walls of moderate height, the lateral pressure for
design may be increased by about 10 per cent. In the case of high retaining structures, the
trial wedge method of analysis should be used. The trial sliding wedge is assumed to be
acted upon by a horizontal force in additional to all other forces. Some engineers assume
that the horizontal force is equal to 18 to 33 percent of the weight of the sliding wedge.
The designer, of course, should consider the location of the structure relative to previous
earthquake history.
The design of sheet pile retaining walls requires several successive operations: (a)
evaluation of the forces and lateral pressures that act on the wall, (b) determination of the
required depth of piling penetration, (c) computation of the maximum bending moments
in the piling, (d) computation of the stresses in the wall and selection of the appropriate
piling section and (e) the design of the waling and anchorage system. Before these operations can be initiated, however, certain preliminary information must be obtained. In
particular, the controlling dimensions must be set. These include the elevation of the top
of the wall, the elevation of the ground surface in front of the wall (commonly called the
dredge line), the maximum water level, the mean tide level or normal pool elevation and
the low water level. A topographical survey of the area is also helpful.
Earth pressure theories have developed to the point where it is possible to obtain
reliable estimates of the forces on sheet pile wails exerted by homogeneous layers of soil
with known physical constants. The uncertainties involved in the design of sheet pile
structures no longer result from an inadequate knowledge of the fundamentals involved.
They are caused by the fact that the structure of natural soil deposits is usually quite
complex, whereas the theories of bulkhead design inevitably presuppose homogeneous
materials. Because of these conditions, it is essential that a subsurface investigation be
performed with exploratory borings and laboratory tests of representative samples. On
this basis, a soil profile can be drawn and the engineering properties of the different soil
strata can be accurately determined. These properties should reflect the field conditions
under which the wall is expected to operate. Only after these preliminary steps are taken
should the final design be undertaken.
There are two basic types of steel sheet pile walls: cantilevered walls and anchored
walls. The design of each type for various subsurface conditions will be discussed in the
following sections.
In the case of a cantilevered wall, sheet piling is driven to. a sufficient depth into the
ground to become fixed as a vertical cantilever in resisting the lateral active earth
pressure. This type of wall is suitable for moderate height. Walls designed as cantilevers
usually undergo large lateral deflections and are readily affected by scour and erosion in
front of the wall. Since the lateral support for a cantilevered wall comes from passive
pressure exerted on the embedded portion, penetration depths can be quite high,
resulting is excessive stresses and severe yield. Therefore, cantilevered walls using steel
sheet piling are restricted to a maximum height of approximately 15 feet.
Earth pressure against a cantilevered wall is illustrated in Figure 14. When the lateral
active pressure (P) is applied to the top of the wall, the piling rotates about the pivot
point, b, mobilizing passive pressure above and below the pivot point. The term (pp-pa) is
the net passive pressure, pP, minus the active pressure, pa. (Since both are exerting pressure upon the wall.)
Fig. 14 - Earth pressure on cantilever sheet piling (after Teng1)
At point b the piling does not move and would be subjected to equal and opposite at-rest
earth pressures with a net pressure equal to zero. The resulting earth pressure is
represented by the diagram oabc. For the purpose of design, the curve abc is replaced by
a straight line dc. The point d is located so as to make the sheet piling in a state of static
equilibrium. Although the assumed pressure distribution is in error, it is sufficient for
design purposes.
The distribution of earth pressure is different for sheet piling in granular soils and
sheet piling in cohesive soils. Also, the pressure distribution in clays in likely to change
with time. Therefore, the design procedures for steel sheet piling in both types of soils are
discussed separately.
Cantilever Sheet Piling in Granular Soils - A cantilevered sheet pile wall may be
designed in accordance with the principles and assumptions just discussed or by an
approximate method based on further simplifying assumptions shown in Figure 15.
Fig. 15 - Design of cantilever sheet piling in granular soils: (a) conventional method;
(b) simplified method. (after Teng1)
For cases of two or more layers of soil, the earth pressure distributions would be
somewhat different due to the different soil properties; however, the design concept is
exactly the same. Lateral pressures should be calculated using the curved failure surface
(log spiral) method as shown in Figure 5 (a).
Conventional Method - The conventional design procedure for granular soils is as
Assume a trial depth of penetration, D. This may be estimated from the following
approximate correlation.
Standard Penetration
Resistance, N
Relative Density
of Soil, Dd
Depth of
Very loose
Medium dense
Very dense
2.0 H
1.5 H
1.25 H
l.0 H
0.75 H
*H = height of piling above dredge line.
Determine the
lateral earth
pressures are
active and passive lateral pressures using appropriate coefficients of
pressure. If the Coulomb method is used, it should be used
for the passive case. The resulting earth pressure diagram for a
granular soil is shown in Figure 16 where the active and passive
overlain to pictorially describe the resulting soil reactions.
Fig. 16 - Resultant earth-pressure diagram
Satisfy the requirements of static equilibrium: the sum of the forces in the
horizontal direction must be zero and the sum of the moments about any point
must be zero. The sum of the horizontal forces may be written in terms of
pressure areas:
Solve the above equation for the distance, Z. For a uniform granular soil,
Take moments about the point F and check to determine if the sum of the
moments is equal to zero, as it must be. Readjust the depth of penetration, D, and
repeat until convergence is reached; i.e., the sum of the moments about F is zero.
Add 20 to 40 percent to the calculated depth of penetration. This will give a
safety factor of approximately 1.5 to 2.0. An alternate and more desirable
method is the use of a reduced value of the passive earth pressure coefficient for
design. The maximum allowable earth pressure should be limited to 50 to 75
percent to the ultimate passive resistance.
Compute the maximum bending moment, which occurs at the point-of zero shear,
prior to increasing the depth by 20 to 40 percent.
A rough estimate of the lateral displacement may be obtained by considering the wall
to be rigidly held at an embedment of D and subjected to a triangular load distribution
approximating the actual applied active loading. The displacement at any distance y from
the top of the pile is then given by the following expression:
in which
D =
displacement in inches
total applied load over length in pounds
H + D in inches
exposed length of sheeting in inches
penetration of sheeting in surface stratum, plus one-half of
penetration in any lower, more dense, coarse grained
stratum. Neglect any penetration in rock (inches).
Simplified Method - A simplified method of design isillustrated in Figure 15(b). The
passive resistances are simplified by assuming a right triangular pressure on the left side of
the piling and by substitution of a concentrated force C for the net passive resistance on
the right side of the piling. This method results in some error but saves greatly in the
computations. The distance, Do, must satisfy both the requirements of equilibrium. The
calculated value of Do should be increased by 20 to 40 percent to get the total design
depth of penetration.
Figure 18 gives a useful method to design cantilever sheet piling in homogeneous
granular soil, analyzed by the conventional method. This chart allows the designer to
obtain directly the depth ratio, D/H, and the maximum moment ratio,
a function of the ratio of passive to active pressure coefficients, K p/Ka, for various
positions of water level. It is, therefore, independent of the method of obtaining Kp or
Ka. The chart was developed for a wet unit weight,
equal to twice the submerged unit
. To use Figure 18, one may determine and
from Table 2, from Table 4
and KP/Ka and Ka from Figure 3 (a). A design example is given at the end of problem
No. 1 (pages 86-90).
Cantilever Sheet Piling in Cohesive Soils - Two cases of cantilevered walls in cohesive
soils are of interest: (1) sheet pile walls entirely in clay and (2) walls driven in clay and
backfilled with sand. Different lateral earth pressures develop for each case.
Wall Entirely in Cohesive Soil - Design of sheet piling in cohesive soils is complicated
by the fact that the strength of clay changes with time and, accordingly, the lateral earth
pressures also change with time. The depth of penetration and the size of piling must
satisfy the pressure conditions that exist immediately after installation and the long-term
conditions after the strength of the clay has changed. Immediately after the sheet piling is
installed, earth pressure may be calculated on the assumption that undrained strength of
the clay prevails. That is, it is assumed that the clay derives all its strength from cohesion
and no strength from internal friction. The analysis is usually carried out in terms of total
stress using a cohesion value, c, equal to one-half the unconfined compressive strength,
qu. The method is usually referred to as a
Figure 19 illustrates the initial pressure conditions for sheet piling embedded in
cohesive soil for its entire depth.
Fig. 19 - Initial earth pressure for design of cantilever sheet piling entirely on cohesive soil (after Teng1)
Since Ka = Kp = 1 when
given by:
= 0, the passive earth pressure on the left side of the piling is
and the active pressure on the right side of the piling is given by:
= depth below the original ground surface, ft.
= 2c = unconfined compressive strength, Ibs-per sq. ft.
= effective unit soil weight (moist unit weight above the
water level and submerged unit weight below the water
level), Ibs-per cubic ft.
The negative earth pressure or tension zone, as shown by the dotted line, is ignored
because the soil may develop tension cracks in the upper portion. Since the slopes of the
active and passive pressure lines are equal (Ka = Kp), the net resistance on the left side of
the wall is constant below the dredge line and is given by:
Note that, theoretically, there will be no net pressure and the wall will fail if
greater than 2qu. The height,
is often called the critical wall height.
For the lower portion, where the piling moves to the right, the net resistance is given
which is illustrated in Figure 19 (b). The resulting net pressure distribution on the wall is
as shown in Figure 19 (a), and the method of solution is the same as that presented for
the design of cantilevered sheet pile walls in granular soils. The point d and the depth of
penetration D are chosen so as to satisfy the conditions of static equilibrium; i.e., the sum
of the horizontal forces equal to zero-and the sum of the moments about any point equal
to zero.
Similar to the simplified method for granular soils, the design may be made using the
pressure diagram shown in Figure 19 (c); i.e., by assuming the passive pressure on the
right side of the piling is replaced by the concentrated reaction, C. The depth, Do, should
be increased by 20 to 40 percent to obtain the total design depth of penetration using
this method.
Wall in Cohesive Soil Below Dredge Line - Granular Backfill Above Dredgeline - The
above methods may also be extended to the case where sheet piling is driven in clay and
backfilled with granular soil as shown in Figure 20. The only difference is the active
pressure above the dredge line is equal to
for a granular backfill. The simplified
method is shown in Figure 20 (b). The methods of design are exactly the same as discussed previously.
Water level
Conventional Method
Simplified Method
Fig. 20 - Initial earth pressure for design of cantilever sheet piling:
in cohesive soil backfilled with granular soil (after Teng 1)
The long-term condition for sheet piling in clays must also be considered, as mentioned
previously, due to time dependent changes in
and c. The analysis should be carried out
using effective stress parameters c' and
obtained from consolidated-drained tests, or
from consolidated-undrained tests in which pore pressure measurements are made.
Limited experimental data indicates that the long-term value of c is quite small, and that
for design purposes c may be conservatively taken as zero. The final value of is usually
between 20 and 30 degrees. The lateral pressures in the clay over a long period of time
approach those for a granular soil. Therefore, the long-term condition is analyzed as
described in the preceding section for granular soils.
Figure 22, page 26 provides design curves for cantilever sheet piling in cohesive soil
with granular soil backfill based upon the simplified method of analysis. This chart allows
the designer to obtain directly the depth ratio, D/H, and the maximum moment ratio,
as a function of the net passive resistance, 2qu divided by the
. The chart is, therefore, independent of the method of obtaining Ka
and was developed for a wet unit weight, , equal to twice the submerged unit weight,
To use Figure 22, the values for qu and
may be obtained from Table 3. For the sand
may be found in Table 4 and Ka from Figure 3(a). A design example is given
at the end of Problem No. 2 (pages 91-94).
General - Anchored sheet pile walls derive their support by two means: passive pressure
on the front of the embedded portion of the wall and anchor tie rods near the top of the
piling. This method is suitable for heights up to about 35 feet, depending on the soil
conditions. For higher walls the use
high-strength steel piling, reinforced sheet piling,
relieving platforms or additional tiers of tie rods may be necessary. The overall stability
of anchored sheet pile walls and the stresses in the members depends on the interaction of
a number of factors, such as the relative stiffness of the piling, the depth of piling penetration, the relative compressibility and strength of the soil, the amount of anchor yield,
etc. In general, the greater the depth of penetration the lower the resultant flexural
Figure 21 shows the general relationship between depth of penetration, lateral pressure
distribution and elastic line or deflection shape.
Fig. 21 - Affect of depth of penetration on pressure distribution and deflected shape
Case (a) is commonly called the free earth support method. The passive pressures in front
of the wall are insufficient to prevent lateral deflection and rotations at point C. Cases
(b), (c) and (d) show the effect of increasing the depth of penetration. In cases (b) and (c)
the passive pressure has increased enough to prevent lateral deflection at C; however, rotation still occurs. In case (d) passive pressures have sufficiently developed on both sides
of the wall to prevent both lateral deflection and rotation at C. This case is commonly
called the fixed earth support method because point C is essentially fixed. Cases (a) and
(d) represent the two extremes in design.
