IN SOUTHAMPTON . CHURCHES} Southampton village, near the east Topics for Next Sunday's Meetings and| and of Long Island, ninety miles from ® <> . Other Religious Notes. . TES New York City, possesses natural fea- © GA LE DE ER NG RA -6 T0 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, _ tures to be found nowhere. elsa -© | t . [D R. J B. R Aw soy / * RUDEi He Ignores Threats and Says Recipro- mmongst the wéaside resorts of the Rev. Henry Vedd, pastor, Lord's United States. Day services-10:80 a. m. and 7:80 p. Its beache s are washed city with Canada Best for the by the waves of the broad Atlantic m,. Sunday School, 12.00 m. Junior _ for Dandruff ”angling a Diffic & Country. Ocean, whose ever blowing winds League, 8.80 p. m. Epworth League, is the best of all tonics for rk The New Yo Washington, D. C.-President Taft temper alike the winter's cold and 8.80 p. m. Mid-week Meetings-Prayer the scalp and hair; pers * pa e th summer' of e s Meeting, Wednesday "7.456 p. m. Class heat, DENT‘ST" on affordin g a pleasant Meetings, Friday, Good time Club 7.00 | indulged in plain talk inexplaining to It kills the dandruff germ U t 2 ___. DifferentiCharges for thre , twenty-five members of the National wvesidence the year around. last fall tha allays ' Boutham the p. m. Young peoples Bible Class 8.00 p. inflamm pton,se ation, ttled Funes /V 12,1640 mem , rn ve go . Grange t that he does not intend to play #s the oldest English mean feaoa Same Service Later & of the Lord's Supper is nourishes the foots of the OVER CORWIN'S JE settlement in m.beld Communion et aff <Y y. politics with the Canadian reciprocity Now York State, with & local an mm Ta tno ane sl! fone sient __ WE beginning the . first | LRY stope history Sundaybi-monthly, _ fagreement, even if the enactment of of surpassing interest., rule in January. Strangers wet- hair, and Pemocratic #4 ax [that _ , measure by Congress costs him The, means come, pews free. . 0 ; of access ned t provided ai tr by s=Tous... ns + 1 42 ' co feels cuiea all" . MUST. .B5-. Oran the farmer.-vote. The President told the Long Island Railroad arte sufsingle one PRESBYTERIAN cllvrcu. a ot '@M Main Street, Southampton. N. 'o E visitors bluntly he was sorry to hear ficient at all times for the varying dehair troubles ,; u & of mands of a population of about 16090 Sunday Services-10.80 a m. ana 7 45 mitnistration ugleas Decision of Interstate Commission a that Republican farmers would desert in the winter and in thesum hi p m. Sabbath school, 12 mChristan in d Ask your barber or ge ur merinor ern | the- party--if the- agree 2 o-} goes/-ersased to between3500and 4000, { Endeavor 7.00 p. m.. Sacrament of the [- hair-dresser. They ed by "Vital Blowat Policyof Companies through, but fear of suchment, H has teen pass desertion N Bord's the first mabbath of Phone332 The busines s, educat ional and reosda sell Beshkore's and op pr e --Though the Reventes are In- will not change his conviction as to Hgious facilities are well represented, Match,. June. Septembyr ard December eral of th know what ti it does, NO i Prayer Meeting Wednesday % 4% p. m d. wnd ne those do the frisdom of such legislation. He for entert an ainment popular ab a - creaged for the Present. Ixcareass M b!taeall Lie secuifd "bed" $oparty pledges ouf | said that he believes reciprocity to bo with all classes are also provided for. Monthly are sisce en ta e ev b «1 aap Ben fl] ) First and most important, as affect- Wednesday ot rach month. Woman' som the best-thing for the whole country, form‘has been ful «Washington, D. C.