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Continental & Oceanic Relief: Configuration & Distribution

Configuration and distribution of
continental and oceanic relief in the
world and in Mexico, based on Earth’s
internal and external dynamics.
Activity 1
• On your notebook answer the following questions (it´s about what do you think,
there is no wrong aswer)
• 1. How do you think mountains were formed?
• 2. Do you think mountains have always had the same height? Why?
• 3. What happens to the soil of the mountains when it rains and wáter currents
are formed?
• 4. What mountain ranges of the world and Mexico do you know?
• Time 8 minutes.
Configuration of earth’s continental and oceanic
•Earth crust is part of the Surface of its
internal layers, its formation results
from the cooling of the Surface magma
and its external forms are a result of
the movement of the tectonic plates.
• Creates preassure.
• Causes that the
continental plates form
Continental relief
(mountain ranges and
• In oceanic plates,
sinking occurs, creating
trenches like the
Marianas Trench, its
considered Oceanic
• When plates
• Form new crust
due to the Magma
emerging from
the underwater
mountain ranges,
such as the MidAtlantic ridge.
• Are lateral
displacements where
crust is neither created
nor destroyed, however
zones of high seismicity
are formed. (San
Andreas Fault)
The internal forces of Earth convection and subduction, create
mountain ranges, volcanoes, oceanic treanches, and another forms of
• In continental relief
we can distinguish
forms such as plains,
mountains, plateaus
and depressions.
• They are part of the
landscape that
surrounds us.
Activity 2
• Work in your
notebook, you have to
draw some
• Then match the
landform picture with
their definition.
• Complete it and
• Oceanic relief is similar to continental relief
because plains, mountains, plateaus and
depressions, can be found in the sea and
• Continental Shelf (Platforms):
underwater flatlands close to the
coast whose extensión is variable
and its depth do not exceed 200 m.
• Continental slope: is a steep
slope in the shape of steps, with
dephs up to 3000 m.
• Seabed: Consist of abyssal plains
crossed by mid ocean ridges,
abyssal trenches or underwater
trenches. Wich are Deep
depressions of underwater relief.
• On your book, page 63
• Copy the sketch of oceanic
relief. (Notebook)
• Time 10 min.
Distribution of Continental and oceanic relief
• Look map 2.5 on page 64 of your book. You can see how relief is distributed in the world
• With regards to the distribution of oceanic relief, both the plataform or Shelf and the continental
slope extend along the continents.
• The narrow plataforms, have been caused by the proximity to subduction zones. While large
platforms are found on the continental edges corresponding to the convection zones of the
plates. In turn, the slope borders the platform in a logical sequence of unevenness
• On the seabed, the main landform are mid-ocean ridges wich are marine mountain ranges
produced by volcanism at the edges of separating tectonic plates; the longest of all being the Mid
Atlantic plate. Their counterpart are the Trenches, caused by subduction and depressions.
Erosion as a process that modifies relief due to
the actions of wind, wáter and ice
• The internal forces of the earth, convection and
subduction, created mountain ranges, volcanoes, oceanic
trenches and others form of relief, are know as
• Other agents that are responsable for shaping the visible
landform are EXTERNAL AGENTS
• Internal forces create relief, external agents modified it.
• External agents can be
differentiated, based on the
factor that produce them and
the types of changes they
create, WEATHERING and
process by wich rocks
desintegrate or decompose
through the action of
physical, chemical and
biological agents in the same
place where they are found
• Is classified in three types.
• Activity 4
• Copy on your notebook
the 2.1 table, page 65
• On teams think and write
one example of each one.
• EROSION is an external
process that modifies the
relief. It consists of three
• 1. The weathering of rocks,
• 2. Their transportation and
• 3. Storage
• It is caused by agents such as
water, wind and man.
Activity 5
• Copy on your notebook the 7
types of erosions that we can
• Then, write an example of
each one.
Activity 6
• Summarize topic of page 66
Distribution of relief in Mexico.
• Then answer the following:
Activity 7
• a) the continental relief at a national
scale is result of?
• Answer the first Activity on
page 67 on teams.
• b) Describe briefly, the continental
• Then answer your workbook
with your teacher’s guidance.
• c) By result of what the greater
mountain ranges were?
• d) What is the name of the area with
lower altitude of sierra madre sur?
• By what were created transmexican
volcanic belt?
Good JOB!!! You are…