Some different methods in current usage for the design of anchored sheet pile walls are
grouped and discussed in the following order:
Free Earth Support Method
Rowe’s Moment Reduction Method
Fixed Earth Support Method (Equivalent Beam)
Graphical Methods
Danish Rules
Free Earth Support Method - This method is based on the assumption that the soil
into which the lower end of the piling is driven is incapable of producing effective
restraint from passive pressure to the extent necessary to induce negative bending
moments. The piling is driven just deep enough to assure stability, assuming that the
maximum possible passive resistance is fully mobilized. The sheet piling is assumed to be
inflexible and that no pivot point exists below the dredge line i.e., no passive resistance
develops on the backside of the piling. Earth pressures may be computed by the
Coulomb or log-spiral method. With these assumptions the design becomes a problem in
simple statics. Procedures for the design of anchored sheet piling in granular and cohesive
soil are discussed separately below.
Design in Granular Soil - Figure 23 shows the resulting pressure distributions for an
anchored sheet pile wall in granular and cohesive soil. The following design procedure as
suggested in Teng1, may be used:
In Cohesive Soil
In Granular Soil
tie rod pull
tie rod pull
earth pressure above point
a + other horizontal forces
(except T)
total horiz.
force (except
T) above
dredge line
Fig. 23 - Design or anchored sheet piling by free-earth method (after Teng 1)
Compute the active and passive lateral pressures using appropriate coefficients of
lateral earth pressure. If the Coulomb method is used, it should be used
conservatively for the passive case.
Note: Figure 23
refers to
ficient for
(a) shows the general case for an anchored wall in granular soil
with granular material having different soil properties. Therefore, Ye
the equivalent soil unit weight, either wet to submerged, for the
soil layer in question.
refers to the active pressure coefthe natural in-place granular soil.
Calculate the weight of overburden and surcharge load at the dredge level,
Locate the point of zero pressure given by
Calculate Pa, the resultant force of the earth pressure above a, and its distance, L
below the tie rod level.
To satisfy equilibrium, the wall must be deep enough so that the moment due to
the net passive pressure will balance the moment due to the resultant active force
Pa. Sum moments about the tie rod level.
Solve for D1. Since the equation is cubic in D1, a trial and error method would be
Compute the tie rod tension given by
The maximum bending moment occurs at the point of zero shear in the wall,
below the tie rod level.
Select the appropriate sheet pile section (Note: Use of Rowe’s moment reduction
theory can be utilized. This theory is discussed in a subsequent section.)
Add 20 to 40 per cent to D1, to provide a margin of safety, or divide Pp by a
factor of safety of 1.5 to 2.0 in steps 1, 3 and 4.
Design charts have also been developed for anchored walls in homogeneous granular
soil for the free earth support method as shown in Figure 24.
These curves give the depth ratio, D/H, the maximum moment ratio,
and the tie rod ratio,
, as a function of the ratio of the passive to active earth
pressure coefficients,
The curves are independent of the method of obtaining
or Ka. The curves in Figure 24 were developed for a wet unit soil weight,
equal to
twice the submerged unit weight,
and a depth of anchor equal to 0.25H as shown.
Resulting moments and tie rod tension are force per unit length of wall. To use Figure 24,
one may determine
and from Table 2, from Table 4, and
from Figure 3 (a).
A design example is given at the end of Problem No. 1 (pages 95-100).
Design in Cohesive Soils - Figure 25 shows the resulting pressure distribution and
application of the free earth support method for an anchored sheet pile wall in cohesive
soil. The following design procedure may be used:
T = tie rod pull per foot of wall
Fig. 25 - The free-earth-support method of anchored-bulkhead design in clay with granular backfill
Determine the immediate and long-term strength of the soil by undrained tests
respectively. Check stability to see that the design
and drained tests
height is less than the critical height,
in order that a net passive pressure will result.
Calculate Pa, the resultant force due to active earth pressure (and surcharge, if
any) above the dredge line.
To satisfy equilibrium sum moments about the tie rod level:
Solve for D'.
Compute the tie rod tension given by
Determine the maximum bending moment at the point of zero shear.
Select the appropriate pile section. (Note: Use of Rowe’s moment reduction
theory can be utilized. This theory is discussed in a subsequent section.)
Add 20 to 40 per cent of D' or use 50 to 75 per cent of the full cohesion in steps
1 and 2.
Figure 26 presents design curves for anchored steel sheet pile walls in cohesive soil with
granular backfill. These curves give the depth ratio, D/H, the maximum moment ratio,
and the anchor pull ratio,
as a function of the “net passive
The term
is the net passive pressure on
pressure coefficient,”
the left side of the wall below the dredge line where
is the vertical pressure at the
dredge line. The term
will normally vary from about 300 to 500, therefore
practical values of
can be quite small for low strength soils. For this
reason the curves have been extended to include this lower range. The curves in Figure 26
were developed for a wet unit soil weight,
equal to twice the submerged unit weight,
and for a depth of anchor rod below the top of the wail equal to 0.25H. To use Figure
26, the values for qu and
may be obtained from Table 3. For the sand backfill, 6 may
be found on Table 4 and Ka from Figure 3 (a). A design example is given at the end of
Problem No. 2 (pages 101-103).
Rowe’s Moment Reduction Theory
Steel sheet piling is quite flexible causing earth pressures to redistribute or differ from the
classical hydrostatic distribution. In particular it has been observed that the bending
moment in sheet piling generally decreases with increasing flexibility of the piling. This is
due to the interdependence between the type of deflection or yield of the buried portion
of the sheet piling and the corresponding distribution of passive earth pressure. With
increasing flexibility, the yield of the buried part assumes the character of a rotation
about the lower edge of the bulkhead causing the center of the passive pressure to move
closer to the dredge line. This in turn decreases the maximum bending moment. As a
consequence, if a reduction in the maximum bending moment calculated by the free earth
support method is neglected, an uneconomical and wasteful design will result. However, if
the moment reduction is considered, a lower section modulus will be required introducing
the possibility of using a lighter piling section.
Rowe 24, 25, 26 , 27 has established a definite relationship between the degree of
flexibility of an anchored bulkhead, expressed as a coefficient
and the
reduction of the actual bending moment, M, as compared to the free earth support value,
Mmax . Figure 27 shows the relationship between the ratio M/M max and p for both
medium dense and very dense granular soils. For a given wall of height, H, analyzed by
the free earth support method, the designer can develop “structural curves” for various
piling sections and each grade of steel. Any section falling below the moment reduction
curve for the appropriate relative soil density would be inadequate. A design example is
given at the end of Problem No. 1 (pages 95-100) illustrating the use of Rowe’s Moment
Reduction Theory.
Fig. 27 - Rowe’s moment reduction curves (after Navdocks1i)
Rowe has also extended the moment reduction theory to cohesive soils by introducing
the stability number concept. The stability number is the ratio of the cohesion below the
dredge line to
at the dredge line and is a measure of the net passive resistance. To
account for adhesion, Rowe has proposed the definition:
(for design purposes)
Figure 28 shows the relationship established between the stability number as defined
above and the ratio of the design moment, M, to the maximum moment, M m a x ,
calculated by the Free earth support method for various height to total length ratios,
Flexibility number p =
E = psi
I = in.4/ft of piling
(H+D) 4
Stability number S =
c = cohesion, psf
Fig. 28 - Moment reduction for cohesive soils (after Teng1)
Curves for three wall flexibility numbers are given. The designer, knowing the stability
number, S, and the depth to height ratio,
can determine the moment reduction and,
therefore, size the piling for a particular flexibility p. Values of p between those given can
be interpolated. The stability number concept will be expanded in a later section.
Fixed Earth Support Method (Equivalent Beam Method) -- This method is based on the
assumption that the wall deflections,
are such that the elastic line of the wall will take
the shape indicated on Figure 29.
Fig. 29 - Fixed earth support method
The deflected shape reverses its curvature at the point of contraflexure, c, and becomes
vertical at point t. Consequently, the wall acts like a partially built-in beam subjected to
bending moments.
To produce this deflected shape, the wall must be driven deep enough so that the soil
beneath the dredge line provides the required restraint on the bulkhead deformations.
The elastic line method of assuming a depth of penetration and calculating the resulting
deflected shape to see that it agrees with the assumption is very time consuming and very
seldom used in practice. Blum (see Tschebotarioff 3) has developed a much simpler
procedure known as the equivalent beam method, utilizing a theoretical relationship
between the angle of internal friction,
and the distance, x, to a point of contraflexure.
Figure 30 illustrates the method, which is limited in its use to granular soils.
Fig. 30 - Equivalent beam method (after Teng1)
The equivalent beam method assumes a hinge at the point of contraflexure, since the
bending moment there is zero. The part above the hinge can then be treated as a separate,
freely supported beam with an overhanging end as shown in Figure 30 (d). The reactions
R and T and the bending moments can then be determined from statics and simple beam
theory. The lower portion, below the point of contraflexure, can also be analyzed as a
separate, freely supported beam on two supports, R and C. Based on these assumptions,
the sheet piling in granular soils may be designed by the following steps:
Compute the active and passive lateral pressures using the appropriate earth
pressure coefficients.
Determine the distance, y, from:
= weight of backfill and surcharge load above the dredge
line, using buoyant weight for soil below the water level
= coefficient of active earth pressure for the soil below the
dredge line
Locate the point of contraflexure by the chart shown in Figure 30 (e).
Determine the reaction R at the point of contraflexure. R is the horizontal
reaction at point b obtained by treating the piling above b as a simple beam
supported at b and at the tie rod level as shown in Figure 30 (d).
Treat the lower portion of the piling, eb, as a simple beam and determine the
dimension eb by equating the moment about the base e to zero.
The depth of penetration, D, is equal to the sum of the dimensions eb and x. To
provide a margin of safety, either add 20 to 40 per cent to the calculated depth of
penetration, D, or use a reduced value of
by dividing it by a safety factor of
1.5 to 2.0.
Determine the maximum bending moment at the point of zero shear and size the
Generally the point of contraflexure and the point of zero pressure are very close and
for design purposes the value of x may be taken equal to y. For this case, the depth of
penetration may be expressed by the following equation:
Y = distance from the dredge line to the point of zero pressure
R = horizontal reaction at o, obtained by assuming the piling is
simply supported at point o and at the tie rod level
= passive and active earth pressures in the soil below the
dredge line
A design example is given illustrating the Equivalent Beam Method (Problem No. 3,
pages 104 - 106).
Tschebotarioff 3 has proposed the use of an even more simplified equivalent beam
procedure, as shown in Figure 31.
Top of Ground
(clean sand)
Fig. 31 - Simplified equivalent beam method (after Tschebotarioff3)
By this method, a hinge is assumed at the dredge line and the depth of penetration is set
To determine bending moments, the bulkhead above the dredge line is
treated as a statically determinate beam on two supports, T and R, with an overhanging
end. The reader is directed to Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Earth Structures, by G. P.
Tschebotarioff for a more detailed discussion.
Graphical Methods - Graphical methods can sometimes be advantageously used to
design sheet pile retaining walls especially for cases of complex or irregular loading. The
lateral pressure distribution is first determined by the methods previously outlined. The
maximum bending moment and the anchor pull are then determined by application of
the graphical methods. The wall and the corresponding pressure diagram is divided into a
number of equal panels or sections as shown in Figure 32. The resultant earth pressure on
each panel is replaced by an equivalent concentrated force acting through the center of
the section and drawn to a convenient scale. The method for the design of anchored and
cantilevered walls differs slightly and will be discussed separately below.
Cantilevered Wall - Once the wall has been divided and the equivalent forces
determined, a vector diagram or string polygon is constructed (Figure 32) as follows. On a
horizontal base line, commencing at the right, the successive force vectors for each panel
from the point of zero pressure to the bottom of the wall are laid off end to end i.e., the
passive equivalent forces. The theoretical depth of the sheet piling is unknown; therefore,
arbitrary depth must be chosen. A pole 0 is then selected at a distance from the base line
equal to
selected scale of the moments
scale of the equivalent forces x scale of lengths
The moment scale is selected so as to give a convenient size of drawing. The successive
equivalent active force vectors above the point of zero pressure are laid off end to end on
a horizontal line originating at the pole 0 and extending to the right. From pole 0 lines
are drawn to the ends of all the passive load vectors and from the right hand edge of the
passive load line to the ends of all the active load vectors. This procedure is relatively
simple and is illustrated in Figure 32.
The moment diagram is then drawn as follows. Starting at the top of the piling at point
0', the line 0'-1' in the moment diagram is drawn parallel to line A-l of the vector
diagram, intersecting the first or top load line of action at point 1'; from point 1' line
1'-2' is then drawn parallel to line A-2 of the vector diagram intersecting the second load
line of action at 2'. The process is continued through all sections including both active
and passive lines.
Pa = 3505.3 K/FT.
Pp =
Pp =
(6.29) (65) (7.1)2
Pp = 10.305 K/FT.
Rc = Pp - Pa = 6,800 K/FT.
= 1.05 FT.
D = y+D o +
D = 2.14+7.1+ 1.05
D = 10.3 FT.
