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Microbiology Exam Questions: Bacteria & Fungi

Answer Five Questions Q.No.6 is compulsory (5*8=40)
1. What is enterobacteriaceae family? Write down the morphological and biochemical
characteristics of E. coli. What are the key antigenic and toxic factors that help E. coli for the
disease causation.
2. Write the disease and disease causing species of clostridium. Compare and contrast between
Clostridium and Bacillus species. Write down the pathogenicity of Bacillus anthracis?
3. Explain in brief about the systemic mycoses? Write down about the histoplasmosis in detail.
4. Compare and contrast between mycoplasma and mycobacterium? Why Mycobacterium called
acid-fast bacteria? What are the key factors responsible for disease causation by
5. What are the fungal disease that causes mastitis and abortion? Write down the general
laboratory method for disease diagnosis and prevention/control of the disease.
6. Write short notes on any FOUR:
a) Mycotoxin
b) Aspergillosis
c) Cornybacterium
d) Mycotoxicosis
e) Diagnosis of clostridium infection
Answer Five Questions Q.No.6 is compulsory (5*8=40)
1. Mention the morphology, growth properties and identification technique of Mycobacterium
2. Write down the morphology and characteristics of Vibro fetus.
3. What is the causative agent of haemorrhagic septicaemia? Give the pathogenesis and
characterized the causative agent and write down the symptoms in animals and its laboratory
4. Describe in detail about mycotoxin. (Properties of Mycotoxin)
5. Write down the morphology, growth properties and pathogenesis of Salmonella.
6. Write short notes on any FOUR: (4*2=8)
a. Dermatophytes
b. Actinobacillus
c. Morphology of pasteurella
d. Listeria characteristics
e. Difference between staphylococcus and streptococcus morphologically
Answer Five Questions Q.No.6 is compulsory
1. What are the non-zoonotic species of salmonella? Why are they so important in poultry
industry? Mention the morphology of salmonella.
2. Write the disease and disease causing species of Clostridium. Compare and contrast
between Clostridium and Bacillus species. Write down the pathogenicity of Bacillus
3. Explain in brief about the systemic mycoses? Write down about the histoplasmosis in
4. Compare and contrast between mycoplasma and mycobacterium? Why Mycobacterium
called acid-fast bacteria? What are the key factors responsible for diseases causation by
5. What are the fungal diseases that causes mastitis and abortion? Write down the general
laboratory methods for disease diagnosis and prevention/ control of the disease.
6. Write short notes on any FOUR:
a. Mycotoxin
b. Aspergillosis
c. Corynebacterium
d. Brucellosis
e. Diagnosis of clostridium infection
Answer FIVE Questions. Q.N. 6 is compulsory
1. Differentiate Staphylococcus and Salmonella on the basis of their morphology and growth
2. List the name of zoonotic bacteria and describe the growth characteristic of brucella abortus.
3. Write down the pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of leptospira species.
4. Define mycotoxin and write down its properties.
5. Write down the growth properties and pathogenesis of Actinomycosis.
6. Write short notes on any FOUR:
a) Morphology of nocardia
b) Growth properties of Aspergillus
c) Properties of listeria
d) Selective growth media of E. coli
e) Morphology of Penicillium
Answer FIVE Questions. Q.N. 6 is compulsory.
1. Differentiate pasturella and pseudomonas on the basis of their Morphology and Growth
characters. 8
2. What are the non-zoonotic species of salmonella? Mention the growth characters and their
pathogenesis. 8
3. Write down the pathogenesis of Leptospira and its diagnostic method. 8
4. List the bacteria that cause abortion in cattle. Write down the characteristic morphology of
Brucella and Listeria. 8
5. Write down the general properties of Clostridium chauvei and its laboratory diagnostic method.
6. Write short note on any FOUR 4*2= 8
(a) Selective media for aspergillus
(b) Morphology of asoergillus.
(c) Identification of Mycobacterium
(d) Selective media for E. coli
(e) Morphology of penicillum
Answer THREE Questions Q.No.5 is compulsory.
1. What are the non-zoonotic species of salmonella? Why are they so important in poultry
industry? Mention the morphology of salmonella.
2. Write the disease and disease causing species of Clostridium. Compare and contrast
between Clostridium and Bacillus species. Write down the pathogenicity of Bacillus
3. Explain in brief about the systemic mycoses? Write down about the histoplasmosis in
4. Compare and contrast between mycoplasma and mycobacterium? Why Mycobacterium
called acid-fast bacteria? What are the key factors responsible for diseases causation by
5. What are the fungal diseases that causes mastitis and abortion? Write down the general
laboratory methods for disease diagnosis and prevention/ control of the disease.
6. Write short notes on any FOUR:
a. Mycotoxin
b. Aspergillosis
c. Corynebacterium
d. Brucellosis
e. Diagnosis of clostridium infection
Answer five Questions Q.No.6 is compulsory.
1. List out the zoonotically importance organism (bacteria) and describe morphology, cultural
characteristics and public health importance of Brucella organism.
2. How can you differentiate the motile and nonmotile organisms in laboratory? Mention the non
motile organism of salmonella and how can you differentiate the salmonella pullorum and
salmonella gallinarum.
3. Differentiate between the simple bacteria and mycoplasma. Write down the morphology,
cultural characteristics and staining procedure of Mycoplasma.
4. What are fungi and its characteristics? Mention briefly about the Aspergillosis.
5. Write down about the morphology, colony characteristics and staining of pasteurella organism.
6. Write short notes on any FOUR:
a. Erythritol
b. Endotoxin and exotoxin
c. Antigenic properties of clostridium spp
d. Listeria monocytogenes
e. Mycotoxins