-A policy pur and that he doesa't intendargue it. ing thehealth and comfort of the peo- Missionary Meeting- the 1. first Friday of igwam W .50¢c and ($1. Money cach mo nth af 8.3 wren 4. are plo, is ~ ~wued generally by - telephoné «om the abundant suppiy of water N. P. Hull, master of the Michigan furnished back if not satisfactory and election ol pUWs afe Irie. tag by the Southampton Water Rex, George J. Rusself! paster panies received a vital blow whom the Grange, spokesman for the farmers, Company, the chemical analysi Bessore's ror Dasprtire vote). There are s Tiiterstate Commerce Commissior, in of said that the farmer does not like re . which shows t to be absolutely free duced, but none nif CATH IIC eHURQGH. a deciston, held that "as between sub ciprocity, and that Republican votes 'fromcontamination, and it is a most Teported 50 T ~ seribers to a telephone service who Services on sunday-Low maszt-at-are lfkely to be lost if it is passed. delictous water to drink-equal in do pot-beliere who and 1034 ov e k a. m are similarly situated, nothing bait & "a, Pesary and "If reciprocity goes through," faid purity to the best mountain springs. nominations bill = «ilfference in the service or «¢ n ts anunvarying supplx of in- benediction at * OU pom ___There gorating air; surf and still water "EL ECTRT CI An " 'acsaton. 'They hol furnished JiStfydif #--For sate at |_ graith personal re Confessions Week m orniugs before bathing:. good, well-kept roads, sevthe-tharges3 .aexactd." - HUGO SCHULTZE'S Barber Shep, Saturdays. first I nurs-day and and that means a halt in the eral | probably &9 throu niles of which are well watered mass &--Hhedecision, prepared by Comanis [-ducts, * southampton, N. Y. Assumption trom 4 to 6 and from of our homes and in,the! [during tne season. Again the coun- Virgal Orrier, Maix St. that the Tammaan N n HAMPTo3 glonerHarlan, was in the case of Wil improvement try about Southampton, made up of 7.80 to 9 30 p m. eduction of our children. Take the est in the who inter Mam D. Shoemaker, of Drummond, States along the line, Michigan, Wig. gently rolling plain, responding kind- Rev. Francis J O Hara, pastor. A\ s thing is b "One Md., against the Chesapeake & Poto consin, ty to good ation, with surround~T. JoHN's MiIs«Jorx,. New Hampshire and { fing hills andcultiv ain ever cert more *- mac Telephone Company, the first Vermont.Maine, extensive forests, affords BENNETT BROS., In the past the farmers pleasant drives At Art Museum. Evering service and that the present | telephone case considered by the com- of these States and charming scenes at. 3 3) p. M. have been the back inowhere else more beautiful on Long sermon every Itself utterly inc mmission since Congress placed tele bone of Republican Rev Samuel C_Psh in chasse protection. You is B d-t what BigBarret phone..companios-as-commen-carmert sunday School at 2 80 o'clock. |- m mx {mers u Majority p t - 324888; for nmin etary Aibanyflenucla‘cr Rate. Abany, Court of Ap s decl thatthe . Cohoes ERail. meray Company must obey the Bir-nes mot of 1905, reducing the fare be tween Albany and. ensselaoer fzom . aix to five cents. The. company continued to chaerge s4x cents, saying only five cents was for fare and the other cent wis for H / DCre Ni T3 iv & is . country on land and sea, is worthy of careful study. It is doubtful if any- gave a testimonial publicly recommend. wehere in' this country can be fou=d a ing Doan's Kidney Pills and | have no ~to fie Ge fesitatron in~ sttowirg the continued | ~ Assembly -memorist more ~ , . claim and incorps would stand no c the organization h trol or if thore w the legal learning | executive chair. ercise of the great of all friends of | see that a vast al legislation is not p days of the sessfor sort of special {e gtlfi‘a 6,0 fen » A# through: | SOUTHAMPTON SsUFFRAGETTES AT ALBANY. "NO FOOTBAL hat Makes Cannot Long R Says the "The state of Ni low one of Its citf state to the , tram ness is often com which aggrieve cit therefore they mt dodge their eompla damages_ That p claims . "The court of cl; made up of men : dot; within the in BA L OPEN FROM 9A. M. TO 4 P.M - JEROME F. MILLER pa not pogsess 'the Hughes? nor the..k pature, nor the bac sald before, thete than too much nol ~ ~ JA 1 UIKDAYS, BY. | Members of New 'York Box n)ll.,b()LfI‘HAA\1PT()-\Q N. v. sacred: purpose for which it was in-. use of my statement." a Taunted with Lack of Courage. is tended. Aibany, N. Y¥.