The Psychoanalytic Theories of Crime Causation By Gerhard Falk For many years various theories of crime causation have been advanced. Most of these based their assumptions on the view that crime is a separate form of behavior and that, therefore, special causes of crime could be found. This attitude is not limited to the study of crime but extends to the study of social pathology in general. Recently, however, it has become apparent that causality in sociopathic behavior must be studied in the same light as all behavior and that an understanding of behavior as such will also yield an understanding of crime. It is therefore interesting to note that the psychoanalytic theory of crinie causation does not make the usual distinctions between behavior as such and criminal action, but explains the latter in the light of the former. Thus. there is some uniformity in the psychoanalytic theories of crime and psychoanalytic theories generally. Psychoanalytic research into criminal behavior is concentrated on the presumption that socially adjusted. law-abiding citizens share with criminals the impulses to murder, steal and so on.’ The problems that must be resolved by the criminal must also be resolved by the noncriminal. However, psychoanalysis tries to explain why most people keep their antisocial impulses in the unconscious while some will act on these impulses to their own detriment and that of society.z To this task psychoanalysis brings the discovery that the roots of unconscious tendencies which influence our actions go back to the esperience of early childhood. I. THE SOCIAL BACKGROUND OF BEHAVIOR “Psychoanalysis,” says Westwick,3 “is the first branch of human knowledge which undertakes to investigate and learn how the individual functions by probing the deeper motive powers of human action.” In this definition is summed up the essence of the psychoanalytic approach to crime. It recognizes that the human personality is not a homogenous unit but exists as the result of various influences of a social and psychological nature both conscious and unconscious. An application of this psychoanalytic view to the problems of crime causation involves a con- 1 sidcration of both psychological and sociological factors which influence the individual to be either a law-abiding citizen or a criminal.4 Increasingly, psychoanalysts recognize that not all crime is intrnpsychic in origin. There are individuals who commit criminal acts because they are conforming to the social pressures of their own group which has different norms from those of the majority. Such crime is caused then by economic and sociological factors. Thus, it has been demonstrated that some delinquents or criminals will accept severe punishment rather than betray their own “in-group.”5 While such criminals do not constitute the chief problems investigated by psychoanalysts their existence must nevertheless be recognized in the scope of this discussion in order to delimit it. This means that an understanding of what crime is must precede an investigation of criminal behavior. Society cannot sanction independent ethical mores. Therefore conformity to some moral standard becomes the criterion for all behavior. This is recognized by most members of a society by the use of law which protects the right to own property and also protects citizens from a g gression by their fellows.6 In view of these values children are punished h! their parents if they do not adhere to these social laws. It is presumed that such punishment will internalize the standards of the communih in the child in so far as the parent represents the cammunity morals. This leads to the development of a conscience and helps most people to act in accord with the accepted social rules, regulations and laws.‘ Now it must be said here that this theory overlooks the important fact that the moral standards taught by parents to children in our society differ very often from the behavior of the parents who teach the standards. Thus, in many instances, the actions and behavior expected of children by parents are much more stringent than the behavior parents expect of themselves. Therefore, t.1 iildren who have internalized the standards set for them by adults will then judge their parents by these standards and find that the parents do not live by their own morals teachings.8 Instead, “anything goes that is within the law” or “what will get by.” Consequently many children are confronted by the conflict resulting from the realization that parents do not live by theiq own moral teachings; teachings which are further endorsed b? church, school