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Future Me Project Rubric

Student Name______________________________________________________________
Future Me/ Reinvention Project Rubric
Content area Mastery
demonstrated in Final Product
4 Full Mastery of Competency
3 (Just) Meets Expectations
2 Approaching Expectations
1 Below Expectations
Vocabulary: ​Determine or
clarify the meaning of
unknown and
multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on context.
Student demonstrates
multiple pieces of evidence of
continuous study of the
meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on context.
These words are used
accurately and in context in
the final product.
Student demonstrates
evidence of clarifying the
meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on context.
These words are used
accurately in the final product.
Student demonstrates some
evidence of recording the
meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on context.
These words are used in the
final product.
Student demonstrates little to
no evidence of recording the
meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on context.
These words are either not
used in the final product, are
mispronounced, or used
C101 ​Identify the main idea of
an informational text and
summarize the text by
rephrasing key points in my
own words.
Student identifies and tracks
main idea consistently in an
in-depth and concise
summary in their own words,
clearly informing their final
Student identifies and tracks
main idea in a clear summary
in their own words informing
their final project.
Student identifies main idea in
a summary mostly in their
own words and there is some
evidence that it informs the
final product.
Student partially identifies
main idea and relies on direct
quotes in summary. It is
unclear if this summary
informed the final project.
C102 ​Analyze how an author’s
choices support the purpose
of a written text.
Student demonstrates
analysis of an author's choices
by describing how their
identity affects the meaning
of a text and by using specific
examples from the text that
represent the author’s
purpose. This analysis is clear
in the final product by the
way media is incorporated
and portrayed with clear
Student demonstrates analysis
of an author’s choices by
identifying how their identity
affects the meaning and by
using examples from a text
that represent the author’s
This analysis is present in the
final product with media being
portrayed with context and in
an accurate way.
Student demonstrates some
analysis of an author’s choices
by stating the author’s
identity and by using
examples from the text.
This analysis has some
evidence in the final product
as media is included, but not
with any context.
Student demonstrates limited
analysis of an author’s choices
when using examples from the
This analysis has little
evidence in the final product
as it is unclear how media is
being used.
C103 Grammar: ​Understand
and apply the conventions of
sentence structure and
paragraph formation.
Student uses grammar
conventions intentionally,
recognizing how they add
meaning to the text.
Student uses appropriate
punctuation, and writes in
complete sentences.
Student commits some
punctuation errors and does
not always use complete
sentences, but meaning is
Students errors in punctuation
and frequent use of
incomplete or run on
sentences interferes with the
Sentences vary in length and
multiple forms of punctuation
are used.
only minorly impacted.
meaning of the text.
ER101 ​Practice the stages of
the scientific process and
explain their significance.
Student designs and
documents an experiment
with ​very clear ​descriptors for
each stage​ of the process and
each step’s importance to the
overall process.
Student designs and
documents an experiment
with ​clear ​descriptors for e​ach
stage​ of the process and each
step’s importance to the
overall process.
Student designs and
documents an experiment
with ​somewhat clear
descriptors for ​some stages​ of
the process and some step’s
importance to the overall
Student designs and
documents an experiment
with ​unclear ​descriptors or
fails to design, implement,
and document a complete
ER102 ​Develop and research a
driving question about an
interest-driven issue.
Students' questions are open
ended, interest driven, and
able to be investigated
through the scientific method
and​ quantitative data ​and
qualitative data collection.
Student questions are open
ended, interest driven, and
able to be investigated
through the scientific method
or ​quantitative ​and
qualitative data collection.
Students questions are open
ended, interest driven, and
able to be investigated but
lack connection to scientific
topics or cannot be
investigated through data
Student asks only ​easily
researched and verifiable
questions​. Student does not
attempt to dig deeper and
generate open ended
QR101​ Use operations,
different types of numbers,
and relationships to solve
Student is able to show how
At least three linear
relationships​ help to explain
their passion . with a visual
Student is able to show how at
least​ two linear relationships
help explain a passion with
Student is able to ​show one
linear relationship​ that
explains their with a visual
Student is able to show one
way a linear function works
and has ​no visuals
Student analyzes ​two types of
data​ that helps quantify
decisions related to their
passion with a visual
Students can analyze​ one data
source​ that helps to quantify
decisions made around a
Student analyzes ​three types
of data ​that helps quantify
decisions related to their
passion. With a visual
Student can define describe
all the parts of a linear
relationship is. ​y=mx+b
(slope, linear equation, y
intercept etc. and
demonstrate mastery of it
Students can define describe
all parts of a linear
relationship y=mx+b ​ but can
not demonstrate mastery of it
Student can explain the ​main
parts of a linear relationship
y=mx=b​ and has a grasp on
how they are used.