-The Senate Judi For sale by all dealers. Pficg' 54 Grading, Téaming, Lawn The Art Village, with Its quaint clary Committee, which voted $ to 4 and cosy cottages, is am interesting cents. Foster-Mifburn Co., Buffalo,. in favor of reporting the Stillwell settlement, and the Indian Reserve. New York,. sole agents for theUuited Women's Suffrage bill, was about to- tion nearby, in its surviving remGeneral care of grounds States? consider thoe-measure when the com- rants, call up the faded glory of the $11] k. oned ord wes 5 Chl post : RA hes Moineso tol it ts Jar U It adove Enrol}? theso ste id¥ a Jdegation 'of thirtytwo women; led by 8. cxH -~. _ permittingcars € o r to cross. ~00 acres, with numerA 9a gegen > . Bonds andStocks boughtgrowold oA, LEBERK® -s Mrs. Harriot Stanton Blatch, leader Lous fine ol " eni eron tes " wilias, lovely views and. exBolu(oal.. 1"alas: .t. syi dearas, torn nmap oe.-so t n n ansPrace prin ca ~om motes alonLabrie(fapnion egreterice oneco-om Anto Foch cent, die oC5 L 9 lam FOR:. AIRSHIP _REGISTRATiOMS. -New York. ___The womendélegstes | The churches are attr: "Connecticut 4 a measure of this kind discussed on Veagh ordered increages in salary for twenty-one employes of tht New York Custom House in recognition of their Hervices in assisting the Govertii-ent in the detection froman unclassified laborer, who receives an Increase of $120 a year, to a clerk, whois po=no -ted-to-a-$3,000-position.-----=~ te 3: T ols onlie&Pegram wenn.namemn e*; verzec 1+ marks, Mrs. John Rogers, Jr., read resolutions, passed in woman's sufFraga meetings in New York City, condenmiftg:dilatory actions of the Senate and the Assembly in holdEng up suffrage measures. ~ The absénce of Senator Newcomb mittee from presenting a report without reconimendhtion, .on the Stillwell Pensions for Presidents' Widowes. bill. Those voting in favor of it were Washington, D.. C.-Pensions of Senators Bayne, . Stillwell, lero. $5,000 a year each for| Franco F. Burd, Griffin and Black. The vote was ~-Erevelard,.ofPresident Cleve recopsidered and it is understood it iand, and Mary Lord Harrison, will te. brought. up . again provided ~~~ 'of Presidemt Harrison, Are progiced even Senators favorable. to the re ., for in & bilt introduced®in the Sermate ytam-t. can be brought toga/theta +. # hemaMitinp. WWW. Agvelierc h ar"the"effit Tee af"tae" 'Assembly. eF s he B . or Charober. they would havo walked in with fiying banners. \ Mirfster's Saratoga of this killed an village, at a Rev. known wich, Auto Springs, Y, N. He Y.-The sit run down and O. minister was and corner driven Grieves, a by by well of Green | admitted Speaker Frisble banged his gavel and the Sargeant-at- Ghild. street owned Thomas Methodist N. Kills was crowded automobile the 'to iwail. Thomas W. bridge, WeniWorth muthor, the to leave their banners in the corridor. "Wonder said rnan why they Assemblyman J. came of and century - ago, aged and the soldier, group of abolitionists died in 87 years. Thomas historian snd one J. Levy, chair- of the Assembly Judiciary Com- [mittee. Half a "Helr~Feason dozen women for coming to half a his home Baseball Centreville, Coste an V _w. Real Take One * Iows. -While playing first base for Centreville, Ralph Thorn VAN Estate To lab", ,,‘. o Hd-Oif a grounds, is ons, ofgtifut surrounding the heautygoodspots of thewithvillage. There are markets, cold, storage; &local goodnewspaper, bank, good The mérchants, m good Southampton ress, excellent physicians, and a thoroughly good Union public school. ® a spfend + The S uthampton Hospital idly equiped institutiom, eceypies its [own building. pleasintly. situited.on oes of feandings From the beautiful windows onunabstFucted three sides nfviews the gait-waded to try binlding,. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills and oftherethe isecean be had,.space. and ongiving all sidesan the result has been that I 'have ampleginnpen those continuows headaches that toUnited say that States,no other hospital in the [ followed a hard and continuous , a Headache SETH (Civil They Give Relief without Bad After-Effects. ~ "For four years I was subject to almostconstant . headache. 'At o" #0 Gee rrd Pid Bescme. ...