19/02/2018 TWGs Lead Agencies Statistics Co-chairs: Focus areas: SDG monitoring and statistical capacity development ESCAP: Rikke Munk Hansen Officer-in-Charge, Statistics Division (hansenrm@un.org) UNFPA: Bjorn Andersson Regional Director Asia and the Pacific Regional Office (APRO) (andersson@unfpa.org) Communications Focal Point: <Pending nomination> Member Agencies/Nominated Officers ESCAP: FAO: Rikke Munk Hansen (zhangy@un.org) Mukesh Srivastava (Mukesh.Srivastava@fao.org) Alternate: Dalip Singh (Dalip.Singh@fao.org) ILO: Tite Habiyakare (habiyakare@ilo.org) UNAIDS: Taoufik Bakkali (bakkalit@unaids.org) Khin Cho Win Htin (Alternate) UNDP: Bishwa Tiwari (Bishwa.tiwari@undp.org) UN Environment: Jonathan Gilman (gilmanj@un.org) Ananda Dias (diasa@un.org) UNESCO: Bertrand Tchatchoua (b.tchatchoua@unesco.org) Aurelie Accoca (a.acoca@unesco.org) UNFPA: Christophe Lefranc Technical Adviser, Census and Data (lefranc@unfpa.org) UNICEF: Melva Johnson (until end of October 2017) Regional Chief of Programme & Planning East Asia Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO) (mjohnson@unicef.org) UN Women: Janneke van der Graaff – Kukler Strategic Planning and Coordination Specialist (Janneke.kukler@unwomen.org) Alternate: Ryce Chanchai Programme Specialist (Ruangkhao.chanchai@unwomen.org) WHO: Khalil Rahman, Coordinator (rahmank@who.int) 1 SDG Focus 19/02/2018 TWGs Lead Agencies Resource Co-chairs: Efficient Growth ESCAP: Stefanos Fotiou Director, Environment and Focus areas: Development Division climate change (fotiou@un.org) mitigation, green economy, consumption/ production; conservation; water; energy UNDP: Valerie Cliff Deputy Regional Director for Asia & the Pacific Director, Bangkok Regional Hub, UNDP (valerie.cliff@undp.org) UN Environment: Dechen Tsering Regional Director (Dechen.Tsering@un.org) Communications Focal Point: <Pending nomination> Member Agencies/Nominated Officers ESCAP: Stefanos Fotiou (Fotiou@un.org) Aneta Slaveykova Nikolova (Nikolova@un.org) FAO: Aaron Becker (Aaron.Becker@fao.org) ILO: Cristina Martinez (martinezc@ilo.org) UNAIDS: Salil Panakadan (panakadans@unaids.org) UNDP: Gordon Johnson (gordon.johnson@undp.org) UN Environment: Jonathan Gilman, Regional Development Coordinator (gilmanj@un.org) Mushtaq Memon (memon@un.org) UNESCO: Wenxi Zhu (w.zhu@unesco.org) Eunhee Lee (e.lee1@unesco.org) Jun Morohashi (j.morohashi@unesco.org) UNFCCC: David Abbas (dabbass@unfccc.int) Jens Radschinski, (jradschinski@unfccc.int) UNICEF: Chander Badloe (cbadloe@unicef.org) UNODC: Giovanni Broussard WHO: Khalil Rahman Coordinator (rahmank@who.int) 2 SDG Focus 19/02/2018 TWGs Sustainable Societies Focus areas: demographic change (migration, youth, aging), human rights, urbanization Lead Agencies Co-chairs: ESCAP: Nagesh Kumar Director Social Development Division (nkumar@un.org) IOM: Maria Nenette Motus Regional Director (nmotus@iom.int) UNFPA: Bjorn Andersson Regional Director (andersson@unfpa.org) Communications Focal Point: <Pending nomination> Member Agencies/Nominated Officers ESCAP: Vanessa Steinmayer (migration and ageing) (steinmayerv@un.org) Patrik Andersson (youth) (anderssonp@un.org) ILO: Nilim Baruah (baruah@ilo.org) UNAIDS: Saya Oka (Migration) (okas@unaids.org) Aries Valeriano (Youth) (valerianoa@unaids.org) Alternate Marlyn Borromeo (Urbanization) (borromeom@unaids.org) UNDP: Nadia Rasheed (nadia.rasheed@undp.org) UNESCO: Susan Vize (s.vize@unesco.org) Ushio Miura (u.miura@unesco.org) UNFPA: Christophe Lefranc Technical Adviser, Census and Data (lefranc@unfpa.org) UNICEF: Stephen Blight Regional Advisor – Child Protection East Asia Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO) (sblight@unicef.org) UNODC: Ben Smith (Benjamin.smith@unodc.org) UNV: Manon Bernier, Regional Manager (manon.bernier@unv.org) UN Women: Asa Torkelsson Regional Women’s Economic Empowerment Advisor a..i (asa.torkelsson@unwomen.org) WHO: Khalil Rahman, Coordinator (rahmank@who.int) 3 SDG Focus 19/02/2018 TWGs Inclusive Development and Poverty Eradication Focus areas: inequality, poverty alleviation, food security, decent work for all; health and well-being and governance Lead Agencies Co-chairs: Member Agencies/Nominated Officers ESCAP: Sudip Ranjan Basu (basu@un.org) ESCAP: Hamza Malik Director, Macroeconomic Policy and Financing for Development Division (MPFD) (malikh@un.org) FAO: Kundhavi Kadiresan Assisant Director-General and Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific (Kundhavi.kadiresan@fao.org) UNDP: Valerie Cliff Deputy Regional Director for Asia & the Pacific Director, Bangkok Regional Hub, UNDP (valerie.cliff@undp.org) Oliver Paddison (paddison@un.org) FAO: Aziz Arya (Aziz.Arya@fao.org) ILO: Matthieu Cognac (cognac@ilo.org) UNAIDS: Stuart Watson (watsons@unaids.org) UNDP: Joseph D’Cruz (joseph.dcruz@undp.org) Phil Matsheza (phil.matsheza@undp.org) UNESCO: Duong Bich Hanh (db.hanh@unesco.org) Misako Ito (m.ito@unesco.org) UNFPA: Anderson Stanciole Technical Adviser, Health Economics (stanciole@unfpa.org) UNICEF: Gaspar Fajth Regional Advisor - Social Policy & Economic Analysis East Asia Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO) (gfajth@unicef.org) UNODC: Olivier Lermet (Olivier.lermet@unodc.org) UN Women: Smriti Aryal Regional Gender and DRR/Humanitarian and HIV/AIDS Advisor (smriti.aryal@unwomen.org) Communications Focal Point Asa Torkelsson Regional Women’s Economic Empowerment Advisor, a.i (asa.torkelsson@unwomen.org) <Pending nomination> Francisco Cos Montiel Regional Women’s Economic Empowerment Advisor (Francisco.cosmontiel@unwomen.org) WHO: Khalil Rahman, Coordinator (rahmank@who.int) 4 SDG Focus 19/02/2018 TWGs Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Focus on Sendai implementation; climate change adaptation Lead Agencies Member Agencies/Nominated Officers Co-chairs: FAO: Aziz Arya (Aziz.Arya@fao.org) ESCAP: Tiziana Bonapace, Director, Information and Communications Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division (bonapace.unescap@un.org) IOM: Andrew Lind OCHA: Kristen Knutson (Knutson@un.org) UNDP: Valerie Cliff Deputy Regional Director for Asia & the Pacific Director, Bangkok Regional Hub, UNDP (valerie.cliff@undp.org) Daniel Gilman Reeta Bhatia (Bhatiar@unaids.org) UNDP: Sanny Jegillos (sanny.jegillos@undp.org) Shairi Mathur (shairi.mathur@undp.org) UN Environment: UNESCO: To be confirmed Ichiro Miyazawa (i.miyazawa@unesco.org) Hyunkyung Lee (hk.lee@unesco.org) UNFCCC: David Abbas (dabbass@unfccc.int) Jens Radschinski, (jradschinski@unfccc.int) UNFPA: Priya Marwah (marwah@unfpa.org) UN-Habitat: Mariko Sato (satom@un.org) UNICEF: Communication Focal Point: ESCAP: Mr. Syed Ahmed Space Applications Section