INTERNET OF THINGS Module-1: 1. Define IOT: The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects—“things”—that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet. These devices range from ordinary household objects to sophisticated industrial tools. 2. Define m2m: Machine to machine (M2M) is direct communication between devices using any communications channel, including wired and wireless. It is technology to interconnect two or more divices all machines to connect with each other. M2m technology available in ore homes, ofices, shopping malls and other places. For example controlling electrical appliances like bulbs and fans using radio frequency or Bluetooth from your smartphones Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) Internet of Things (IoT) is the networking of physical objects that contain electronics embedded within their architecture in order to communicate and sense interactions amongst each other or with respect to the external environment. In the upcoming years, IoT-based technology will offer advanced levels of services and practically change the way people lead their daily lives. Advancements in medicine, power, gene therapies, agriculture, smart cities, and smart homes are just a very few of the categorical examples where IoT is strongly established. There are four main components used in IoT: 1. Low-power embedded systems – Less battery consumption, high performance are the inverse factors play a significant role during the design of electronic systems. 2. Cloud computing – Data collected through IoT devices is massive and this data has to be stored on a reliable storage server. This is where cloud computing comes into play. The data is processed and learned, giving more room for us to discover where things like electrical faults/errors are within the system. 3. Availability of big data – We know that IoT relies heavily on sensors, especially real-time. As these electronic devices spread throughout every field, their usage is going to trigger a massive flux of big data. 4. Networking connection – In order to communicate, internet connectivity is a must where each physical object is represented by an IP address. However, there are only a limited number of addresses available according to the IP naming. Due to the growing number of devices, this naming system will not be feasible anymore. Therefore, researchers are looking for another alternative naming system to represent each physical object. There are two ways of building IoT: 1. Form a separate internetwork including only physical objects. 2. Make the Internet ever more expansive, but this requires hard-core technologies such as rigorous cloud computing and rapid big data storage (expensive). IoT Enablers – RFIDs: uses radio waves in order to electronically track the tags attached to each physical object. Sensors: devices that are able to detect changes in an environment (ex: motion detectors). Nanotechnology: as the name suggests, these are extremely small devices with dimensions usually less than a hundred nanometers. Smart networks: (ex: mesh topology). Characteristics of IoT: Massively scalable and efficient IP-based addressing will no longer be suitable in the upcoming future. An abundance of physical objects is present that does not use IP, so IoT is made possible. Devices typically consume less power. When not in use, they should be automatically programmed to sleep. A device that is connected to another device right now may not be connected in another instant of time. Intermittent connectivity – IoT devices aren’t always connected. In order to save bandwidth and battery consumption, devices will be powered off periodically when not in use. Otherwise, connections might turn unreliable and thus prove to be inefficient. Application Domains: IoT is currently found in four different popular domains: 1) Manufacturing/Industrial business - 40.2% 2) Healthcare - 30.3% 3) Security - 7.7% 4) Retail - 8.3% Modern Applications: 1. Smart Grids 2. Smart cities 3. Smart homes 4. Healthcare 5. Earthquake detection 6. Radiation detection/hazardous gas detection 7. Smartphone detection 8. Water flow monitoring A USE CASE EXAMPLE: Human stress management Measures are heart rate & GSR(Galvanic skin Response) Let’s See About Human Stress Management Refer Note Page no: 14 & 15 Define IOT Value Chain? Looking at the IOT value chains as a pyramid, at the base us all the connected devices: Phones, Fitness bands, Connecterd Cars, Smart homes, and Other Devices On the consumer side in industry, you have things like building sensors, smart cities and connected factories. M2M TOWARDS IOT – The Global Context: M2M solutions have been around for decades and are quite common in many different scenarios. While the need to remotely monitor and control assests – Personal, enterprise or other is not new, a number of concurrent things are now converging to create drivers for change not just within the technology industry, but within the wider global economy and society. Our planet is facing massive challenges – environmental, social, and economic. The changes that humanity needs to deal with in the coming decades are unprecedented, not because similar things have not happened before during our common history on this planet, but because on natural them are happening at the same time. From constraints on naturals resources to a reconfiguration of the world’s economy many people are looking to technology to assists with this issues. Essentialy, therefore, a set of megatrends are coming to create needs and capabilities, which in turn produce a set of IOT technology and business Drivers. A megatrends is a pattern or trend that will have a fundamental and global impact on society at a macro level over several generations. It is somethings that will Have a significant impact on the world in the foreseeable future. We here imply both game changers as challenges, as well as technology and science to meet these challenges. A full description of megatrends is beyond the scope of this book, and interested readers are directed to the many excellent books and reports available on this topic, including publications from the national intelligence commercial (NIC 2012), European internet foundation(EIF 2009), Frost & Sullivan Following section, we focus on the megatrends that have implications for IOT. M2M VALUE CHAIN: M2M Value chain are internal to one company or organization and gives a solution to one problem. The following are the main functions processed by M2M Value Chain. i. ii. iii. iv. v. INPUT: The input are raw material are ingrediance to make a product. PRODUCTION MANUFACTURE: ` It refers to the process through which the raw inputs became part of value chain. PROCESSING: It refers to the process by which the product is prefer for sale. Packaging: It is a process by which the product can be branded DISTRIBUTION MARKETING: It is refers to the channels to market the product. DIFFERING CHARACTERISTICS IN M2M AND IOT: SL.NO 1 2 3 4 5 M2M IOT It is a direct communication betweend the machines It is support point-to-point communication Devices do not rely on internet connection Hardware based technique Machine normally communicate with a simple That IOT is about sensor automated and internet platform It Support cloud communication Devices drely on Internet connection Hardware and Software Based Technique Many users can access at one time over the internet 6 machine at a time Devices can connected to mobile (or) other Devices can be connected to internet protocol (IP) network through the Internet Internet Big 7 Data Module-2: A MARKET PERSPECTIVE: Definition of M2M Machine to machine refers to technology that allowed both wireless and wired systems to communicate with other devices of the same type. Machine to Machine (M2M) technology allows organization to gather data from the edge of the enterprise and apply it in way that positively impact the business. exchange the information between machine that is established between central control system (server) and any type of equipment, through one or several communication networks. Global value chains A value chain describes the full range of activities that firms and workers perform to bring a product from its conception to end use and beyond, including design, production, marketing, distribution, and support to the final consumer Analyzing an industry from a global value chain (GVC) perspective permits understanding of the context of globalization on the activities contained within them by “focusing on the sequences of tangible and intangible value-adding activities, from conception and production to end use. GVC analysis therefore provides a holistic view of global industries both from the top down and from the bottom up”. M2M value chain IoT value chains The Information-Driven Global Value Chain(I-GVC) Fundamental roles within the I-GVC Inputs: Sensors, RFID, and other devices. End-Users. Data Factories. Service Providers/Data Wholesalers. Intermediaries. Resellers. The Information-Driven Global Value Chain. Inputs to the information-driven global commodity chain Sensors and other devices (e.g. RFID and NFC). End-users ->Both of these information sources input tiny amounts of data into the I-GVC chain, which are then aggregated, analyzed, repackaged, and exchanged from value chain. -> As a result, sensor devices and networks, RFIDs, mobile and consumer devices, Wi-Fi hotspots, and end-users all form part of a network of “subcontractors” in the value chain, all contributing to the increased value of the information products Sensors and radio frequency identification Sensors and RFID devices are working as inputs to the I-GVC through the capture and transmission of data necessary for the development of information products. Smart phones have also been developed that allow mobile devices to interact with sensors and RFID. This allows for a two-way interaction between a mobile terminal and the sensor technology. The data is used as one part of the input to the commodity chain, which uses it to create the information products that are eventually exchanged. In this sense, the sensor networks, and NFC and RFID technologies may be viewed as subcontractors Resellers Intermediaries Data Factories Service Providers/ Data Wholesalers End User Information Domestic and overseas input from human and sensor-based ‘subcontractors’ to the I-GVC, workers that constantly gather data for further processing and sale. End-users End-users that choose to use and participate within the digital world are now deeply embedded into the very process of production. Every human that enters a search query into a search engine, Every human that agrees to allow the mobile broadband platform to inform a service of their location, Every human that uses NFC to allow a bank to establish and confirm their identity are also functioning as subcontractors to the global information systems that form the basis of the I-GVC. Production processes of the information – driven global value chain Data factories Data factories are those entities that produce data in digital forms for use in other parts of the I-GVC. Service providers/data wholesaler: Service Providers and Data wholesalers are those entities that collect data from various sources worldwide, and through the creation of massive databases, use it to either improve their own information products or sell information products in various forms. Example: Twitter, Facebook, Google M2M TO IOT- An architectural overview: i. ii. iii. iv. European Telecommunication standard institute(ETS1) M2M International Telecommunication union (ITU) Internet Engineering Task Force Architecture fragments Open geospatial consortium architecture NETWORK DOMAIN M2M M2M Application Management M2M service capabilities Function < Core Network Network Management Access Network Function Devices & Gateway Domain M2M Service capabilities < M2M Application < M2M gateway < M2M Devices M2M Service gateway < M2M Application < M2M gateway < ETS1 M2M Reference Architecture: He is a combination of both functional and topological view and give some functional group.(FG) The device and gateway domain contains the following entities. M2M Device: M2M device contains M2M application and M2M service capabilities M2M device connects to the networks domain either directly or through and M2M gateway M2M Area Network: This is typically a LAN or PAN which provides connectively between M2M devices and M2M gateways. Eg, IEEE 802.15.1 (Bluetooth), IEEE 802.15.4 (Zig Bee) M2M Gateway: 1. Network Domain Entities: This contains M2M Applications and M2M services capabilities. It also provides services to other devices that are not visible to the network domain. i. Access Network: This network allows the devices in the devices and gateway domain to communicate with the core network. Eg, Wireless LAN W-LAN, WIMAX, XDLS, HFC ii. 2. Core Network: This network is used to provide the following function namely – IP connectivity Service and Network control, Interconnection with other network and Roming. iii. M2M Service Capabilities iv. M2M Service Application v. M2M Management Function ETS1 M2M Service Capabilities: i. Application Enablement (XAE) ii. Generic Communication (XGC) iii. Reachability, Addressing & Repository(XRAR) iv. Communication Selection (XCS) v. Remote Entity Management (XREM) vi. Security (XSEC) vii. History and Data Retention(XHDR) viii. ix. x. xi. 3. Transaction Management (XTM) Compensation broker (XCB) Telco Operator Exposure (NTOE) Internetworking Proxy (XIP) ETS1,M2M Interfaces : The following are the three main interfaces: mIa dIa mId ETS1,M2M Resource Management : ETS!,M2M Architecture assumes that application structures devices application(DA), Gateway Application(GA), Neytwork Application (NA), Exchange information by performing CRVD operation 4. (Create Read Update Delete) on a number of Resources by using REST full Architecture (Representational State Transfer) Main design Principles and needed capabilities: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. The architecture relies on the separation of resources providing sensing and actuation from the actual devices, a set of contextual and real world entity centric services, and the users of the services. SENSEI further relies on open – ended constellation of providers and users, and also provides a reference model for different business roles. A number of design principles and guidelines are identified, and so is a set of requirements Finally, the architecture itself contains a set of key functional capabilities IOT – A refers to as the Architectural reference model(ARM) The Vision of IOT – A is, via the ARM, to establish a means to achieve a high degree of interoperability between different IOT solutions at the different system levels of communication, service and information. IOT – A provides a set of different architectural views, establishes a proposed terminology and a set of unified Requirements. An IOT Architectural outline: Functional layer and capabilities of and IOT solution Business Layer Data and Information Layer Security Management IOT Data and Services Application Layer Service Support Layer Communication Layer Resource Layer Asset Layer ASSET LAYER: Real-world objects and entities that are subject to being monitored and controlled, as well as having digital representations and identities. For example: 1. Vehicles 2. Home 3. Human 4. Buildings etc. Assets can also be of a more virtual character, being subjective representations of parts of the real world. For example: Latterroutestrickslogisticsinformationtraffic intensityroadworkroad conditionsweather situation. Assets are instrumented with embedded technologies that bridge the digital realm with the physical world, and that provide the capabilities to monitor and control the assets as well as providing identities to the assets. For examples: 1. Tags: RFID 2. Optical Codes: barcodes 3. QR (Quick Response) code. COMMUNICATION LAYER: Connectivity between the resources on one end and the different computing infrastructures that host and execute service support logic and application logic on the other end DATA AND INFORMATION LAYER: MANAGEMENT: SECURITY: DATA AND SERVICES: Standards Considerations: There are a number of standardization organizations and bodies, both proper standards Development Organization (SDO) as well as special interest groups and alliances that develop standards specifications. CONSIDERATION 1 INTEREST Different national and international bodies ratify standards by SDOs, whereas standards specifications developed by special interest group and alliances are normally agreedupon and adopted by market actors such as technology manufactures EXAMPLE International Telecommunications Union(ITU) International organization for standardization(ISO) European