an3 communications media. Nevertheless, most peoplt are able to adjust even to this conflict and steer a middle course between the discrepancies of ekTectations to which they are subject. “A great range of quite different types of personality under certain social situations drift around a criminal career. On the other hand, there are certain personalities for whom criminal acts are so deep 2 e~notionalneed. that they inclrilge in it (lither under good or bad circumstances.”g iiii The psychoanalytic approach may be summarized then by underscoring the emphasis on the unconscious motivations of the deviator, the ainorality of the “Id”. the motivation of underlying emotional forces and the incapacity of some individuals to centrol their impulses and transform them into socially acceptable patterns.10 In contrast to sociologists who often seek the cause of crime in the environment, psychoanalysts, without denying the environmental aspects of crime, have shown that emotional development is equally responsible. The best example was provided by Heuly in his “New Light on Delinquency” which showed so conclusively how sibs from the same environment had differential responses to the pitfall of delinquency. 11. THE INFLUENCE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD In view of the personalkg problems involved in criminal actions, psychoanalysis has occupied itself with the questions: “What is the best treatment of the individual criminal to make him an inoffensive member of society?” and “Are general crime-restricting measures which might direct criminality possilde?“11 To answer these (pestions a cwiisideration of the psychoanalytic view as to origin of behavior per se is in order. Such a cansideration will reveal that behavior tendencies which either make a person suitable for community life or turn him against society are acquired during the indivdual’s early developmental life period, i.e. his childhood, and that the original drives possess no qualifications guaranteeing either social or antisocial behavior.** As far as the small child is concerned no such problem as social behavior exists. He is only guided by the pleasure principle; namely, to gratify immediately every need and to avoid pain. This adult, on the other hand. .;hould learn to endure teniporar! clissatisfaction and to postpone certain gratifications in order to securt’ important satisfactions at a later timr.13 This does not mean that adiilt life is onc- oi Spartan abstinence. hut rather that social behavior represents a balanw bc*tween gratifications and reniiiiciations. Now this balance is often thrown out of line and may then induce an individual to criminality. If, for instance, a man renounces his personal freedom by accepting a task of great difficulty in anticipation of g ~ n i n gsome satisfaction and the expected gratification is not forthcoming, frustration results. Such frustration may be one of many causes of a general hostility toward society and aggression against it. If such frustration induces the super-ego to free the ego of its control because an in- 3 justice has been perpetrated apiinst it, than the ego may feel j~istified,’~ to commit aggression aguinst society. Even when no frustrating agent is present the individual thus wronged or thwarted will create some object for the purpose of relieving his aggressive tendencies. This need varies of murse with the tolerance which thwarted indivicluals have to frustrating situations. However, such frustrating situations are often displaced upon a person or group representing a whole constellation of ideas that evoke hostility.15 In any event, the anticipated but withheld reward is considered an injustice by the individual and thus justifies the ego to commit aggression against society.16 At this point it may well be asked why we do not have many more criminals than we do have, since disappointments are more the rule than the exception in life. Psychoanalysis answers this by explaining the variety of factors important in character formation. These factors are of prime importance in determining the attitude which an individual takes toward a variety of life situations and are therefore also co-determinants of either social or criminal behavior.” Several of these factors have been described by Alexander and Healy and others and cover approximately fivc: areas of influence upon a child‘s life. These are first, the congenital factors, i.e. both hereditary and inborn inflaenrt~s;second, early acquired reaction tendencies; third, family influences: fourth. influcnces of the broader social environment: fifth, general ideological trends in a given civilization.’