Uploaded by Josh Tavares

Science 30 Assignment 1.1.2

Science 30 Assignment 1.1.2 Blood Vessels (23 Marks)
Decide which of the choices BEST answers the question. Place your answer in the blank space
1. Suppose an anesthetic enters a capillary below the skin and continues its journey through
structures of the circulatory system. Along what sequence of structures does the anesthetic
continue its journey?
vein, artery, heart, venule, arteriole
arteriole, venule, heart, artery, vein
venule, arteriole, heart, vein, artery
venule, vein, heart, artery, arteriole
D is the answer
What factor should be the manipulated variable in an investigation studying the effects of
caffeine on heart rate?
amount of caffeine consumed
temperature of the room
blood pressure
heart rate
C-Blood pressure
A person’s circulatory system can be compared to a municipality’s water delivery system.
If the pipes from the pump to a block of houses can be thought of as arteries and the pipes inside
the house as capillaries, what should the pipes carrying water into the home be called?
A. veins
B. aortas
C. venules
D. arterioles
Where does the fluid pressure of blood fluctuate the most?
A. veins
B. venules
C. arteries
D. arterioles
5. A doctor reported a patient’s blood pressure to be 120/80. What was the patient’s systolic
blood pressure?
40 mmHg
80 mmHg
120 mmHg
200 mmHg
C-120 mmHg
6. While the heart’s chambers are relaxing, there is still residual pressure in the arteries. Give a
reason for this pressure. (3 marks)
-This pressure is from the arteries elastic walls going back to their original state between the
contractions of the ventricle.
A doctor uses a sphygmomanometer to measure a patient’s blood pressure. The doctor
pumped up the cuff somewhat above the expected blood pressure. Then the doctor released the
air slowly while listening for a pulse through a stethoscope. Describe how the change in the
sound coming through the stethoscope is used to obtain blood pressure measurements.
(3 marks)
When the tapping sound begins this is the artery beginning to open giving you the systolic
pressure reading. When the tapping sound stops this is the artery fully open giving you the
diastolic pressure reading.
Describe the role of the valves in leg veins. ( 2 marks)
The valves in the leg help prevent the backflow of blood in the veins and help the blood get back
to the heart efficiently.
9. Draw or obtain from the internet, a diagram of a capillary be. Make sure the diagram includes,
the artery, the arteriole, the vein, the venule, and the proper placement of valves. Include a few
tissue cells being fed by the capillaries. (5 marks)
10. Using your diagram from question 9, describe the direction of blood flow through the
capillaries and discuss the materials that are being exchanged and the exchange direction.
(5 marks)
The blood travels through the arteries into the arterioles. Once in the arterioles the blood flow
significantly slows down so the oxygen rich blood can exchange nutrients (glucose) and oxygen
to the tissue cells for wastes such as carbon dioxide. The blood then goes through the venules and
back to the veins so it can go through the same process all over again.