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The Crucible Worksheet: Character, Themes, Comprehension

What do you remember?
It is really important for us to know how well you understand The Crucible - this will help us to ensure you are on the right track for the upcoming assessment and
exams at the end of the year. Please do your best to answer the following questions regarding the text.
Who is Abigail Williams? What do you know about her (characteristics)? How does she impact the play?
Who is John Proctor? What do you know about him (characteristics)? How does he impact the play?
Who is Elizabeth Proctor? What do you know about her (characteristics)? How does she impact the play?
Who is Reverend Hale? What do you know about him (characteristics) ? How does he impact the play?
In your own words, explain how the play deals with the following themes.
Lies and Deceit:
Respect and Reputation:
Power (and powerlessness)
Which three themes do you think are the strongest in the play and why?
1. Why does Goody Putnam accuse Goody Nurse of being a witch? ________________________________________________________________
2. What is the significance of Goody Proctor’s lie in the courtroom? _________________________________________________________________
3. Why won’t Proctor sign his name to the confession? ____________________________________________________________________________
4. Why does Proctor say he did not see Goody Nurse, Goody Corey with the devil. What is he trying to do? ____________________________
5. Why does John Proctor not go to church regularly? How might this be viewed in this community? ___________________________________
6. Explain Reverend Hale’s attitude towards witchcraft when he arrives in Salem. How does this change at the end? ____________________
7. Why is Judge Danforth so unwilling to look beyond witchcraft at the end of the play? ______________________________________________
Overall, how well do you think you understand the play as a whole?
Not very well
Totally get it!
Understanding Quotations:
When in the play and what’s happening?
“Because it is my name! Because I cannot have
another in my life! …How may I live without my
name? I have given you my soul; leave me my
John Proctor - Act IV
Everyone is being sent to hang. He refuses to sign his
name to the confession.
“You are pulling down heaven and raising up a
Last page, Act III.
John Proctor to Judge Danforth
“A child's spirit is like a child, you can never
catch it by running after it; you must stand still,
Rebecca Nurse Act I – explaining her interpretation of
the girls’ actions.
Why is it important? What theme does it link to?
and, for love, it will soon itself come back.”
Sex, sin and the devil were early linked.
Arthur Miller’s Notes for Act I
“A fire, a fire is burning! I hear the boot of
Lucifer, I see his filthy face! And it is my face,
and yours, Danforth!
Last page, Act III.
John Proctor to Judge Danforth
I came into this village like a bridegroom to his
beloved…and what I touched with my bright
confidence, it died.
Reverend Hale Act IV – Upon return to Salem
I speak my own sins, I cannot judge another. I
have not the tongue for it.
Proctor Act IV – when asked to confess to seeing
others with the devil.
Know this, I should hang ten thousand that dared
to rise against the law.
Judge Danforth – Act IV – asserting his potision.