Information and Communications Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division (syed.t.ahmed@un.org) (gilmand@un.org) UNAIDS: UNISDR: Loretta Hieber Girardet Chief of UNISDR ROAP (hieber-girardet@un.org) (Alind@iom.int) Carmen van Heese, Regional Advisor - Emergency (cvanheese@unicef.org) Rekha Shrestha, Emergency Specialist (rshrestha@unicef.org) UNISDR: Andrew McElroy (mcelroy@un.org) UNODC: Jeremy Douglas (jeremy.douglas@unodc.org) UNOPS: Robert Shannon (Robertss@unops.org) Ian Rector (Ianr@unops.org) UNV: Anthony Cruz (Anthony.cruz@undp.org) UN Women: Smriti Aryal 5 SDG Focus 19/02/2018 TWGs Lead Agencies Member Agencies/Nominated Officers Regional Gender Humanitarian/DRR and HIV Advisor (smriti.aryal@unwomen.org WFP: Peter Guest (peter.guest@wfp.org) Geoff Pinnock (Geoffrey.pinnock@wfp.org) WHO: Khalil Rahman (rahmank@who.int) ---------------------- Non RCM members -----------------------------------IPPF: Maria Holtsberg (mholtsberg@ippf.org) Pulse Lab Jakarta: Derval Usher (derval.usher@un.or.id) Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women Co-chairs: ESCAP: Nagesh Kumar Director Social Development Division (nkumar@un.org) UN Women: Miwa Kato, Regional Director (miwa.kato@unwomen.org) Communication Focal Point: UN Women: Janneke van der Graaff – Kukler Regional Strategic Planning and Coordination Specialist (Janneke.kukler@unwomen.org) ESCAP: FAO: Cai Cai (caic@un.org) Ms. Marianna Bicchieri (Marianna.Bicchieri@fao.org) ILO: Joni Simpson (Simpson@ilo.org) UNAIDS: Reeta Bhatia (Bhatiar@unaids.org) UNDP: Koh Miyaoi (koh.miyaoi@undp.org) UNESCO: Maki Katsuno-Hayashikawa (m.hayashikawa@unesco.org) Ramya Vivekanandan (r.vivekanandan@unesco.org) UNFPA: Ingrid Fitzerald, Technical Adviser (fitzgerald@unfpa.org) UNICEF: Gerda Binder, Regional Gender Advisor East Asia Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO) (gbinder@unicef.org) UNOPS: Simonetta Siligato, Senior Advisor (SimonettaS@unops.org) UNV: Jane Lawson, Regional Programme Specialist Peace and Human Security Alternate: Bataa Chuluunbaatar UN Women: Anna-Karin Jatfors , Deputy Regional Director 6 SDG Focus 19/02/2018 TWGs Lead Agencies Member Agencies/Nominated Officers ESCAP: Cai Cai (caic@un.org) WFP: WHO: Education 2030+ Focus area: Education for All initiative Co-chairs: UNESCO:Ms. Maki Hayashikawa Director, a.i. UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education Bangkok (m.hayashikawa@unesco.org) UNICEF: Karin Hulshof Regional Director UNICEF Bangkok (khulshof@unicef.org) Communication Focal Point: (anna-karin.jatfors@unwomen.org) Janneke van der Graaff – Kukler Regional Strategic Planning and Coordination Specialist (Janneke.kukler@unwomen.org asaka.nyangara@wfp.org Khalil Rahman, Coordinator (rahmank@who.int) ILO: Akiko Sakamoto (sakamoto@ilo.org) UNAIDS: Constantin Calancea (calanceac@unaids.org) Taoufik Bakkali (Alternate) (bakkalit@unaids.org) UNESCO: Maki Hayashikawa Chief of IQE UNESCO Bangkok (m.hayashikawa@unesco.org) Satoko Yano (s.yano@unesco.org) UNICEF: Francisco Benavides Regional Education Advisor East Asia Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO) (fbenavides@unicef.org) UNV: Emiliya Asadova Regional Programme Specialist, Youth and Volunteerism WHO: Khalil Rahman Coordinator (rahmank@who.int) UNESCO: Ms. Akané NOZAKI (A.Nozaki@unesco.org) 7 SDG Focus