Important one liners for AIIMS 1. For Detection of carcinoma lip, stain used is toluidine blue . 2. HLA i s absent in RBCs. 3. In a patient suspected to be diagnosed with Rabies, a sample of corneal smear was taken, Immunofluorescence Test can be done from this specimen. 4. The RBCs with schizonts of P.Falciparum are not visible on peripheral blood smear due to capillary adherence or sequestration of parasitized RBC’s. 5. Resolving power of Light microscope depends on Power of eyepiece,Wavelength of light used &Power of the lens. 6. In Transfusion related lung injury ,Mortality <10% of cases,Supportive Care is mainstay of treatment & Steroids use is not well established. 7. In Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, finding on microscopy is Crescents. 8. Weight of rabbit in pharmacological studies is 4-5 kg. 9. Side effects of thionamide group of antithyroid drugs are Agranulocytosis,Aplastic Anaemia & Liver toxicity. 10. Nail Pigmentation is seen in Chloroquine,Cyclophosphamide & Chlorpromazine. 11. Risk factors for lactic acidosis in patients on metformin are Liver Dysfunction,Renal Dysfunction & Smoking. 12. Drug used in osteoporosis are PTH,Denosumab & Strontium ranelate. 13. Anti-diabetic drug that does not need drug dose reduction in patient with renal disease is Linagliptin. 14. An Antidote for benzodiazepine toxicity is Flumazenil. 15. The commonly used sites for Insulin administrations are Anterior Thigh,Lateral Thigh & Around umbilicus. 16. Negative Acute Phase Reactant is Albumin. 17. Epigenetics can change the gene expression by methylation & acetylation without changing content of gene. 18. If the RB gene phosphorylation is defective , cell cycle will stop at G1. 19. CRISPR plays a role in gene editing. 20. Endometriotic lesion histology represents high Estrogen state. 21. Inflammatory myoblastic tumour neoplasms shows ALK positivity. 22. B cells, Dendritic cells, NK Cells have MHC class II. 23. SOX11 Immunohistochemistry marker is used in cyclin D1 negative Mantle cell lymphoma. 24. Acetone free ethanol in leishman stains causes metabolic & enzymatic activity to stop. 25. New tests aimed to diagnose liver fibrosis serologically are Serum laminin & serum hyaluronidase. 26. Transferrin receptor 1-iron responding elements increases transferrin receptor mRNA concentration & synthesis is accurate regarding the internal iron homeostasis in iron deficiency anemia. 27. Breadth of 1st sacral vertebra * 100/breadth of base of sacrum is correct regarding corporobasal index of sacrum. 28. Jack Knife position causes death due to Positional asphyxia. 29. In Primary hypothyroidism , TSH value is higher than normal & a subnormal free T4. 30. Respiratory rate of > 30/min, blood urea nitrogen value greater than 7 mmol/L & confused state are seen in CURB65 . 31. Conjunctivitis, Fever with arthritis & Guillain barre syndrome are the features of Zika Fever. 32. A middle aged man presented with frontal bossing and large tongue and he had spade shaped hands , Insulin like growth factor levels are the tests which you do for diagnosis. 33. Extraembryonic mesoderm is derived from Primary yolk sac. 34. Anterior 2/3rd and base of tongue is separated by Sulcus terminalis. 35. Clavipectoral fascia being pierced by Cephalic Vein,Acromial Artery,Lateral Pectoral Nerve & Lymphatics. 36. Cerebellar lesion produces Intention Tremors. 37. Parasympathetic outflow involves Cranial Nerves 3,7,9,10 & S2, S3, S4. 38. HDL has maximum phospholipids & minimum TGs. 39. Ammonia from brain is trapped by Glutamine. 40. Fatty acid synthesis occurs in Cytoplasm. 41. Arginine is a Basic Amino Acid, so it is positively charged. 42. CG region is involved in Methylation. 43. Phosphocreatine is the most rapid way of resynthesis of ATP during exercise in muscles. 44. Both fructose & galactose gives positive Benedict’s test. 45. Vitamin B3 is the only vitamin which can be synthesized in body from amino acid i.e tryptophan. 46. 60 mg tryptophan gives rise to 1mg niacin. 47. The potential generated due to a freely diffusible ion across a membrane is called Nernst Equation. 48. HCO3- is best buffer because components can be increased or decreased in body as needed. 49. Endocochlear potential is +85mv. 50. Center for stapedial reflex is Superior Olivary Complex. 51. The function of HCN channel is maintaining sinus rhythm. 52. IVABRADINE - funny current channel blocker is used to reduce heart rate. 53. Respiratory quotient after a heavy carbohydrate meal is 1. 