- .are all thatcould ne esired. [ for work. Throughtheadvice of - m1 ves - s fitly 4 <>: I ~ . S __ . <" a> Store or.... - Checerfully * Governor C prepnr - L formation Work. LIKE x* sy [ ropolitan Muséum left 'an - of Art in New estate "-of orly B a eye had to be taken out. Doan's Regulets. for them. --- ing; .the audience and escaped injury. - druggist z= 2 Acres the during performers of Land, with * 25¢. a box RBiby won't suffer five minutés with croup if you apply Dr. Thomas' Electric build-} cove. T'acts Itke n agic.. Fire broke out in the Empire Palace destroying your |. ®ir H. Tlouse buildings. of it and Near village. Terms bargain. Out- easy raphy |. :s Public Stenog cmmsesam 5 tepomtmme (OVER the J. E. ForoxaM, center i Read Go bstp "- Ffates," published Bus report on mar LEI me Large Theatre, Edinburgh, Scotland, a performance, Ask fir lens Falls point. _The gover tl value of all f the Trnited Stites. 4 and ”M IQO'TIONS * * o eog maCou x nters Gjven onsll De. | rite were fmea | carefully, eonsidet a y. s 2+ 00004. © 02 the Wines of . 'which is admif ted consumers and stn Republheans net d ._._ half. law wonld have Statute books. --__A__. [8 North End Bargain Aznazes : FOR __ . DER ; scriptions of a Fio. C BUIL Ustimates - Stone, 0: Box 149° _1\es. Layton Art The DAVIS, __ T. R. Office w. _ near Bowle? P. Law EDWARD BUILOMG Granite,.MarbleBlue and Lim. &+ 25 Doses, 25 Cents, MILES MEDICAL GO., Elichart, Ind. . Brass Ll gn - STONE Counselorat; At Southampton Thursdays and Fridays at AND N. Y. I e. For Sale by Alt Druggtet Henry H. Regulatec the bowels, {pr-motes easy * a entirely eradicated my. systetmi. OfL [__ .. _Ratence of week at firmenport Nv. A MONUMENTAL | fl}? tunfor credit. duced the Brenna * lute harm to the Bot have lowered acts to the consun loosely drawn, ai \ Pointed out these "that the 130mm WIRG SOUTHAMPTON, _ LEROY E. RAYNoR mental strain."-O. L. Russell, Agt. C. & N. W. Ry., Early, Ia. Empire Stata" a Republicans | -If the Brennan . amended in the s x* - proval of tho faru they must remer animie , E. A. Merritt, Jr. Bean In mTsy<tt SOUTHAMPTON, K.'1. Havens' and register their progressive yamn Two deers south ut’bnuzhimplt‘n . . 2 link, C Surveyor Te'm. $9J. i a friend I wasg 91511531 and in this. staf tha sorty for the resul _ tion and enger agn Ladies' Fing Garments a Spec! RAYNOR, Engineer P,; 0, Box 176, thk footbal ag uf long retain the fay 'is Just auch schagir int Repuring Lrmp F. xv: we‘ll") 3.1!Es‘flurvjttfin (raf ale > teed. . . R M ~ gud *, J. . flims- and Myers-lee Made-It“ C "if; P |[ UHLSTONE Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills . (BA to- 'm "_- a 7 Merchant Tailor . INVESTORS! Nothing is Better than Hinze or email, bas a better stiff of consulting and medical physicians and surgeons than the Southampton Haspital, Among these are the cohsuttingstaf-Drs. GeorgeR Brewer, Dr. P. F. Chambers. Dr. George A. l»:ixon, Dr; Albert H. Ely, ir. Harold S5. Vaughan and Dr. Joseph S. Wheelwright; and the medical staf -Dr. John Nugent, Dr. George H. Schenck, . aro PETER N. scHUG { First Mortgagesober bearing hive per 1 Cent. interest. on improved real _ estate, for sale by Ww. J. POST, Southamnton,. L. I . E!,y‘ ' It recafe 4 & Insurance . Take At ' BRU NT cmc iQUTHAMPTON' L I 20 . . Pain Pill, then"z - D. lfiiiflfflfi lfi’fS FOR SALE, 3275 EACH to" , = - Eye. bill and so severely injured that the Pdrdon Glarkés Estate, 2+ London, England.-Sir Casper Pur don Clarke, who died 'here soon ifXer . Fesigning the curatorship of the Met: $7,265, equipped.and up-to-date in its work; the Long Island Rallroad station is the handsomest one on the-road, is fitted throughout in elegant and ex- Dr. Hugh Halsey and Dr Thorp. no one ventures to say. % 69 9s. ton was struck in the eye with a base- - Sir City, . of P Tork gave Albany rnay have on the equal franchise bills: famous of here?" What effect the visit of the women Dead. Mass.-Colone} Higginson, minister last scholars Higginson --the Southampton Ice Company makes crystal ico from the pure public | water supply; the Suffolk Light, Heat 2nd .Roner-Co 4 2. Company -is wif after Demuyrratie K E fi __ Exaitys P. Post,L. A.HILDPM] to ripping 41. to. p LIC ENS Hubaera é A m it'll PM: . hep ED c EMB COrYALN e fyER (3% | °H.Le H.B, Tear y -- h. msfur & Cntogyglfiwu Re psA mijk‘ga «©: q:_'\:-;g \a | O F yesO VC tiveI ieB 3,34.