* Even the earliest childhood expeuriences. such as nritritional and excretory handling, toilet training and nursing, are all of value. These all take place in the family, the earliest social unit to which adjustment must be made. Now society selects for its anti-social behavior those whose previow character makes them susceptible to it. In the United States this takes place through cultural standards and values. “The glorification of the rugged individual cvmbined with the mechanizing and leveling tendencies which tend to repress the individual, create a setting for criminality which is an outlet and opportunity to express masculinity.”~gThus it is indicated that occasionally there may be some men who are sexually impotent until they commit a dangerous crime, such as a holdup, which allows them to assert their masculinity.20 When social factors and ideas are very powerfd, individuals are most likely to yield and respond to them. This means that our emotional outlets are in part determined by opportunity. Thus, most criminals are poor, because the rich have other outlets for their neuroses, and can pay for them. However, if an individual, by reason of character tendencies, is especially predisposed to crime he may become criminal even under the most favorable social circumstances.21 4 111. THE UNCONSCIOUS Psychoanalysts base their crime causation theories not only on those external factors just described, but also consider what Freud called “The Unconscious.”z This refers to his finding that although many desires have been pushed out of the conscious personality and are ostracized therefrom through social rules and regulations, they remain in the unconscious, a state which does not impose any limitations. There they remain, loaded with energy and kept in check only by the super-eg0.2~ This situation may be compared to the proverbial powder-keg. It only takes some unfortunate incident, some strain or shock and the unconscious desires will break through the system of repression like water breaks a dam. As Freud puts it: “There is in every individual a craving for aggression. This aggression is however, internalized, that is, directed against the ego whence it came.”24 Civilization confronted with the problem of aggression, attempts to obtain mastery over it by setting tip institutions to guard and watch it. An internalization of such vigilance is the super-ego which in most persons acts as a weight causing normal balance between aggression and repression. There are however those whose super-ego has become extraordinarily strong so that it will permit no aggression at all. Such an overwhelming super-ego will prevent the aggressive tendencies from finding any satisfaction in the external world and may then cause a degree of moral and psychological self-destmction.= This self-destructive tendency however, entails serious threat to the individual against which he must protect himself, so that it will become necessary to destroy other things and other peoplc to guard against the suicidal tendency.26 IV. CRIMINALITY FROM A SENSE OF GUILT Psychoanalysis concerns itself with the personality on three different levels or strata: the id, containing all the potential drives of the instinctual life concerned only with the simple pleasure-pain principle constituting the “Unconscious“; 27 further, the predominantly conscious ego and, finally, the superego checking and repressing the free instincts so that the id becomes incapable of bringing its motives into consciousness. Harmony among these strata is of course necessary to balance the personality. In some instances, and during unusual conflict situations, this balance may be upset. If this occurs the ego is relieved of the supervision of the superego until such time as the crisis is resolved. Such is the course of events in the normal personality. There are nevertheless those abnormal personalities amongst whom the ego has received little or no attachment or support from the superego so that they will react either neurotically 5 or criminally in situations which would not bcl cnougll of a stimulus for “normal” people but arc’ sufficiently strong to cause a personality upset among those whose superego is weak.