Uploaded by Amber Connelly

Test Correction Form

Student Name: _______________________________________________________________
Exam Title: ________________________________________________________ Date taken: ___________________________
The test correction form is used to determine whether a student is serious about proving that they are working towards
understanding/relearning course content. This form will need to be filled out and then turned in to Mrs. Connelly. You will have 5 school
days to complete the test corrections.
Part 1: Answer the following question:
Did you complete all assignments in this unit? (Check Infinite Campus)
If you checked NO, then you will need to complete all assignments in this unit before you will be able to correct an assessment.
Assignments are designed to help students learn the material. If students choose not to complete assignments then they are choosing
to limit their ability to learn.
Part 2: Answer the following questions:
Did you utilize time in study hall to prepare for this exam? (if you did not take one then leave blank)
Did you utilize the course internet resources (text website, PsychSim5, etc.) to prepare for this exam?
Have you asked for the teacher’s assistance for help in areas of concern?
Did you complete all chapter outlines and all ILDs (vocab notecards)?
Did you study the night before the exam?
If you checked NO to any of these questions you might want to reevaluate your study habits. All of these procedures are in place to
help students succeed in this class. Students have to realize that their success is ultimately in their own hands and they have to utilize
the resources given to them by the school and teacher to reach their goals. Students have to take the responsibility for completing
assignments, participating in class, and getting help in areas of content where they are weak. Students may correct an assessment if
they checked NO to any of the questions in Part 2 but they will need to improve their future study habits.
Student Agreement
I will reevaluate my study habits and take responsibility for my own learning. I realize that Mrs. Connelly has given me the chance to
succeed in this class by correcting assessments to improve upon areas of weakness in content mastery in accordance with this course
(whether for AP courses or non-AP courses). I realize that it is my responsibility to utilize all these resources to succeed in class.
__________ (teacher’s initials) I have met with Mrs. Connelly and will have my test corrections turned in by (write date and time):
Student Signature: _____________________________________________________________
Date: ______________
Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________________
Date: ______________