Telecommunication standards institute(ETSI) The European committee for electro 2 3 System standards can address 3G mobile communication network as defined within the 3rd generation partnership project (3GPP) or standards towards the smart grid as done by the national Institute of standards and technology(NIST) Standards are emerging as a result of collaborative research involving both academia and industry technical standardization(CENELEC) System standards rely on the enabling technology components as the foundation, but as there generally are many competing technology components (eg., Protocol stacks), the adoption into a system standard is not a straightforward route Technology are selection for standardization can happen as part of requlatory or legislative process Module-3: M2M AND IOT TECHNOLOGY FUNDAMENTALS: Four fundamental components of an IoT system: 1) Sensors/Devices: Sensors or devices are a key component that helps you to collect live data from the surrounding environment. All this data may have various levels of complexities. It could be a simple temperature monitoring sensor, or it may be in the form of the video feed. A device may have various types of sensors which performs multiple tasks apart from sensing. Example, A mobile phone is a device which has multiple sensors like GPS, camera but your smartphone is not able to sense these things. 2) Connectivity: All the collected data is sent to a cloud infrastructure. The sensors should be connected to the cloud using various mediums of communications. These communication mediums include mobile or satellite networks, Bluetooth, WI-FI, WAN, etc. 3) Data Processing: Once that data is collected, and it gets to the cloud, the software performs processing on the gathered data. This process can be just checking the temperature, reading on devices like AC or heaters. However, it can sometimes also be very complex like identifying objects, using computer vision on video. 4)User Interface: The information needs to be available to the end-user in some way which can be achieved by triggering alarms on their phones or sending them notification through email or text message. The user sometimes might need an interface which actively checks their IOT system. For example, the user has a camera installed in his home. He wants to access video recording and all the feeds with the help of a web server. However, it's not always one-way communication. Depending on the IoT application and complexity of the system, the user may also be able to perform an action which may create cascading effects. For example, if a user detects any changes in the temperature of the refrigerator, with the help of IOT technology the user should able to adjust the temperature with the help of their mobile phone. DEVICES AND GATEWAYS: Devices: Introduction: A device can be characterized as having several properties, including: • Microcontroller: 8-, 16-, or 32-bit working memory and storage. • Power Source: Fixed, battery, energy harvesting, or hybrid. • Sensors and Actuators: Onboard sensors and actuators, or circuitry that allows them to be connected, sampled, conditioned, and controlled. • Communication: Cellular, wireless, or wired for LAN and WAN communication. • Operating System (OS): Main-loop, event-based, real-time, or fullfeatured OS. • Applications: Simple sensor sampling or more advanced applications. • User Interface: Display, buttons, or other functions for user interaction. • Device Management (DM): Provisioning, firmware, bootstrapping,and monitoring. • Execution Environment (EE): Application lifecycle management and Application Programming Interface (API). Device type Device types they are classified into two types.They are, Basic Device Advanced Device Basic Devices: Devices that only provide the basic services of sensor readings and/or actuation tasks, and in some cases limited support for user interaction. LAN communication is supported via wired or wireless technology, thus a gateway is needed to provide the WAN connection. Advanced Devices: In this case the devices also host the application logic and a WAN connection. They may also feature device management and an execution environment for hosting multiple applications. Gateway devices are most likely to fall into this category. Deployment scenarios for devices: Deployment can differ for basic and advanced deployment scenarios. Example deployment scenarios for basic devices include: • Home Alarms: Such devices typically include motion detectors, magnetic sensors, and smoke detectors. A central unit takes care of the application logic that calls security and sounds an alarm if a sensor is activated when the alarm is armed. The central unit also handles the WAN connection towards the alarm central. These systems are currently often based on proprietary radio protocols. • Smart Meters: The meters are installed in the households and measure consumption of, for example, electricity and gas. A concentrator gateway collects data from the meters, performs aggregation, and periodically transmits the aggregated data to an application server over a cellular connection. • Building Automation Systems (BASs): Such devices include thermostats, fans, motion detectors, and boilers, which are controlled by local facilities, but can also be remotely operated. • Standalone Smart Thermostats: These use Wi-Fi to communicate with web services. Examples for advanced devices, meanwhile, include: • Onboard units in cars that perform remote monitoring and configuration over a cellular connection. • Robots and autonomous vehicles such as unmanned aerial vehicles that can work both autonomously or by remote control using a cellular connection. • Video cameras for remote monitoring over 3G and LTE. • Oil well monitoring and collection of data points from remote devices. • Connected printers that can be upgraded and serviced remotely. Basic devices: These devices are often intended for a single purpose, such as measuring air pressure or closing a valve. In some cases several functions are deployed on the same device, such as monitoring humidity, temperature, and light level Advanced devices As mentioned earlier, the distinction between basic devices, gateways, and advanced devices is not cut in stone, but some features that can characterize an advanced device are the following: • A powerful CPU or microcontroller with enough memory and storage to host advanced applications, such as a printer offering functions for copying, faxing, printing, and remote management. • A more advanced user interface with, for example, display and advanced user input in the form of a keypad or touch screen. • Video or other high bandwidth functionsIt’s not unusual for the advanced device to also function as a gateway for local devices on the same LAN. GATEWAYS A gateway serves as a translator between different protocols, e.g. between IEEE 802.15.4 or IEEE 802.11, to Ethernet or cellular. There are many different types of gateways, which can work on different levels in the protocol layers. Most often a gateway refers to a device that performs translation of the physical and link layer, but application layer gateways (ALGs) are also common. The latter is preferably avoided because it adds complexity and is a common source of error in deployments. Some examples of ALGs include the ZigBee Gateway Device (ZigBee Alliance 2011), which translates from ZigBee to SOAP and IP, or gateways that translate from Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) to HyperText Transfer Protocol/Representational State Transfer (HTTP/REST). For some LAN technologies, such as 802.11 and Z-Wave, the gateway is used for inclusion and exclusion of devices. This typically works by activating the gateway into inclusion or exclusion mode and by pressing a button on the device to be added or removed from the network. For very basic gateways, the hardware is typically focused on simplicity and low cost, but frequently the gateway device is also used for many other tasks, such as data management, device management, and local applications. In these cases, more powerful hardware with GNU/Linux is commonly use Local and wide area networking: Local Area Networks (LAN) Local Area Network (LAN) is a computer network, which is limited to a small office, single building, multiple buildings inside a campus etc. Typically, a Local Area Network (LAN) is a private network owned