Student can analyze one data
source and has ​no visuals
Student​ can not really define
what a linear relationship is
and how it works
QR102​ Identify the processes,
traits, and behaviors
associated with
entrepreneurial success.
(An entrepreneurial mindset is
a set of skills that enable
people to identify and make the
most of opportunities,
overcome and learn from
setbacks, and succeed in a
variety of settings. and is
crucial for creating new
Can articulate in depth and
analyze the 8 parts of the
entrepreneur mindset and how
it could possibly relate to a
passion business
Student ​can articulate all
eight parts of
entrepreneurial mindset in
depth​ give examples in
potential passion ​business
marketing materials/visuals
Critical thinking
Flexibility adaptability
Communication and
Participant can explain and
apply entrepreneurial thinking
skills for positing an idea and/or
approach to satisfy an identified
need and/or to solve a problem
Student can explain​ six parts
of the entrepreneurial
mindset how they relate to
Their passion business
marketing visuals and
Participant can explain how
entrepreneurial thinking skills
could be used for positing an
idea and/or approach to satisfy
an identified need and/or to
solve a problem
Participant cannot explain how
entrepreneurial thinking skills
could be used for positing an
idea and/or approach to
satisfied an identified need
and/or to solve a problem
Student can explain​ four parts
of the entrepreneurial
mindset how they relate to
Their passion business
marketing visuals and
Students ​cannot explain no
more than three parts and
have no visuals
Comfort with risk
Initiative and self reliance
Future orientation
Opportunity Recognition
Creativity and innovation
SR 101 ​Use informational
texts about different cultures
and communities to compare
and contrast the lived
governance, and
beliefs/values of others.
Student uses ​at least 3
secondary sources​ to ​analyze
how people from other
cultures and communities
worked towards the student’s
same goal, ​reflecting ​on
strategies the student could
Student uses ​at least 2
secondary sources​ to​ analyze
how people from other
cultures and communities
worked towards the student’s
same goal
Student uses ​at least 1
secondary source​ to
summarize​ how people from
other cultures and
communities worked towards
the student’s own goal
Student uses ​at least 1
secondary source​ to
summarize​ some experience
about people from other
cultures and communities.
This summary is ​not
necessarily​ connected to the
student’s own goal
SR102 ​Explore the local
history of an industry related
to my field of interest and
summarize how the field has
evolved over time.
Student interviews ​at least 2
local professionals in their
field of interest​. Student uses
those interviews to ​explain
how the field has evolved
and where it is headed in the
future using at least 2
Student interviews ​at least 2
local professionals in their
field of interest​. Student uses
those interviews to ​explain
how the field has evolved
and where it is headed in the
future using at least 1
Student interviews ​at least 1
local professional in their
field of interest​. Student uses
the interview to ​explain how
the field has evolved and
where it is headed in the
future using at least 1
Student interviews ​at least 1
local professional in their
field of interest​. Student uses
the interview to ​explain how
the field has evolved
SR103 ​Select and read
biographical sketches of
influential figures in my
interest area, and analyze
their personality qualities that
helped them achieve success.
Student summarizes the
experiences of ​3 influential
figures​ in the student’s field
of interest. Student ​describes
which personality qualities
were most influential​ in
helping the figure achieve
Student summarizes the
experiences of ​2 influential
figures​ in the student’s field of
interest. Student ​describes
which personality qualities
were influential​ in helping the
figure achieve success
Student summarizes the
experiences of ​1 influential
figure​ in the student’s field of
interest. Student ​describes
the personality qualities that
helped the figure achieve
Student summarizes the
experiences of ​1 influential
figure​ in the student’s field of