54. Migratory motor complex reappear after an interval of 90 mins. 55. Counter current mechanism is seen in Gut, Kidney, Testis & Limbs. 56. Increased conversion of T4 or rT3 & decreased T3 is seen in ,Fasting,Starvation,Hepatic Disease,Burns,After Surgery . 57. Phenylbutyrate is used in urea cycle disorders because it scavenges nitrogen 58. Kraissl’s lines are oriented perpendicular to the action of underlying muscles 59. Borge’s & Kraissl’s lines are better guides for elective incisions in the face and body, respectively , than Langer’s lines 60. As a rule of haemolytic anemia , reticulocyte count should increase & not decrease 61. The staining use for Iron in tissue is Prussian blue stain 62. In patient of Iron deficiency anemia, before starting parenteral Iron therapy , a testing dose of diluted drug to be given to check for hypersensitivity 63. Carbamazepine is contraindicated in Absence seizure. 64. Swarming Motility is seen in proteus, clostridium tetani, Bacillus cereus. 65. In smears from the urethral discharge in acute gonorrhea, organism appear as diplococcus with adjacent sides concave, being typically kidney shaped. 66. In addition,some of these bacteria, most notably H.influenzae, need growth factors as NAD(factor V) & hemin (factor X) 67. The typical characteristic of Leptospira is Slender Spirochete which hooked ends like umbrella with handles 68. Central rash is seen in a) Epidemic Typhus b)Typhoid c)Measles 69. Dyes used in tattoo are a) Vermillion b)Methylene Blue c)India ink 70. Infrared photography makes old tattoos readily visible. 71. Sec.197 , I.P.C is applicable on Issuing or signing false certificate (imprisonment up to seven years) 72. Pontine haemorrhage will present with pinpoint, pupils, hyperthermia & hyperventilation 73. St Anthony’s fire is very painful burning sensation in the arms & legs caused by excessive exposure to ergotamines. 74. 191 IPC is applicable on Perjury; It means giving willful false evidence by a witness while under oath, the witness is liable to be prosecuted for perjury & the imprisonment may extend upto 7 years 75. 304 B IPC is applicable on Dowry Death , in case of a married woman within 7 years of marriage , due to other than natural causes, with history of cruelty or harassment prior to death. The charge is framed against the accused under section 304 B IPC 76. 320 IPC is applicable on definition of grievous hurt. 77. 321 IPC is applicable on voluntarily causing hurt 78. Strength of association between putative risk factor & a disease is measured by Relative Risk 79. Least time consuming method to see relation between lung cancer & smoking is Case Control 80. The only absolute contraindication to surgical cricothyroidotomy is age. 81. Diagnosis of hypereosinophilic syndrome is a sustained absolute eosinophil count (AEC) greater than > 1500 ul, which persists for longer than 6 months 82. Sjogren’s syndrome is a chronic, slowly progressive autoimmune disease characterised by lymphocytic infiltration of the exocrine glands resulting in xerostomia & dry eyes 83. A patient of hypercalcemia with serum calcium level, 16 mg/dl, the immediate management is IV fluids & diuretics 84. Palivizumab is used for prophylaxis of : RSV 85. Nerve Nucleus which underlies the facial colliculus is Abducent 86. Membrana tectoria is continuation of Posterior longitudinal ligament 87. ‘Turkish Saddle’ refers to pituitary gland 88. All of the following are made of dense collagen a) Aponeurosis b) Ligament c) Tendon 89. Sleep spindles & K-complexes are seen in Stage 2 NREM of sleep. 90. All ofthe following are carried by dorsal column a) Proprioception b)Vibration c)Touch 91. The components of collagen are a)Glycine b)Lysine c) Proline 92. Methylation Of tumor suppressor genes is the change which is commonly seen in cancer 93. Study of molecular structure is done by X-Ray crystallography 94. Piperacillin-Tazobactam is the drug used against bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 95. Drug ingestion is the most common cause of parasuicide 96. A suicide case comes to a doctor. He is supposed to inform police under section 39 of CrPC 97. Harakiri is death by stab in abdomen 98. Calibre is defined as a distance between two diametrically opposite lands 99. Screening under RNTCP emphasizes on Sputum Microscopy 100. Foramen spinosum (MEN) a)Middle Meningeal artery & vein b)Emissary Vein c)Nerves spinosus(Meningeal Branch of Mandibular