2.2 Introduction to Computers Section Overview Guiding Questions: How are modern computers similar to early computers? How are they different? What is the relationship between input, processing, output, and storage? After finishing this section, you should be able to: Can You. . Recall significant developments in the history of modern computing. Identify uses of computers in today's world. Identify the basic functions of computers. Describe various roles for today’s supercomputers. Describe the basic principles of human-computer interaction. Vocabulary Term Input Processing Output Storage Hollerith's Tabulating Machine Transistor Microchip World Wide Web Definition Yes No Smartphone Supercomputers Human-computer Interaction Section 2.2 - Introduction to Computers - Guided Notes Video 2.2.1 – Introduction to Computers (Video Time: 3:00) Or Fact Sheet 2.2.2 – Computer System Facts 1.) What are computers (at their most basic level)? 2.) Summarize the four steps of the computing process: a. Input – b. Processing – c. Output – d. Storage – Video 2.2.3 – History of Computers (Video Time: 3:41) Or Fact Sheet 2.2.4 – Computer History Facts 3.) What was the first electronic computing machine? 4.) Who invented it? 5.) What company became IBM? 6.) Why were computers so large? 7.) When did that change and why? 8.) What major breakthrough happened in 1959 and what did it mean for computers? 9.) What year were 3 (successful) personal computers released? 10.) What application became popular in the mid-90’s? 11.) What happened in 2007 that made the internet even more accessible? Information Page 2.2.5 – Supercomputers 12.) What is the difference between a personal computer and a supercomputer? 13.) What are some things that supercomputers are used for? Information Page 2.2.6 – Human-Computer Interaction 14.) What is HCI? 15.) What is UCD? 16.) What is UI? 17.) What three questions do software engineers or computer technicians keep in mind when considering HCI? 18.) Summarize the four principles for Measuring HCI a. Usability – b. Effectiveness – c. Efficiency – d. Satisfaction – Section 2.3 – Digital Data – Section Overview Guiding Questions: How are digital and analog data similar? How are they different? How are words and numbers encoded as ones and zeros? What is the relationship between the binary number system and computer hardware? After finishing this section, you should be able to: Can You. . . Describe the binary number system used by computers to process data. Describe how binary numbers can be translated into hexadecimal form. Define bits and bytes. Explain how physical signals are translated into digital information. Describe the most common character encoding standards, including ASCII and Unicode. Describe the most common units of measurement used for storage, throughput, and processing speed. Yes No Vocabulary Term Decimal System Binary System Hexadecimal System Bit Byte Digital Data Encoded Integers Encoded Text Processor Speed Storage Space Throughput ASCII Unicode Definition Section 2.3 – Digital Data Guided Notes Video 2.3.1 – Number Systems (Video Time – 3:48) Or Fact Sheet 2.3.2 – Number Systems Facts 1. What are three systems to count things mentioned in the first part of the video? a. b. c. 2. What is the binary number “2”? 3. What digits does the hexadecimal system use? 4. The most important thing to know is that _______ represents _______ inside the computer and _______ is an __________ to __________. Video 2.3.3 – Digital Information (Video Time – 4:45) Or Fact Sheet 2.3.4 – Digital Information Facts 5. When a physical signal is interpreted by converting it into binary numbers, it’s called _____________. 6. What are 3 types of physical signals that can be converted into binary numbers? a. b. c. 7. Define: a. Bit b. Byte 8. How are integers encoded? 9. Storage Space is described (or measured) in what levels? a. b. c. d. 10. Processing Speed is measured by a _________, which is what? Video 2.3.5 – Data Representation (Video Time 2:24) Or Fact Sheet 2.3.6 – Data Representation Facts 11. Define ASCII – 12. What was the issue with ASCII? 13. What system of encoding was introduced which solved this issue? Section 2.4 – Media Formatting – Section Overview Guiding Questions: How are pictures and sounds encoded as ones and zeros? Where have I seen raster images in my daily life? Where have I seen vector images? When is having a small file size more important than having pristine quality? When is quality important enough to justify large file sizes? After finishing this section, you should be able to: Can You . . . Describe how audio and video are stored digitally. Distinguish between raster and vector images. Select the best format for digital images. Describe how RGB values determine pixel color. Compare common image file types. Describe the most common digital audio and video file formats. Describe how 3D modeling is used for computer graphics. Describe the difference between lossless and lossy compression algorithms. Discuss how sampling rate and bit depth impact the quality of digital audio. Discuss how file compression and image resolution impact the quality of digital images. Vocabulary Term Sample Bit Depth Sampling Rate Frame Rate Resolution Definition Yes No Color Depth RGB Display Raster Images Vector Images File Compression Lossless Compression Lossy Compression Run-Length Encoding Compression Artifact Bitrate Video Codecs Wireframes Rendering Ray Tracing Section 2.4 – Media Formatting – Guided Notes Video 2.4.1 – Digital Sound and Video (Video Time – 5:08) Or Fact Sheet 2.4.2 – Digital Sound and Video Facts 1. How does a computer convert a sound wave into digital code? 2. Define bit depth – 3. Define Sampling Rate – 4. Define the three things that determine video quality: a. b. c. Video 2.4.3 – File Compression (Video Time – 5:29) Or Fact Sheet 2.4.4 – File Compression Facts, Info Sheet 2.4.5 – Digital Audio Formats, and Info Sheet 2.4.6 – Digital Video Formats 6. 7. 5. Define Compression – Summarize the idea of compression – how it works and why we compress files. Compare: a. Lossless Compression b. Lossy Compression Video 2.4.7 – Digital Images (Video Time – 3:58) Or Fact Sheet 2.4.8 – Digital Image Facts, Info Sheet 2.4.9 – Digital Image Formats, and Info Sheet 2.4.10 – Digital Image Formats 9. 8. What is RGB? Explain the two ways a computer can store images and the pros and cons of both: Type 1 _______ Pros Cons Type 2 _______