-»1;3;xr_§rrx3§¥= E Qinffiflli C " x prtey"Thing (ir‘ f ,4&:* ws By s Aw a * ML_ "o &a l all Arms rushed to the door just in time. -z they wuld ta age-Tabumksmfl «{ and Levy subsided. * and overcoming dangers that the foor of the Legislature." ~ e {threaten the health of the Orders N.. Y. Salary Increams. people. After Mrs. Blatch finflthed her re: Therea ra many other good things Washington, D. C.~xSecrétary ME ac- Swim-(Imus the -w their duty tis not ple. Then, grain. the phoes Leidy the cart xf riaim * the . Detuoc rhts"CBhi ra \fr\"§|(r1¢gn UN DE RT A niga Co swarm * 5 Wealtes "Iy"tre "pN! &nd, ntt, pict resiue unidue' MFS." BIaftch;',iésxi£-i*}‘afiy'] Eplgcipm'c'ufic‘ which provide} "Tor es on Long Island, and uke taunting the members with a lak of where all aro free to come and hear 29 * the foremost préacera in the church. of airships and the Hcensing of oper- courage,. "We yomen," she said, "fatter ourHealth-Anotber thing that stands ators It was sent to the' Horse, whichwas expectedto apprexe I}.. / selves,; wé know men a good deal out conspicuous in .the Hfe of Souththe zealous Interest taken "Conn -the firsts State to better than men know women. We Arnpton«ls by leading physicians in looking provide for the State control of flying have been *wailting patiently for siz afterthethe conditions of the teen years for an-ooportunity to have piace, and sanitary machines, § always vigilant in meeting « ! active to thoig.} ==« L¥aftous worshipers and are well ittendeti-the-Presbytérian, the dist, gh‘gfiqgan Catholigand, St.: An- | Axnan'g Sun'rag’ewSametg of Neu: Yes-(Egg* 1g3 ® kfié’g‘fififi” LJ y m, VicePrake! L E. TERRY -*- Cue 'eA ¥ W ol «» Drafts sold on , all parts of . . Mowing, Etc. « LWBO-alsorepresented the Equal Pairifélfl: tor Franchise Asgociation and the Wo- SEnata Control of Flylog.Machines. L4 as aan o& Fo. Anteeniteoiemtitcnosaad+ [L. tAae v a fproves Abe ndisite Lr cem Gerd o The calendar is be with a great mas them important, bi resenting purely . per legislation for se-bilts-a ad c wat T g 'the rates and practices of teloptzons gress, » It does not last longer than companies, be accepted as mow jrastl» either side desires it to last. I am {ying different charges as between dif- convinced that after it has been given ferent subscribers similarly siturted, one year's trial, neither side will euch undue discrimination being - for . think of reversing it. That is my cop1895, is open every week * day and evening gnd is free to all. It test. bidden by the act." High GradePianos toa viection. I cannot go into an argument. bas grown rapidly and now contains [ John Bloamingurgh. Hamnton nt | Curiously, the ordered diseon"You say that the Repullican farm- £000 | Main St. Southampton volumes, and the reading room mag Harbor,. L. I. N. Y , savs ~d have tinuance of this discrimination will ers are going to deseft us if we put is supplied with JAS. C. LAWRENCE: " " increase the company's revenues. as that through. I am very sorry 'if that «inces and books the leading maga~ never farted to recommerd Doan's "Kid [ of reference. + it necessitates increasing the rate of is to be the case. because I have a has~] Main St, Southampton The Art Gallery, the Botanical neyZ Pal's whenevergan opportunity Fr . the twenty-seven old subscribers to personal lHking for -the Republican Garden and the Gymnasium are | o cuted. This remedy not orly relier. 