and maintained by a single organization. Below image shows a small Local Area Network (LAN) connected together using a Network Switch. The terms Local Area Network (LAN), broadcast domain and subnet are used interchangeably throughout website. Do remember that a Local Area Network (LAN) is comprised of one or more broadcast domains. A Local Area Network (LAN) may contain one or more subnets also. Wide Area Networks (WAN) A Wide Area Network (WAN) spans over multiple geographic locations, which is composed of multiple LANs. It is nearly impossible for a small to medium organization (except Network Service Providers) to pull network cables between their two offices in two different countries located 1000s of kilometers away. Network Service Providers (also called as ISPs) provide the connectivity solutions for Wide Area Networks (WAN). Below image shows two Local Area Networks (LANs), located at two different geographical locations connected via Internet to create a Wide Area Network (WAN). LAN 1 is located in Chennai, India and LAN 2 is located in Manila, Philippines. The aerial distance between Chennai and Manila is about 4,400 kilometers. It is almost impossible for a small to medium business to draw cables between Chennai and Manila. We normally avail the services of an Internet Service Provider for connectivity between these two offices. Differences between LAN and WAN • A Local Area Network (LAN) is a private computer network that connects computers in small physical areas. Example: A small office, A Single building, Multiple buildings inside a campus etc. Wide Area Networks (WAN) is type of computer network to connect offices which are located in different geographical locations. Wide Area Network (WAN) depends mainly on Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for connection solutions. • Local Area Network (LAN) has higher bandwidth rates. Current Local Area Networks (LANs) runs at bandwidth speeds of 100 Mbps, 1 Gbps or 10 Gbps. Wide Area Networks (WAN) has lower bandwidth rates compared with Local Area Network (LAN). Current Wide Area Networks runs on bandwidths of 20 Mbps, 50 Mbps or 100 Mbps. • Local Area Network (LAN) bandwidth rates are almost constant. Local Area Network (LAN) bandwidth rates are dependent on characteristics of the LAN technology in use (Normally FastEthernet or Gigabit Ethernet). Since most of Wide Area Networks (WAN) connectivity solutions are dependent on Internet Service Providers (ISPs), budget related constraints affect the quality of WAN. • Most of the current Local Area Networks (LANs) use Ethernet as the LAN Standard (FastEthernet 100 Mbps, or Gigabit Ethernet 1/10 Gbps). Normally for WAN connectivity, technologies like VPN (Virtual Private Network) over Internet, or MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) are used. • Since Local Area Networks (LANs) are private networks, managed by dedicated local network administrators, Local Area Networks (LANs) are more reliable and secure than Wide Area Networks (WANs). Since Wide Area Networks (WANs) involve third-party service providers, WAN networks are less reliable and secure. • Initial set-up costs for Local Area Networks (LANs) are low as the devices required to set up the networks are cheap. Initial set-up costs for Wide Area Networks (WANs) are high, because of the devices (Routers, Firewalls etc.), cables and manpower required. • Local Area Networks (LANs) running costs are less Wide Area Networks (WANs) running costs are high. Wide Area Networks (WANs) normally have recurring monthly cost as Service Provider access fees. DATA MANAGEMENT: When customers embark on the journey to address IoT and IIoT use cases, the first hurdle they face is how to retrieve the data from the IoT systems and make it available for the analytics systems and for decision making. The ability to ingest the data from IoT systems into the data lake or into messaging systems like Apache Kafka is a key first step. In most scenarios, organizations also want to enrich and cleanse the data to ensure that bad data doesn’t get into the lake and the analysts have enriched data for their analytics. In some cases, customers want to operationalize actions in real-time on IoT-enabled devices. For example, they may want to automatically stop a painting machine if factory conditions get too warm for optimal paint adhesion—a situation that could cause major quality and warranty issues if not corrected during manufacturing. 5 must-have capabilities for IoT data management Managing data from IoT devices is an important aspect of a real-time analytics journey. To be sure your data management solution can handle IoT data demands, look for these five key capabilities: Versatile connectivity and ability to handle data variety: IoT systems have a variety of standards and IoT data adheres to a wide range of protocols (MQTT, OPC, AMQP, and so on). Also, most IoT data exists in semistructured or unstructured formats. Therefore, your data management system must be able to connect to all of those systems and adhere to the various protocols so you can ingest data from those systems. It is equally important that the solution support both structured and unstructured data. Edge processing and enrichments: A good data management solution will be able to filter out erroneous records coming from the IoT systems—such as negative temperature readings—before ingesting it into the data lake. It should also be able to enrich the data with metadata (such as timestamp or static text) to support better analytics. Big data processing and machine learning: Because IoT data comes in very large volumes, performing real-time analytics requires the ability to run enrichments and ingestion in sub-second latency so that the data is ready to be consumed in real time. Also, many customers want to operationalize ML models such as anomaly detection in real time so that they can take preventive steps before it is too late. M2M AND IOT ANALYTICS The value of big data stems from its ability to surface relevant and actionable insights at the micro level. The proliferation of Internet-connected devices presents a framework for analytics to become much more granular in nature and an opportunity to better align the frequency of reporting to the pace of business operations. While today the biggest challenge lies in managing the variety–rather than the volume or velocity–of IoT data, the general shift from batch- to event-based processing signals a growing interest in real-time / streaming analytics as a lever for IoT value creation. The need to harmonize these components without creating or simply shifting the bottlenecks that come with the management of high-velocity variable data puts pressure on connectivity providers, edge analytics platform players, and system integrators (SIs) to stand up new and distributed architectures to not only support, but also add value to data at any level. In this research analysis, ABI Research analyzes what it considers to be the most significant trends and developments related to the IoT analytics industry. The first section includes the conceptual framework supporting the research, as well as a wrap-up of recent activity. The second section consists of the updated and refined forecasts on the market’s revenues, broken down by application, region, value chain component, and analytic phase (descriptive, predictive, prescriptive). A high-level revenue projection for the overall big data and analytics market is also included at the end of the section for a view of IoT analytics in a broader industry context. The final section provides a high-level assessment of a number of relevant vendors to exemplify the different parts of the value chain. Address data drift: Data coming from IoT systems can change over time due to events such as firmware upgrades. This is called data drift or schema drift. It is important that your data management solution can automatically address data drift without interrupting the data management process. Real-time monitoring and alerting: IoT data ingestion and processing never stops. Therefore, your data management solution should provide real-time monitoring with flow visualizations to show the status of the process at any time with respect to performance and throughput. The data management solution should also provide alerts in case any issues arise during the process. