Do what you can! Do not compromise your safety! Arrange appropriate level of assistance. Take breaks when it suits you. The activities can be mixed and match in blocks of 3-5 Most exercises can be done in sitting or standing. Ensure you have good upright position, tight stomach, if possible, no back support when working in sitting. Correct your posture before each exercise. All activities could be repeated several times 8-12 or over time, i.e.: 60 seconds. 1. Reach outs Back away from chair’s backrest. Reach up with one arm and extend the same side leg out and forward, return to starting position and then reach out with opposite arm and leg. Repeat 5 times each side. Then reach out 5 times with all 4 limbs. 2. Seated body cross crunch Back away from chair’s backrest, bend your elbows and place hands gently on back of head. Twist and lift your leg towards opposite elbow. Go back to starting position and repeat to opposite direction. Can be done in standing. 3. Sit-to-stand for 30 seconds, complete as many safe sit-to stand as possible. 4. Toe/heel rises Come to your toes 10 times. Come to your heals 10 times. Rock from toes to heels 10 times. 5. Step over sideways Place cones, scarfs or rolled towels on the floor and space them apart equally. Step sideways over each object with a high knee step as shown. Once you get to the end, return to the original position by stepping back over the cones in the opposite direction. 6. STEP OVER FORWARD Place cones, cups or other small items on the floor and space them apart equally. Step over each cone with a high knee step as shown. You can return to the original position by turning and negotiating the course again OR by stepping backward over the cones. 7. Stretches: Upper trunk stretch: interlock fingers in front close to chest, straighten your arms and round back counting to 5, return your hands towards chest. Buttock stretches: rest your ankle over the other thigh and lean trunk forward gently, hold for count of 5; repeat with each leg. Calf and hamstrings stretches: in sitting on the edge of the seat, 1 leg straight, foot up; reach towards toes, count to 5; repeat with each leg.