4 HENRY H. CHATFIELD, ~. comform to current rates. farmers just a little mite stronger graceful and vajuable contributions [el me of distressing pars and weak: Attorney and Counselor at Law. 2009 EEE apersjpffpmmeweqratess« 2050 - A is to the social and intellectual life of | than @or tile Femocratic farmers, alness acro«s the email of my back. bat BRIDGEAAMPTON, N. y. the communityy. A RAILROAD MUST REDUCE FARE though they are all citizens of the The Sotdiers® Monument, erected to also corrected a dithouwity with the kid. Southampton to C200 -- THEUnited States whose welfare 1 must to]? memory of the soldiers and sailors ney secretions which had anroyed me Friday, inclusive, from 10 a m. to 4 hold equally in my care." Court Upholds Barnes Act Southampton who #erved-thoir. for several yeare. In February 1907 $] p. m. Office nextdoor southofbank. m bilf ; a the" i fifi e> t42Weflm mme mur . mefx fuss tfi u ove ‘fi ‘w ‘X © "a R the registration, ype? MEL:*a ~fy». sno R T Repolishing Pictures and Brass Beds Hill," from the top of which is a most Horses Shod on mest enchanting. picture of land and sea. ST. ANDREW's DUNE CHURCH Approved Prinoiples, Fhe resources for pleasure and Services every Sunday at 11 00 A M amusement are amply supplied to and 500 P. M., during june. July. ... Ir.... © maet the taste of gll classes, p August, and September. The Meadow Club, with its comCartlages,Buckhoards, Wagom, modtous-hou se-and-wet| 7 Is open to tennis, croquet and other Carts, etc. Amusements that invite to manly exAGENTs POR THIS 18 CERTAIN ercise and innocent recreation. IL H. Babcock, Cortland, The Golf Club, on the Hills, with its lovely views over ocean, Shinne- THE PROOF THAT SOoUTHAMPWatertown Wagon Companies {cock and Reconic Bays, is probably TON READERS CANNOT LENXNY. the finest located club of its Kind in What could furnish stronger evidence the country, where mon and. women Eet a.most rattonal exercise and social of theccficlency cof any Feméedy than life in its most. attractive form. the test of.time. Th. of people w. G. CORWIN The Southampton Club, for gentle, men, is well supplied with daily read- testify that Doan's Kidney Piils cure Graduate Optician ng matter, stock exchange reports, permanent'y and affords to its members many rea(haltfnl emdlorsements should prove sonable social advartagces. aas 3 oad bend voor hs madly.. 2 Lute (14.6 f., t uals liad comedy The 'So A+ on, with its park of about fifty Prescription Work a Specialty testified to the reliet they chad derived mcres, provides for the annual Horse Show, polo, baseball and other ath- trom the use of Doan's Keiney Fil letic sports. | They now confirm their testimenia'- , We make.model or r pair anv broken The Rogers Memorial Library, ded- They say maritime Ras c ompleted the ppiti in SJreitaides or Eyeglasses, pout delay. fcated in y s ¥ A A £- pro- - Cults. RCC" our I+ 2 u-mmwélv; onl «T+ net for A3 A: and e isa - je wheat couid count on these people every the commission's jurisdiction. time. If this measure goes through Shoemaker declined to sign the re it w$H discriminate against our marssidencetelephone kets, and Canada will get the benefit; because the charge demandei-ths -it-selH make 4+ harder for us to get wegular Washington ratee-was maa dollar. No President ever command. - terlally y higer than-paid-for-themame ed the faith of the farm people in service by twenty-seven neighbors in times past more than you, and I ask Drummond, dld subscribers, who had [-you whether. you do not think that we «©ontracted with the company w"hon| will suffer if we are put on a free . 3t operated the now abandoned ex- trade basis?" * change at Drummond. "Certainly." said the Persident, 'I The complainant maintained that have no disposition to interfere with the rate was unlawful .and discrt the prosperity of those who make «up #ninatory, but didnot aver unree:sonthe bone and sinew of our population --- -sbleness.._The commission uphold his -the farmers-and 1 am convinced attitude as "entirely sound." It h«eld: that I am in no way intérfering with "The contracts between old sub- It If I am-if we carry through this @ctibers and the defendant, even treaty and it turns out that it does though valid when made, Comers haynes HC, cannot, CRRROL, after. _produce.the-injury-that-you-antisctpate, ~ . " P our JENNINGS ELLIDIA POSTOFFICE) A. RECORD Painting in RDeouns All Its Bramc# FPuxsas | - of Manufactures, Department of Cf - Bureau of the Ce that the fotal val in the United Stat . 802.147.9519. or ne t the governo fgures are pubHs] of the DemocPati Dot correct the @ they may check VH assumes statistios, l