Uploaded by Nicole Castaneda

Quiz 1.1-1.3

H Algebra 1
©g d2e0`2j0p KKPuytOap qSyoQfUt_w`anrzed kLkLuCM._ r lAnlGlu rr^iQgLhxtbsf LrrexsxecrmveeOdC.
Quiz 1.1-1.3
Date________________ Period____ Row#______
Solve each equation.
1) 26 = v + 11
3) 25 = 2 p + 1
5) -2x +
3 7
2 2
2) -12n = 144
4) 2 = 1 +
6) 7(1 + 7n) = 105
7) -5(8x + 7) - 8(7x + 8) = -3
8) 12 - 4n = 2(6 - 2n)
9) k - 3(-2k + 4) = -3(8k - 7) - 2k
10) 3(b - 7) - 4b = -b - 7
11) 7(-4x + 5) + 3 = -6(-3 + 3x)
Write an equation for each problem using the variable provided, then use the equation to solve
the problem.
12) Five more than three times the number x is
197. Find the number.
13) The width of a reactangle is one cm more
than half the length (L). If the perimeter
is 32 cm. Find the length and the width.
14) Joseph and his brother Joey put their
money together to buy a game console
that cost $375. If Joseph paid $25 more
than his brother (b), how much did each
15) Brian has $88 in his savings account. If
he saves $3.50 per week (w), how many
weeks will it take for him to have $200 in
his account?
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
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