= 115 PCF
= 65 PCF
= 35o
= 0.27
= 6.29
Fig. 32
Fig. 32 - (Continued)
The theoretical penetration, D o , to the point of rotation or zero deflection, c, is
determined by the intersection of the line of moments with the tangent at the top of the
wall. If the tangent does not intersect, more passive pressure is needed and the assumed
depth must be increased. Below this point the wall deflects in the opposite direction
causing passive pressure to develop on the right hand side. The additional driving depth
required to develop the passive pressure to balance forces may be approximated by
= the additional required driving depth
Rc = the reaction at c due to the passive pressure below c
q c = the passive pressure (on the left) at c i.e.,
The reaction Rc is found from the vector diagram and is equal to
Therefore, the total depth required below the dredge line is
D = y + Do +
where y is the distance from the dredge line to the point of zero pressure. The elastic line
of the wall assuming fixity at point c can be found by the same method using the
moment diagram as a lateral pressure diagram. In this way, the deflection at the top of
the wall can be checked for tolerance.
Anchored Walls -- The vector diagram or string polygon may also be used to design
anchored walls by use of the simplified equivalent beam method. The vector diagram is
drawn as shown in Figure 33. On a horizontal line commencing at the right, the successive
loads for the sections from the bottom to the top of the equivalent beam are laid off end
to end. The pole distance is selected as for cantilevered walls. The moment diagram is
constructed exactly as in the cantilevered case starting at the bottom of the equivalent
beam. The line drawn for the top section of the moment diagram is projected back to
intersect the line of action of the anchor pull at A'. From A' a straight line is then drawn
to the starting point 0'. This straight line is the base line of the moment diagram and its
inclination depends on the position of 0 in the vector diagram. The line A-O in the vector
diagram is drawn through 0 parallel to A'-0' and gives the magnitude of the anchor
tension and the equivalent reaction at the point of zero pressure. The maximum bending
moment is found by scaling the maximum horizontal distance from A'-0' to the curve in
the moment diagram. The total depth of penetration is obtained from the equation
R = the equivalent reaction at the base found from the vector
Y = the distance from the dredge line to the point of zero
Ye = effective unit soil weight below the dredge line
To provide a margin of safety, D is usually increased by about 20 per cent.
Fig. 33 - Graphical determination of bending moment and anchor load on steel sheet piling wall
Danish Rules - The Danish Rules, published by the Danish Society of Civil Engineers,
are based on studies of a number of existing sheet pile structures and are purely empirical.
They apply to single anchored sheet pile walls in cohesionless material and represent the
least conservative approach to design. Although the Danish Rules have been subject to
considerable criticism, especially with respect to the assumed pressure distribution, they
have formed the design basis for many very economical sheet pile structures in use today.
Figure 34 shows the assumed pressure distribution on a sheet pile wall. The wall is
assumed to be simply supported at points A and B, where B is located at the center of the
passive resistance. The active earth pressure distribution is obtained by Coulomb’s Theory
(with no wall friction) and modified by a parabola to decrease the lateral pressure in the
middle region of AB by an amount q, and increase the pressure by 1.5q at A. The
quantity q may be considered a reduction factor due to the arching effect of the soil,
thereby causing concentration near the top and bottom of the wall.
Fig. 34 - Danish method of sheet pile wall design
The magnitude of q, the parabolic stress relief ordinate, is expressed by
q = k
10L' + 4L
10L' + 5L
L' = height of soil above point A, including the equivalent
height of surcharge converted in terms of of the backfill
L = length AB.
Pm = the equivalent uniformly distributed pressure on the wall
between the simple supports A and B that will give the
same bending moment, M I , as the trapezoidal Coulomb
active pressure distribution AVZB, i.e., p m = 8M L/L 2
= average angle of internal friction between points A and B
n = ratio of the negative bending moment at the anchor level
to the maximum positive bending moment of the span, L,
below the tie rod
E = modulus of elasticity of steel = 29 x 106 psi
a = distance between extreme fibers of sheet piling
= allowable steel bending stress in sheet piling
The value of k varies from about 0.80 to 0.90 for steel and may be assumed equal to 0.9
for design purposes.
The bending moments and anchor pull can be determined from the pressure
distribution established between A and B. The following approximate relationships may
be used, The tension, T, in the tie rod at point A is
AL = reaction at A corresponding, to the earth pressure diagram
A o = resultant of the pressure above the tie rod
M O = cantilever moment at A due to the pressure above the tie rod
The soil reaction at B is
B = reaction at B corresponding to the earth pressure diagram
The maximum positive bending moment to be used for design of the sheet piling is
M L = the maximum bending moment corresponding to the earth
pressure diagram AVZB
The required depth, D, is determined by the condition that the total passive earth
pressure, calculated according to Coulomb’s Theory (with
should equal the
reaction B. This necessitates a trial and error approach. The driving depth should be
increased to
to provide a margin of safety of approximately 2.
High Sheet Pile Walls (Two Anchor System) - When the height between the dredgeline
and the anchor is greater than about 35 feet, it may prove economical to utilize a second
tie rod at a lower level. This will reduce both the moment in the wall and the required
depth of penetration. Figure 35 shows two arrangements for a sheet pile wall having two
tie rods. Method (a) is preferred because the different tie rod lengths and separate anchors
used in method (b) tend to cause different horizontal deflections at the two wales.
Fig. 35 - Typical anchorage for two tie rods
The principles of design for multiple tie rods are the same as for walls having one tie rod.
A convenient method to investigate alternate designs for two ties is as follows:
Referring to Figure 36, calculate the deflection,
of a single tie wall at the
proposed level of the second tie. Then the tension, T2, in the lower tie is simply
that force applied at the lower tie rod level that is necessary to produce an equal,
but opposite deflection
in the single tie wall. The wall can be treated as a
simple span between the upper tie rod and the resultant, RP, of the passive resistance, as shown in Figure 36
Fig. 36 - Analysis with two tie rods
If backfilling is commenced before the installation of the lower tie rod, an initial
, will occur in the wall. Consequently, the calculated force in the
lower tie rod will be reduced by the ratio
since the actual deflection,
cannot be counteracted.
The reduction of tension in the top tie rod due to the introduction of the lower
tie rod is equal to the reaction of the simple span mentioned above with a single
point load equal to the tension in the lower tie rod. Allowance should be made
for the increased tension in both tie rods if they are inclined, as in Figure 35 (a).
Once T 1 and T 2 are determined, the depth of penetration can be revised by
statics; however, it is wise to keep in mind that the above methods are only
approximate. It is recommended that any reduction factor be omitted if a wall
has two or more tiers of tie rods.
The height of a sheet pile wall driven in cohesive soils is limited by the initial strength of
the clay below the level of the dredge line. This is true for anchored or cantilevered walls
and for either granular or cohesive backfill above the dredge line. For heights in excess of
this limit, the wall will fail. Therefore, the first step in the design of sheet pile walls in
cohesive soils should be the investigation of the limiting height.
Figure 37 shows a sheet pile wall driven in cohesive soil together with the lateral earth
pressures below the dredge line. The net passive resistance below the dredge line is given
= unconfined compressive strength = twice the cohesion, c.
= the effective unit weight of soil above the dredge line =
moist unit weight above water level and submerged unit
weight below water level
= depth below ground line.
= the height of the soil above the dredge line, including the
equivalent height of any uniform surcharge
= unit weight of soil below the dredge line
If the height of the wall, H, is such that the net passive resistance is zero, failure will
occur. This will occur when
that is, when the ratio
Rowe 27 has
introduced the concept of the stability number, S, defined as:
Fig. 37 - Stability of sheet piling in cohesive soils (after Teng 1)
Since adhesion, c a, will develop between the soil and the sheet piling, the stability
number may be modified as:
C a= the wall adhesion
Table 5 gives recommended values of adhesion for various soil strengths.
0 - 250
0 - 250
250 -
480 -
1000 - 2000
750 -
2000 - 4000
950 -
250 500 -
Table 5 - Approximate values of adhesion (after Navdocks11)
For design, it is sufficient to take the value of
as 1.25 and, therefore, S =
0.31. Hence, a sheet pile wall driven into cohesive soils should have a minimum stability
number of about 0.31 times an appropriate safety factor.
The conventional Swedish Circular Arc method for unretained earth slopes can also be
used to check the stability of the soil adjacent to a sheet pile wall. The method can be
applied to soil having both internal friction,
and cohesion, c. Figure 38 illustrates the
method. The factor of safety is defined as the resisting moment divided by the driving
moment. Referring to Figure 38, the resisting and driving moments are:
Driving Moment =
Resisting Moment =
Wi =
Li =
ci =
Ni =
R =
weight of the ith slice
lever arm of the ith slice about 0
length of circular arc at the base of the ith slice.
cohesion at the base of the ith slice.
normal component of the weight of the ith slice.
radius of the circular arc.
angle of internal friction at the base of the ith slice.
Fig, 38 - Swedish arc method of stability
This method is also applicable to stratified deposits. The soil properties for each layer
should be used to calculate the weights and resistance at the base of each slice. Any water
above the dredge line should be included in the weight of the slice. The reader should
refer to a standard text on soil mechanics, such as Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics by D.
Taylor18 for a more detailed discussion;
Tie rods are frequently subjected to tensions much greater than the calculated values. The
conventional methods of calculating anchor pull involve the assumption that the resulting
active pressure distribution is hydrostatic, or triangular. In reality, the real distribution
may be somewhat different and the corresponding anchor tension may be greater. than
that computed. The anchor pull may also increase because of repeated application and
removal of heavy surcharges or an unequal yield of adjacent anchorages that causes
overloading. Because of these possibilities, the computed tie rod design tension should be
increased by about 30 per cent for the tie rod proper, and 50 to 100 per cent at splices
and connections where stress concentration can develop. The pull on a tie rod before any
increase is assessed would then be
= the anchor pull in pounds per tie, rod
T = the anchor pull in pounds per foot width of wall
d = distance between rods in feet (center to center)
a = inclination of tie rod with the horizontal
Any soft soil below the tie rods, even at great depth, may consolidate under the weight
of recent backfill, causing the ground to settle. A small settlement will cause the tie rods
to sag under the weight of the soil above them. This sagging will result in an increase in
tensile stress in the tie rod as it tends to pull the sheeting. In order to eliminate this
condition, one of the following methods may be used:
Support the tie rods with light vertical piles at 20 to 30-foot intervals.
Encase the anchor rods in large conduits
Tie rods are usually round structural steel bars with upset threaded ends to avoid a
reduction in the net area due to the threads. In order to take up slack, turnbuckles are
usually provided in every tie rod.
The horizontal reaction from an anchored sheet pile wall is transferred to the tie rods by
a flexural member known as a wale. It normally consists of two spaced structural steel
channels placed with their webs back to back in the horizontal position. Figure 39 shows
common arrangements of wales and tie rods located on both the inside and outside of a
sheet pile wall. The channels are spaced with a sufficient distance* between their webs to
clear the upset end of the tie rods. Pipe segments or other types of separators are used to
maintain the required spacing when the channels are connected together. If wales are
constructed on the inside face of the sheet piling, every section of sheet piling is bolted to
the wale to transfer the reaction of the piling. While the best location for the wales is on
the outside face of the wall, where the piling will bear against the wales, they are generally placed inside the wall to provide a clear outside face.
Fig. 39 - Typical wale and anchor rod details
For sizing purposes, the response of a wale may be assumed to be somewhere between
that of a continuous beam on several supports (the tie rods) and a single span on simple
supports. Therefore, the maximum bending moment for design will be somewhere
Mmax = (1/10)Td2
(three continuous spans - simply supported)
Mmax = (1/8)Td2
(single span - simply supported)
T = the anchor pull in pounds per foot (before increase).
d = distance between rods in feet (center to center)
The above expressions are only approximations. An exact analysis would have to take
into account the elasticity of the tie rods, the rigidity of the wale and the residual stresses
induced during bolting operations.
The required section modulus of the wale is
S = the section modulus of the wale for both channels
= allowable steel bending stress
Wales are connected to the sheet piling by means of fixing plates and bolts. Each bolt
transmits a pull proportional to the width,
of a single sheet pile, and equal to
Rb = pull in pounds per bolt
= the driving distance of a single sheet pile (if each section is
F.S. = a desired safety factor to cover stresses induced during
bolting (between 1.2 and 1.5)
The fixing plate (as shown in Figure 39, Section A-A) may be designed as a beam simply
supported at two points (the longitudinal webs of the wale) and bearing a single load, Rb,
in the center.
The wales are field bolted at joints known as fish plates or splices, as shown in Figure
39, Section C-C. It is preferable to splice both channels at the same point and place the
joint at a recess in the double piling element. Splices should be designed for the
transmission of the bending moment. The design of tie rods and wales is illustrated in
Problem No. 4a (pages 107-110).
The stability of an anchored sheet pile bulkhead depends mainly on the stability of the
anchor device to which the wall is fastened. The reaction of the tie rods may be carried
by any one of the types of anchorages shown in Figure 40.
Concrete cast against
original soil
Final ground
Fig. 40 - Types of anchorage systems (after Teng 1).