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT: Knowledge management (KM) systems would have to be geared more and more for real time knowledge updation. Customers buying patterns and the usage trends of equipments will come together to provide new insights for marketing and product development teams and KM specialists have the opportunity to synthesise both the data and arrive at new knowledge. Internet of Things and SMAC (social media, mobility, analytics and cloud) are forcing businesses to rethink their goals and how value is created. Businesses have to balance their goal of ‘reliability’ and move towards becoming ‘agile’ and value creation is no longer through price performance alone but will happen by focussing on revenue generation by customer experience and brand building. Sensors and embedded technology enabling transmission of real time data through wireless networks will lead to co creation of new real time knowledge with customers and vendors on a regular basis. The moot point all the commonly owned data is likely to be accessible by all the stakeholders but the advantage would go the firm which has the ability to interpret the data and convert it into real time knowledge which can be put to use for competitive advantage. Opportunities for innovation by better understanding of product usage, performance and customer experience will help create opportunities for creating and leveraging collaborative innovation platforms with customers and vendors to spot, nurture and fructify innovation ideas. In the changing world led by Internet of Things and Big Data, knowledge needs of individuals will get redefined. L&D functions have to get equipped with capabilities to deal with data, machine interface and the threats of the possibilities of machine intelligence surpassing human intelligence by rethinking methods and tools for making the talent pool get to interpret system intelligence such that human intelligence becomes even more sharper. Thus L&D teams will see a shift in their roles from being facilitators to coaches to data based interpretation of training needs and profiling of employees. Module - 4 IoT Architecture -State of the Art A reference model is a model that describes the main conceptual entities and how they are related to each other, while the reference architecture aims at describing the main functional components of a system as well as how the system works, how the system is deployed, what information the system processes, etc. An ARM is useful as a tool that establishes a common language of an M2M or IoT system. State of the art European Telecommunications Standards Institute M2M/oneM2M. The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) in 2009 formed a Technical Committee (TC) on M2M topics aimed at producing a set of standards for communication among machines from an end-to-end viewpoint. ETSI M2M high-level architecture 1.1 ) ETSI M2M high-level architecture M2M Device: An M2M device connects to the Network Domain either directly or through an M2M Gateway Direct connection: The M2M Device is capable of performing registration, authentication, authorization, management, and provisioning to the Network Domain. Direct connection also means that the M2M device contains the appropriate physical layer to be able to communicate with the Access Network. M2M Gateway: This is the case when the M2M device does not have the appropriate physical layer, compatible with the Access Network technology, and therefore it needs a network domain proxy. The M2M Gateway acts as a proxy for the Network Domain and performs the procedures of authentication, authorization, management, and provisioning. An M2M Device could connect through multiple M2M Gateways. M2M Area Network: This is typically a local area network (LAN) or a Personal Area Network (PAN) and provides connectivity between M2M Devices and M2M Gateways M2M Gateway: The M2M Gateway contains M2M Applications and M2M Service Capabilities. The M2M Gateway may also provide services to other legacy devices that are not visible to the Network Domain. The device that provides connectivity for M2M Devices in an M2M Area Network towards the Network Domain. Access Network: The network that allows the devices in the Device and Gateway Domain to communicate with the Core Network. Core Network: IP connectivity. • Service and Network control. • Interconnection with other networks. • Roaming. M2M Service Capabilities: Functions use underlying Core Network functions, and their objective is to abstract the network functions for simpler applications. M2M Applications: M2M applications (e.g. smart metering) that utilize the M2M Service Capabilities through the open interfaces. Network Management Functions: functions to manage the Access and Core Network M2M Management Functions: Functions required to manage the M2M Service Capabilities on the Network Domain while the management of an M2M Device or Gateway is performed by specific M2M Service Capabilities. There are two M2M Management functions: M2M Service Bootstrap Function (MSBF). M2M Authentication Server (MAS): IOT ARCHITECTURE AND REFERENCE MODEL The Internet of Things (IoT) is defined as a paradigm in which objects outfitted with sensors, actuators, and processors interact with each other to serve a significant purpose. THE BASIC IOT ARCHITECTURE IS DEFINED IN FOUR STAGES.SENSOR NODES <==> GATEWAYS <==> INTERNET + CLOUD(SERVER) <==> VISUALIZATION AND CONTROL ENDPOINTS. Sensor Nodes: These are the physical things that carry sensors and actuators with it. Sensors that can record environmental conditions and transmit them over the network. Actuators can respond to commands from the network and show some mechanical response. Gateway: A noticeable predicament in connecting the thing to the internet is that not all sensor nodes can connect to the internet directly. And it is also not a good idea to connect each device directly to the internet because of the restrictions of IP address and efficiency reduction. The answer for this problem is an IoT Gateway. Which can handle interoperability of the communication protocols and can connect to various devices and the internet at the same time. note: this is not same as the Network Gateway. A Server operating on the Cloud: The gateway connects to the cloud through the internet. The Server manages all the data coming from the Gateways and all the requests coming of the Visualization and Control Endpoints. The data arriving in is also processed at the server depending on the deployment of analytics algorithms and methods at the server. The clouds serve a Web UI and API endpoints for the rest of the world to interact with it. Visualization and Control Endpoints: The are devices with input and output devices built in, such as mobile phones, remote controllers and PCs. The Web UI served and API endpoints on the cloud can be consumed by these devices to read the data, do some operations on it or to send some commands to the sensor nodes through the gateways over the internet. IOT reference model: 1. Physical Devices and Controllers: These are similar to the sensor nodes discussed earlier. The actual things in the Internet of Things. 2. Connectivity: The nodes in sensor nodes discussed earlier can be related to this. The basic device that has some connectivity radios and contains the sensors. The Network devices also fall in the same segment. 3. Edge Computing: The small level data processing at the gateway and sensor nodes is known as edge computing. Some small tasks and actuator handling can also be done here. 4. Data Accumulation: The data that is sent over the internet via gateways by the sensor nodes are acquired and stored in a database on the Cloud. 5. Data Abstraction: Normalization, filtering, expansion, aggregation of the data is done at the cloud mainly.The main aim is ti get the required and significant data out of all the data that is collected.Some small operations can be done at the Edge also. 6. Application: Analytics over the data and responding according to the data to control the actuators at the sensor nodes is one of the main applications of the IoT Architecture. 7. Collaboration and Processing: This is the final level of the IoT Reference model. The human interaction and involvement in the IoT scenario are seen as the most neglected parts. Not only the device should be smart enough to perform certain tasks but they should also have some intuitive interactions with the human. The iinvolment of People and Business processes is an essential prt of developping an interesting IoT application. MODULE-5 INTRODUCTION: 1. Functional View: Description of what the system does, and its main functions. 