Literature Discussion Tables: The Breakdown… In your assigned groups, you will be given a passage from ___________________________to read (feel free to annotate!) (3min) After reading the passage, you and your group must: - Answer the first two questions directly on the construction paper (10min): 1) What is the significance of this passage? 2) What is the metaphor/ significance of the underlined portion? 3) How is this scene impactful from the viewpoint of an outsider (like us!)? Why? - 4) Describe the viewpoint of the other character(s) in this scene. What do you think was going through their minds at this time? Create 3 Higher Order Thinking Questions about the passage from the list of question stems provided below. One per each section (5 min). Inference Hypothesize what will happen if ________ . Predict what will happen if ________ . What is the overall theme of ________ ? What is the moral of the story? Based on your readings, what can you conclude about ________ ? What was the author's point of view? What if ________ ? Create a ________ . Comparison How is ________ like ________ ? How are ________ and ________ different? Distinguish between ________ and ________ . Compare ________ with ________ . On what dimensions might you compare ________ and ________ ? Analysis What caused ________ ? What is another possible cause of ________ ? In what sequence did ________ happen? What does ________ symbolize? Analyze the ________ in ________ . Analyze how ________ . How did the author convey ________ ? What words does the author use to paint an image of ________ in your mind? You will rotate to a different passage once you complete one round of discussion tables. Flip the construction paper to distinguish the groups. At the end of the period, you will have read 2 passages from the chapter, responded to 4 questions total, and created 5 Higher Order Thinking questions. Split up the tasks to work more efficiently in your groups! (See Rubric on Back) Rubric for Discussion Tables All questions answered sufficiently _______________40 points 3 HOTS Questions ______________ 30 points Active Collaboration with Peers (yes, I will be watching!) _____________ 20 points Response to a question posed by the initial group (on your own construction paper) ____________ 10 points TOTAL ____________100 points