Location of Anchorage - In order for an anchorage system to be effective it must be
located outside the potential active failure zone developed behind a sheet pile wall. Its
capacity is also impaired if it is located in unstable ground or if the active failure zone
prevents the development of full passive resistance of the system. Figure 41 shows several
installations that will not provide the full anchorage capacity required because of failure
to recognize the above considerations.
Soft clay
Anchorage subjected to
other horiz. forces
Two sliding wedges interfere
with each other
Fig. 41 - Installations having reduced anchorage capacity (after Teng 1)
Figure 42 shows the effect of anchorage location on the resistance developed.
Possible position of
anchor block
Anchor left of bc provides no
Anchor right of bf provides full
resistance with no transfer to wall.
Anchor between bc and bf provides partial
resistance and transfers
to wall.
Estimated point of zero moment
Vector diagram for free body abde where P a =
active force on back of de at anchor block.
Fig. 42 - Effects of anchor location relative to the wall (after Navdocks11, Terzaghi13)
If the anchorage is located between bc and bf, only partial resistance is developed due to
the intersection of the active and passive failure wedges. However, the theoretical
reduction in anchor capacity may be analytically determined (see Theoretical Soil
Mechanics by K. Terzaghi,13 p. 232.)
Sheet Pile Anchor Walls - Short steel sheet piles driven in the form of a continuous
wall may be used to anchor tie rods. The tie rods are connected with a waling system
similar to that for the “parent” wall, and resistance is derived from passive pressure
developed as the tie rod pulls against the anchor wall. To provide some stability during
installation of the piling and the wales, pairs of the piling should be driven to a greater
depth at frequent intervals. The anchor wall is analyzed by conventional means
considering full passive pressure developed only if the active and passive failure zones do
not intersect. However, if the failure wedges do intersect, the total passive resistance of
the anchor wall will be reduced by the amount
(for granular soils)
h 2 = depth to the point of intersection of the failure wedges as
shown in Figure 43.
Fig. 43 - Continuous anchor wall (after Navdocks11)
The tie rod connection to the anchorage should be ideally ‘located at the point of the
resultant earth pressures acting on the anchorage. Problem No. 4a (pages 107-110)
illustrates the design of sheet pile anchor walls.
Deadmen Anchors - The effects of interaction of the active and passive failure surfaces,
as mentioned above, also apply to the design of deadmen anchors.
Care must be exercised to see that the anchor block or deadman does not settle after
construction. This is generally not a problem in undisturbed soils, however, where the
anchorage must be located in unconsolidated fill, piles may be needed to support the
blocks. Also, the soil within the passive wedge of the anchorage should be compacted to
at least 90 per cent of maximum density unless the deadman is forced against firm natural
Continuous Deadmen Near Ground Surface - A continuous deadman is shown in
Figure 44.
Granular soil
Cohesive soil
(initial pressure)
Fig. 44 - Continuous deadmen near ground surface (after Teng1)
If 1/2H>h, assume deadman extends to ground surface and the ultimate capacity of the
deadman is
T u l t = ultimate capacity of the deadman, pounds per linear foot
= total passive earth pressure, pounds per linear foot
= total active earth pressure, pounds per linear foot
The active and passive pressure distributions for granular and cohesive soils are also shown
in Figure 44. For design in cohesive soils, both the immediate and the long-term pressure
conditions should be checked to determine the critical case. A safety factor of two
against failure is recommended; i.e.,
Short Deadmen Near Ground Surface - Figure 45 shows a deadman of length, L,
located near the ground surface, subjected to an anchor pull, T. Experiments have
indicated that at the time of failure, due to edge effects, the heave of the ground surfaces
takes place in an area as shown. The surface of sliding at both ends is curved.
Fig. 45 - Short deadmen near ground surface (after Teng1)
Integration of the resistance along these curved sliding surfaces results in the following
expression for the ultimate capacity of short deadmen in granular soils
L =
ultimate capacity of the deadman, pounds
length of the deadman, feet
total passive and active pressure, pounds per lineal foot
coefficient of earth pressure at rest. (It may be taken as
0.4 for design of deadman)
unit weight of soil, pounds per cubic foot.
coefficients of passive and active earth pressure.
height of deadman, feet.
angle of internal friction.
For cohesive soils, the second term in the above expression should be replaced by the
cohesive resistance, thus
c = the cohesion of the soil, pounds per square foot.
General Case in Granular Soils
N. K. Ovesen50 conducted 32 different model tests in granular soil and developed a
procedure for designing anchor slabs located in a zone where the anchor resistance can be
fully mobilized. The proposed method considers that the earth pressure in front of the
slab is calculated on the basis of a rupture surface corresponding to a translation of the
slab. This method can be used to solve the general case in Figure 46 (a) for rectangular
anchors of limited height and length located at any depth as shown in Figure 46 (b).
Surface loads behind the anchor slab are not included in this publication since their
influence is small on the anchor resistance for granular soils with an angle of internal
friction equal to or greater than 30 degrees.
Fig. 46 (a) - Geometrical parameters for an
anchor slab.
Fig. 46 (b) - Geometrical parameters for anchor
slabs with limited height and length.
resultant anchor force per slab, Ibs.
ground water table
weight per foot of wall of the anchor plus the
soil on top of the slab, Ibs. per foot
distance from base of slab to ground surface, ft.
distance between centers of two consecutive slabs, ft.
resultant anchor force, Ibs. per foot
thickness of anchor slab, ft.
distance from base of slab to resultant anchor force, ft.
distance from base of slab to ground water table, ft.
actual height of anchor slab, ft.
actual length of anchor slab, ft.
vertical effective stress in earth at midpoint of actual
height of anchor slab, Ibs. per square foot
unit weight of soil, Ibs. per cubic foot
submerged unit weight of soil, Ibs. per cubic foot.
Ovesen suggests that a two-step procedure be used to find the ultimate resistance of the
anchor per slab A ult which equals
First the dimensionless anchor resistance
factor, Ro, is determined for the “basic case”. The basic case is a continuous strip,
= L,
extending the full height, h = H, of the anchor. Next, the dimensionless anchor resistance
factor, R, which is dependent upon Ro is calculated for the actual anchor dimensions
under consideration. Knowing R, the ultimate resistance of the anchor slab Ault can be
calculated. A similar two-step procedure is used to find Z, the location of the line of
action of the anchor tie-rod force. The application of Ovesen’s method is described
below and illustrated in Problem No. 4b (pages 111-113).
Determine the dimensionless anchor resistance factor, Ro, for the “basic case”. For
a given angle of internal friction,
and angle of wall friction,
calculate tan and
use Figure 46 (c) to obtain the earth pressure coefficient,
Calculate the Rankine
active earth pressure coefficient Ka, and then’ solve for Ro.
Fig. 46 (c) - Earth pressure coefficients for the normal earth pressure in front of an anchor slab.
(after Ovesen50)
Calculate the hydrostatic earth pressure per foot of wall,
Calculate, To, the ultimate anchor resistance per foot of wall for the “basic case”,
The following method is recommended for obtaining
for those cases where the
tangent of the angle of wall friction, tan
is not known:
Calculate the normal and tangential active earth pressure per foot of wall on the
back of the slab,
Calculate Gw, which is the weight per foot of wall of the anchor plus the soil on top
of the slab, then
Use Figure 46 (c) to obtain
The dimensionless resistance factor, R, for the actual anchor slab dimensions is then
calculated by the formuIa51 below or by the use of Figure 46 (d), which is the below
equation plotted for values of Q/L, Q/h, and h/H.
The ultimate anchor resistance per slab, Ault, and the ultimate anchor resistance per
foot of wall, Tult, are equal to,
where qm is the vertical effective stress in the earth at the midpoint of the actual
height of the anchor slab, qm =
The location of Z shown in Figure 46 (a), which is the line of action of the anchor
tie-rod force, can be obtained directly from Figure 46 (e) when the ground water
table is at or below the anchor slab base (hU = 0).
Use the following method to find Z when the ground water table is above the anchor
slab base (hu
0). Calculate MH, the hydrostatic earth pressure moment, about the
base of the anchor (Figure 46 (a)).
Fig. 46 (d) - Dimensionless resistance factor ratio for continuous anchor slab,
= 1.0
R/R o
calculate PH, To, FA, Gw, Ka,
as defined in the anchor resistance calculations
previously outlined. For
use Figure 46 (f) to obtain the dimensionless
relative distance factor
Then for the basic case, Zo, the distance from the base of
the anchor slab to the line of action of the anchor force is,
and, for the actual anchor slab dimensions, the distance, Z, from the base of the
anchor to the anchor tie force is calculated using the following formula:
Fig. 46 (e) - Location of line of action of
anchor force. (after Ovesen” )
Fig. 46 (f) - Relative distance from base of
slab to resultant of earth pressure in front of
anchor slab. (after Ovesen”)
An estimate of the horizontal movement, A, of the anchor slab may be obtained by
solving the equation:
and either H = L in combination with:
or h =
in combination with: .
Anchor Slab in Cohesive Soils
Mackenzie52 performed model tests in plastic clay based upon the full resistance of the
wedge in front of the anchor block being mobilized. The geometric parameters shown in
Figure 47 (a) used in conjunction with the experimental curve shown in Figure 47 (b)
give a dimensionless factor R which is dependent upon the ratio H/h. Knowing R, the
ultimate capacity of the anchor slab, Tult, per unit of slab width can be determined as
T ult = Rch
where R
c = cohesion of the soil, psf
This experimental curve can be used for design purposes providing consideration is given
to a proper factor of safety for a specific application.
Fig. 47 (a) - Geometrical parameters for anchor
slab in clay.
Fig. 47 (b) - Resistance of plastic clays to
anchor slabs. (after Mackenzie 52 )
H-Pile A-Frames - Brace piles forming A-frames can sometimes be used effectively to
anchor sheet pile walls, as shown in Figure 40 (b). If only two piles form each frame, it is
necessary to connect the frames with a continuous reinforced concrete cap. The anchor
rods can then be attached to the concrete cap. However, if three piles are used, each
frame can support a tie rod through the center pile and act independently. The pile
angled toward the wall will be in compression while the pile or piles angled away from the
wall will be in tension. The resulting forces are easily determined from a force polygon as
shown in the figure. This method of support can be used effectively only if the brace piles
can be adequately seated in a underlying stratum of soil or, preferably, rock.
H-Pile Tension Ties - Battered H-pile tension ties connected directly to a sheet pile
wall through wales may also be used as anchors. An illustration of this type of anchor
system is shown in Figure 48. The reaction is developed through friction and/or adhesion
between the pile and the soil behind the wall.
Fig. 48 - Battered H-Pile tension tie
Only the length of pile outside the active failure zone should be considered effective in
mobilizing resistance. The actual capacity of the H-piles should be checked by pull out
tests in the field. The tension ties should be prestressed to a percentage of the computed
anchor pull by jacking against the wall before making the final connection. Particular
attention should be given to the connection details at the wale since this may be subject
to rotational stresses.
A cofferdam is a retaining structure, usually temporary in nature, which is used to
support the sides of deep excavations. Such structures generally consist of vertical steel
sheet piling braced by a system of (a) wales and struts, (b) circular wales, and (c)
prestressed tiebacks. Cofferdams are used primarily for the excavation of multi-level
basements and trenches in construction situations where adjacent ground must be
supported against settlement or slides. Usually in urban areas the need to prevent
settlement of the adjacent ground is a matter of prime importance, as such settlements
can have disastrous effects on the structural integrity of adjacent buildings. Sheet pile
cofferdams can also be used with economy in the construction of bridge piers and
abutments in relatively shallow water.
In general, the method of construction incorporates the following basic steps: (a) steel
sheet piles are driven into the ground to a predetermined depth; (b) during excavation the
sheeting is braced by horizontal wales supported by a system of struts or prestressed
tiebacks; (c) the support system for each wale system must be in place and tightened or
prestressed against the sheeting before further excavation can proceed in order to prevent
lateral deflection. Figure 49 is a diagram demonstrating the in-place position of the
components of a temporary cofferdam.
Internal Bracing-
Prestressed Tieback
Fig. 49 - Steel sheet pile cofferdam (a) after Terzaghi & Peck14
The design of a temporary cofferdam follows an exploratory subsurface investigation
conducted to provide general information about the site and the soil strata. With this
information, the overall dimensions of the structure can be set. More detailed subsurface
information (such as soil strength properties) is then obtained for design purposes. In this
detailed subsurface study, several borings should extend to bedrock or to a depth below
the design elevation of the bottom of the sheeting roughly equal to the width of the
excavation. The subsurface investigation should also include a determination of the
elevation range of the water table.
After the required soil parameters have been determined, the lateral earth pressures
against the sheeting are computed. The various cofferdam components. can then be sized
by selecting a wale spacing, sizing the sheeting (based on the maximum moment
generated between supports), and sizing the struts (based on the maximum strut load) or
determine the prestress tieback spacing. The spacing between wales may be reduced if the
moments in the wall are too large. If the wale sizes are unreasonably large, the strut
spacing may be reduced. However, the strut spacing should be kept as wide as possible to
ease access through the bracing system during construction. Finally, the cofferdam should
be analyzed for overall stability and for safety against piping.