nerve) 101. Attention & concentration is mediated by frontal lobe of cerebral cortex 102. Patch clamp is used to study current flow across a single ion channel 103. Free nerve endings carrying nociceptive fitbre are seen in mesentery 104. Desmosine is the component of elastin not the collagen 105. Presence of Hbs underlies the major pathologic manifestations a) Chronic hemolysis b) Microvascular Occlusions c) Tissue damage 106. Digoxin does not cause edema 107. Time dependent killing with prolonged PAE (AUC/ MIC) a) Azithromycin b)Clindamycin c)Telithromycin d)Linezolid e)Macrolides f)Tetracyclines e)Streptogramin f)Tigecycline 108. Dexmedetomidine is a centrally active selective alpha-2a agonist that has been introduced for sedating critically ill/ventilated patients in intensive care units . It also being used as an adjunct to anesthesia. Analgesia and sedation are produces with little respiratory depression. Sympathetic response to stress & noxious stimulus is blunted .It is administered by iv infusion 109. Serum level of 2 mEq/L is suggestive of lithium toxicity 110. FDA approved (well established ) Indications of Lithium for a) treatment of acute mania b) Prophylaxis of bipolar mood disorders 111. Lithium should be stopped 2 days before surgery 112. The role played by major Histocompatibility Complex - 1 & -2 is to present antigens for recognition by T cells antigen receptors 113. Population attributable risk is defined as the difference between incidence in population & incidence in non-exposed compared with incidence in population 114. Most efficient larval control method to prevent transmission of urban malaria is cleaning of drains 115. Human rights for mentally mentally ILL are not an objective of Mental Health Act ,1987 116. Lamivudine is not used in the treatment of dengue 117. District Collector is the chairman of district blindness control society 118. Coefficient of variation is used to compare two data sets taken on two different scales of measurements 119. There is no clinical significance of Chandler Index 120. HRCT is investigation of choice for diagnosis of Bronchiectasis 121. ASLO is a marker for recent streptococcal infection 122. Penicillin hypersensitivity reaction is an example of type II, antibody mediated hypersensitivity 123. Inability to perform physical activity without discomfort falls under NYHA class 4 124. High Calcium intake leads to MILK-ALKALI Syndrome 125. IgM anti -Hbc is diagnostic of acute hepatitis B infection 126. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of post-influenza pneumonia 127. Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia is associated with good prognosis 128. Most common location of MALT ( Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue ) is ileum 129. Mid diastolic murmur , opening snap and loud SI are heard in chronic mitral stenosis but not the third heart sound 130. Patient of aortic stenosis has dyspnea,syncope & angina 131. Pulmonary stenosis (PS) is usually not seen in rheumatic heart disease 132. Artesunate is the most effective treatment of severe malaria 133. Goserelin is useful for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer 134. FNAC cannot detect follicular carcinoma 135. Hamartomatous polyps (usually< 100) throughout the GIT, most common in jejunum 136. Investigation of choice for acute appendicitis in children is ultrasound 137. The first priority of management of a case trauma is airway maintenance 138. Gram-negative bacteria stain red on Gram’s staining 139. Folic acid & vitamin B12 are essential for ameliorating the toxicity of pemetrexed 140. Ethionamide is associated with hypothyroidism 141. Lamivudine is Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) 142. Time dependent killing & prolonged post-antibiotic effect is seen with Clindamycin 143. Epinephrine is having both alpha & beta against property 144. Bromocriptine can lead to worsening of vasospasm especially in patients of peripheral vascular disease 145. Lisinopril is lysine derivative of enalaprilat, an active metabolite 146. Verocay bodies are seen in Schwannoma 147. ARDS is due to a defect in endothelial cells 148. PECAM/CD31 is responsible for transmigration of leukocytes through endothelium, not the neutrophil activation 149. The last to receive electrons in electron transport system is O2. 