Uploaded by Mike Carrigan

Science, Technology, Society & Environment Presentation

Science, Technology,
Society and the
 The goal of science is
often to describe, explain,
and predict relationships
that occur naturally.
 In other words, science
tries to explain objects
and events.
 E.g., How do changes in
the kind of soil affect how
abundantly mushrooms
 The goal of technology is
to try and change the
relationship that exists to
achieve desirable results.
 In other words,
technology tries to
change objects and
 E.g., how can we stop
mushrooms from growing
on lawns?
Science VS Technology
 A scientist would attempt to explain how
the changes in soil affect how
abundantly mushrooms grow.
 A technologist would attempt to develop
ways to stop mushroom growth on
 These fields have much in common.
Often the information gathered by the
scientist is used by the technologist to
make a useful product.
Distinguishing Between
Science and Technology
 The next slide contains a
list of 18 ideas about this
crop duster.
 Some of the ideas relate
to science and other
ideas relate to
 Consider each idea
carefully and place it in
the appropriate column
on the handout given to
you by your teacher.
Science and Technology Ideas
 Design of airplane
 Velocity
 Chemistry
 Acceleration
 Use of pesticides on
 Financial resources
crops to increase yields
Type of tires used
Design of runway
Possible risk involved
Type of fuel used in
Materials used in
construction of plane
Patent of design
Ideas That Relate to Science
 Motion
 Flight
 Acceleration
 Lift
 Velocity
 Propulsion
 Time
 Gravity
 Chemistry
Ideas That Relate to Technology
 Design of aircraft
 Materials used in construction of airplane
 Type of tires used
 Design of runways
 Type of fuel used in airplane
 Patent of design
 Possible risk involved
 Financial resources available
 Use of pesticides on crops to increase yield
 Society can be defined as a group, large
or small, of people in a particular place
and time who are linked by common
goals and interests.
 Society is affected greatly by both
science and technology.
 How will society be affected by the
scientific and technological ideas of
airplanes we just discussed?
Affects on Society
 People can travel long distances in a
short period of time.
 Society will want to know the airplane is
safe before they use it. Laws and
standards will help ensure people’s
 Science and technology have many
impacts, both positive and negative, on
the environment.
 How will the environment be affected by
the scientific and technological ideas of
airplanes we just discussed?
Affects on the Environment
 Increased pollution
 Increased use of fuel
 As humans travel globally they carry and
spread disease from one area of the
world to another.
 Ecosystems destroyed to build runways.
 Affects of pesticides on organisms other
than the crops sprayed.
Concluding Activity
 Write down 10 technologies you use
daily that you feel you could not live
 Consider the impact each technology
has on society and the environment.
 Write down an impact for both society
and the environment for each of your
technologies. They can be either
positive or negative impacts.
For example………..
 I love bathroom cleaners
that are “scrub-free”
chemical based cleaners.
 Society: it takes me less
time to clean my
 Environment: these
cleaners are made of
chemicals that are
harmful to the