Of significant importance are the benefits of driving the steel sheet piling to a greater
depth than the design depth of excavation. In soft clays this usually results in resisting the
heave of the bottom of the excavation. Greater wall depths may also be advantageous in
excavations in granular soil below the water table thereby serving as a cutoff wall and
reducing the danger of piping and the formation of boils. In addition, the continuity of
sheet pile walls helps prevent excessive material loss from behind the wall.
A detailed explanation of the various stages of design of braced sheeted cofferdams is
presented in the sections that follow.
After the subsurface data has been obtained, the first step is to determine the loads acting
on the cofferdam. The loads to which the cofferdam may be subjected include earth
pressures, surcharge loads, hydrostatic pressures, wave pressures, and earthquake loads.
With the exception of the earth pressures, the lateral forces on the cofferdam walls may
be calculated in the manner presented in the first section of this manual. However, lateral
earth pressures on braced cofferdams cannot be calculated by the classical theories (Rankine, Coulomb, etc.) because of differences in the behavior of the structure during construction.
At the time the first row of struts is placed (refer to Figure 50) the excavation is not
deep enough to have appreciably altered the original state of stress in the soil. The lateral
pressure at the level of the first row of struts is, therefore, higher than the active pressure
since no significant yielding of the soil mass has occurred. As the excavation continues to
the level of the second set of struts, the rigidity of the first set prevents horizontal
yielding of the soil near the surface. However, the external lateral pressure tends to rotate
the sheeting about the upper support level so that a certain inward displacement of the
sheeting will occur at the level of the second set of struts by the time these struts are in
place. As the excavation continues, greater deflections occur at the lower struts
mobilizing soil strength and producing an arching effect which reduces lateral pressures.
At thecompletion of the excavation, the sheeting will have deformed to a position
indicated by line ab1 in Figure 50. Thus, the resulting lateral pressure diagram will have
the maximum values occurring in the upper portion of the wall which is in marked
disagreement with the pressure distributions given by the Rankine or Coulomb Theories.
Fig. 56 - Deformation of sheet piling in a braced cofferdam (after Terzaghi & Peck 14 )
For cofferdams in sand and soft to medium clays, a trapezoidal distribution similar to
that proposed by Terzaghi and Peck14 (1967) may be used for design. This distribution is
shown in Figure 51 for granular soils. If ground water is present, its pressure is added to
the trapezoidal soil pressure as shown in Figure 51 (c) and (d).
Dense sand
loose sand
Fig. 51 - Earth pressure diagram for braced cuts in sand (after Teng1)
active pressure coefficient determined from Figure 5a (page 10)
average effective unit weight
depth of excavation
angle of wall friction estimated from Table 4 (page 13)
Problem No. 2, page 117, illustrates the design of a braced cofferdam in sand.
Experience indicates that this pressure distribution results in conservative designs for
struts near the bottom of the excavation (the actual loads tend to be smaller than the
values predicted). For soft to medium clays the trapezoidal pressure distribution is given
in Figure 52 (a). An alternate method using the stability number concept is given in
Figure 52 (b).
= wet unit weight
= unconfined compressive strength
Soft to medium clay
Conventional Method
(b) Stability number method
Fig. 52 - Earth pressure diagram for braced cuts in plastic clay
The distribution of pressure in the stability number method acts between the heights of
above excavation level with linear reduction to zero at the top and
bottom. If ground water is present in clay, it is added to the pressure distribution as
shown for granular soil in Figure 51. This pressure distribution for clays also gives
maximum pressure values which result in conservative designs for some struts. However,
with the passage of time creep effects cause the lateral earth pressure to increase
appreciably. This phenomenon was studied in model tests by Kirkdam34 from which it
was concluded that the design of more permanent cofferdams in clay should be based on
earth pressures calculated according to the classical theories (Rankine, Coulomb or
Log-Spiral) using a cohesion value of zero and a $-angle as determined by drained triaxial
tests. Problem No. 1 (pages 114-116) is a design example illustrating the Stability Number
For stratified soils, Peck30 suggested the use of the pressure diagram given in Figure 52
(a), substituting
in any sand strata that are interbedded with clay.
The values and are determined as follows:
= saturated unit weight of sand
= hydrostatic pressure ratio for the sand layer, may be taken
as 1.0 for design purposes
= thickness of the sand layer
= angle of internal friction of the sand
= total depth of excavation
= unconfined compression strength of the clay
= saturated unit weight of the clay
n = coefficient of progressive failure, the value ranges usually from 0.5
to 1.0. This value varies with the creep characteristics of the clay, the
length of time during which the excavation remains open, and the
care exercised in construction. In Chicago clay, the value ranges
between 0.75 and 1.0.
Problem No. 3 (pages 118-126) illustrates the design of a braced cofferdam in stratified
Because of the seemingly conservative nature of the trapezoidal pressure distribution
for design, current engineering practice permits the sheeting, wales, and struts in
temporary bracing systems to be designed for a 65 per cent overstress, as shown in Teng1,
in instances of carefully controlled and inspected construction. Such construction
conditions should include a detailed subsurface drilling program with careful determination of the soil parameters’ by laboratory tests, installation of the cofferdam by a
contractor with considerable experience in the construction of braced cofferdams, and
the use of strain gages to periodically measure stresses in typical members.
When the pressure diagram has been completed, a structural analysis can be performed on
the sheeting, the wales, and the struts and from this analysis the components can be sized.
A design example is given in Problem No. 3 (pages 118-126) illustrating a method of
sizing cofferdam components.
Sheeting - The steel sheet piling may be designed either as a continuous beam
supported at the strut levels or by assuming pins exist at each strut thereby making each
span statically determinant. It is also customary to assume a support at the bottom of the
excavation. The resulting moment distributions are illustrated in Figure 53.
Continuous Span
Simply Supported
Construction Stage
Fig. 53 - Assumptions used in the design of sheet piling (a and b after Teng 1)
The maximum moment per foot of width along the sheeting may then be computed from
M max = (1/10)
wL 2
M max = (1/8)
wL 2
(three continuous spans - simply supported,
Figure 53(a), usually used on middle spans)
(single span - simply supported, Figure 53(b),
usually used on top span)
= average lateral pressure on the wall over the longest span
L = maximum distance between wales, often governed by
construction stage as shown in Figure 53 (c)
If the base is unstable (see Stability of Cofferdams, page 63) the sheeting is driven
deeper, as shown on Figure 54, and the unbalanced force, Pb', acts on the buried length.
The steel sheeting is then designed as a cantilever below point X using
L = vertical strut spacing
Water Pressure
Fig. 54 - Deflected sheet pile wall with unbalanced force
These moment equations represent the range where the actual moment lies. The accuracy
with which the maximum moment can be determined depends primarily on the accuracy
of the pressure diagram. The required section modulus of the sheeting would then be
given by
= allowable steel bending stress
Wales - The wales are designed to resist the horizontal reactions from the sheeting as
previously described in the section on anchorage systems. However, in braced cofferdams,
since the excavation is usually of closed geometry, the wales are also subject to an axial
load due to the reaction from the perpendicular wales at the corners as shown in Figure
55. Thus, the wales should be designed as continuous beams subjected to both lateral and
axial loads.
Fig. 55 - Plan at corner of braced cofferdam
Struts - Figure 56 illustrates a typical arrangement of struts in a braced excavation.
The struts are designed as compression members, with buckling being the primary
consideration. The spacing between struts in both directions must be designed in such a
manner that the axial loads and the
ratios are kept within acceptable limits. Frequent
cross-strutting is recommended from. the design standpoint as it reduces the R/r ratios.
However, from the construction standpoint the spacing between struts may be dictated
by the required accessibility to the bottom of the excavation. An eight-foot strut spacing
is usually considered the minimum acceptable for construction.
Stiffener Plate
Fig. 56 - Typical strut arrangement for a braced excavation
The designer must also consider whether or not the tiers of struts should be located at the
same elevation in both directions. If the tiers are located at the same elevation, the struts
must be framed into each other at the points of intersection. This is commonly done by
cutting interlocking notches in the struts at the junctions or by splicing the struts in one
direction. An alternative is to pass the tier of struts in one direction directly above the
tier of struts in the perpendicular direction. However, with such an arrangement the wales
will be at slightly different elevations at the corners and the transfer of reaction will result
in eccentric axial loads in the wales. If such eccentricity does occur, the wales must be
designed for the combined stresses due to the axial load and the biaxial bending moment
from the lateral pressure and the eccentric axial load.
Raking Braces - For large excavations it may not be practical to permit horizontal
braces to extend completely across the excavation. In such cases the sheeting can be
supported by raking braces as shown in Figure 57.
Fig. 57 - Diagram illustrating the use of raking braces in construction of a deep cut
In such cases the sequence of excavation and installation of braces is quite different from
that normally assumed for a braced cofferdam with horizontal struts. Deflections of the
wall during construction permit mobilization of active pressures according to the classical
theories. Thus, the triangular lateral earth pressure diagram should be used as described
previously for cantilevered and anchored bulkheads. The bending moments in the sheet
piling must be determined for each stage of construction (just prior to installation of each
brace and wale) and will depend on the method and sequence of construction. The
maximum moment is usually assumed using simple span between the lowest brace then in
place ‘and the point of zero net pressure below excavation, as shown on Figure 53 (c). A
safety factor of 1.5 is usually recommended for computation of passive pressure counted
on for support. In addition, an increase of 15 per cent to the load on the upper wale and
brace is also recommended.
Sheet piling penetration below final excavation bottom is controlled by stability
considerations (next section). Penetration requirements are determined by equilibrium of
the cantilever span below point y. By assuming a point of fixity at point y,
= allowable moment in steel sheet piling at point y
= resultant active pressure below point y
Circular Bracing - A ring wale bracing system has been developed for a circular
excavation.36 This design is based upon experience in rock tunneling using the equation
f s = stress in the circular ring wale, pounds per square inch
T = radius of excavation times the total load per foot between
the ring wales, pounds
M = approximate moment at blocking point based upon experience in tunneling, inch-pounds
= 0.86 T x b
b = rise of arc at blocking points, inches
As = area of steel cross section, square inches
R = radius of neutral axis of rib, inches
C = chord length between neutral axis blocking points, inches
S = section modulus, inches cubed
To ease construction, a six-inch gap is left between the ring wale and the sheet piling.
This gap is then "taken up" at the projection of each sheet pile (the blocking point) using
two wooden wedges, one driven from above and one from below the ring wale, as shown
on Figure 58. The ring wales should be checked for buckling, possibly by using the
following references: "Stability of an Elastic Ring in a Rigid Cavity"46 by E. A. Zagustin
and G. Herrmann; "Note on the Instability of Circular Rings Confined to a Rigid
Boundry" 47 by P. T. Hsu, J. Elkon and T. H. H. Pian; "Designing Underground
Reservoirs" 48 by D. F. Moran; and "A Buckling Problem of a Circular Ring" 49 by Lo,
Hsu, Bogdanoff, Goldberg and Crawford.
Blocking points
Steel sheet piling
Fig. 58 - Sketch of circular ring wale system
Prestressed Tiebacks - Prestressed tiebacks anchored in rock or granular soil, as shown on
Figure 59, eliminate the need of interior bracing.
Top of Ground
Fig. 59 - Typical cross section of tieback system
Thus it is possible to excavate using large power shovels instead of less efficient methods,
such as using clamshells and hand excavation. This allows freer movement within the
excavation. The higher initial installation costs of the tieback system are justified by the
economies of an unobstructed excavation.
The lateral earth pressures exerted against the steel sheet piling may be calculated by
any of the accepted conventional methods using the at-rest coefficient instead of the
active coefficients.
Teng1 suggests using
K o = 0.35 to 0.60 for sand and gravel
= 0.45 to 0.75 for clay and silt
= 1.00 or more for overconsolidated clays
A typical tieback system uses high strength alloy steel bars,
inches in diameter, of 145,000 psi ultimate strength, or seven-wire strands of 250,000 or 270,000 psi
nominal ultimate strength.
The tiebacks are installed by augering or driving 4 to 8 inch diameter pipe into the
ground at the desired angle. A pneumatic drifter will drill a 3 to 6 inch diameter rock
socket approximately 10 to 25 feet deep from the same rig that drove the pipe. The holes
in rock are cleaned by an air or water jet prior to installing tendon tiebacks. Quick drying
nonexpanding grout is installed by gravity flow. The tiebacks are then prestressed with
hydraulic jacks to about 25 percent higher than their working stress. The working stress is
equal to about 50 percent of ultimate strength.
The allowable design load on the prestressed tiebacks can be estimated using the bond
strength between the rock or soil and the cement grout. Consideration must be made for
the highest possible pore water pressure conditions. Also, the steel sheet piling must be
driven to rock that is able to withstand the downward compressive stress exerted by the
tieback system.
Heaving In Soft Clay - For construction in soft clay, heave at the bottom of the
excavation may occur, resulting in settlement of the surrounding ground surface. The
conventional method of analysis for investigating heave was developed by Terzaghi13 and
is illustrated in Figure 60.