2. Information View: Description of the data and information that the system handles. 3. Deployment and Operational View: Description of the main real world components of the system such as devices, network routers, servers, etc. IOT FUNCTIONAL VIEW: IOT functional view contains eight types, they are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Device and Application functional group Communication functional group IOT Service functional group Virtual entity functional group Process management functional group Service Organization functional group Security functional group Management functional group 1.1. Devices and application functional group: Devices are like phone, machines. 1.2. Communication functional group: The Hop-by-Hop Communication is applicable in the case that devices and messages have to traverse the mesh from node-to-node (hop-by-hop) until they reach a gateway node which forwards the message (if needed) further to the Internet. This FC has two main interfaces: one “southbound” to/from the actual radio on the device, and one “northbound” to/from the Network FC in the Communication FG. 1.2 . IOT Service functional group: The IoT Service FC is a collection of service implementations, which interface the related and associated Resources. For a Sensor type of a Resource, the IoT Service FC includes Services that receive requests from a User and returns the Sensor Resource value in synchronous or asynchronous (e.g. subscription/notification) fashion. The IoT Service Resolution FC contains the necessary functions to realize a directory of IoT Services that allows dynamic management of IoT Service descriptions and discovery/lookup/resolution of IoT Services by other Active Digital Artifacts. 1.3 . Virtual entity functional group: The Virtual Entity FG contains functions that support the interactions between Users and Physical Things through Virtual Entity services. An example of such an interaction is the query to an IoT system of the form 1.4 . Process management functional group: It consists of two FCs: The Process Modelling FC provides that right tools for modelling a business process that utilises IoT-related services. The Process Execution FC contains the execution environment of the process models created by the Process Modelling FC and executes the created processes by utilising the Service Organisation FG in order to resolve high-level application requirements to specific IoT services 1.5 Service Organization functional group: The Service Composition FC manages the descriptions and execution environment of complex services consisting of simpler dependent services. An example of a complex composed service is a service offering the average of the values coming from a number of simple Sensor Services 1.6 Security Functional group The Identity Management FC manages the different identities of the involved Services or Users in an IoT system The The Authentication FC verifies the identity of a User and creates an assertion upon successful verification. verifies the identity of a User and creates an assertion upon successful verification. The Authorization FC manages and enforces access control policies. It provides services to manage policies (CUD), as well as taking decisions and enforcing them regarding access rights of restricted resources. The Key Exchange & Management is used for setting up the necessary security keys between two communicating entities in an IoT system. 1.7 Management functional group The Configuration FC maintains the configuration of the FCs and the Devices in an IoT system. The component collects the current configuration of all the FCs and devices, stores it in a historical database, and compares current and historical configurations. The Fault FC detects, logs, isolates, and corrects system-wide faults if possible. This means that individual component fault reporting triggers fault diagnosis and fault recovery procedures in the Fault FC.The component collects the current configuration of all the FCs and devices, stores it in a historical database, and compares current and historical configurations. The Member FC manages membership information about the relevant entities in an IoT system. The State FC is similar to the Configuration FC, and collects and logs state information from the current FCs, IOT INFORMATION VIEW: The pieces of information handled by an IoT system Virtual Entity context information, i.e. the attributes (simple or complex) as represented by parts of the IoT Information model. IoT Service output itself is another important part of information generated by an IoT system. For example, Sensor or a Tag Service. Virtual Entity descriptions in general, which contain not only the attributes coming from IoT Devices (e.g. ownership information). Virtual Entity Associations with other Virtual Entities (e.g. Room #12 is on floor#7) Resource Descriptions –> type of resource (e.g. sensor), identity, associated Services, and Devices. Device Descriptions –> device capabilities (e.g. sensors, radios). Descriptions of Composed Services –> the model of how a complex service is composed of simpler services. IoT Business Process Model describes –> the steps of a business process utilizing other IoT-related services. Management information such as state information from operational FCs used for fault/performance purposes, configuration snapshots, reports, membership information, etc. IOT DEPLOYMENT AND OPERATIONAL VIEW: ARCHITECTURE OF IOT: Overall technological advances have contributed to the fact that electronic and other devices become smarter with the ability to produce a large amount of data. In addition, the networking of computers and the Internet has enabled data exchange in both local and Geo-global environments. From the real-world perspective, including elements of use by ordinary observers such as vehicles, trains, planes, lights, clocks, parking garages … appears a common denominator in the world of smart devices and it’s called the Internet of Things (IoT). It keeps the basic idea of connecting all devices to each other. Internet of things can be understood as the natural evolution of the web because it connects information technology and many other operational technologies. This technology connects more than ordinary devices – it connects all devices that contain such a collection of sensors or any device that generates digital data including humans as an overall data producer. By connecting and networking on a shared thread, the Internet of Things is becoming a based machine that uses data streams as its fuel to build a novel ecosystem based on a few elements. Things include all sorts of existing devices that are able to produce data directly or by transforming an analog device signal into useful digital data from. Furthermore, within the ecosystem, things are actually virtual copies of objects made up of different forms of data. Data are digital representation of the various physical forms, objects and even minds thus enabled to be exchangeable, processed by machines and converted into useful information used by human beings as intelligent decisions. Humans as end node data producers and connected to the Internet become an active actor of the IoT ecosystem by leveraging process of data producing, transforming and sharing. Processes as a common connectivity and communication descriptor lead us to the overall IoT ecosystem which is able to ingest data autonomously and act as much as self-configured structure. By representing physical objects and processes by its virtual copies, the IoT ecosystem is limited by a level of fragmentation. Since this is an anomaly, even the ecosystem must be overcome in some way. It is also necessary to allow unhindered data flow and, therefore, the evaluation of the events in the system of independent decisionmaking. For this, it is necessary to define the structure, i.e. the rules of behavior and functioning of the elements within the IoT ecosystem. Since all of this already coincides and is functionally expressed through already existing technological postulates, it is easiest to define all this through a unique, i.e. the reference architecture of