= Such personality upsets can cause either neurotic or criminal behavior. Thus, criminality may be an extension of neurotic behavior and, where this is so, cannot be prevented by intimidation and punishment.29 If the basic ciiuse of criminality and neurosis is the same then psychoanalysis must supply an answer to the question of the differential outcome of the same cause. Psychoanalysts believe that both neurosis and crime are the outcome of infantile tendencies. The difference however, lies in the fact that in the case of the neurotic the super-ego has deflected the expression of unconscious tendencies which it could not do in the case of the criminal.30 Another approach is the view that the criminal shows enough overt aggression to be locked up while the neurotic turns the aggression against himself and locks himself up.31 Thus, in the neurotic the super-ego which was not strong enough to completely subdue the unconscious desires was at least in a position to deflect the wish fidfillment into the channel of symbolic gratification. The criminal could not do this. He was not content with symbolic wish fulfillment such as day dreaming and therefore his needs drove him to aggression against The similarities between the neurotic and the criminal are therefore that both have a conflict, their actions have symbolic meaning, they exhibit an irrational emotional attitude and they function at either a fixated or regressed developmental level.= We have seen that the faulty superego may promote conflict situations. The neurotic expresses such conflicts either in the physical or hysterical symptoms such as vomiting, asthma, cramps, lameness, hlindness, depression, or in psychotic symptoms such as anxieties, repressions, depressions, self accusations, phobias, compulsion neurosis and manic depressive conditions.3‘ The two alternatives. that is, neurosis or criminality, combine sometimes and result in persons who are both neurotic and criminalistic; this makes for the neurotic criminal. Such individual believes that exceptions must be made for him and finds it difficult to achieve a normal equilibrium when this is not forthcoming. He rhay have a “neurotic character” showing no subjective symptoms but only activity symptoms frequently of a criminalistic nature. In addition there is the neurotic who commits crime in order to suffer for a forbidden desire, since crime is not criticized by his superego as much as the desire which provoked it.% Such neurotics suffer from an overwhelming guilt derived from early life experiences. This guilt becomes an overwhelming force in their personality so that they commit misdeeds of all kinds in order to secure punishment and assuage this inner tension.% Unconsciously they may even manage their 6 iiiisdeetls so cliimsily as to be caught and then, as criminals in prison, hear their punishment with escessive tranquility. They acquire a great “peace of mind” once they have been apprehended and they have no criticism to make of justice. Because neurotic criminals seek punishment, psychoanalysts oppose their punishment. In their case, punishment is not a preventive force but an unconscious desire.37 To carry this theory to its ultimate conclusions an example will show that the sense of guilt precedes the transgression and is directly responsible for the criminal action. Thus, the sense of guilt was present prior to the transgression, arising not from the action biit from the giilt. Thus such neurotic criminals may justifiably be termed “criminals from a sense of guilt.’’ V. THE GROUPINGS OF CRIMINALS Considering all the above causes, psychoanalysis recognizes scvcrd main groups of criminals. These are, the vast majority of cases in which crime is an outcome of mechanisms parallel to neurosis and the perversive types who have not been able to bring certain infantile tendencies under the restricting influence ot society to i~ point at which they can find satisfaction in an accepted way.38 Then thew are those whose uncontrolled aggression urges break through the restricting pon i’r of the superego to accomplish an immediate end regardless of the ultimate loss to the ego and the total personality. Finally we have “the neurotic characters” who, driven by their impulses, punish themselves.3Q The feeling to punish oneself, which does not lead to crime directly, is a masochistic drive which frequently leads to s~iicicle.~~ Masochism, according to psychoanalysts theory, stems from a great wish to remain dependent. a wish denied to adults. This denial leads to consequent resentment against a social order which thwarts such satisfaction.41 There is then some criminality resulting from an overwhelming hate tleveloped in childhood which the individual can only express by intimidation of his own conscience to such an extent that he may unconsciously fail to carry through his aggressions and deliberately allow himself to be captured and punished.