Fig. 60 - Diagram illustrating assumed mechanism for failure by heave
of the bottom of a deep excavation
In this case, the vertical column of soil along the sheeting is assumed to exert a pressure
on the horizontal plane A-A’. When the pressure exerted by this soil column exceeds the
bearing capacity of the soil beneath the sheeting a bearing type failure will occur,
resulting in heave of’ the bottom of the excavation and settlement of the surrounding
ground surface. Based on this failure model the depth of excavation at which heave will
occur can be expressed by:
(for H < B)
H c = critical height of excavation (feet)
B = width of excavation (feet)
= unit weight of soil (pcf)
c = unit cohesion of soil (pcf)
A factor of safety of 1.5 applied to the soil cohesive shear strength is normally
recommended. This method of analysis gives reliable results for excavations in which the
width of the cofferdam is larger than the depth of excavation and the cofferdam is very
long. In cases where the cofferdam is square, rectangular, or circular in geometry and the
depth of excavation exceeds the width, the proximity of the four walls aids in overall
resistance to heave. In such cases a method of analysis developed by Bjerrum and Eide31
can be used. Their method visualizes the cofferdam as a deep “negative footing.” That is,
the excavation produces shear stresses in the soil similar, but of opposite direction, to
those caused by a deep foundation. Using this analogy the depth of excavation that
would cause heave may be expressed by:
(for H> B)
H c = critical height of excavation
= average unit weight of soil within depth of excavation
c = unit cohesion of soil
NC = bearing capacity factor - to be determined according to
chart presented in Figure 61.
q = surface surcharge loading
circular or square, B/L = 1.0
B = excavation width
L = excavation length
H = height of excavation
NC rectangular = (0.84 + 0.16 B/L) Nc square
Fig. 61 - Diagram for the determination of bearing pressure coefficient, N c (after Skempton)
Where the safety factor falls below a value of 1.5 the sheeting should be extended to a
depth of one-half the excavation width below the excavation level. The additional
pressures thereby incurred on the sheeting may be satisfactorily represented by
inwardly directed horizontal forces acting at the mid-height of the embedded lengths and
having the following magnitude:
Piping in Sand - For excavations in pervious materials the possibility of piping or
“sand boiling” must be investigated. Piping occurs when an unbalanced hydrostatic head
causes large upward seepage pressures in the soil at the bottom of the excavation. When
piping takes place, the upward seepage pressure reduces the effective weight of the soil,
thereby reducing the ability of the soil to offer lateral support to the sheeting. In extreme
cases the sand “boils” in the bottom of the excavation. That is, a “quick” condition is
Piping is controlled by dewatering (lowering the water table) outside the cofferdam or
by driving the sheet piling deeper. The purpose of both corrective measures is to reduce
the upward hydraulic gradient in the soil below the bottom of the excavation. Driving the
sheeting deeper is particularly effective if the piling can be driven into an impervious layer
that will stop or reduce flow around the bottom of the piling. The design of sheeting
penetration to control piping for various subsurface conditions is presented in Figure
6.2 (a) and Figure 62 (b). Also, research by Marsland32 incorporating a safety factor of
1.5 is published in chart form1.
Fig. 62 (a) - Chart for obtaining the depth of sheet piling to prevent piping in a braced cofferdam
(after Navdocks 11 )
Coarse sand underlying fine sand
Presence of coarse layer makes flow in fine material
more nearly vertical and generally increases seepage
gradients in the fine layer compared to the homogeneous cross-section of Fig. 62 (a).
If top of coarse layer is at a depth below sheeting tips
greater than width of excavation, safety factors of
Fig. 62 (a) for infinite depth apply.
If top of coarse layer is at a depth below sheeting tips
less than width of excavation, the uplift pressures are
greater than for the homogeneous cross-section. If permeability of coarse layer is more than ten times that of
fine layer, failure head (Hu) = thickness of fine layer
(H 2 ).
Fine sand underlying coarse sand
Presence of fine layer constricts flow beneath sheeting
and generally decreases seepage gradients in the coarse
If top of fine layer lies below sheeting tips, safety
factors are intermediate between those for an impermeable boundary at top or bottom of the fine layer’ in
Fig. 62 (a).
If top of the fine layer lies above sheeting tips the
safety factors of Fig. 62 (a) are somewhat conservative
for penetration required.
Fine layer in homogeneous sand stratum
If the top of fine layer is at a depth greater than width
of excavation below sheeting tips, safety factors of
Fig. 62 (a) apply, assuming impervious base at top of
fine layer.
If top of fine layer is at a depth less than width of
excavation below sheeting tips, pressure relief is required so that unbalanced head below fine layer does
not exceed height of soil above base of layer.
If fine layer lies above subgrade of excavation, final
condition is safer than homogeneous case, but dangerous condition may arise during excavation above the
fine layer and pressure relief is required as in the preceding case.
Fig. 62 (b) - Depth of sheet piling in stratified sand to prevent piping in a braced cofferdam
(after Navdocks11)
Another method to check base stability of a braced cofferdam in granular soil is as
S.F .
= average effective unit weight for soil within a depth below
excavation level equal to excavation width.
= average effective unit weight for soil above excavation
= bearing capacity factor for soil below excavation level,
determined from Figure 62 (c).
Where an unbalanced water head exits across the sheeting the value of
determined by subtracting the upwards seepage from the weight of the soil.
must be
Fig. 62 (c) - Bearing capacity factors
A cellular cofferdam is a gravity retaining structure formed from the series of
interconnected straight web steel sheet pile cells filled with soil, usually sand,, or sand and
gravel. The interconnection provides water-tightness and self-stability against the lateral
pressures of water and earth.
Cellular cofferdams are usually classified according to the configuration and arrangements of the cells. Figure 63 shows three basic types of cellular cofferdams:
= 30°
= 30°
= 45°
B = .785D (90°T)
B = .818D (3o°Y)
B = .8750 (90°T)
Fig. 63 - Cellular cofferdams
Circular Type - This type consists of individual large diameter circles connected together
by arcs of smaller diameter. These arcs generally intercept the circles at a point making an
angle of 30 or 45 degrees with the longitudinal axis of the cofferdam. The prime feature of
the circular type cofferdam is that each cell is self-supporting and independent of the
next. The circular type requires fewer piles per linear foot of cofferdam as compared with
a diaphragm type of equal design, as shown in Figure 64.
D of Circular Cells
2R of Diaphragm Cells
Fig. 64 - Piling required per linear foot of cofferdam (after TVA36)
This chart is based on:
The diaphragm arc radius equal to the circular radius.
The average widths of both types are equal.
Eight piles in each connecting cell arc.
T’s set 30° from the centerline.
Diaphragm Type - This type of cell consists of two series of circular arcs connected
together by diaphragms perpendicular to the axis of the cofferdam. It is common practice
to make the radii of the arcs equal to the distances between the diaphragms. At the
intersection point the two arcs and the diaphragm make angles of 120 degrees with each
The diaphragm type cofferdam can easily be widened by increasing the length of the
diaphragms. This increase will not raise the interlock stress, which is a function of the
radius of the arc portion of the cell., At any given level, there is a uniform interlock stress
throughout the section. The stress is smaller than that at the joint of a circular cell of an
equal design.
Cloverleaf Type - This type of cell is a modification of the circular cell. It is generally
employed for cases of large head where the large diameter required by stability would
result in excessively high interlock stress if diaphragms were not added. Figure 65 shows
the general trend in design heads for both circular and cloverleaf type cofferdams.
Although the cloverleaf cell uses more steel than circular or diaphragm type cells, it is
adaptable to greater heights.
Fig. 65 - General trend in design of cellular cofferdams (after Swatek41)
Modified Types - In a few cases where stability is not a problem, it may be possible to
eliminate or change certain arcs in the circular or diaphragm arrangements, as shown in
Figure 66. However, the remaining portions of the cells must be adequately anchored
before this is practical.
Modified circular type
Modified diaphragm type
Fig. 66 - Modified cellular cofferdams
Components of Cellular Cofferdams - The major components of cellular cofferdams are
the steel sheet piling for the cells, the cell fill, and the earth berms that are often used to
increase stability.
Straight sheet pile sections permit a maximum deflection angle of 10 degrees (refer to
U. S. Steel Sheet Pile Catalog for limitations). When larger deflection angles are required
for small diameter cells, standard bent piles are available as shown in Figure 67. Junction
points in cellular cofferdams required special prefabricated pieces, commonly 90 degree
T’s and 30 and 120 degree Y‘s. These standard connections are also shown in Figure 67.
For deflection angles up to 10°,
use straight pile sections.
For deflection angles greater than 10°,
band web of pile to an angle
equal to required deflection angle.
Fig. 67 - Steel sheet piling for cellular cofferdams
Cellular cofferdams acquire a great deal of their stability from the shear resistance of the
cell fill. Therefore, the selection of this material is vitally important for a successful
design. The Tennessee Valley Authority has summarized the following properties as the
most desirable for cell fill material.
Free-draining, granular soils with few fines.
High shear strength and high coefficient of friction.
High unit weight.
High resistance to scour and leakage; i.e., well graded soils.
General Design Concepts - Cellular cofferdams consist of two very different materials,
steel and soil, resulting in a complex interaction that makes a rational design approach
very difficult. Although various theories have been suggested to derive analytical solutions
for the stresses in a cell, most designers in this field still rely heavily on past practice and
experience. The theoretical considerations presented herein represent the most recent
approaches to this problem and may be used with confidence. However, an attempt has
also been made to supply the reader with past experience to enable him to develop
designs consistant with proven sound engineering practices. It must be pointed out that
good judgment should always prevail. Precise mathematical evaluations can result in
misleading and dangerous conclusions in the hands of inexperienced designers. Under
these circumstances, any cellular sheet pile structure of importance should have the
benefit of the best obtainable professional engineering advice. This is particularly true for
cases where difficult foundation conditions exist.
Generally, the design of a cellular cofferdam proceeds much the same as that of an
anchored wall. Before a design can be initiated, the necessary controlling dimensions must
be set and a site reconnaissance made. The height of the cofferdam must be established
from flood records so that its top is at least at the level of the anticipated high water
during the life of the cofferdam. For high cofferdams, a berm might also be considered to
reduce the relative height above ground.
Site Conditions - The site reconnaissance should include information on the existing
ground surface and the depth of scour, as well as a complete subsurface investigation.
Exploratory borings extending to rock should be located so as to provide a complete
picture of the soil strata and the general configuration of the rock surface. Laboratory
tests give the engineer first-hand knowledge of the character and the properties of the
materials in design. Care should be exercised, however, in the application of laboratory
test results because of the complicated response of the structure to actual field
conditions. These conditions are almost impossible to duplicate by ordinary testing
procedures. It is advisable to extend several borings into the rock to determine its general
character and competency. Also, the depth and extent of soft soils (soft clay, silt and
organic deposits, etc.) should be carefully ascertained, since these soils must be removed
and replaced by granular soils.
Equivalent Width - After the height of the cofferdam is established and the pertinent
physical properties of the underlying soils together with the cell fill are determined, a
tentative equivalent width, B, is chosen. The equivalent width, B, of the cofferdam is
defined as the width of an equivalent rectangular section having a section modulus equal
to that of the actual cofferdam. For design purposes this definition may be simplified to
equivalent areas, from which
area of (main cell + one connecting cell)
Equivalent Width, B =
center to center distance of main cells
TVA engineers have found that the results by the two definitions differ by only about six
per cent. For circular cells the area definition leads to the following relationship between
diameter and equivalent width:
B = 0.785 D for
B = 0.818 D for
B = 0.875 D for
= 30 degrees (90°T) [see Figure 63(a)]
= 30 degrees (3O°Y)
= 45 degrees (90°T)
For diaphragm type cells
area enclosed by cell
distance between diaphragms
For design purposes this can be taken as 0.9 times the total dimension of the cell from
front to back [see Figure 63 (b)].
Saturation Line - Before stability of the assumed cell configuration can be checked
the degree of saturation within the cell fill must be considered, in particular, the location
of the line of saturation must be located. The zone of saturation within the cell will be
influenced by a number of factors including the condition of the pile interlocks, the
permeability of the cell fill, whether a berm is used, and the number and position of weep
holes on the inside row of piling. In general, the slope of the free water surface or
saturation line may be assumed as shown in Figure 68 for the various types of cell fill. In
cases where an earth berm is used, the saturation line slopes to the top of the berm. In the
berm itself, two locations of saturation line should be considered, as shown in Figure 69
to make provision for the more critical location. A horizontal line, at an elevation so
chosen as to represent the average expected condition of saturation should serve just as
well, at the same time simplifying computations.
Saturation Line
Free Draining Coarse
Grained Fill
Sand and Gravel
Silty Coarse
Grained Fill
Gravel, Sand, Silt
and Clay Mixtures
Fine Grained
Very Fine Sands
With Silts and
Fig. 68 - Recommended saturation lines for various soil types
For purposes of stability analysis cellular cofferdams are classified according to the type
of foundation (i.e., cofferdams on rock and cofferdams on deep soil deposits). Cellular
cofferdams founded on rock must be analyzed for several types of failure. Problem No. 1
(pages 127-132) illustrates the design of a circular cofferdam founded on rock.