150. Methylation of cytosine leads to decreased expression of gene 151. In entire human genome, coding DNA constitutes 2% 152. Phosphoglucomutase enzyme is common between glycogenesis & glycogenolysis 153. Cholecystokinin increases gallbladder contraction after a fatty meal 154. The cells of the human body most sensitive to ischemia are neurons 155. Mean circulatory pressure defines the pressure in the vascular system in the absence of blood flow 156. Increase in pH( Alkalosis)can cause a shift of the oxygen -hemoglobin dissociation curve to the left 157. Fast fatigue fibres are recruited during walking in the end 158. The mechano stretch receptors in joints & ligaments are slow adapting 159. Golgi tendon organ senses muscle tension 160. Nuclear bag fibres are related to length & velocity 161. Facial nerve gives out secretomotor fibres to lacrimal gland, submandibular gland & nasal gland 162. Dural Venous Sinuses lie outer to the meningeal layer ie between outer endosteal & inner meningeal layers 163. Inferior rectal vein is not enclosed in mesorectal fascia. 164. The most common variant in the blood supply of colon is absent right colic artery. 165. Major part of the venous drainage from the esophagus is by azygous, inferior thyroid & left gastric veins 166. Buccopharyngeal membrane develops from both ectoderm & endoderm 167. Erector pili is a smooth muscle in dermis, derived from lateral plate mesoderm 168. Disulfiram should not be used in alcohol dependent patients as it can cause severe disulfiram-ethanol reaction 169. Most effective treatment modality for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is cognitive behavioural therapy 170. Investigation of choice for evaluation of acute head injury in NCCT Head 171. First investigation done in a person suspected to have a retained piece of glass in his finger plain radiograph 172. Mapleson A is the breathing circuit of choice for spontaneous ventilation 173. Succinylcholine is a short acting depolarizing muscle relaxant, which cause initial fasciculations during induction, It can cause muscle soreness & postoperative muscle pain 174. Panniculus Adiposus is present in the whole body except eyelids, penis & scrotum 175. Lichen Scrofulosorum is a type of cutaneous TB 176. An elderly male presents with T3No laryngeal carcinoma. Treatment is concurrent chemoradiotherapy 177. Electrocochleography is the gold standard investigation for diagnosis in Meniere’s disease 178. Adenoidectomy results in hypernasality 179. Rebound tonometer is used as self tonometer 180. Gonioscopy is not done in a dilated pupil 181. Number of cataract surgeries leading to the sight restoration is output indicator for NPCB 182. Normal value of Arden index is more than 185 % 183. Subretinal demarcation line indicate old rhegmatogenous retinal detachment 184. Laser trabeculoplasty is indicated in Pseudoexfoliative glaucoma 185. Silver sulfadiazine can be used in the treatment of fungal keratomycosis 186. The most likely diagnosis in a 25 year old young adult with painless red eye with IOP of 60 mm HG is glaucomatocycltic crisis 187. In hypoxic injury, cornea becomes edematous because of accumulation of lactate 188. Gene commonly indicated in congenital cataract is CRYGS-3 189. H-reflex is useful in diagnosing SI radiculopathy 190. TB meningitis is not an absolute contraindication for corneal transplantation 191. Bone dysplasia is invariably seen in development defect 192. The most likely diagnosis in a 40 year old female presenting with multiple lytic bone lesions,fracture clavicle & periosteal resorption of 2nd & 3rd metatarsals is hyperparathyroidism 193. Most common joint involved in gout : Metatorsophalangeal joints 194. Diagnosis in a 40 year old man, who presents with acute onset pain & swelling of left great toe & punched out lesion of phalanx & overhanging edges on X-Ray is gout 195. Ankylosing spondylitis has association with HLA-B27 in 90% cases 196. The most likely diagnosis in a 10 year old who presents with a mild tibial swelling & lytic lesion with sclerotic margins on X ray is osteoid osteoma 197. A person is hemiplegic and bed ridden for one year. Changes in bone mineral density are first seen in proximal humerus 198. In the karyotype, there is deletion of chromosome number 5, which leads to CRi-du-chat syndrome 199. The most likely diagnosis in a neonate presenting with respiratory distress with enlargement of left upper lobe of lung & mediastinal shift towards the right is congenital lobar emphysema 200. Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, if seen on day 10 of life is worrisome