the IoT ecosystem. The process of forming the reference architecture of the IoT ecosystem is not at all simple. The reason for this is the high dynamism of the elements inside the system, as well as the rapid conglomeration of new solutions in terms of data processing throughout the entire cycle. In addition, the integration of artificial intelligence into building elements leads to a greater degree of activity and the occurrence of events that can be independently triggered and controlled within the system. This increases the need for efficient scaling of processes and the participation of all other information-science actors within the ecosystem. In the professional literature and also in practice, there is a more diverse review of the reference architecture of the IoT ecosystem. Starting from those proposed by various equipment manufacturers, IoT elements, platforms of both conventional IoT systems and industrial IoT, there are also references architectures proposed by various consortia and official technical-scientific bodies within governments and intergovernmental organizations. From this perspective, considering the transformation of existing business processes into the active IoT ecosystem, only some views and perspectives will be discussed without a deeper analysis of all the reference architecture and below are some simplified views of the reference architecture reviews from the software development perspective within the IoT ecosystem. The Layers of the IoT Architecture Conventional Architecture One of the basic and simplified models of the reference architecture is the so-called Conventional IoT architectural model – Three layer IoT Architecture. Perception layer belongs to the world of sensors, actuators and smart devices. At this level, data production is done. In addition to the active and passive components in this layer, the so-called “edge elements” which, along with “Things” are data producers of the IoT ecosystem. Also, communication from this Layer to the outside world is directed to the cloud environment and is managed using standard network infrastructure as well as localized RF – radio frequency networks. Network layer covered the area of gateways and routers. Here are most elements of the IoT ecosystem – physical devices or software program between clouds and controllers, sensors and smart devices. Their role is also to discover, i.e. detects intelligent devices in the perception layer and translates them into the network and establish coordination with the applications. If they are hardware devices, they are mostly Plug & Run devices with a simple configuration via a web interface. In some descriptions this layer is also called a Transport layer. Application layer is a part of the cloud and servers. Functionally, it’s usually some of Cloud services like AVS or Google Cloud, server farms, or even a local remote server company (on premise). The application layer also includes powerful servers and databases that allow large IoT applications to easily integrate, use spanking data storage services with high-speed data processing. The data thus available are easy to filter, build analytics, and API’s user-friendliness. The benefit of this is reflected in an improved and more advanced business logic. In addition, the security of the IoT ecosystem itself with advanced warning systems and real-time monitoring increases. Support layer was added to the list later as a necessity to give more effective and transparent communication between the application layer and networking layer as contains the services by using APIs. Five layer IoT Architecture Another IoT architectural model, is built as an extension of three layer approach. Two more layers are added: a Business and a Processing layer. With two new layers, IoT architecture still belongs to cloud-centric based architectural model. It turns out that most of the operations or data transfer and processing are performed on cloud or remote servers. The introduction of a business layer as a top layer is justified by the multifaceted user requirements. The complexity of the business logic in the process of creating the IoT system has sidelined the process of data management in the application layer so that the coordination of business logic is shifted to the new layer. This has led to more stable architecture in terms of the sustainability in perception of connecting different technologies and diverse business areas. An important element of improving the IoT ecosystem at the architectural level was achieved by introducing the processing layer. As data production increased, IoT systems became cumbersome and difficult to filter data. The layer is often processed, i.e. filtering mass sets of data and data from the Big Data category, in such a way that the processing layer can be found at more than one point within the IoT ecosystem, which leads to resource optimization and more efficient processing and filtering of large amounts of data which is very important for realizing real-time processing as an important factor of efficiency. Seven layer IoT architecture Seven layers of IoT architecture is the one most commonly used by users (referred by) when attempting to explain IoT ecosystem appearance and its structure. The things – in order to realize one IoT environment, i.e. the ecosystem needs to have a variety of devices, sensors and controllers that enable their interconnection. This also means that the end point of an IoT system must have connected devices – besides standard sensors, the actuators also include smartphones, microcontrollers, computers, etc. Layer two – Connectivity/Edge represents the environment and the place where all connections are made before the exchange of data within the IoT ecosystem. It defines all communication protocols, and establishes a network for Edge computing. Therefore, this type of architecture tells us that this is a distributed architecture and that data are processed on the edge of the network. The third layer, global infrastructure, is usually a layer that relies on cloud infrastructure. This is because most IoT solutions rely on the integration of cloud services. Observed from the business perspective, this is an inevitable solution in recent times because the cloud provides a complete upgrade to the customer’s perspective. The fourth layer, the data ingestion, the data entry layer. This is inevitably thought of Big Data, as well as the cleansing and data store. Also, data streaming processes are present in this layer as a building element of data ingestion. Layer five belongs to the data analysis. This is of course related to the processing of data in order to prepare the report, data mining, the implementation of machine learning, etc. In the sixth layer, the so-called application layer, user applications is stored depends on the purpose and needs of the user. Different context-elements are also thing-specific and it is therefore necessary to have a defined application layer, otherwise they cannot be standardized within the IoT ecosystem. On the other hand, this means that this layer is where the integration of users and objects from the lowest layer of architecture takes place. In some studies on the IoT architecture, this layer is also called application integration layer where the same layer can be viewed as a service layer with the implementation of the UI at the top. The seventh layer is represented by people and processes. This includes all business entities as consortium of IoT ecosystems and, at the same time, the actors involved in decision making on the basis of data obtained from the IoT ecosystem, with the help of all the structures that were previously mentioned in architecture. Real-World Design Constraints Devices and Networks: The devices that form networks in the M2M Area Network domain must be selected, or designed, with certain functionality suitable to IoT applications. The devices must have an energy source (e.g. batteries), computational capability (e.g. an MCU), appropriate communications interface (e.g. a Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit (RFIC) and front end RF circuitry), memory (program and data), and sensing (and/or actuation) capability. These must be integrated in such a way that the functional requirements of the desired application can be satisfied with additional nonfunctional requirements Functional Requirements: 1. Specific sensing and actuating capabilities 2. Sensing principle and data requirements: Sometimes continuous sampling of sensing data is required. For some applications, sampling after specific intervals is required. 