Sliding on Foundation - The safety factor for horizontal sliding of the cofferdam is
obtained by considering the driving forces and the potential resisting forces acting on a
unit length. The cofferdam is subjected to the lateral driving pressures on the outboard
face, the frictional resistance along the bottom of the cofferdam and berm (if one is used)
and the passive resistance of the soil on the inboard face, as shown in Figure 69.
Assumed Saturation Line
Top of Rock
Fig. 69
Driving Forces:
Full water pressure, Pw =
Active earth pressure, Pa =
per foot of wall
per foot of wall
= active earth pressure coefficient
= submerged unit weight of soil on the outboard side of the
= unit weight of water = 62.4 pounds per cubic foot
H and Hs = height of cofferdam and soil, respectively
HB = height from toe of cofferdam to top of berm
Resisting Forces:
Friction force along bottom of the cell, W
W = effective weight of cell fill
B = equivalent width of cofferdam
= unit weight of cell fill above saturation line
H = total height of cofferdam
H 1 = average height of saturation line
= submerged unit weight of cell fill
= coefficient of friction of cell fill on rock, for smooth rock = 0.5
= @-angle of the soil for other types
Passive resistance of soil and berm on inboard face of cofferdams founded on rock,
should be determined by the sliding wedge theory or the Coulomb Theory
modified to account for any intersection of the failure wedge with the back slope of
the berm. These theories should be used because the presence of the rock will not
permit a log-spiral failure to develop.
The resulting safety factor against sliding is:
F.S. =
Resisting Forces
Driving Forces
= P
= effective passive resistance of the soil and berm on the
inboard face, per foot of wall
The safety factor against sliding on the foundation should be at least 1.25 for temporary
structures and 1.50 for permanent construction.
Slipping Between Sheeting and Cell Fill - When a cellular cofferdam is subject to large
overturning forces, failure can occur by lifting the outboard piling and losing the cell fill
as it runs out the heel of the cell. In such cases slippage occurs between the sheet piles on
the outboard face and the cell fill. In order to compute the safety factor against such a
failure, moments are summed about the inboard toe,. The resisting moment is due to
the frictional forces on the inner and outer face of the outboard sheeting, plus the
effective passive resistance of the soil and berm on the inboard face. The weight of the
cell does not provide resisting moment, since it is assumed that the cell fill does not
lift up with the piling. The resulting expression is:
F.S. =
Resisting Moment (Due to Friction on Outboard Piling)
Driving Moment Due to Water and Soil Pressures
F.S. =
= coefficient of friction between the steel sheet piling and
the cell fill, see Table 4 (page 13)
Shear Failure on Centerline of Cell (Vertical Shear) - Figure 70 shows the customary
assumed stress distribution on the base of a cofferdam due to a net overturning moment,
M. The total shearing force on the neutral plane at the centerline of the cell is equal to
the area of the triangle as shown. Then
Q = total shearing force force per unit length of cofferdam
M = net overturning moment, per unit length of cofferdam =
Fig. 70 - Assumed stress distribution on base
The force Q is resisted by vertical shear within the cell fill and friction in the interlocks.
The vertical resisting shear within the cell fill along the centerline of the cofferdam is
equal to the horizontal pressure times tan The horizontal pressure on the neutral plane
at any depth, Z, is equal to the vertical pressure,
times the coefficient of earth
pressure, K. That is:
The value of K is higher than Ka, the coefficient of active earth pressure. From Mohr’s
stress circle the value of K is given by:42
= angle of internal friction of the cell fill
The horizontal pressure distribution on the centerline of the cofferdam is shown in Figure
71 (a). The resultant lateral force, per unit length of cofferdam, Ps, is then
Therefore, the total centerline shear resistance per unit length of cofferdam is equal to
= height of saturation
line at inboard face.
Vertical Plane On
Centerline of Cofferdam
Fig. 71 - Horizontal pressure diagrams
The frictional resistance in the sheet pile interlock per unit length of cofferdam is equal
to the interlock tension times the coefficient of friction, f, (for steel on steel at the
interlock, f = 0.3). To calculate interlock tension, TVA engineers use the pressure
resultant P T shown in the triangle abc in Figure 71 (b). (See section on Interlock
Tension.) The lateral pressure is assumed to reduce to zero at a point c because the lower
end of the piling bites into the rock, reducing the ring tension. The total shearing resistance along the centerline of the cell is therefore
PT = area abc on Figure 71 (b)
and the safety factor against failure is
1.25 (for temporary structures)
1.50 (for permanent structures)
Horizontal Shear (Cummings’ Methods) - Cummings 3’ has proposed a theory of
cellular cofferdam failure known as the interior sliding theory, where the resistance of a
cell to failure by tilting is gained largely through horizontal shear in the cell fill.
Cummings concluded, based on model tests, that the shear resistance is developed only
below plane A T (inclined at the angle of internal friction to the base) and that the cell
fill above A T acts essentially as a surcharge as shown in Figure 72.
Fig. 72 - Cummings method
The soil below AT fails by sliding on horizontal planes as shown and thereby produces a
resisting pressure on the outboard sheeting. The following equations derived by
Cummings summarize his method of computing the resisting moment due to this
pressure. The variables in the equations are as shown in Figure 72. The ultimate lateral
shear resistance of the cell is given by:
R =
H = a + c
and B =
R =
This equation is represented graphically by the diagram shown in Figure 72 (d), the area
of which .is equal to the total resistance, R. This diagram is treated similar to a pressure
diagram, from which the resisting moment about the base can be computed. The total
moment of resistance per foot of wall about the base of the cofferdam is:
Mr =
where R 1 =
and R 2 =
thus M r =
In addition, the interlock friction also provides shear resistance. It is computed as the
tension caused by the pressure of the cell fill acting on a vertical one foot slice times the
coefficient of interlock friction, f.
Interlock friction force, F i =
PT and L are as previously defined.
The friction force Fi is assumed to act equally on all interlocks; therefore, an individual
pile will have equal but opposite friction forces at each end. The resisting moment, Mi,
against tilting due to the interlock tension results from the summation of the individual
couples caused by the opposite friction force on each pile. Therefore, resisting moment
per foot width is:
L is as shown in Figure 63.
If a berm is used, the resisting moment due to the effective passive pressure of the berm
should be included. Thus, the safety factor against tilting is:
F.S. =
Resisting Moment
Driving Moment
= Mr + Mi + PpHB/3
1/3 (PwH + Pa Hs)
As an illustration, using the horizontal shear method, the factor of safety against tilting
for various values of the
angle of the cell fill, varies as shown in Figure 73 due to the
influence of water pressure only.
B = equivalent width of
H = height of cofferdam
Fig. 73 - Factor of safety against tilting (after Cummings37)
Interlock Tension - The interlock tension developed in a cellular cofferdam is a
function of the variation of the internal cell pressure. TVA engineers generally assume
that the maximum pressure occurs at a point one-fourth of the total cell height from the
bottom. The pressure distribution shown in Figure 71 (b) on the inboard sheeting may be
Ka =coefficient of active earth pressure (Figure 5). Terzaghi38
suggests a minimum value of K a = 0.4. “Navdock” uses
For hydraulic fill, TVA uses the Coulomb active coefficient together with full water pressure.
The maximum interlock tension in the main cell is given by
(pounds per linear inch)
= maximum inboard sheeting pressure (pounds per foot)
R = radius (feet)
The interlock stress at the connections as shown in Figure 74 may be approximated by
(pounds per linear inch)
Fig. 74 - Interlock stress at connection
This value of tmax is smaller than when computed by the “exact” analysis of combining
the ring tension of the small and large cells into a force polygon.
The interlock stress for straight web piling in pounds per linear inch are given below:
Value (pli)
PSA 23 and PSA 28
PS 28 and PS 32
** PSX32
Design Value (pli)
of Safety
“Shallow arch sections subject to straightening
For other grades - inquire.
**Available only in USS EX-TEN 50 Steel
While no design values are given on interlock tension for connecting arcs, the maximum
allowable tension is probably less than 4000 pounds per lineal inch, based on tests by
Tschebotarioff3 and others made on riveted "T’s." A “bin effect” usually results in the
fill within the connecting arcs that generally lessens the interlock tension. However, the
junction between the main cells and connecting arcs should receive full attention. Often
30° Y’s are used instead of 90° T’s in large cells. The 30° Y’s create less tension in the
connecting arcs due to the smaller required radius.
General - Many of the items and requirements discussed above for cofferdams on rock
are directly applicable to the design of cellular cofferdams founded on deep soil deposits.
In addition several other requirements must be satisfied to insure stability. These
requirements may be grouped into two areas: (1) stability with respect to bearing
capacity failure of the underlying strata and (2) underseepage causing piping which results
in boiling at the inboard toe.
In general, horizontal sliding of the cofferdam at its base will not be a problem on soil
foundations. However, internal shear failures should be investigated as for cofferdams on
rock foundations. The underlying soil may or may not cause sufficient restraint to reduce
the horizontal pressure on the inboard face as shown in Figure 71 (b). Therefore, some
designers prefer to use the full pressure diagram abdc to calculate PT (shear failure on
centerline of cell and interlock tension).
Stability - For cellular cofferdams on sand, the inboard sheet piles should be driven to
a sufficient depth to counteract the vertical downward friction force F 1 caused by the
interaction of the cell fill and the inner face. This friction force is given by
(force per unit length)
PT is as shown in Figure 71 (b).
= coefficient of friction between steel sheet piling and cell
Generally a factor of safety of 1.5 applied to F1 is sufficient.
Cellular cofferdams on sand or clay foundations involve asurcharge loading imposed
upon the supporting stratum at the inboard toe. An estimate of the safety factor against a
bearing capacity failure of the supporting stratum can be made by considering the entire
cell to act as a unit. The resulting factor of safety will then be
2 (granular soils)
2.5-3.0 (fine grained soils)
F.S. =
Terzaghi bearing capacity factors (see Figure 75)
average effective unit weight of supporting stratum within
a depth H
average unit weight of cell fill
net overturning moment (see page 73)
Values of NC and Nq
Values of
Fig. 75 - Relation between # and the bearing capacity factors
(after Terzaghi and Peck14)
For clay foundations the ultimate bearing capacity can be used to determine the
maximum height of cofferdam above ground and is:
H= 5.7
If a minimum safety factor of 1.5 is used, the maximum height of cofferdam founded on
deep clay is given by
= maximum height of cofferdam above ground surface.
= unit cohesion of the clay.
= effective unit weight of cell fill; i.e., use submerges weight
below saturation line.
If the cofferdam rests on soft to medium clay or other compressible soils, a relatively
small external moment will produce a very unequal distribution of pressure on the base
of the fill in the cells causing the dam to tilt. The stability of the cofferdam is practically
independent of the strength of the cell fill since the shearing resistance through vertical
sections offered by the cell fill cannot be mobilized without overstressing the interlocks.
In this instance, stability can be realized if a heavy berm against the inner face of the
cofferdam is provided or if some tieback system is utilized. In general, if an inside berm is
used, bearing capacity should not be a problem. For cellular cofferdams on soft to
medium, clay, the shearing resistance of the fill in the cells is neglected, and the factor of
safety against a shear failure on the centerline of the cell is based on the moment
resistance realized by interlock friction and is given by (Terzaghi38).
F.S. =
pressure difference on the inboard sheeting.
= net overturning moment (see page 73).
= radius
= coefficient of interlock friction (0.3)
The minimum factor of safety of 1.25 for temporary construction and 1.50 for
permanent structures is usually adequate.
Underseepage - Figure 76 is a cross section through a cellular cofferdam founded on
sand. The design of such a cofferdam must satisfy three conditions: (1) the sand along the
outer face of the dam should be adequately protected against erosion, (2) the dam should
be stable enough to withstand the lateral pressures imposed by soil and water; (3) the soil
at the inboard toe must be able to support the pressure on the base of the dam despite
the tendency of the seepage forces to reduce the buoyant weight and liquefy the sand at
the toe.
Fig. 76 - Seepage in cellular cofferdam in sand (after Terzaghi22)
Condition (3) is known as boiling or a “quick condition,” in which the shear strength
of the sand is reduced to zero. Boiling thus eliminates the passive resistance of the sand
against an inward movement of the buried part of the inner row of sheet piles, and the
cofferdam may fail by toppling inward. The method of computing the upward seepage
force due to the unbalanced hydrostatic head was presented previously on page 17.
The formation of boils can be prevented by two different methods: (1) by increasing
the drainage path of the water by driving the sheet piling deeper, and (2) by covering the
danger zone with a loaded, inverted filter as shown in Figure 76. Although the filter will
have no influence on the shape of the flow net, the load that acts on the filter will
counteract the upward seepage forces which tend to lift the sand in the danger zone. The
problem of seepage forces and flow nets is discussed in detail in Theoretical Soil
Mechanics by K. Terzaghi.13
The filter material must satisfy two independent conditions. It should be coarse
enough to permit free discharge of the seepage water and its largest voids must be small
enough to prevent clogging from the finer soil particles of the underlying soil. Many
empirical criteria are in popular use today to satisfy these conditions. Seepage, Drainage
and Flow Nets by Cedergren44 contains a summary of these criteria.
