Desafíos para Latinoamérica y el Caribe en el monitoreo del ODS 4 Haga click para añadir Fecha Los avances y aportes del Laboratorio Latinoamericano de Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación a la tarea Challenges for LAC in Monitoring SDG4 February 01, 2019 Advances and contributions of the Latin American Laboratory for Assessment of Quality of Education to the Monitoring of SDG4 SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO Main app roaches of the E2030 Agenda • Reaffirms humanistic approach to education and development • Education is a fundamental human right and enabler of other rights • Lifelong learning • Renewed focus on Learning SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO 2 Evaluation's challenges and importance Challenge Importance The concept of assessment itself is being questioned Assessment is a part of the right to education Distance and lack of communication between technical bodies that administer assessments and decision makers Instruments used are usually complex, in order to be able to measure a set of skills and abilities Dissemination of relevant findings for improvement of education systems and the building of local capacities: transforming data into information SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO Verify if the expected learning outcomes are reached, identify disadvantaged groups, diagnose gaps and strengths Learn about students’ progress and the elements that explain their success or lag: understand the reasons of success, and not just who is winning the race Assessment is only a part of quality. Assessment is not a goal in itself 3 Evolution and innovation of Large-Scale Assessments Assessments are changing • Inclusion of new learning domains: global citizenship, sustainable development, science, ICTs and digital literacy • Expansion of the assessments’ coverage to more countries and students Students’ surveys are evolving • They include more questions that measure non-cognitive elements • They include new social-emotional domains and 21st century skills SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO 4 What Is LLECE? Origin: Founded in Mexico City in 1994 by 13 Latin American countries to measure the quality of education in the region. Vision: Focuses on new ideas; reference for educational quality and how to measure it. Mission: Aid Member States in formulating evidence-based educational policies. Significance: Fundamental for monitoring progress towards the SDG 4 – E2030. SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO Objectives • Produce Information on Learning Outcomes and Associated Factors • Capacity-building • Promote Educational Change to improve Quality 5 What Does LLECE Do? Regional Comparative and Explanatory Studies • Provides the region’s most representative evaluation of learning outcomes in primary education (3rd and 6th). • The Learning Achievements are evaluated in 4 subjects: Language, Writing, Math, Science (only for 6th grade). • The LLECE studies consist, in essence, of 2 axes: – A study of educational achievement level – A study of associated factors (e.g. gender, ethnicity, etc.) • The first axis is based on a regional curriculum analysis: achievement tests, learners. • The second axis is based on the generic CIPP model: self-reporting questionnaires (learners, teachers, school principals and parents). SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO 6 Countries of LLECE- ERCE 2019 The Fourth Study (ERCE) will be implemented in 2019 in 18 countries. Most of CECC/SICA countries will participate on the study SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO 7 Opportunities/challenges inclusion Caribbean to the Laboratory Opportunities • The monitoring of the learning achievements and education quality of LAC, is a direct mandate of UNESCO • Systematic inclusion of countries to LLECE • Multiples alliances have facilitated the development of the ERCE study • Accompanying experience of LLECE in some countries on the creation of evaluation agencies (developing an evaluation culture) SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO Challenges • Cultural and idiomatic barriers • Resource mobilization • Strengthen the participation in learning achievements evaluations in The Caribbean • Articulation of the subregional offices 8 The LLECE and Its Contributions to Targets 4.1 and 4.c Target 4.1 Target 4.c Implementation of evaluations of learning achievement in the region (PERCE, SERCE, TERCE, ERCE 2019) Module of associated factors ERCE 2019 dedicated to teacher issues Projection to extend the ERCE studies to more grades, incorporating lower secondary Publication of a Thematic Report on teacher issues Building national evaluation and analysis capacities (Buenos Aires Workshop, Ecuador Workshop, Dominican Republic Workshop) Publication of “Contributions to Teaching” collection Collaboration with UIS to contribute to monitoring education results (CLA 2.0 and Rosetta Stone) SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO 9 The LLECE and Its Contributions to Targets 4.5, 4.a, and 4.b Target 4.5 Target 4.a Questionnaire of associated factors that assess the impact of variables such as gender, cultural origin, socioeconomic level, etc., on learning achievements Questionnaire of associated Pending challenge? factors that evaluates conditions of infrastructure and location of schools and their effects on learning Innovation modules that assess socio-emotional skills, such as attitude towards diversity Partnerships with countries or subregional organizations to study in detail situations such as school violence or armed conflict (e.g. UNICEF, CECC / SICA) Disaggregated analysis that allows the measurement of parity indexes in the ERCE studies SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO Target 4.b 10 The LLECE and Its Contributions to Target 4.7 Target 4.7 Curricular analysis of countries in the region to contribute to monitoring of progress towards the target. Collaboration with IEA to diffuse ICCS in the region. Innovation module in ERCE 2019 focused on the evaluation of socio-emotional skills for their monitoring and the promotion of their incorporation in the curricula. National modules with measures of different thematic associated to learning within a comprehensive education. SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO 11 Approximation of the following studies: Studies of LLECE SDG4 Targets Studies of Associated Factors Increase amount of ERCE - 2019 qualified teachers Teachers and learning – teaching process Ensure a safe, nonERCE - 2023 violent learning environment School environment and violence Search for equity, ERCE - 2028 context of inclusive learning Learning gaps of specific students: indigenous students, immigrants SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO 12 Migrant population • The ERCE studies are concerned with studying the learning achievement of migrant children in the education systems of each participating country. • The Students and Family questionnaires allot to obtain information about the migratory background of the student and their parents or responsible adults. • Migration is an increasing phenomenon all over the world and Latin America and the Caribbean is not an exception. Although only 4.2% of the students who participated in TERCE were immigrants (UNESCO, 2015; UNESCO, 2016), it is expected that this percentage will increase in the ERCE 2019 results, considering the global trend in human mobility. • Although this percentage of immigrant students is low, the TERCE results show a negative relationship between being an immigrant and learning achievement in third and sixth grade, in all subjects (UNESCO, 2015). SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO 13 Challenges for School Curriculum/Latin America in E2030 Curricular Analysis LLECE - ERCE 2019 Results Presence of Concepts in the Region 120% 100% 100% 80% 60% 40% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 20% 0% SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO 14 Challenges of School Curricula/Latin America in E2030 Curriculum Analysis LLECE - ERCE 2019 PRESENCE OF CONCEPTS DECLARATIVE LEVEL, PROGRAMMING 21% 42% 47% 63% 68% 68% 68% 68% 74% 53% 53% 47% 37% 21% SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO 74% 79% 74% 74% 74% 74% 84% 74% 68% Programming 58% 53% 42% 84% 84% 84% 84% 89% 84% 89% 89% 84% 89% 74% 95% 95% 100% Declarative 15 Networks and Allies of LLECE Technical and financial alliances SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO Country Networks Other Networks 16 Implementation schedule ERCE 2019 Curricular Analysis Instruments elaboration Pilot study 2018 SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO Definitive study 2019 Analysis of results 2020 17 CCNN meetings • March: • La Havana • September: • Ciudad de Guatemala SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO CTAN meetings • Face-to-face meetings: • February: Washington DC • Virtual meetings: • April • July • October Workshops • February: • Quito (logistic and north implementation of ERCE) • June: • Location to be confirmed (Logistic and south implementation, coding process) • November : • Brazil (Data analysis) 18 Thank You! Atilio Pizarro SECTOR DE EDUCACIÓN – UNESCO 19