** It is belicved by psychoanalysts in this connection, that the Oedipus complex gives rise to a murder urge which is a special form of pathological attachment of the child to the parent of the opposite sex. Further, there is evidence that the sadistic murder wish alternates and is even held in check by the masochistic tendenc~.~3 To those so afflicted, watching others suffer is itself a masochistic act and is only equalled by the pleasure of self pity and remorse in the individual himself. In fact, it seems that 7 murc1c.r is in itself a masochistic act since most of the victims of such murderers are people whom that attacker 1ovc.s and with whom he identifies himself.44 Thus, by projecting his own shortcomings upon those persons with whom he frequently comes in contact, it becomes possible to achieve both a masochistic end and also to anticipate punishment. Therefore, in psychoanalytic terms, the murder wish is a desire to either get rid of a rival for the affection of the parent of the opposite sex or to achieve self punishment and martyrdom by killing the love object.45 It is this type of criminal who has been termed “anti-social.” He is mainly characterized by his unconscious need for punishment. He makes a good reform prospect as he is capable of transference and his prison record is generally very good. They are like “good hospital patients who do not rebel at chronic illness, long hospital sojourn and even repeated operations.46 Such submissive behavior to institutional rules is due to masochistic remorse feelings which help the anti-social criminal on the road to reform. He may be contrasted with the asocial criminal who is narcissistic and whose super-ego is just as weak, hut who cannot have the remorse feelings because he is self centered and has an excessive love of the ego.47 VI. TYPES OF CRIMINALITY Fsychoanalysts recognize that criminality may stem from a diseased psyche and, become chronic, recurring with frequency in the same individual. Other criminality is occasionaI and is generally committed by healthy persons. A “chronic” criminal is considered one who is afflicted either by physical or mental disease or whose functions are impaired by toxic or organic-physical pathological processes. These include alcoholics, imbeciles, psychotics and drug addicts. They are almost never in full control of their mental and psychological faculties and are therefore subject to impulsive, uncontrolled behavior which may result in criminal attacks.& Criminals suffering psychic diseases may well be of the neuroticcompulsive kind. Such criminals are basically conditioned by unconscious motives. The conscious part of their personality can therefore assume no attitude toward these motives, so that the ego is led toward the execution of criminal acts. VII. EMOTIONAL SECURITY Emotional security has long been recognized as one of the most potent human wants, leading to a variety of clubs, organizations, institutions and being the prime cause of matrimony.49This need for emotional security is at first supplied by the parents but in the normal adult changes 8 iiito self rcliancc and the wish for independence. Many persons however are lacking such self reliance and are afraid of the consequent social disapproval, especially if their surroundings require and demand a show of courage and strength. Such persons may engage in crimes involving acts of bravery so as to give themselves the feeling of courage which they m . 5 0 If crimes are the result of power seeking, through the theft of money and property. then this motive may be the attempt of the criminal to compensate for a feeling of inferiority to others. Believing himself incapable of success in a regular activity involving competition he commits crimes of special daring either with reference to society in general or with reference to a particular person with whom there exists frequent face to face contact. An extreme case resulting in murder is related by Ale~ander.5~ IIere the criminal tried to rid himself of the domination of another person and thereby remove his inferiority feeling and reestablish his mental equilibrium. SUMMARY It has been indicated that the psychoanalytic theory of crime causation recognizes the following major etiological factors: 1. The Oedipus conflict resulting in a sense of guilt 2. Masochistic tendencies and projection 3. Criminal social values 4. Physical and mental deficiency 3. Insecurity and feelings of inferiority CRITIQUE The major problem in the psychoanalytic theory of crime causation appears to be the dilemma arising from their "guilt-crime" hypothesis. The