In general, sheet piling in sand should be driven to a depth of about two-thirds the
height of the cofferdam above the ground surface or until it bears on a hard stratum. If
the water level is lowered to at least H/6 below the inboard ground surface, the
penetration may be reduced about one-half the height.
Better drainage and, therefore, increased stability can often be realized by installation
of wellpoints and deep wells underneath the cells near the inboard side. These serve to
pick up the flow of water into the cofferdam area under the sheet pile perimeter.
Pull-Out of Outer Face Sheeting - The penetration of sheet piling in granular soils is
controlled by the need to extend the length of the flow paths of the water percolating
beneath the cell. However, the penetration must also be adequate to insure stability with
respect to pull-out of the outboard sheeting due to tilting.
The average pile reaction due to the overturning moment on the outboard piling is
given by:
where the variables are as defined previously.
The ultimate pile pull-out capacity per linear foot of wall, Qu, depends on the material
into which the pile is driven. For clay
Qu = ca x perimeter x embedded length
where ca can be determined from Table 5 (page 41) for various values of cohesion.
For granular soils
D =
active coefficient of lateral earth pressure
embedded length
coefficient of friction for steel against underlying soil
effective unit soil weight of underlying soil
A factor of safety of 1.5 is sufficient, therefore:
J. Brinch Hansen has proposed an analysis of cofferdam stability by the extreme
method based on a simple concave or convex surface of rupture. By this method a
cofferdam founded on soil with a shallow depth of penetration will fail by rotation of the
entire cofferdam about a point beneath itself, as shown in Figure 77 (a).
Fig. 77 - J. Brinch Hansen’s extreme method
The earth below the rupture line remains at rest, whereas the whole earth mass above the
line rotates as one rigid body about the center at 0. If the cofferdam penetration is deep,
the surface of rupture may be either concave or convex, Figure 77 (a) or (b), and both
possibilities are investigated, together with the possibility of plastic yield of the sheet
piling as shown in Figure 77 (c). For a cofferdam founded on rock the surface of rupture
is assumed to be convex, located within the cell fill.
Although the failure surface is generally considered to be a circular arc, it is convenient
to assume a logarithmic spiral represented by the equation:
where r and
= variables in the polar coordinate system
= radius to the beginning of the spiral
= angle of internal friction
A trial position of the spiral is chosen and the weight above the spiral, W, and the external
forces, P and F, are calculated using appropriate soil properties. The stability of the entire
cofferdam is then investigated by taking moments about the pole 0. Since all the
frictional forces acting on the spiral surface are directed towards the pole, they cause no
moment. The forces W, Pp and Fp will contribute to the stabilizing moment while the
forces P, Pa and Fa will contribute to the overturning moment. The reader is directed to
Earth Pressure Calculation by J. Brinch Hansen43 for a more detailed explanation of the
extreme method together with numerous graphs and charts to aid in determining the
minimum factor of safety.
Foundation Design, Wayne C. Teng, Prentice-HalI, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey, 1962.
Substructure, Analysis and Design, Paul Anderson, Ronald Press, New York, 1956.
Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Earth Structures, G. P. Tschebotarioff, McGrawHill, Inc., New York, 1951.
Deep Foundations and Sheet Piling, Donovan H. Lee, Concrete Publications
Limited, London, 1961.
Design and Construction of Ports and Marine Structures, Alonzo DeF. Quinn,
McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1961.
Pile Foundations, Robert Chellis, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1961.
Steel Sheet Piling (Catalog), U. S. Steel Corporation (ADUSS-25-2369), U. S. Steel
Corporation, 1968.
Protection of Piling in Marine Environments, U. S. Steel Corporation, (AUDCO25003-58), U. S. Steel Corporation, 1958.
Foundation Engineering, G. A. Leonards, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1962.
Foundations of Structures, C. W. Dunham, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1962.
Design Manual DM-7, U. S. Navy Bureau of Yards and Docks, U. S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1962.
Design of Pile Structures and Foundations, U. S. Army Engineers Manual, U. S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1958.
Lateral Pressures and Soil Mechanics
13. Theoretical Soil Mechanics, Karl Terzaghi, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York,
14. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, K. Terzaghi and R. Peck, John Wiley and
Sons, Inc., New York, 1967.
15. Engineering Geology and Geotechniques, Krunine and Judd, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New
16. Mechanics of Soils, Alfredo R. Jumikis, D. Van Nostrand and Company, Inc.,
Princeton, New Jersey, 1964.
17. Basic Soils Engineering, B. K. Hough, Ronald Press, New York, 1957.
18. Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics, D. W. Taylor, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New
York, 1948.
19. “General Wedge Theory of Earth Pressure,” K. Terzaghi, Transactions; ASCE, Vol.
106, 1941.
20. “Stability of Soil Subject to Seepage Forces Adjacent to Sheet Pile,” H. Gray and K.
Nair, Geotechnique, Vol. 17, No.2, 1967.
21. “Tables for the Calculation of Passive Pressure, Active Pressure, and Bearing
Capacity of Foundations,” A. Caquot and J. Kerisel, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1948.
Design of Sheet Pile Retaining Walls (Bulkheads)
“Anchored Bulkheads,” K. Terzaghi, Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 119, 1954.
“Lateral Earth Pressures on Flexible Retaining Walls,” G. P. Tschebotarioff and
others, Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 114, 1949.
“Anchored Sheet Pile Walls,” P. W. Rowe, Proceedings, Institution of Civil
Engineers, Part I, Vol. I., London, England, 1952.
“A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Sheet Pile Walls,” P. W. Rowe,
Proceedings, Institution of Civil Engineers, Part I, Vol, I., London, England, 1955.
“Sheet Pile Walls Encastre at Anchorage,” P. W. Rowe, Proceedings, Institution of
Civil Engineers, Part I, Vol, I., London, England, 1955.
“Sheet Pile Walls in Clay,” P. W. Rowe, Proceedings, Institution of Civil Engineers,
Part I, Vol. I., London, England, 1957.
“The Design of Flexible Bulkheads,” J. A. Ayers and R. C. Stokes, Transactions,
ASCE, Vol. 119, 1954.
“Design and Construction of Flexible Retaining Structures,” G. P. Tschebotarioff,
Presented at the Chicago Soil Mechanics Lecture Series, Chicago, Illinois, 1964.
Braced Cofferdams and Deep Excavations
“Earth Pressure Measurements in Open Cuts, Chicago (Ill.) Subway,” R. B. Peck,
Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 108, 1943.
“Stability of Strutted Excavations in Clay,” L. Bjerrum and O. Eide, Geotechnique,
Vol. 6, No. 1, 1956.
“Model Experiments to Study the Influence of Seepage on the Stability of a Sheeted
Excavation in Sand,” A. Marsland, Geotechnique, Vol. 3, 1953.
“Design and Construction of Braced Cuts,” E. D. White, presented at the Chicago
Soil Mechanics Lecture Series, Illinois Section, ASCE, Chicago, 1964.
“Discussion,” R. Kirkdam, Proceedings, Brussels Conference 58 on Earth Pressure
Problems, Brussels, 1958.
Rock Tunneling with Steel Supports, R. V. Proctor, T. L. White, Youngstown
Printing Company, Youngstown, Ohio, 1964.
Cellular Cofferdams
Cofferdams on Rock, Tennessee Valley Authority, Technical Monograph 75, Vol. 1,
Nashville, Tennessee, 1958.
“Cellular Cofferdams and Docks,” E. M. Cummings, Transaction, ASCE, Vol. 125,
“Stability and Stiffness of Cellular Cofferdams” K. Terzaghi, Transactions, ASCE,
Vol. 110, 1945.
Cofferdams, White and Prentis, Columbia University Press, 1950.
“Field Study of a Cellular Bulkhead,” A. White, J. Cheney and C. M. Duke, Journal
of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, Proceedings, ASCE, Vol. 87, No.
SM4, 1961.
“Cellular Cofferdam Design and Practice,” E. P. Swatek, Journal of the Waterways
and Harbors Division, Proceedings, ASCE, Vol. 93, No. WW3, 1967.
Discussion on Stability and Stiffness of Cellular Cofferdams, D. P. Krynine,
Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 110, 1945.
Earth Pressure Calculation, J. Brinch Hansen, The Danish Technical Press, The
Institution of Danish Civil Engineers, Copenhagen, 1953.
Seepage, Drainage, and Flow Nets, H. R. Cedergren, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New
York, 1967.
Additional References
Shore Protection, Planning and Design, TR No. 4 Department of the Army, Corps of
“Stability of an Elastic Ring in a Rigid Cavity,” E. A. Zagustin, G. Herrmann,
Journal of Applied Mechanics, June 1967.
“Note on the Instability of Circular Rings Confined to a Rigid Boundary,” P. T. Hsu,
J. Elkon, and T. H. H. Pian, Journal of Applied Mechanics, September 1964.
“Designing Underground Reservoirs,” D. F. Moran, Consulting Engineer, January
“A Buckling Problem of a Circular Ring,” Proceedings of the Fourth U. S. National
Congress of Applied Mechanics, ASME, 1962.
“Anchor Slabs Calculation Methods and Model Tests,” N. Krebs Ovesen, The Danish
Geotechnical Institute, Bulletin No. 16, Copenhagen, 1964.
“Resistance of a Rectangular Anchor Slab,” J. Brinch Hansen, The Danish Geotechnical Institute, Bulletin No. 21, Copenhagen, 1966.
“Strength of Deadman Anchors in Clay,” Thomas R. Mackenzie, Master’s Thesis
Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, 1955.
Design Examples
1. Granular Soil
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Cohesive Soil
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Granular Soil-Free Earth Support Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
2. Cohesive Soil with Sand Backfill-Free Earth
Support Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
3. Granular Soil - Equivalent Beam Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Anchorage System -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a. Sheet Pile Anchor Wall
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
b. Concrete Anchor Slab Using Model Test Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Cohesive Soil -Stability Number Method
2. Granular Soil
. . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Stratified Soil and Structural Design
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Circular Type - Founded on Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . 127
X2 =
X = 4.0 FEET
ANCHORED SHEET PILE WALL / 1. Granular Soil - Free Earth Support Method
ANCHORED SHEET PILE WALL / 1. Granular Soil - Free Earth Support Method
ANCHORED SHEET PILE WALL / 1. Granular Soil - Free Earth Support Method
ANCHORED SHEET PILE WALL / 1. Granular Soil - Free Earth Support Method
ANCHORED SHEET PILE WALL / 1. Granular Soil - Free Earth Support Method
ANCHORED SHEET PILE WALL / 2. Cohesive Soil with Sand Backfill - Free Earth Support Method
ANCHORED SHEET PILE WALL / 2. Cohesive Soil with Sand Backfill - Free Earth Support Method
ANCHORED SHEET PILE WALL / 3. Granular Soil - Equivalent Beam Method
ANCHORED SHEET PILE WALL / 3. Granular Soil - Equivalent Beam Method
ANCHORED SHEET PILE WALL / 4. Anchorage System - a. Sheet Pile Anchor Wall
ANCHORED SHEET PILE WALL / 4. Anchorage System - a. Sheet Pile Anchor Wall
ANCHORED SHEET PILE WALL / 4. Anchorage System - a. Sheet Pile Anchor Wall
ANCHORED SHEET PILE WALL / 4. Anchorage System - b. Concrete Anchor or Slab using Model Test Criteria
ANCHORED SHEET PILE WALL / 4. Anchorage System - b. Concrete Anchor Slab using Model Test Criteria
BRACED COFFERDAM / 1. Cohesive Soil -- Stability Number Method
BRACED COFFERDAM / 1. Cohesive Soil - Stability Number Method
COFFERDAM / 3. Stratified Soil and Structural Design
BRACED COFFERDAM / 3. Stratified Soil and Structural Design
BRACED COFFERDAM / 3. Stratified Soil and Structural Design
BRACED COFFERDAM / 3. Stratified Soil and Structural Design
BRACED COFFERDAM / 3. Stratified Soil and Structural Design
BRACED COFFERDAM / 3. Stratified Soil and Structural Design
BRACED COFFERDAM / 3. Stratified Soil and Structural Design
BRACED COFFERDAM / 3. Stratified Soil and Structural Design
CELLULAR COFFERDAM / 1. Circular Type - Founded on Rock
CELLULAR COFFERDAM / 1. Circular Type - Founded on Rock
CELLULAR COFFERDAM / 1. Circular Type - Founded on Rock
CELLULAR COFFERDAM / 1. Circular Type - Founded on Rock
Allowable Bending Moments for Steel Sheet Piling Sections
Design Stress - psi (thousands)
*Permanent stresses based on generally accepted design practice
Rankine Earth Pressure Coefficients for Level Back Fill