3. The parameters like higher network throughput, data loss, energy use, etc are decided based on sensing principle. Sensing and communications field: The sensing field is to be considered for sensing in local area or distributed sensing. The distance between sensing points is also important factor to be considered. The physical environment has an implication on the communications technologies selected and the reliability of the system in operation thereafter. Devices must be placed in close enough proximity to communicate. Where the distance is too great, routing devices may be necessary. Programming and embedded intelligence: Devices in the IoT are heterogeneous such as various computational architectures, including MCUs (8-, 16-,32bit, ARM, 8051, RISC, Intel, etc.), signal conditioning (e.g. ADC), and memory (ROM, S/F/D) RAM, etc.), communications media, peripheral components (sensors, actuators, buttons, screens, LEDs), etc. In every case, an application programmer must consider the hardware selected or designed, and its capabilities. Application-level logic decides the sampling rate of the sensor, the local processing performed on sensor readings, the transmission schedule (or reporting rate), and the management of the communications protocol stack, among other things. The programmers have to reconfigure and reprogram devices in case of change in devices in IoT application. Power: Power is essential for any embedded or IoT device. Depending on the application, power may be provided by the mains, batteries, or hybrid power sources. Power requirements of the application are modeled prior to deployment. This allows the designer to estimate the cost of maintenance over time. Gateway: Gateway devices or proxies are selected according to need of data transitions. Nonfunctional requirements: The non-functional requirements are technical and non-technical. 1. Regulations: • For applications that require placing nodes in public places, prior permissions are important. • Radio Frequency (RF) regulations limit the power with which transmitters can broadcast. 2. Ease of use, installation, maintenance, accessibility: • This relates to positioning, placement, site surveying, programming, and physical accessibility of devices for maintenance purposes. 3. Physical constraints: • Integration of additional electronics into existing system • Suitable packaging • Kind and size of antenna • Type of power supply Financial cost: Financial cost considerations are as follows: • Component Selection: Typically, the use of these devices in the M2M Area Network domain is to reduce the overall cost burden. However, there are research and development costs likely to be incurred for each individual application in the IoT that requires device development or integration. Developing devices in small quantities is expensive. • Integrated Device Design: Once the energy, sensors, actuators, computation, memory, power, connectivity, physical, and other functional and nonfunctional requirements are considered, it is likely that an integrated device must be produced. Data representation and visualization: Each IoT application has an optimal visual representation of the data and the system. Data that is generated from heterogeneous systems has heterogeneous visualization requirements. There are currently no satisfactory standard data representation and storage methods that satisfy all of the potential IoT applications. IoT on Industrial Automation Internet of things is proving to be a game changer for many automation companies. Industrial automation companies utilize IoT solutions can realize new advantages. The Internet of Things (IoT) assists to generate new technologies to resolve problems, improve operations and enhance productivity. The IoT can be described as the connection of only known electronic devices using Internet ‘data plumbing’ involving Internet Protocol (IP), web services and cloud computing. Impact of IoT on Industrial Automation is very high and it empowers us to utilize tablet computers, smart phones, realistic systems and cloud storage of data and so on. Let us see the effect of Internet of Things (IoT) on Industrial Automation: • Internet of Things (IoT) • Internet of things products • Internet of things devices • IoT Gateway Devices • Industrial IoT Development Kits Internet of Things (IoT) The Internet of Things (IoT) plays an important role in the industrial automation as it is begining to explore and apply IoT concepts and technology. IoT helps to make system well organized and system architectures that are essential, reasonable and flexible. The main aim is to generate cooperative communications and interaction from manufacturing field input or output involving actuators, robotics, analyzers etc to improve flexibility and enhanced manufacturing. Using IoT, the industrial automation has leveraged commercial technologies in extensive applications and these examples involve PLCs replacing edges of relays. Internet of things products Internet of Things is the next large technology turn and it is simply internet connected devices that are able to collect data. Many Internet of Things products are good enough smooth into the patterns of daily life by clarifying routine tasks. IoT products are available in different ways and they can be utilized in various verticals. Using IoT products, business and consumer lives can be more absolute than ever. Internet of things devices Internet of things devices can be utilized in different fields and they may deviate from home automation and functionality of your house. IoT Devices such as smoke detectors, thermostats, smart music systems, smart light bulbs come under this category. On another side, IoT devices are also present in the association with the human body, where we can talk about fitness trackers, smart body scales etc. IoT Gateway Devices IoT Gateway devices behave as a connection bridge between IoT Sensor Network and Cloud Server. IoT Gateway devices are appearing as essential elements in bringing next-generation devices to the IoT. They assist to merge protocols for networking, helps to analyze storage and edge analytics on the data and make possible data flow safely between edge devices and the cloud. Industrial IoT Development Kits Industrial IoT Development Kits produces a complete, high quality design environment for engineers and solution architects to dramatically speed up the growth and delivery of IoT applications. Using these kits, any development/industrial environment can be rapidly revolved into a production set unit. The IoT Development Kit targets a variety of IoT application requirements by supplying a range of various hardware platforms, spanning from very dense, low-power ARM-based designs to strong multi-core, new generation gateways. Machinery Automation In easy terms Machinery automation has been into reality since more than 70 years. The concept is to analyze, activate and control different machineries in various industries. It includes industries such as automobile, textile, agriculture, chemical food and beverages, cement and other infrastructure evolution, manufacturing, shipping, pharmaceutical, transportation and many more. The concept is constantly fulfilling large number of real world use-cases, controlling various levels of challenges and continuously benefiting this generation. Fundamental building blocks of Machinery Automation with IoT are as follows: – Wireless network with ideal connectivity – Cloud storage – Operation center – Data processing – Inventive hardware – Improved sensors network Success calculating criteria’s of machinery automation with IoT arrangement are as follows: – Security – Performance – Efficiency – Scalability and Customization – Renewability – Intelligence and Add-Value – Predictive measurement and analysis – Contribution towards Eco system Advantages – Real time data can save time and money! – It’s Cloud! – Acquire anywhere, anytime and it’s safer! – Develops standardization! – Minimizes downtime – Data integration is secure and visibility is higher – Helps to realize your production processes better > supply better > increase performance > minimizes cost > improve efficiency > scale higher!