implication here is that punishment is useless because it is sought. Therefore, psychoanalysts would be lenient. However, from the view of society, would this not mean more and more crime against society in order to draw and face punishment? It seems that leniency may be the wrong policy altogether. The psychoanalytic views cannot be tested empirically. They cannot be proved nor disproved since the variables cannot be measured and the relationships between the symbols of psychoanalytic interpretation and the emotions they represent cannot be understood by laymen. In addition, psychoanalysis seems sometimes tautological. Circular reasoning is used. If a sex conflict is found, it proves the theory. If not, 9 then hidden resistance is the cause and that also proves the theory. Any criticism is called an emotional conflict so that no valid critique can ever be accepted. 0 0 0 0 NOTES 1. Friedlander, Kate. The Psycho-unlytical Approuch to Ju~enileDelinquency. International Universities Press, 1949.pp. 7-8. 2. Ibid. p. 8 3. Westwick, Atwell. “Criminology and Psychoanalysis.” The Psychounalytic Q u a r t d y . Vol. IX, No. 1. January 1940. 4. Alexander, Franz and Healy, William. Roots of Crime. Kno f. 5. Eissler, Ruth, Editor. The Psychoonnlytic Study of the C h ’ d . 1935, Ch. 10 The International Universities Press. 1950. D. 329. , 1933. p. 35 6. Lorand, Sandor. Psychoanulysis T ~ h y Covici-Friede, 7. Ihid. p. 352 8. Betteiheim, Bruno. “Delinquency and Mornlity,” in The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. op.cit. p. 329330. 9. Alexander and Healy, Roots of Crime, op.cit. Ch. 10. 10. Wolfgang, Marvin E. “The Contributions of Freud to Our Understanding of Delinquency” E d u c a t h l Outlook,Vol. 31, No. 1. Nov. 1956,p. 14. 11. Kann, Robert, “Criminology and Aggression,” Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 28, March 1941, 48. 12. Westwict, op.cit. 13. Healy, op.cit. Ch. 10. 14. Alexander, Franz and Staub. Hugo; Der Verbrecher and Seine Richter, International Psycholanalytic Publishers, 1929, p. 60. 15. Dollard, John, etd. Frustmtion und Aggression, Yale University Press, 1950, p. 134. 16. Alexander and Staub, o p . ~ tp. . 61. 17. Alexander and Healy, op.cit. p. 10. 18. Alexander and Healy, opcit. p. 10. 19. Ihid. p, 13. 20. Schmideberg, Melitta, “The Treatment of Criminals” The Psychounulytiu Rmiew, Vol. 36,1949.p. 403. 21. Alexander and Healy, 0 p . d . 22. Freud, Sigmund, “Angst und Triebleben” in Neua Vorlesungen, The Institute of Psychoanalysis, 1929, .98. 24. Freud, Sigmunx Civilization und Its Discontents. J. Cape and H. Smith, New York, 1930. p. 105. 25. mz. .no. 26. Freucf Neue V o r h n g m , op.cit. p. 202. 27. IbrcI. p. 204. 28. Babey, Jose B. “Psychoanalysis and Crime,” The Journul of Criniinul Psychoputhobgy, Vol. 19. April, 1943. P. 639. 29. Zilboorg, Gregory “Psychoanalysis and Criminology” in Encycbpcdiu of c r i m i m b g y by Branham, Vernon and Kutsch, Samuel; Philosophical Library, 1949. p. 398. 30. Alexander and Healy, op.cit. Ch. 10. 31. Abrahamsen, David “Psychiatric Aspec*s of Delinquency,” The Journcrl of Educational Sociology, Vol. 24. Sept., 1950. No. 1, p. 40. 32. Lorand, op.cit. p. 43 33. Abrahamsen, op.cit. p. 43 34. Alexander and Staub, op.cit. p. 61 35. Ibid. p. 67 P 10 3(j. \\‘ciss. &l\v;rrtl d English, 0.Spurgrion, I’s!ic/ioscrrrccctict,~(itti(~~i~ Afeilieific.W. u. Siiuiitlcrs, 1944.1). 570. 37. 38. crtidytic 39. 40. 41. 41. 43. 44. Ales;in&-r ;tncl Stad), op.cit. 1). 68. Alesiindcr, Fraiiz “The Criminal, the Judgc and the Public,” The PsychfjRwiccr;. Vol. 19, April-May, 1932. p. 419. Menninger, Karl, Mun Aguinst Hiniself. Harcourt, Briiw, 19338. 1). 201. Lorand, opcit. p. 361. Menninger, op.cit. 1). 103. lbitl. p. 204. Ibiil. 11. 208. Huebsch, Daniel. Tlie llfurtlcr Coniplm. Privatcly l’riritcd, Clcvclond, 1927. 11. 91. 45. IllKl. p. 94. 46. Weiss ant1 English, op.cit. 11. 578. 47. S;infortl. R. Nevitt, “A Study of Three Types id (~riiniii;iIs,” Y‘/w ]ourttcrl o/ Criininul Psychoputltolugy, 1943, pp. 57-68. 48. 1I)Kl. 1). 68. 49. Alexander uric1 I-iealy, up.&. p. 194. 50. lhid. p. 195. 51. Alesunder, Frsinz, “A DoLII~I~ Muri1t.r (itniiiiittw I 15) ;I*c-ii Ycur Old Boy,” The PsychvunuIytic Reoicll;, Vol. 24, 1937. 1). I I3 e o o e Cerhartl Falk is thr. iiuthor of numcrons pildiciitioii\ in Criminolo~!. Social Psychology ;ind Etlucution. M e is pest--Prc*\iclcvlt i j f thr Wcstcm Nc*w York Sociologicd Association, Prcsident-c4ect of tliv Cn 1111 l’\\vhothcriipy Ahwciaition of Western New l’ork aiid teaches sociolop . i t ilie Stutc Criiivinity College at Buffalo, N. Y. I 11