HOUSE KEEPING The Laboratory have Laboratory Attendants to ensure the proper cleanliness of laboratory under which the following activities are performed. Daily cleaning, dusting scrubbing of laboratory floor. Daily cleaning of equipment under the supervisions of Technical Manager. Servicing of generator, UPS & AC’s is done regularly. Cleaning of electric fans, tube lights, exhaust fans etc are done every month. Fused tube lights and switches are changed as and when required. All doors, cupboard and shelves are painted once in a year. White washing of the laboratory is done once in a year. Aprons are washed and pressed on weekly basis and are issued to the Chemist. All electric items and water tapes are checked thoroughly while going out in the evening by one of the Senior Chemist. In the laboratory an attendant is responsible for proper cleanliness. Apart from washing glass apparatus, regent bottles etc. with cleaning powder and tap water. They also clean the working benches of the entire laboratory. They are also responsible for filling distilled water, cleaning and arranging reagent bottles chemicals.