INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION COUNCIL WORKING GROUP ON THE WORLD Document: WG-WSISSUMMIT ON THE INFORMATION SOCIETY 14/10 Date: 24 March 2004 6th Meeting, Geneva — 7-8 June 2004 English only Regional Conferences Region Africa Dates 2-4 February 2005 Accra, Ghana 2004 Havana, Cuba 2005 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Latin America and the Caribbean Western Asia Venue 28-30 September 2004 Beirut, Lebanon (ESCWA) Possible Candidates for the Thematic Meeting Themes Dates Knowledge Sharing and Free Flow of Information 2005 Countering Spam 7-9 July 2004 Venue Organizers Brazil Government of Brazil Geneva ITU Economic Implications of ICT December 2004 UNCTAD/OECD/ILO/ITC/IDRC Measuring the Information Society February 2005 UNCTAD/OECD/UNESCO/UN Regional Commissions/ITU Empower Citizens through Knowledge 2005 ICT-enhanced Learning 2005 Freedom of Expression in Cyberspace 2005 Paris, France UNESCO Cultural Diversity 2004 Moscow, Russia UNESCO Paris, France UNESCO UNESCO Multilingualism 2005 Bamako, Mali UNESCO Reaching the Marginalized 2005 Tunis, Tunisia UNESCO Innovations to Bridge the Digital Divide April 2005 Tokyo, Japan United Nations University On-line WIPO Kobe, Japan WMO Intellectual Property and Information and Communication Technologies ICT Applications in Natural Disaster Reduction 18-22 Jan 2005