Uploaded by Jennifer Carlos

Solutions Worksheet

A. Explain: Why are solutions classified as mixtures instead
of compounds?
B. Fill in the blanks. Select from the choices in the box.
1. Solutions are _______________________ mixtures made up of very
small particles that are actually molecules,
_______________________ , or _______________________.
2. Solutions are said to be in a _______________________ phase
even though the components may have been in different
phases before the solution was formed.
3. Pure gold is 24 carat. 14-carat gold contains 14 parts gold
and 10 parts other metals. 14-carat gold is said to be a(n)
_______________________, which is a type of
_______________________ solution. An example of a gaseous
solution is _______________________ , which is made up mostly
of _______________________ and nitrogen when dry. The most
common solutions are _______________________ solutions.
C. Give the definition:
1. Miscible:
2. Immiscible:
3. Soluble:
4. Insoluble:
D. Write T for true or F for false before the number.
1. To increase the rate of solution of a solid in water, you
will need to heat the water.
2. A substance that dissolves other materials is called a
3. The substance being dissolved is called a solvent.
4. In a suspension, the substances settle after standing a
5. Smoke is an example of a suspension of solid dirt and
dust particles in air. After a while, the solid particles
will fall to the ground.
6. In a solution of a brass alloy containing 75% copper and
25% zinc, the copper is the solute.
7. A compound is a pure substance containing two or more
kinds of elements.
8. Compounds can be separated by physical means.
9. Mixtures are two or more compounds or elements chemically
10. Over 100 existing elements are listed in the
Periodical Table.
E. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What type of mixture is a solution?
a. Heterogeneous
b. Homogeneous
c. Immiscible
d. All of the above
e. None of the Above
2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a
a. It is a uniform mixture
b. It will scatter a beam of light
c. It is stable over time
d. The solute and solvent cannot be distinguished by the
naked eye
e. The solute particles cannot be separated by filtering
3. What is the substance called that is being dissolved in a
a. Solute
b. Mixture
c. Solvent
d. Concentrator
e. All of the Above
4. What is the substance called that dissolves the other
substance in a solution?
a. Solute
b. Mixture
c. Solvent
d. Concentrator
e. All of the Above
5. In a salt water solution, what substance is considered the
a. Salt
b. Water
c. Both are solvents
d. Neither substance is a
6. What is solubility?
a. The amount of solvent needed to fully dissolve a solute
b. The measurement of how large a mixture can get before it
becomes a solution
c. The measurement of how much solute can be dissolved in a
liter of solvent
d. The proportion of solute to solvent in a mixture
e. None of the Above
7. What is a solution called when a solution reaches a
point where it cannot dissolve any additional solute?
a. Dissolvable
b. Solvable
c. Saturated
d. Satisfied
e. Fully mixed
8. What is the concentration of a solution?
a. The amount of solvent needed to fully dissolve a solute
b. The measurement of how large a mixture can get before it
becomes a solution
c. The measurement of how much solute can be dissolved in a
liter of solvent
d. The proportion of solute to solvent in a mixture
e. None of the Above
9. What is it called when two liquids can be mixed together
to form a solution?
a. Miscible
b. Saturated
c. Concentrated
d. Immiscible
e. Diluted
10. Which of the following is an example of a solid solution?
a. Carbonated water
b. Steel
c. Salt water
d. Oil and water
e. There is no such thing as a solid solution