Uploaded by Dr Chandra Iyer

Attitude Development Course Material

July 2020
Certificate Course in Personality Development July 2020
Unit 2: Attitude
Unit 2:Attitude
Instructional Methodology
1) Pre lecture: Flipped Classroom e-
1) Attitude
2) Significance
3) Factors affecting attitudes
2) Lecture and Discussions pertaining
to the applications of concepts,
4) Positive attitude and negative attitude
5) Ways to develop positive attitude
6) Differences between personalities having
positive and negative attitude
3) Concept testing focusing on skill
4) After Lecture: Activity to develop
and maintain reflection
CCPD July 2020
Course Instructor: Dr.Chandra Hariharan Iyer
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July 2020
Certificate Course in Personality Development July 2020
Unit 2: Attitude
1) Attitude
Attitudes are our established ways of responding to people and situations that we have learned based on the beliefs, values and assumptions we hold
and our life experiences. Our attitude towards a person or event is displaced through our behaviour as a result of interaction with that person. A
person’s attitude represents how he or she feels about something or their state of mind. An attitude is a positive, negative, or mixed evaluation of an
object that is expressed at some level of intensity. It usually implies feelings that are either positive or negative.
Right Attitude
CCPD July 2020
Right TFB
Course Instructor: Dr.Chandra Hariharan Iyer
Willingness to
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July 2020
Certificate Course in Personality Development July 2020
Unit 2: Attitude
Attitude plays a very important role for achieving the success.
It is more important than education, money, knowledge,
intelligence, talents or skills.
It applies to every sphere of life, including one's
personal and professional life.
Can an executive be a good executive without a good
Can a student be a good student without a good
Can a parent, teacher, salesman, employer, employee
be good in their roles without a good attitude?
The foundation of success regardless of your chosen field is
If attitude is such a critical factor in success, shouldn't you
examine your attitude toward life and ask how your attitude
will affect your goals? Best example is that of Wright brothers
CCPD July 2020
Course Instructor: Dr.Chandra Hariharan Iyer
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July 2020
Certificate Course in Personality Development July 2020
Unit 2: Attitude
Factors affecting attitudes
There are primarily three factors that determine our attitude. They are: 1. Environment 2. Experience 3. Education
Physical development
Intellectual development
Within Individual
Factor affecting attitude
Environmental factors
Emotional development
Social development
Ethical and moral
Home and family
Social environment
CCPD July 2020
Course Instructor: Dr.Chandra Hariharan Iyer
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July 2020
Certificate Course in Personality Development July 2020
Unit 2: Attitude
Positive attitude and negative attitude
“Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results.” There are many traits and
characteristics associated with a positive mindset, including:
1. Optimism: a willingness to make an effort and take a chance instead of assuming your efforts won’t pay off.
2. Acceptance: acknowledging that things don’t always turn out how you want them to, but learning from your mistakes.
3. Resilience: bouncing back from adversity, disappointment, and failure instead of giving up.
4. Gratitude: actively, continuously appreciating the good things in your life.
5. Consciousness/Mindfulness: dedicating the mind to conscious awareness and enhancing the ability to focus.
6. Integrity: the trait of being honourable, righteous, and straightforward, instead of deceitful and self-serving.
Check your positive attitude now!
Step 1: Changing
the Focus and
Looking for the
CCPD July 2020
Step 2: Making a
Habit of Doing It
Step 3:
Developing an
Attitude of
Step 4: Getting
into a Continuous
Course Instructor: Dr.Chandra Hariharan Iyer
Step 5: Building a
Positive SelfEsteem
Step 6: Staying
away from
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July 2020
Certificate Course in Personality Development July 2020
Unit 2: Attitude
People with negative attitudes will blame the whole world, their parents,
teachers, spouse, the economy and the government for their failures. Some
people criticize no matter what. It does not matter which side you are on,
they are always on the other side. All that they are doing is causing more
tension for themselves and for others around them. They spread negative
messages like corona virus and create an environment conducive to
negative results. Some people always look at the negative side. Who are
pessimists? Pessimists
Pessimists are unhappy when they have no troubles to speak and
feel bad when they feel good, for fear they will feel worse when
they feel better
Pessimists spend most of their life at complaint counters and
always turn out the lights to see how dark it is
are always looking for cracks in the mirror of life say they stop
sleeping in bed when they hear that more people die in bed than
anywhere else
Pessimists cannot enjoy their health because they think they may
be sick tomorrow and not only expect the worst but make the
worst of whatever happens
Pessimists forget their blessings and count their troubles! They
know that hard work never hurts anyone but believe "why take a
CCPD July 2020
Course Instructor: Dr.Chandra Hariharan Iyer
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July 2020
Certificate Course in Personality Development July 2020
Unit 2: Attitude
Ways to develop positive attitude
Rules for developing positive attitude, let’s Practice!
(1) Make today most, don’t cry for past
(2) Focus on positive aspect of self, diminish the negative feelings
(3) Count on the past events and express gratitude, deviate from
troubling focus
(4) Express self love, nothing at the cost of your happiness
(5) Talk to someone from your soul family who will nourish you!
Write the
action on
the plan
the plan
the result
CCPD July 2020
Course Instructor: Dr.Chandra Hariharan Iyer
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July 2020
Certificate Course in Personality Development July 2020
Unit 2: Attitude
Differences between personalities having positive and negative attitude
4) Strengthen your brain’s ability to pay attention to the positive by
routinely redirecting your focus away from the negative to the
5) Condition yourself to experience random moments of positivity (use
classical conditioning on yourself to build positive associations).
6) Think positive—but not too much—and think negative when you
need to; sometimes we need to grieve, think about the negative
consequences, and use negative emotions to motivate and engage us.
7) Practice gratitude (perhaps with a gratitude journal).
8) Savor the good moments ( “smell the roses” and celebrate the
9) Generate positive emotions by watching funny videos
10) Stop minimizing your successes and acknowledge the efforts you put
Let me share with you all 11 techniques from Dr. Tchiki Davis (2018)
which can also help you adopt a more positive attitude:
11) Stop all-or-nothing thinking; this cognitive distortion is not in line
with reality since things are very rarely “all good” or “all bad.”
1) Ask yourself, “Do I think positively?” Take a test or quiz on
positivity to see where you stand.
2) Strengthen your memory for positive information by using positive
words more often.
3) Strengthen your brain’s ability to work with positive information with
exercises that involve positive words.
CCPD July 2020
Course Instructor: Dr.Chandra Hariharan Iyer
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July 2020
Certificate Course in Personality Development July 2020
Unit 2: Attitude
Unit 2: Activity based on Indian wisdom thought
“One should make an effort to cultivate one’s inherent qualities/skills/assets rather than
merely making noises. A cow, for instance, cannot be sold by merely ringing the bell in her
neck if she does not yield milk (making sweet sound of the bell is an irrelevant asset of the
cow while giving milk is indeed its relevant quality).
Read and understand above thought. In the light of above write your views (200-300
words) on the changing need for developing positive attitude in the era of virtual office
functioning or say ‘work from home’.
CCPD July 2020
Course Instructor: Dr.Chandra Hariharan Iyer
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