Macromolecules Biological Macromolec ule Carbohydra te -ose Elements Ratio Function Monomer - Structure (cell walls & exoskeletons) Functional Group(s) -Glycogen - Short term energy storage CHO 1:2:1 Examples Monosacchari de -Chitin -Cellulose -OH -Glucose fructose galactose -sucrose lactose maltose Serve as structural components of cell membranes, Lipids CHO 1:2:very few function as energy storehouses, Glycerol and Fatty Acids Waxes Oils Sterols Cholestorol Amino Acids Enzymes Antibodies Amylase Hemoglobin and function as important signaling molecules. helps repair and build your body's tissues, Proteins CHON No ratio allows metabolic reactions to take place carboxylic acid with long hydrocarbon chains amino and carboxylic acid group and coordinates bodily functions. Nucleic Acids CHONP No ratio store genetic information and enable protein production. Nucleotides DNA RNA one phosphate group, one nitrogen containing base (pyrimidine or purine) and a sugar molecule, Functional group Polar or Nonpolar Hydrophobic or Hydrophilic Nonpolar Details Name of the functional group Commonly Found in… Hydrophobic Lipids Fried Foods, Vegetable Oil Polar Hydrophobic Carboxyl Glycelerides Polar Hydrophilic Aromatic Amines Nonpolar Hydrophilic Thiol -OH -CO2H -NH2 -SH Non polar -PO4 Hydrophilic Phosphate Plants